5 research outputs found

    Learning Disentangled Representations with the Wasserstein Autoencoder

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    Disentangled representation learning has undoubtedly benefited from objective function surgery. However, a delicate balancing act of tuning is still required in order to trade off reconstruction fidelity versus disentanglement. Building on previous successes of penalizing the total correlation in the latent variables, we propose TCWAE (Total Correlation Wasserstein Autoencoder). Working in the WAE paradigm naturally enables the separation of the total-correlation term, thus providing disentanglement control over the learned representation, while offering more flexibility in the choice of reconstruction cost. We propose two variants using different KL estimators and analyse in turn the impact of having different ground cost functions and latent regularization terms. Extensive quantitative comparisons on data sets with known generative factors shows that our methods present competitive results relative to state-of-the-art techniques. We further study the trade off between disentanglement and reconstruction on more-difficult data sets with unknown generative factors, where the flexibility of the WAE paradigm leads to improved reconstructions

    Improving Gaussian mixture latent variable model convergence with Optimal Transport

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    Generative models with both discrete and continuous latent variables are highly motivated by the structure of many real-world data sets. They present, however, subtleties in training often manifesting in the discrete latent variable not being leveraged. In this paper, we show why such models struggle to train using traditional log-likelihood maximization, and that they are amenable to training using the Optimal Transport framework of Wasserstein Autoencoders. We find our discrete latent variable to be fully leveraged by the model when trained, without any modifications to the objective function or significant fine tuning. Our model generates comparable samples to other approaches while using relatively simple neural networks, since the discrete latent variable carries much of the descriptive burden. Furthermore, the discrete latent provides significant control over generation

    Neuropharmacology of N,N-dimethyltryptamine

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