200 research outputs found

    Childbirth experience, risk of PTSD and obstetric and neonatal outcomes according to antenatal classes attendance.

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    Antenatal classes have evolved considerably and include now a discussion of the parents' birth plan. Respecting this plan normally results in a better childbirth experience, an important protective factor of post-traumatic stress disorder following childbirth (PTSD-FC). Antenatal class attendance may thus be associated with lower PTSD-FC rates. This cross-sectional study took place at a Swiss university hospital. All primiparous women who gave birth to singletons from 2018 to 2020 were invited to answer self-reported questionnaires. Data for childbirth experience, symptoms of PTSD-FC, neonatal, and obstetrical outcomes were compared between women who attended (AC) or not (NAC) antenatal classes. A total of 794/2876 (27.6%) women completed the online questionnaire. Antenatal class attendance was associated with a poorer childbirth experience (p = 0.03). When taking into account other significant predictors of childbirth experience, only induction of labor, use of forceps, emergency caesarean, and civil status remained in the final model of regression. Intrusion symptoms were more frequent in NAC group (M = 1.63 versus M = 1.11, p = 0.02). Antenatal class attendance, forceps, emergency caesarean, and hospitalisation in NICU remained significant predictors of intrusions for PTSD-FC. Use of epidural, obstetrical, and neonatal outcomes were similar for AC and NAC

    Robust Circle Detection

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    International audienceIn this paper we present a method of robustly detect circles in a line drawing image. The method is fast, robust and very reliable, and is capable of assessing the quality of its detection. It is based on Random Sample Consensus minimization, and uses techniques that are inspired from object tracking in image sequences

    Expression of phosphate transporters in optimized cell culture models for dental cells biomineralization

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    Phosphate is a key component of dental mineral composition. The physiological role of membrane proteins of dental cells is suspected to be crucial for mineralization mechanisms. Contrary to published data related to calcium, data on regulation of phosphate flux through membrane of mineralizing cells are scarce. To address this lack of data, we studied the expression of six membranous phosphate transporters in two dental cell lines: a rat odontoblastic cell line (M2H4) and a mouse ameloblastic cell line (ALC) for which we optimized the mineralizing culture conditions

    Exploring the vertebrate fauna of the Bird’s Head Peninsula (Indonesia, West Papua) through DNA barcodes

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    Biodiversity knowledge is widely heterogeneous across the Earth's biomes. Some areas, due to their remoteness and difficult access, present large taxonomic knowledge gaps. Mostly located in the tropics, these areas have frequently experienced a fast development of anthropogenic activities during the last decades and are therefore of high conservation concerns. The biodiversity hotspots of Southeast Asia exemplify the stakes faced by tropical countries. While the hotspots of Sundaland (Java, Sumatra, Borneo) and Wallacea (Sulawesi, Moluccas) have long attracted the attention of biologists and conservationists alike, extensive parts of the Sahul area, in particular the island of New Guinea, have been much less explored biologically. Here, we describe the results of a DNA-based inventory of aquatic and terrestrial vertebratecommunities, which was the objective of a multidisciplinary expedition to the Bird's Head Peninsula (West Papua, Indonesia) conducted between 17 October and 20 November 2014. This expedition resulted in the assembly of 1005 vertebrate DNA barcodes. Based on the use of multiple species-delimitation methods (GMYC, PTP, RESL, ABGD), 264 molecular operational taxonomic units (MOTUs) were delineated, among which 75 were unidentified and an additional 48 were considered cryptic. This study suggests that the diversity of vertebrates of the Bird's Head is severely underestimated and considerations on the evolutionary origin and taxonomic knowledge of these biotas are discussed.Fieldwork and laboratory activities were supported by the Lengguru 2014 Project (www.lengguru.org), conducted by the French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development (IRD), the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) with the Research Centre for Biology (RCB), and the Politeknik KP Sorong, with the help of the Institut Français in Indonesia (IFI) and the French embassy in Jakarta, with corporate sponsorship from COLAS SA Company (Environment Department), Total Foundation, ABS, Wasco, Veolia Eau, SDV-Bolloré,Peer reviewe

    Clés pour une expérience positive de l’accouchement

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    Dystocie des épaules : recommandations pour la partique clinique

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    Qualité des soins en salle de naissance et perspectives des mères

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    In France, the maternal mortality ratio in 2010-2012 was 10.3 deaths per 100 000 live births (95% CI 9.1-11.7). On the one hand, this ratio has not changed over the last 10 years; on the other, care was judged "non-optimal" for 60% of the deaths reviewed by the French National Committee of Experts on Maternal Mortality. At the same time, inappropriate behaviour by some healthcare workers towards women has been highlighted by the media in France under the term "obstetric violence".These two themes, maternal morbidity and mortality, and inappropriate behaviour by healthcare workers, relate directly to the concept of quality of care for women and newborns promoted by the World Health Organization. This doctoral dissertation is articulated around the two main components of this concept i.e. provision of care and experience of care.The first research project in this work focused on identifying potential ways of improving the provision of care in the delivery room in the specific case of postpartum hemorrhage. The second evaluated women's experience of care related to the behaviour of healthcare workers in the delivery room. Finally, the third and last part of this doctoral dissertation dealt with mothers' self-measured health outcomes from the perspective of a self-measurement of their bonding to the child(ren). The conclusion of this doctoral dissertation was that interventions to improve the quality of care in the delivery room, which seem to be largely oriented towards standardisation of the provision of care, have not necessarily demonstrated their effectiveness. However, for mothers, the main source of dissatisfaction with the behaviour of healthcare workers was their failure to listen women’s voice and feedback to adapt care to their expectations. Mothers who reported dissatisfaction were also those with the lowest-rated postpartum mental health outcomesEn France, le ratio de mortalité maternelle était de 10.3 décès pour 100 000 naissances vivantes (IC95% 9.1-11.7) entre 2010 et 2012. D'une part, ce ratio n'a pas évolué depuis 10 ans et, d'autre part, les soins ont été jugés « non optimaux » pour 60% des décès analysés par le Comité National d'Experts sur la Mortalité Maternelle. En parallèle, des comportements inappropriés de certains soignants envers les femmes ont été mis en exergue par les médias en France sous le qualificatif de « violence obstétricale ».Ces deux thèmes, la morbi-mortalité maternelle et les comportements inappropriés des soignants, sont intégrés dans le concept de qualité des soins pour les femmes et les nouveau-nés défendu par l'Organisation Mondiale de la Santé. Elles constituent les deux composantes de ce concept, à savoir l'offre de soins et l'expérience des soins, qui ont structuré le plan de cette thèse.Le premier travail de recherche de cette thèse était centré sur l'identification de perspectives d'amélioration de l'offre de soins en salle de naissance à partir du cas particulier de l'hémorragie du postpartum. Le second travail portait sur l'évaluation de l'expérience patiente des soins liée aux comportements des soignants en salle de naissance. Enfin, le troisième et dernier travail de cette thèse portait sur l'auto-mesure des résultats de santé rapportés par les mères à partir de l'évaluation de leur attachement à leur(s) enfant(s).En conclusion de cette thèse, les interventions pour améliorer la qualité des soins en salle de naissance semblent largement orientées vers une standardisation de l'offre de soins sans nécessairement avoir démontré leur efficacité. Or, pour les mères, la principale source d'insatisfaction du comportement des soignants concernait le manque de prise en considération de leur parole pour adapter les soins à leurs attentes. Les mères qui témoignaient de leur insatisfaction étaient aussi celles qui présentaient un résultat de santé mentale le moins satisfaisant dans le postpartu

    Entretien Post-Natal Précoce: Les préconisations du CNSF

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    La recherche maïeutique en Suisse et en France

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    Lors des 52èmes Journées Nationales de la Société Française de Médecine Périnatale, Laurent Gaucher a présenté une étude approfondie de la recherche maïeutique en Suisse et en France. Représentant la Haute Ecole de Santé de Genève, il a mis en lumière les spécificités et les défis liés à la recherche dans l'art et les sciences sage-femme. Il a comparé les mécanismes de financement, les programmes d'études et les méthodologies employées dans les deux pays. En Suisse, une approche plus multidisciplinaire est privilégiée, souvent axée sur des aspects psychosociaux, tandis qu'en France, la recherche se centre davantage sur les études cliniques et épidémiologiques. Cette présentation a offert un aperçu précieux des nuances et des tendances dans le domaine de la recherche maïeutique au sein de ces deux régions