194 research outputs found

    Milk yield of cows in some European countries and the implementation of automatic milking systems

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    Received: February 14th, 2023 ; Accepted: April 17th, 2023 ; Published: April 22nd, 2023 ; Correspondence: [email protected] research study addresses the problem of implementing progress in agricultural production. This problem was developed on the basis of equipping farms with automatic milking systems (AMS). Different forms of progress can be identified on a dairy farm, including technical progress represented by AMS and biological progress expressed by milk yield of cows. The purpose of this research study was to compare whether the milk yield of cows in certain European countries meets the requirements for utilizing the milking potential of automatic milking systems. The study used information on the suggested amount of milk that an one-stall milking robot should milk per year. The second group of data was the annual milk yield of cows in the European Union countries and Great Britain. In eight countries, the annual milk yield of cows was in the range of 8,601–10,600 kg. It was found that in 2020, in these eight countries of the European Union, the milk yield of cows was at a level that meets the performance requirements of one-stall milking robot

    Purdue Pharma: Appalachia\u27s Worst Nightmare

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    This thesis describes the legal implications of Purdue Pharma’s vital role that implicated them in the opioid crisis after their release of the renowned drug, OxyContin. Purdue Pharma released the infamous drug in 1995 and the world of drugs and addiction has never been the same. Thousands of oxycontin-related deaths, pharmacies and medical professionals found liable, and countless lawsuits against the powerful company. This research expands on these lawsuits, the implications of these against Purdue Pharma, and the improvements made in the pharmaceutical company to prevent a disaster such as the opioid crisis from repeating itself

    Understanding animal welfare by students and graduates of different studies

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    Animal welfare is one of the key elements of contemporary approach to animal production. Social consciousness of animal welfare concerns first of all persons responsible for practical implementation of individual solutions for animal welfare improvement. But what about other group of peoples and their relation to animal welfare? The aim of the paper was to analyze some aspects of animal welfare assessment including opinions given by young Polish citizens. The idea of the paper was to investigate, how kind of higher education represented by citizens show effect on understanding of animal welfare problems. The scope of the paper included survey, where 165 graduates of different studies (humanities, polytechnic, medical, economic, art and life sciences studies) had the possibility to present and assess their knowledge on animal welfare. In one of the questions, interpreting an ideal farm with animal production, most respondents, regardless of the field of study, pointed to the key role of maintaining the highest standards determining the welfare and comfort of livestock

    Assessment of dairy production development on the example of Polish conditions and comparison with certain European countries

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    Changes observed in the European dairy sector in the last decades constitute an important example of transformation processes taking place in the global food economy. The aim of the study was to present an analytical approach to assessment of advance concerning certain technical and biological resources in the farm dairy production system. Data from the Polish dairy production system were used to show and assess some of the trends regarding the dairy system development, including some comparisons with other EU countries. As a result of undertaken studies, there are scientific premises to identify technical and biological solutions for optimizing the farm dairy production system, allowing sustainable improvement. Further effective transformation of the Polish dairy sector requires overcoming certain barriers hindering development of the sector, connected first of all with high dispersion in raw milk production and its low technology level, high dispersion of dairy processing, and others. Implementation of modern technical equipment for milking at dairy farms needs simultaneous improvement of dairy cow herds and other factors, e.g. economic profitability

    Europejska walka z islamskim terroryzmem

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    The world and also the United States of America are not any safer by undertaking countermeasures after the 9/11 attacks. Finding the adequate modus vivendi in the new situation is the priority of the European Union. What is the purpose and what is the consequence of the aggressive attitude of Islamic radicals toward the Western World? Does this aggression derive from the ideology of hatred against the Western World and its values or is it rather a result of previous actions of the USA and its allies before and after the attacks on America? What has been done in the military and social-economy level to improve the security of the European states in terms of terrorist attacks? And finally what actions should be undertaken to increase the safety level of the Europeans and to decline the risk of terrorist attacks? First section of this article is devoted to the reason for terrorist attacks beginning from early 1990’s until the tragic final in September 2001. It concentrates on reasons for the frustration of the Islamic radicals driving to acts of terror against military staff, institutions and civilians. Afterwards appears the American response – Bush’s doctrine with its fundamental pillars: unilateralism, fight against states supporting terrorism, right to the pre-emptive strike and the introduction of democracy there, where the aggressive regimes are present. The Europe follows the American path and must handle its effects. Consequently the Europeans marginalized the role of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the United Nations Organization by participating in wars in Iraq and in Afghanistan under the auspices of Washington. The last chapter about the social and economic dimension of the European fight against terrorism describes stereotypes between Europeans and Muslims which show no tendency to decline. On the opposite the tendency shows the increasing feeling of mistrust. Concerning economy the lack of strong business bonds is the reason for the lack of further cooperation and might indirectly lead to the aggressive attitude and the rise of radical ideologies. Poverty and the lack of perspectives is the basis for fundamentalism

    Association between body condition and production parameters of dairy cows in the experiment with use of BCS camera

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    Dairy production effectiveness in the farm depends on many technical, technological and biological factors. State of the dairy cow condition constitutes one of the most important element in the assessment of dairy herd and production indices. Including access to modern technical solution to assess body condition of dairy cows, i.e. BCS camera, some results of observation in the herd with 362 cows were collected to find any relationship between BCS index and milk yield per cow including 5 lactation groups and cows differed in age as well as four seasons. Basing on data collected in the period of 11 months it was found that cows with the BCS index lower than 2.9 showed the highest daily milk production. Increase in BCS index was associated with decrease in amount of produced milk per day. The statistical analysis showed significant effect of lactation period, age of animals and season on BCS results in the considered dairy cow production cycle

    Systematic review of the epidemiological evidence comparing lung cancer risk in smokers of mentholated and unmentholated cigarettes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>US mentholated cigarette sales have increased considerably over 50 years. Preference for mentholated cigarettes is markedly higher in Black people. While menthol itself is not genotoxic or carcinogenic, its acute respiratory effects might affect inhalation of cigarette smoke. This possibility seems consistent with the higher lung cancer risk in Black men, despite Black people smoking less and starting smoking later than White people. Despite experimental data suggesting similar carcinogenicity of mentholated and non-mentholated cigarettes, the lack of convincing evidence that mentholation increases puffing, inhalation or smoke uptake, and the similarity of lung cancer rates in Black and White females, a review of cigarette mentholation and lung cancer is timely given current regulatory interest in the topic.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Epidemiological studies comparing lung cancer risk in mentholated and non-mentholated cigarette smokers were identified from MedLine and other sources. Study details were extracted and strengths and weaknesses assessed. Relative risk estimates were extracted, or derived, for ever mentholated use and for long-term use, overall and by gender, race, and current/ever smoking, and meta-analyses conducted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Eight generally good quality studies were identified, with valid cases and controls, and appropriate adjustment for age, gender, race and smoking. The studies afforded good power to detect possible effects. However, only one study presented results by histological type, none adjusted for occupation or diet, and some provided no results by length of mentholated cigarette use.</p> <p>The data do not suggest any effect of mentholation on lung cancer risk. Adjusted relative risk estimates for ever use vary from 0.81 to 1.12, giving a combined estimate of 0.93 (95% confidence interval 0.84-1.02, n = 8), with no increase in males (1.01, 0.84-1.22, n = 5), females (0.80, 0.67-0.95, n = 5), White people (0.87, 0.75-1.03, n = 4) or Black people (0.90, 0.73-1.10, n = 4). Estimates for current and ever smokers are similar. The combined estimate for long-term use (0.95, 0.80-1.13, n = 4) again suggests no effect of mentholation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Higher lung cancer rates in Black males cannot be due to their greater preference for mentholated cigarettes. While some study weaknesses exist, the epidemiological evidence is consistent with mentholation having no effect on the lung carcinogenicity of cigarettes.</p

    The in vitro toxicology of Swedish snus

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    Three commercial brands of Swedish snus (SWS), an experimental SWS, and the 2S3 reference moist snuff were each tested in four in vitro toxicology assays. These assays were: Salmonella reverse mutation, mouse lymphoma, in vitro micronucleus, and cytotoxicity. Water extractions of each of the 5 products were tested using several different concentrations; the experimental SWS was also extracted using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Extraction procedures were verified by nicotine determinations. Results for SWS in the mutagenicity assays were broadly negative: there were occasional positive responses, but these were effectively at the highest concentration only (concentrations well above those suggested by regulatory guidelines), and were often associated with cytotoxicity. The 2S3 reference was unequivocally positive in one of the three conditions of the micronucleus assay (MNA), at the highest concentration only. Positive controls produced the expected responses in each assay. The SWS data are contrasted with data reported for combusted tobacco in the form of cigarettes, where strongly positive responses have been routinely reported for mutagenicity and cytotoxicity. These negative findings in a laboratory setting concur with the large amount of epidemiological data from Sweden, data showing that SWS are associated with considerably lower carcinogenic potential when compared with cigarettes

    The Toxic Effects of Cigarette Additives. Philip Morris' Project Mix Reconsidered: An Analysis of Documents Released through Litigation

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    Stanton Glantz and colleagues analyzed previously secret tobacco industry documents and peer-reviewed published results of Philip Morris' Project MIX about research on cigarette additives, and show that this research on the use of cigarette additives cannot be taken at face value