10 research outputs found

    Why the Museum

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    The article debates the context of Ihe creation of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews which is lO open in Warsaw, Poland, in 20 lO. JI analyzes the disappearance of Jewish hislory from Polish memory after the Shoah, the importance ofthat history for Poles and Jews alike, and the impact the museum should have for a deepened underslanding of their shared, i f contested past.El artículo discute el contexto de la creación del nuevo Museum of the History of Polish Jews que abrirá sus puertas en Varsovia, Polonia, en el año 2010.Analiza la desaparición de la historia judía de la memoria polaca después de la Shoa, la importancia de esa historia para los polacos y judíos por igual y el impacto que el museo debería tener para un entendimiento más profundo de una historia a la vez compartida y controvertida

    Revival? Rebirth? Renaissance? What happened to Polish Jews over the last four decades?

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    Drawing on personal experience, the author discusses the vicissitudes of Jewish identity formation in the last two decades of Communist Poland and the first two decades which followed. He addresses the role of religion in the Jewish revival which occurred in that period, and sets it against other models of Jewish identity – Zionist, Yiddishist and assimilationist - on one hand, and the twin pressures of anti- and philosemitism in Polish society at large. This discussion is placed within the broader framework of the Polish political transformation. He finally suggests that the survival and revival of the Jewish community in Poland offers a more general lesson for the continuation of Jewish peoplehood

    Wars of memory

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    The article analyzes conflicting Polish and Jewish perspectives on the Shoah, and the impact of the March of the Living on ¡hese perspectives. It compares the bitter historical debates between Poles and Jews on Polish-Jewish relations to intemal Polish polemics on post-war Polish history, describes mutual misperceptions involved, and postulatcs an intensification of the debate.El artículo analiza los puntos de vistas conflictivos de judíos y polacos sobre la Shoah y el impacto de la "Marcha por la Vida" desdc esas perspectivas. Sc comparan los amargos debates históricos entre polacos y los judíos sobre las relaciones polaco-judías con las polémicas internas en Polonia después de la guerra; describe las erróneas percepciones mutuas comprometidas en ellas y postula una intensificación del debate

    Why the Museum

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    The article debates the context of Ihe creation of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews which is lO open in Warsaw, Poland, in 20 lO. JI analyzes the disappearance of Jewish hislory from Polish memory after the Shoah, the importance ofthat history for Poles and Jews alike, and the impact the museum should have for a deepened underslanding of their shared, i f contested past.El artículo discute el contexto de la creación del nuevo Museum of the History of Polish Jews que abrirá sus puertas en Varsovia, Polonia, en el año 2010.Analiza la desaparición de la historia judía de la memoria polaca después de la Shoa, la importancia de esa historia para los polacos y judíos por igual y el impacto que el museo debería tener para un entendimiento más profundo de una historia a la vez compartida y controvertida

    Wars of memory

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    The article analyzes conflicting Polish and Jewish perspectives on the Shoah, and the impact of the March of the Living on ¡hese perspectives. It compares the bitter historical debates between Poles and Jews on Polish-Jewish relations to intemal Polish polemics on post-war Polish history, describes mutual misperceptions involved, and postulatcs an intensification of the debate.El artículo analiza los puntos de vistas conflictivos de judíos y polacos sobre la Shoah y el impacto de la "Marcha por la Vida" desdc esas perspectivas. Sc comparan los amargos debates históricos entre polacos y los judíos sobre las relaciones polaco-judías con las polémicas internas en Polonia después de la guerra; describe las erróneas percepciones mutuas comprometidas en ellas y postula una intensificación del debate

    God complex

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    Table Talk

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    New Pact for Europe : national report : Poland

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    This report is inspired by the discussions of the Polish National Reflection Group enriched by exchanges with National Reflection Groups from Italy and France. It reflects on the "state of the Union" from a national perspective and discusses the main challenges the EU and its members are facing, taking into account both the European and national perspective. Finally, it proposes ideas and recommendations how the EU and its members should react to these main challenges and lays down how the EU and European integration should develop in the years to come. This paper is part of a series of ten national reports. These reports and the debates in the Member States will provide a solid basis for the discussions in the NPE European Reflection Group. The latter will be asked to bring the reflection a step further through in-depth and thorough discussions at the European level. The Advisory Group chaired by Herman Van Rompuy will provide input to this process. All these reflections will lead to a final NPE report analysing the current "state of the Union" and making proposals on how to re-energize the European project in the years to come. It will be published at the end of 2017