12,790 research outputs found

    Implementing Session Centered Calculi

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    Recently, specific attention has been devoted to the development of service oriented process calculi. Besides the foundational aspects, it is also interesting to have prototype implementations for them in order to assess usability and to minimize the gap between theory and practice. Typically, these implementations are done in Java taking advantage of its mechanisms supporting network applications. However, most of the recurrent features of service oriented applications are re-implemented from scratch. In this paper we show how to implement a service oriented calculus, CaSPiS (Calculus of Services with Pipelines and Sessions) using the Java framework IMC, where recurrent mechanisms for network applications are already provided. By using the session oriented and pattern matching communication mechanisms provided by IMC, it is relatively simple to implement in Java all CaSPiS abstractions and thus to easily write the implementation in Java of a CaSPiS process

    Linux kernel compaction through cold code swapping

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    There is a growing trend to use general-purpose operating systems like Linux in embedded systems. Previous research focused on using compaction and specialization techniques to adapt a general-purpose OS to the memory-constrained environment, presented by most, embedded systems. However, there is still room for improvement: it has been shown that even after application of the aforementioned techniques more than 50% of the kernel code remains unexecuted under normal system operation. We introduce a new technique that reduces the Linux kernel code memory footprint, through on-demand code loading of infrequently executed code, for systems that support virtual memory. In this paper, we describe our general approach, and we study code placement algorithms to minimize the performance impact of the code loading. A code, size reduction of 68% is achieved, with a 2.2% execution speedup of the system-mode execution time, for a case study based on the MediaBench II benchmark suite

    A note on multi-dimensional Camassa-Holm type systems on the torus

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    We present a 2n2n-component nonlinear evolutionary PDE which includes the nn-dimensional versions of the Camassa-Holm and the Hunter-Saxton systems as well as their partially averaged variations. Our goal is to apply Arnold's [V.I. Arnold, Sur la g\'eom\'etrie diff\'erentielle des groupes de Lie de dimension infinie et ses applications \`a l'hydrodynamique des fluides parfaits. Ann. Inst. Fourier (Grenoble) 16 (1966) 319-361], [D.G. Ebin and J.E. Marsden, Groups of diffeomorphisms and the motion of an incompressible fluid. Ann. of Math. 92(2) (1970) 102-163] geometric formalism to this general equation in order to obtain results on well-posedness, conservation laws or stability of its solutions. Following the line of arguments of the paper [M. Kohlmann, The two-dimensional periodic bb-equation on the diffeomorphism group of the torus. J. Phys. A.: Math. Theor. 44 (2011) 465205 (17 pp.)] we present geometric aspects of a two-dimensional periodic μ\mu-bb-equation on the diffeomorphism group of the torus in this context.Comment: 14 page

    An improved source of spin-polarized electrons based on spin exchange in optically pumped rubidium vapor

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    We have improved a polarized electron source in which unpolarized electrons undergo collisions with a mixture of buffer gas molecules and optically spin-polarized Rb atoms. With a nitrogen buffer gas, the source reliably provides spin polarization between 15% and 25% with beam currents \u3e4 μA. Vacuum pump upgrades mitigate problems caused by denatured diffusion pump oil, leading to longer run times. A new differential pumping scheme allows the use of higher buffer gas pressures up to 800 mTorr. With a new optics layout, the Rb polarization is continuously monitored by a probe laser and improved pump laser power provides more constant high polarization. We have implemented an einzel lens to better control the energy of the electrons delivered to the target chamber and to preferentially select electron populations of higher polarization. The source is designed for studies of biologically relevant chiral molecule samples, which can poison photoemission-based GaAs polarized electron sources at very low partial pressures. It operates adjacent to a target chamber that rises to pressures as high as 10−4 Torr and has been implemented in a first experiment with chiral cysteine targets

    A search for chiral asymmetry in secondary electron emission from cysteine induced by longitudinally polarized electrons

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    We performed experiments searching for chirality-dependent secondary electron emission for a 141 eV longitudinally spin-polarized electron beam incident on a thick solid cysteine target. We determined the secondary electron yield by measuring the positive current produced when the cysteine target was negatively biased. No spin-dependent effects to a level of 10−3 were found for the secondary electron emission yield

    Extreme Sensitivity of the Superconducting State in Thin Films

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    All non-interacting two-dimensional electronic systems are expected to exhibit an insulating ground state. This conspicuous absence of the metallic phase has been challenged only in the case of low-disorder, low density, semiconducting systems where strong interactions dominate the electronic state. Unexpectedly, over the last two decades, there have been multiple reports on the observation of a state with metallic characteristics on a variety of thin-film superconductors. To date, no theoretical explanation has been able to fully capture the existence of such a state for the large variety of superconductors exhibiting it. Here we show that for two very different thin-film superconductors, amorphous indium-oxide and a single-crystal of 2H-NbSe2, this metallic state can be eliminated by filtering external radiation. Our results show that these superconducting films are extremely sensitive to external perturbations leading to the suppression of superconductivity and the appearance of temperature independent, metallic like, transport at low temperatures. We relate the extreme sensitivity to the theoretical observation that, in two-dimensions, superconductivity is only marginally stable.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Weak Poisson structures on infinite dimensional manifolds and hamiltonian actions

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    We introduce a notion of a weak Poisson structure on a manifold MM modeled on a locally convex space. This is done by specifying a Poisson bracket on a subalgebra \cA \subeq C^\infty(M) which has to satisfy a non-degeneracy condition (the differentials of elements of \cA separate tangent vectors) and we postulate the existence of smooth Hamiltonian vector fields. Motivated by applications to Hamiltonian actions, we focus on affine Poisson spaces which include in particular the linear and affine Poisson structures on duals of locally convex Lie algebras. As an interesting byproduct of our approach, we can associate to an invariant symmetric bilinear form κ\kappa on a Lie algebra \g and a κ\kappa-skew-symmetric derivation DD a weak affine Poisson structure on \g itself. This leads naturally to a concept of a Hamiltonian GG-action on a weak Poisson manifold with a \g-valued momentum map and hence to a generalization of quasi-hamiltonian group actions

    On the relative expressiveness of higher-order session processes

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    By integrating constructs from the λ-calculus and the π-calculus, in higher-order process calculi exchanged values may contain processes. This paper studies the relative expressiveness of HOπ, the higher-order π-calculus in which communications are governed by session types. Our main discovery is that HO, a subcalculus of HOπ which lacks name-passing and recursion, can serve as a new core calculus for session-typed higher-order concurrency. By exploring a new bisimulation for HO, we show that HO can encode HOπ fully abstractly (up to typed contextual equivalence) more precisely and efficiently than the first-order session π-calculus (π). Overall, under session types, HOπ, HO, and π are equally expressive; however, HOπ and HO are more tightly related than HOπ and π

    Hybrid Session Verification through Endpoint API Generation

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    © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2016.This paper proposes a new hybrid session verification methodology for applying session types directly to mainstream languages, based on generating protocol-specific endpoint APIs from multiparty session types. The API generation promotes static type checking of the behavioural aspect of the source protocol by mapping the state space of an endpoint in the protocol to a family of channel types in the target language. This is supplemented by very light run-time checks in the generated API that enforce a linear usage discipline on instances of the channel types. The resulting hybrid verification guarantees the absence of protocol violation errors during the execution of the session. We implement our methodology for Java as an extension to the Scribble framework, and use it to specify and implement compliant clients and servers for real-world protocols such as HTTP and SMTP

    Comparing the Use of Visual Analogue Scales and Likert-type Scales in International Agricultural and Extension Education Surveys

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    Data collected using survey methodology is readily used to provide insight into improving international agricultural and extension education programs. The evolution of survey technology has allowed educators access to a growing number of audiences; however, the escalating quantity of surveys contributes to greater survey fatigue. Utilizing multiple forms of response, such as Likert-type scales and visual analog scales, may relieve some symptoms of survey fatigue. The use of visual analog scales may allow respondents the ability to respond more freely to questions where fractional differences can hold a wealth of information. This study examined the possible advantages of utilizing visual analog scales rather than Likert-type scales in surveys. A Web-based survey was conducted with respondents randomly assigned to one of two treatments: comparison constructs in traditional Likert-type scale presentation form using radio buttons or comparison constructs with a Visual Analog Scale presentation. Results indicated responses from visual analog scales were similar to those on Likert-type scale questions. No significant additional time to complete the constructs was found; however, a significantly lower non-response rate existed for one construct using the Likert-type scale (10% compared to 32%). Seventy-five percent of the respondents given visual analog scales utilized the freedom to select increments between the restricted points of radio buttons
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