723 research outputs found
Minimal half-spaces and external representation of tropical polyhedra
We give a characterization of the minimal tropical half-spaces containing a
given tropical polyhedron, from which we derive a counter example showing that
the number of such minimal half-spaces can be infinite, contradicting some
statements which appeared in the tropical literature, and disproving a
conjecture of F. Block and J. Yu. We also establish an analogue of the
Minkowski-Weyl theorem, showing that a tropical polyhedron can be equivalently
represented internally (in terms of extreme points and rays) or externally (in
terms of half-spaces containing it). A canonical external representation of a
polyhedron turns out to be provided by the extreme elements of its tropical
polar. We characterize these extreme elements, showing in particular that they
are determined by support vectors.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, example added with a new figure, figures
improved, references update
The level set method for the two-sided eigenproblem
We consider the max-plus analogue of the eigenproblem for matrix pencils
Ax=lambda Bx. We show that the spectrum of (A,B) (i.e., the set of possible
values of lambda), which is a finite union of intervals, can be computed in
pseudo-polynomial number of operations, by a (pseudo-polynomial) number of
calls to an oracle that computes the value of a mean payoff game. The proof
relies on the introduction of a spectral function, which we interpret in terms
of the least Chebyshev distance between Ax and lambda Bx. The spectrum is
obtained as the zero level set of this function.Comment: 34 pages, 4 figures. Changes with respect to the previous version: we
explain relation to mean-payoff games and discrete event systems, and show
that the reconstruction of spectrum is pseudopolynomia
Hub and blade structural loads measurements of an SA349/2 helicopter
Data from 23 flight conditions, including level flights ranging from advance ratio mu = 0.14 to 0.37 and steady turning flights from advance ratio mu = 0.26 to 0.35, are presented for an Aerospatiale SA349/2 Gazelle helicopter. The data include hub loads data (for 6 of the 23 conditions), blade structural data at eleven different blade radial stations, and fuselage structural data. All dynamic data are presented as harmonic analysis coefficients (ten harmonics per rotor revolution). The data acquisition and reduction procedures are also documented. Blade structural and inertial properties are provided in addition to control system geometry and properties
Hub loads analysis of the SA349/2 helicopter
The forces and moments at the rotor hub of an Aerospatiale SA349/2 helicopter were investigated. The study included three main topics. First, measured hub forces and moments for a range of level flight conditions (mu = 0.14 to 0.37) were compared with predictions from a comprehensive rotorcraft analysis to examine the influence of the wake model on the correlations. Second, the effect of changing the blade mass distribution and blade chordwise center of gravity location on the 3/rev nonrotating frame hub loads was studied for a high-speed flight condition (mu = 0.37). Third, the use of higher harmonic control to reduce nonrotating frame 3/rev hub shear forces was investigated. The last two topics were theoretical studies only
Computing the vertices of tropical polyhedra using directed hypergraphs
We establish a characterization of the vertices of a tropical polyhedron
defined as the intersection of finitely many half-spaces. We show that a point
is a vertex if, and only if, a directed hypergraph, constructed from the
subdifferentials of the active constraints at this point, admits a unique
strongly connected component that is maximal with respect to the reachability
relation (all the other strongly connected components have access to it). This
property can be checked in almost linear-time. This allows us to develop a
tropical analogue of the classical double description method, which computes a
minimal internal representation (in terms of vertices) of a polyhedron defined
externally (by half-spaces or hyperplanes). We provide theoretical worst case
complexity bounds and report extensive experimental tests performed using the
library TPLib, showing that this method outperforms the other existing
approaches.Comment: 29 pages (A4), 10 figures, 1 table; v2: Improved algorithm in section
5 (using directed hypergraphs), detailed appendix; v3: major revision of the
article (adding tropical hyperplanes, alternative method by arrangements,
etc); v4: minor revisio
Tropical Fourier-Motzkin elimination, with an application to real-time verification
We introduce a generalization of tropical polyhedra able to express both
strict and non-strict inequalities. Such inequalities are handled by means of a
semiring of germs (encoding infinitesimal perturbations). We develop a tropical
analogue of Fourier-Motzkin elimination from which we derive geometrical
properties of these polyhedra. In particular, we show that they coincide with
the tropically convex union of (non-necessarily closed) cells that are convex
both classically and tropically. We also prove that the redundant inequalities
produced when performing successive elimination steps can be dynamically
deleted by reduction to mean payoff game problems. As a complement, we provide
a coarser (polynomial time) deletion procedure which is enough to arrive at a
simply exponential bound for the total execution time. These algorithms are
illustrated by an application to real-time systems (reachability analysis of
timed automata).Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure
The max-plus finite element method for solving deterministic optimal control problems: basic properties and convergence analysis
We introduce a max-plus analogue of the Petrov-Galerkin finite element method
to solve finite horizon deterministic optimal control problems. The method
relies on a max-plus variational formulation. We show that the error in the sup
norm can be bounded from the difference between the value function and its
projections on max-plus and min-plus semimodules, when the max-plus analogue of
the stiffness matrix is exactly known. In general, the stiffness matrix must be
approximated: this requires approximating the operation of the Lax-Oleinik
semigroup on finite elements. We consider two approximations relying on the
Hamiltonian. We derive a convergence result, in arbitrary dimension, showing
that for a class of problems, the error estimate is of order or , depending on the
choice of the approximation, where and are respectively the
time and space discretization steps. We compare our method with another
max-plus based discretization method previously introduced by Fleming and
McEneaney. We give numerical examples in dimension 1 and 2.Comment: 31 pages, 11 figure
Structural and aerodynamic loads and performance measurements of an SA349/2 helicopter with an advanced geometry rotor
A flight test program was conducted to obtain data from an upgraded Gazelle helicopter with an advanced geometry, three bladed rotor. Data were acquired on upper and lower surface chordwise blade pressure, blade bending and torsion moments, and fuselage structural loads. Results are presented from 16 individual flight conditions, including level flights ranging from 10 to 77 m/sec at 50 to 3000 m altitude, turning flights up to 2.0 g, and autorotation. Rotor aerodynamic data include information from 51 pressure transducers distributed chordwise at 75, 88, and 97% radial stations. Individual tranducer pressure coefficients and airfoil section lift and pitching moment coefficients are presented, as are steady state flight condition parameters and time dependence rotor loads. All dynamic data are presented as harmonic analysis coefficients
Combinatorial simplex algorithms can solve mean payoff games
A combinatorial simplex algorithm is an instance of the simplex method in
which the pivoting depends on combinatorial data only. We show that any
algorithm of this kind admits a tropical analogue which can be used to solve
mean payoff games. Moreover, any combinatorial simplex algorithm with a
strongly polynomial complexity (the existence of such an algorithm is open)
would provide in this way a strongly polynomial algorithm solving mean payoff
games. Mean payoff games are known to be in NP and co-NP; whether they can be
solved in polynomial time is an open problem. Our algorithm relies on a
tropical implementation of the simplex method over a real closed field of Hahn
series. One of the key ingredients is a new scheme for symbolic perturbation
which allows us to lift an arbitrary mean payoff game instance into a
non-degenerate linear program over Hahn series.Comment: v1: 15 pages, 3 figures; v2: improved presentation, introduction
expanded, 18 pages, 3 figure
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