28 research outputs found

    Radiotherapy-Induced Hearing Loss in Patients with Laryngeal and Hypopharyngeal Carcinomas

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate a hypothesized correlation of development of a sensorineural hearing loss and radiotherapy in patients with laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma. This prospective study included a total of 50 patients, which after strict exclusion critera (audiologic problems before RT, primary tumors of the auditory system, spread of the primary tumor to any part of the auditory system) resulted in 23 analyzed patients, ranging between 50 and 76 years of age, with a mean age of 60. Audiometry measuring frequency-specific thresholds was performed in three time points: one month before radiotherapy, one and six months after radiotherapy. A significant statistical difference in hearing tresholds after radiotherapy was found in 6 out of 23 patients. An obvious tendency towards hearing loss without statistical significance at 250 and 4000 Hz was found for a whole tested population (p≤0.3 with Bonferroni correction). Observed tendency towards hearing loss after radiotherapy of laryngeal carcinoma was related to side of the tumor and less severe when chemotherapy was not added as adjuvant therapy. These results should help to decrease a rate of hearing loss by careful planing of ear protection, by using observed frequencies as relevant markers of hearing loss and by reconsidering adjuvant chemoterapy during radiotherapy of laryngeal carcinoma

    Data from: Can plants evolve tolerance mechanisms to heterospecific pollen effects? An experimental test of the adaptive potential in Clarkia species

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    Flowering plants do not occur alone and often grow in mixed-species communities where pollinator sharing is high and interactions via pollinators can occur at pre- and post-pollination stages. While the causes and consequences of pre-pollination interactions have been well studied little is known about post-pollination interactions via heterospecific pollen (HP) receipt, and even less about the evolutionary implications of these interactions. In particular, the degree to which plants can evolve tolerance mechanisms to the negative effects of HP receipt has received little attention. Here, we aim to fill this gap in our understanding of post-pollination interactions by experimentally testing whether two co-flowering Clarkia species can evolve HP tolerance, and whether tolerance to specific HP ‘genotypes’ (fine-scale local adaptation to HP) occurs. We find that Clarkia species vary in their tolerance to HP effects. Furthermore, conspecific pollen performance and the magnitude of HP effects were related to the recipient's history of exposure to HP in C. xantiana but not in C. speciosa. Specifically, better conspecific pollen performance and smaller HP effects were observed in populations of C. xantiana plants with previous exposure to HP compared to populations without such exposure. These results suggest that plants may have the potential to evolve tolerance mechanisms to HP effects but that these may occur not from the female (stigma, style) but from the male (pollen) perspective, a possibility that is often overlooked. We find no evidence for fine-scale local adaptation to HP receipt. Studies that evaluate the adaptive potential of plants to the negative effects of HP receipt are an important first step in understanding the evolutionary consequences of plant–plant post-pollination interactions. Such knowledge is in turn crucial for deciphering the role of plant–pollinator interactions in driving floral evolution and the composition of co-flowering communities

    Inherent X-Linked Genetic Variability and Cellular Mosaicism Unique to Females Contribute to Sex-Related Differences in the Innate Immune Response

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    Females have a longer lifespan and better general health than males. Considerable number of studies also demonstrated that, after trauma and sepsis, females present better outcomes as compared to males indicating sex-related differences in the innate immune response. The current notion is that differences in the immuno-modulatory effects of sex hormones are the underlying causative mechanism. However, the field remains controversial and the exclusive role of sex hormones has been challenged. Here, we propose that polymorphic X-linked immune competent genes, which are abundant in the population are important players in sex-based immuno-modulation and play a key role in causing sex-related outcome differences following trauma or sepsis. We describe the differences in X chromosome (ChrX) regulation between males and females and its consequences in the context of common X-linked polymorphisms at the individual as well as population level. We also discuss the potential pathophysiological and immune-modulatory aspects of ChrX cellular mosaicism, which is unique to females and how this may contribute to sex-biased immune-modulation. The potential confounding effects of ChrX skewing of cell progenitors at the bone marrow is also presented together with aspects of acute trauma-induced de novo ChrX skewing at the periphery. In support of the hypothesis, novel observations indicating ChrX skewing in a female trauma cohort as well as case studies depicting the temporal relationship between trauma-induced cellular skewing and the clinical course are also described. Finally, we list and discuss a selected set of polymorphic X-linked genes, which are frequent in the population and have key regulatory or metabolic functions in the innate immune response and, therefore, are primary candidates for mediating sex-biased immune responses. We conclude that sex-related differences in a variety of disease processes including the innate inflammatory response to injury and infection may be related to the abundance of X-linked polymorphic immune-competent genes, differences in ChrX regulation, and inheritance patterns between the sexes and the presence of X-linked cellular mosaicism, which is unique to females

    Cell-to-Cell Variation in Defective Virus Expression and Effects on Host Responses during Influenza Virus Infection

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    Defective influenza virus particles generated during viral replication carry incomplete viral genomes and can interfere with the replication of competent viruses. These defective genomes are thought to modulate the disease severity and pathogenicity of an influenza virus infection. Different defective viral genomes also introduce another source of variation across a heterogeneous cell population. Evaluating the impact of defective virus genomes on host cell responses cannot be fully resolved at the population level, requiring single-cell transcriptional profiling. Here, we characterized virus and host transcriptomes in individual influenza virus-infected cells, including those of defective viruses that arise during influenza A virus infection. We established an association between defective virus transcription and host responses and validated interfering and immunostimulatory functions of identified dominant defective viral genome species in vitro. This study demonstrates the intricate effects of defective viral genomes on host transcriptional responses and highlights the importance of capturing host-virus interactions at the single-cell level.Virus and host factors contribute to cell-to-cell variation in viral infections and determine the outcome of the overall infection. However, the extent of the variability at the single-cell level and how it impacts virus-host interactions at a system level are not well understood. To characterize the dynamics of viral transcription and host responses, we used single-cell RNA sequencing to quantify at multiple time points the host and viral transcriptomes of human A549 cells and primary bronchial epithelial cells infected with influenza A virus. We observed substantial variability in viral transcription between cells, including the accumulation of defective viral genomes (DVGs) that impact viral replication. We show (i) a correlation between DVGs and virus-induced variation of the host transcriptional program and (ii) an association between differential inductions of innate immune response genes and attenuated viral transcription in subpopulations of cells. These observations at the single-cell level improve our understanding of the complex virus-host interplay during influenza virus infection