48 research outputs found

    Innovative Bio-nanocomposites Based on Bacterial Cellulose

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    PhDA variety natural materials that are environmentally friendly, renewable and low cost have been created. Bacterial cellulose (BC), which is produced by a harmless bacterium, Acetobacter xylinum, has been used as a reinforcement agent to form bionanocomposites. Apple and radish pulp which are themselves cellulosic, were blended with bacterial cellulose to produce a high quality nanopaper which can be used for special purposes. The resulting sheets are characterised in terms of their morphology as well as their mechanical and thermal properties. Another approach adopted was the combination of BC with bio-polymers such as poly (ε-caprolactone) and a commercially available starch based polymer, Mater-Bi. Freeze-dried BC, which was kept in its 3D shape, was used as a comparison. These innovative composite systems are non-petroleum based and are biodegradable. The morphology, structure, thermal properties and performance of the resulting bio-composites were investigated using scanning electron microscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry, Dynamic Mechanical Analysis, and by measuring the mechanical properties. Purification is a crucial step in removing impurities and another organic materials remaining in the BC. The BC gel which was purified in two steps, i.e. with 2.5 wt.% NaOH and then bleaching with 2.5 wt.% NaOCl respectively, showed a greater performance in its thermal and mechanical properties. In addition, it was shown that the cellulose I structure of BC is not converted to cellulose II. BC is an interesting material for in-vivo studies. However, to make it an interesting biological composite a suitable resin must be found. Poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) is a known water soluble polymer and is therefore a suitable candidate material. In this study BC was grown in PVA solution to produce an in-situ composite. The concluding work for this project is an in-vitro study of BC for scaffolds for tissue engineering. The BC network was seeded with bovine chondrocytes (bone cells) obtained from an 18 months old deer and cultured into the BC gel to establish the viability of this material for medical applications


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    The fabrication of phase-changed composite (PCC) utilized to store thermal energy through encapsulation has been performed by utilizing the stearate acid (SA) and modified graphene (mG) with sentrimoinum bromide (CTAB). The composite was fabricated via latex method, while the liquid SA was able to be encapsulated and stabilized due to the presence of mG. The active phase of SA altered to be a thermal storing site obtained from latent heat, while the mG wall has protective features which can prevent the leakage of SA core during the transition phase. The active phase itself increased the thermal conductivity from 4.93 W/mK to 7.65 W/mK with maximum storing energy for 84.8%. The stable form of mG was measured extremely low for 2 phr with an average particle size of 13.68 nm. Thus, mG wall has excellent thermal stability and effective protection in shielding the SA core which improves the thermal properties of the composite

    IbM of Small Medium Enterprise of Coconut Milk and Liquid Smoke from Coconut Shells

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    Community service activities funded by BPPTN 2017 has been implemented with one of the partners, who was a small entrepreneur of coconut milk and liquid smoke from coconut shells, held from August to November 2017. Partnership of community service was Mr. Budi Darmanto, who has has his business for 9 years in Medan. The problems facing by the partner were: marketing of the coconut milk was still through the agent, resulting in the low selling price because the cost must be cut off for agent commission. In addition, liquid smoke product from coconut shells still contained impurity (Tar), classified as grade 3, causing the demand and its selling price became low. Solutions to the problems were 1) opening or enlarging the new commercial market for coconut milk, by assisting them in the handling of halal permits to the MUI of North Sumatra Province and made marketing advertisements through the website; 2) Providing a grant of liquid smoke distillation apparatus, making standard operational procedures (SOPs) to reduce impurities as well as increasing the grade of liquid smoke, to increase the selling price, and also analyzing the quality of distillated liquid smoke. The opening of commercial market of coconut milk and increasing grade of liquid smoke is expected to increase the partner’s income and expand his own business

    The Effect of Nano Crystalline Cellulose-Filled to Tensile Strength of Oil Palm Trunk Starch-Based Adhesive

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    Has conducted research on the effect of nanocrystals of cellulose produced from oil palm trunk. Nano crystalline cellulose-field into the oil palm trunk starch modified. There was a increase in the quality of oil palm trunk starch which be used to as adhesives. Their modified starch added DSTB. Nano crystalline cellulose produced by oil palm empty fruit bunches used isolation method. Adhesive  characterized by tensile strength, and SEM. Durability and adhesion strength of the nanocomposites were compared to those of the Indonesian Standard for wood adhesives which there have been gave us a new information for adhesive. Nanocrystalline cellulose added 2% into nanocomposite were the optimal yield. Keywords: modified-starch, nanocrystalline cellulose, tensile strength, and SE

    Nonporous Chitosan/Collagen Scaffold for Skin Tissue Engineering

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    This study aimed to determine film characteristics of chitosan/collagen scaffold for tissue engineering applications. Scaffold prepared using freeze drying method. Surface structure and biological testing chitosan/collagen scaffold crosslinking reagent addition Glutaraldehide studied using Scanning Electron Microscopy test (SEM) and Microscope inverted. Variations in the ratio of chitosan/collagen (10:0, 8:2, 7:3, 6:4, 5:5 4:6, 3:7, 2:8, 0:10), and treated with a crosslinking reagent 0.25% of Glutaraldehyde (GA) of the total weight of the polymer. The next process dissolving and mixing, followed by printing in glass moulds (7,5x7,5) with a thickness of 5 mm. This was followed by the freezing and drying with a freeze dryer. Scaffold chitosan/collagen ratio of 80:20 and a concentration of 0.25% GA showed growth of human skin fibroblast cells most and nonporous surface structure. This study is part of a study of the processing of chitosan/collagen scaffold for applications in tissue engineerin

    Synthesis of Carbon Dots From Empty Fruit Bunch Biochar an Acid-Free Hydrothermal Method

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    Abstract: Carbon dots have gained much interest due to their outstanding optical and electrical properties, making them useful for a wide range of applications. Here Empty fruit bunch (EFB) biochar was used as a carbon source in a straightforward, environmentally friendly, and reproducible hydrothermal method for producing carbon quantum dots. In this study, the role of the hydrothermal process was seen and studied by comparing the shape and fluorescence. Exciting results from HRTEM show that the carbon quantum dots in the sample are 4 nm in size. The obtained CD emits bright blue luminescence, and the absorption peak of the carbon dots was observed in the UV region with maximum absorption at 205 nm and 322 nm. The light CD shows an intense sky blue color upon illumination by a UV-light source at 365 nm. The intensity of the photoluminescence (PL) spectra sharply increases with decreasing concentration of carbon dots. Meanwhile, the CD exhibited excitation-dependence, photo-stability, and well dispersibility. These results suggest that the present CD are potential applications in optoelectronics and imaging.Abstrak: Karbon dots telah menarik banyak perhatian karena sifat listrik dan optik yang luar biasa, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk berbagai aplikasi. Penelitian ini, menggunakan biochar tandan buah kosong (EFB) sebagai sumber karbon dengan metode hidrotermal yang ramah lingkungan untuk menghasilkan karbon dots. Hasil HR-TEM yang menarik menunjukkan bahwa sampel karbon dots berukuran 4 nm. Karbon dots yang diperoleh memancarkan sinar biru terang dan puncak serapan titik karbon diamati pada spektrofotometri Uv-Vis dengan serapan maksimum pada 205 nm dan 322 nm. Intensitas karbon dots menunjukkan warna biru langit di cahaya UV pada 365 nm. Intensitas spektroskopi luminesens meningkat tajam dengan menurunnya konsentrasi titik karbon. Sementara itu, karbon dots menunjukkan eksitasi, stabilitas, dan dispersibilitas baik. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa karbon dots dapat digunakan pada beberapa aplikasi seperti dalam optoelektronik dan pencitraan

    Isolasi dan Karakterisasi Nanokistral Selulosa dari Tandan Sawit (Elaeis Guineensis Jack)

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    Penelitian ini mengenai analisis nanokristal selulosa dilakukan secara laboratorium. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan informasi karakterisasi nanokristal selulosa hasil isolasi dari tandan kosong sawit. Tahap awal yaitu isolasi α-selulosa dari tandan kosong sawit (TKS) melalui proses dilignifikasi dengan menggunakan HNO3 3,5 dan NaNO2, kemudian peoses pulping dengan NaOH 17%, dan pemutihan dengan H2O2 10%. Tahap selanjutnya yaitu isolasi Nanokristal selulosa dari α-selulosa dilakukan dengan hidrolisis asam, yaitu dengan menggunakan asam sulfat 48,84%, yang kemudian didialisis hingga diperoleh nanokristal selulosa. Nanokristal selulosa yang dihasilkan dikarakterisasi gugus fungsinya dengan menggunakan FT-IR, dan kemudian analisis morfologi dan ukuran dengan menggunakan TEM. Ukuran nanokristal yang dihasilkan yaitu 47,46 nm

    The Effect of Concentration of Structure and Optical Properties of Thin Films Synthesized by Sol-Gel Methods Spin Coating

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    ZnO thin films have been successfully synthesized by the method of sol-gel spin coating and mixing processes reflux technique. Materials used Zinc acetate dehydrate Zn (CH3COOH)2 2H2O, isopropanol and diethanolamine (DEA) are respectively as base material, solvent and stabilizer. Zinc acetate dehydrate Zn (CH3COOH)2 2H2O with various concentration of 0.6 M; 0.7 M and 0.8 M dissolved by the solvent isopropanol was then stabilized with diethanolamine (DEA). The molar ratio between the DEA and ZnAc is 1: 1. ZnO thin films on a glass substrate made by spin-coating technique with a rotation speed of 5000 rpm, for 30 seconds and calcination performed by pre-heating temperature of 300oC and 500oC annealing temperature. The results of the characterization of ZnO thin films by XRD indicates all hexagonal shaped crystal structure and the small crystal size of 25.4 nm for a concentration of 0.6 M. The results of the characterization of ZnO thin films by UV-Vis showed the highest transmittance value of 59.0% for concentrations of 0.7 M and the value of the energy band gap of 3.13 eV smallest to the concentration of 0.8 M


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    The manufacture of  nanocomposites polyvinyl alcohol/cellulose nanofiber isolated from empty bunch fruit palm oil has been done. The isolation process was carried out in two stages :  α-cellulose from EBFPO which followed by isolation of CN from  α-cellulose using steam explosion method. The process of α-cellulose hydrolisis was done using  H2C2O4  11%. Nanocomposites PVA/CN were characterized by morphologycal, thermal, and mechanical analysis. FT-IR spectra show C-O-C stretch of cellulose nanofiber at 1059,99 cm-1, which indicated that there are glycoside bonding in  coumpound structure. The peaks near 2900,94 cm-1 and  3348,42 cm-1 are representative of the C-H and OH groups. The result of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image show that diameter of cellulose nanofibre around 44,6 nm. PVA/CN nanocomposites  at the optimum ratio of (80:20)% showed the thermal stability around 263,48oC and tensile strength around 17,41 MPa and Young’s Modulus 0,9 GPa, and surface area was smooth and homogen.  ABSTRAK   Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai pembuatan nanokomposit polivinil alkohol/nanoserat selulosa yang diisolasi dari serat tandan kosong kelapa sawit. Proses Isolasi dilakukan dalam 2 tahap, yaitu isolasi α-selulosa dari serat TKKS yang dilanjutkan dengan isolasi nanoserat selulosa dari α-selulosa dengan menggunakan metode ledak uap. Proses hidrolisis α-selulosa dilakukan dengan menggunakan H2C2O4 11 %. Nanokomposit PVA/NSS dikarakterisasi melalui analisa gugus fungsi, morfologi, stabilitas panas, dan sifat mekanik. Analisa spektrum FT-IR menunjukkan adanya serapan gugus C-O-C pada bilangan gelombang  1059,99 cm-1 yang mengindikasikan adanya ikatan glikosida pada  nanoserat selulosa serta puncak serapan pada bilangan gelombang 2900,94 cm-1 dan 3348,62 cm-1 menunjukkan adanya ikatan CH dan gugus OH. Hasil analisa morfologi dengan menggunakan transmission electron microscopy (TEM) menunjukkan bahwa nanoserat selulosa memiliki diameter rata-rata berkisar 44,6 nm. Nanokomposit PVA/NSS dengan perbandingan 80:20 menunjukkan stabilitas panas yang baik sekitar 267,23 oC, kekuatan uji tarik tarik sekitar 17,41 MPa dan Modulus Young’s 0,9 GPa, dan morfologi permukaan yang rata dan homogen.   Kata Kunci: Tandan Kosong Kelapa Sawit, α-Selulosa, Nanoserat Selulosa,  Nanokomposit,  Polivinil Alkoho