105 research outputs found

    Biographische Arbeit in der Lehrerbildung als Möglichkeit der Ausbildung von "Reflektierenden Praktikern" - Ein Erfahrungsbericht

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    Ein Ziel der Lehrerausbildung am Didaktikum in Aarau ist es, dass die Studierenden die Einstellung eines "Reflektierenden Praktikers" entwickeln. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt ein Ausbildungsarrangement zur Diskussion, in welchem wir versuchen, durch die Auseinandersetzung mit aufgeschriebenen Lehr- und Lernerfahrungen, durch \u27biografische Arbeit\u27 also, die Reflexion unserer Studierenden anzustossen und voranzutreiben. Wir möchten die Studentinnen und Studenten zur differenzierten Selbstwahrnehmung anleiten. Das Ausbildungsarrangement umfasst drei eigenständige Teile, die durch Zielrichtung (\u27Reflektierender Praktiker\u27) und Vorgehensform (\u27Biografische Arbeit\u27) miteinander verknüpft sind. Der erste Teil des Ausbildungsarrangements bereitet die biografische Arbeit sowohl inhaltlich als auch methodisch vor: Zum einen beschäftigen sich die Studierenden mit verschiedenen Lernkonzeptionen, zum anderen beginnen sie die eigenen Gedanken mit Blick auf einen kommunikativen Reflexionsprozess aufzuschreiben und lernen weitere methodische- Elemente der biografischen Arbeit kennen. Im zweiten Teil erarbeiten die Studierenden ein Porträt eines guten Lehrers oder einer guten Lehrerin. Im dritten Teil führen autobiographische Reflexionen zu einem Lehrer-Selbstporträt

    Fachdidaktik Geschichte auf einer virtuellen Lernplattform

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    Der vorliegende Text ist ein Plädoyer für Bescheidenheit im Umgang mit ICT und zeigt, dass Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien ein günstiges Mittel sind, um Bewährtes kleinschrittig zu verbessern. Ich stelle erstens die einfache virtuelle Plattform Webcorp (http://webcorp.fh-aargau.ch, 28.2.03) vor, auf der wir in der Fachdidaktik Geschichte am Institut Sekundarstufe der FHA Pädagogik in Aarau (Didaktikum) arbeiten. Zweitens beschreibe ich verschiedene Benutzergruppen, die sich auf der Plattform treffen. Drittens bilanziere und reflektiere ich meine Erfahrungen im Umgang mit ICT. Das Ganze ist ein Werkstattbericht: Die Plattform Fachdidaktik Geschichte steht noch kein Jahr

    Anforderungen an heutige und künftige Schulgeschichtsbücher

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    Schulgeschichtsbücher werden im heutigen Unterricht unterschiedlich eingesetzt. Welche Rolle das Schulgeschichtsbuch im Unterrichtsalltag spielt, hängt von der Entscheidung der Lehrpersonen ab. Auch die heutige Generation der Schulgeschichtsbücher weist noch erhebliche Schwächen auf: Umsetzung der Kompetenzorientierung, Auswahl der Themen, Differenzierung des Anspruchsgrades, Beurteilung der Schülerleistungen, Artikulation des Unterrichts. Künftige Schulgeschichtsbücher werden Lösungen zu diesen fünf Problemen anbieten müssen.There is a wide variety of using history textbooks in history lessons today. Teachers decide how exactly they use history textbooks in their courses. Today\u27s history textbooks still have their weaknesses: the implementation of competence oriented teaching, the selection of content, the differentiation of degree of demands, the evaluation of students\u27 performance, the progression of teaching and learning. Future history textbooks will have to provide solutions for these five problems

    Lung Ultrasound for the Exclusion of Pneumothorax after Interventional Bronchoscopies—A Retrospective Study

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    A chest X-ray (CXR) is recommended after bronchoscopies with an increased risk of pneumothorax (PTX). However, concerns regarding radiation exposure, expenses and staff requirements exist. A lung ultrasound (LUS) is a promising alternative for the detection of PTX, though data are scarce. This study aims to investigate the diagnostic yield of LUS compared to CXR, to exclude PTX after bronchoscopies with increased risk. This retrospective single-centre study included transbronchial forceps biopsies, transbronchial lung cryobiopsies and endobronchial valve treatments. Post-interventional PTX screening consisted of immediate LUS and CXR within two hours. In total, 271 patients were included. Early PTX incidence was 3.3%. Sensitivity, specificity, and the positive and negative predictive values of LUS were 67.7% (95% CI 29.93–92.51%), 99.2% (95% CI 97.27–99.91%), 75.0% (95% CI 41.16–92.79%) and 98.9% (95% CI 97.18–99.54%), respectively. PTX detection by LUS enabled the immediate placement of two pleural drains along with the bronchoscopy. With CXR, three false-positives and one false-negative were observed; the latter evolved into a tension-PTX. LUS correctly diagnosed these cases. Despite low sensitivity, LUS enables early diagnosis of PTX, thus preventing treatment delays. We recommend immediate LUS, in addition to LUS or CXR after two to four hours and monitoring for signs and symptoms. Prospective studies with higher sample sizes are needed

    Nocturnal vestibular stimulation using a rocking bed improves a severe sleep disorder in a patient with mitochondrial disease

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    Mitochondrial diseases are rare genetic disorders often accompanied by severe sleep disorders. We present the case of a 12-year-old boy diagnosed with a severe primary mitochondrial disease, exhibiting ataxia, spasticity, progressive external ophthalmoplegia, cardiomyopathy and severely disrupted sleep, but no cognitive impairment. Interestingly, his parents reported improved sleep during night train rides. Based on this observation, we installed a rocking bed in the patient's bedroom and performed different interventions, including immersive multimodal vestibular, kinesthetic and auditory stimuli, reminiscent of the sensory experiences encountered during train rides. Over a 5-month period, we conducted four 2-week nocturnal interventions, separated by 1-week washout phases, to determine the subjectively best-perceived stimulation parameters, followed by a final 4-week intervention using the optimal parameters. We assessed sleep duration and quality using the Mini Sleep Questionnaire, monitored pulse rate changes and used videography to document nocturnal interactions between the patient and caregivers. Patient-reported outcome measures, clinical examinations and personal outcomes of specific interests were used to document daytime sleepiness, restlessness, anxiety, fatigue, cognitive performance and physical posture. In the final 4-week intervention, sleep duration increased by 25%, required caregiver interactions reduced by 75%, and caregiving time decreased by 40%. Subjective fatigue, assessed by the Checklist Individual Strength, decreased by 40%, falling below the threshold of severe fatigue. Our study suggests that rocking beds could provide a promising treatment regime for selected patients with persistent severe sleep disorders. Further research is required to validate these findings in larger patient populations with sleep disorders and other conditions

    Implementation of the Combined--Nonlinear Condensation Transformation

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    We discuss several applications of the recently proposed combined nonlinear-condensation transformation (CNCT) for the evaluation of slowly convergent, nonalternating series. These include certain statistical distributions which are of importance in linguistics, statistical-mechanics theory, and biophysics (statistical analysis of DNA sequences). We also discuss applications of the transformation in experimental mathematics, and we briefly expand on further applications in theoretical physics. Finally, we discuss a related Mathematica program for the computation of Lerch's transcendent.Comment: 23 pages, 1 table, 1 figure (Comput. Phys. Commun., in press

    Efficacy and safety of D,L-3-hydroxybutyrate (D,L-3-HB) treatment in multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency

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    PURPOSE: Multiple acyl-CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (MADD) is a life-threatening, ultrarare inborn error of metabolism. Case reports described successful D,L-3-hydroxybutyrate (D,L-3-HB) treatment in severely affected MADD patients, but systematic data on efficacy and safety is lacking.METHODS: A systematic literature review and an international, retrospective cohort study on clinical presentation, D,L-3-HB treatment method, and outcome in MADD(-like) patients.RESULTS: Our study summarizes 23 MADD(-like) patients, including 14 new cases. Median age at clinical onset was two months (interquartile range [IQR]: 8 months). Median age at starting D,L-3-HB was seven months (IQR: 4.5 years). D,L-3-HB doses ranged between 100 and 2600 mg/kg/day. Clinical improvement was reported in 16 patients (70%) for cardiomyopathy, leukodystrophy, liver symptoms, muscle symptoms, and/or respiratory failure. D,L-3-HB appeared not effective for neuropathy. Survival appeared longer upon D,L-3-HB compared with historical controls. Median time until first clinical improvement was one month, and ranged up to six months. Reported side effects included abdominal pain, constipation, dehydration, diarrhea, and vomiting/nausea. Median D,L-3-HB treatment duration was two years (IQR: 6 years). D,L-3-HB treatment was discontinued in 12 patients (52%).CONCLUSION: The strength of the current study is the international pooling of data demonstrating that D,L-3-HB treatment can be effective and safe in MADD(-like) patients.</p

    Efficacy and pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic evaluation of the Aurora kinase A inhibitor MLN8237 against preclinical models of pediatric cancer

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    To gain a greater understanding of the potential of the Aurora kinase A inhibitor MLN8237 in the treatment of pediatric malignancies. The activity of MLN8237 was evaluated against 28 neuroblastoma and Ewing sarcoma cell lines, and its in vivo efficacy was studied over a range of doses against 12 pediatric tumor xenograft models. Pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic, and genomic studies were undertaken. In vitro neuroblastoma cell lines were generally more sensitive to MLN8237 than Ewing sarcoma lines. MLN8237 demonstrated significant activity in vivo against solid tumor models at the maximum tolerated dose (MTD); however, only 2 of 6 neuroblastoma models had objective responses at 0.25MTD. In contrast, MLN8237 induced objective responses at its MTD and at 0.5MTD in three ALL models and in two out of three at 0.25MTD. Pharmacokinetic studies at 0.5MTD demonstrated a T (max) of 0.5 h, C (max) of 24.8 mu M, AUC((0-24)) of 60.3 mu M h, and 12 h trough level of 1.2 mu M. Mitotic indices increased 6-12 h after MLN8237 administration. AURKA copy number variation was frequent in xenografts, and expression was highly correlated with copy number. Objective responses were more frequent in tumors with decreased AURKA copy number (5/8) compared to those with increased gene copy number (2/14). This report confirms the significant activity against both solid tumor and ALL xenografts at the MTD, with a steep dose response. These data support clinical development of MLN8237 in childhood cancer. Because of the steep dose-response relationship, such studies should target achieving trough levels of 1 mu M or higher for sustained periods of treatment