432 research outputs found

    A flexible mathematical model for the planning and designing of a sporting fixture by considering the assignment of referees

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    Indexación: Scopus.This paper deals with the problems faced with the designing and planning of a sporting fixture considering correct referee assignments. A non-linear binary program model is proposed to solve the problems, which aims to minimize the sums of the differences that exist between the requirements of each match and the quality of the referee assigned achieving the design of the most adequate referee for each match. The efficiency of the proposed model is proved using some real data obtained from various fixtures for sports such as soccer, volleyball, and basketball. The mathematical model is solved by using CPLEX 12.7.0., which allows the automatic linearization of the problems. The results obtained demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methodology for tackling problems, as well as its extension to other sporting disciplines, which require a similar type of planning. Similarly, given the robust nature of the proposed model, it is possible to implement other objective functions in accordance with the requirements of each league. © 2019 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada.http://growingscience.com/beta/ijiec/2960-a-flexible-mathematical-model-for-the-planning-and-designing-of-a-sporting-fixture-by-considering-the-assignment-of-referees.htm

    Efficient heuristic algorithms for location of charging stations in electric vehicle routing problems

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    Indexación: Scopus.This work has been partially supported by CONICYT FONDECYT by grant 11150370, FONDEF IT17M10012 and the “Grupo de Logística y Transporte” at the Universidad del Bío-Bío.. This support is gratefully acknowledged.Eco-responsible transportation contributes at making a difference for companies devoted to product delivery operations. Two specific problems related to operations are the location of charging stations and the routing of electric vehicles. The first one involves locating new facilities on potential sites to minimise an objective function related to fixed and operational opening costs. The other one, electric vehicle routing problem, involves the consolidation of an electric-type fleet in order to meet a particular demand and some guidelines to optimise costs. It is determined by the distance travelled, considering the limited autonomy of the fleet, and can be restored by recharging its battery. The literature provides several solutions for locating and routing problems and contemplates restrictions that are closer to reality. However, there is an evident lack of techniques that addresses both issues simultaneously. The present article offers four solution strategies for the location of charging stations and a heuristic solution for fleet routing. The best results were obtained by applying the location strategy at the site of the client (relaxation of the VRP) to address the routing problem, but it must be considered that there are no displacements towards the recharges. Of all the other three proposals, K-means showed the best performance when locating the charging stations at the centroid of the cluster. © 2012-2018. National Institute for R and D in Informatics.https://sic.ici.ro/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Art.-8-Issue-1-2018-SIC.pd

    Quasi-one and two-dimensional transitions of gases adsorbed on nanotube bundles

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    Grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations have been performed to determine the adsorption behavior of Ar and Kr atoms on the exterior surface of a rope (bundle) consisting of many carbon nanotubes. The computed adsorption isotherms reveal phase transitions associated with the successive creation of quasi-one dimensional lines of atoms near and parallel to the intersection of two adjacent nanotubes.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, submitted to J. Chem. Phy

    Una comparación de algoritmos basados en trayectoria granular para el problema de localización y ruteo con flota heterogénea (LRPH)

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    Indexación: Scopus.We consider the Location-Routing Problem with Heterogeneous Fleet (LRPH) in which the goal is to determine the depots to be opened, the customers to be assigned to each open depot, and the corresponding routes fulfilling the demand of the customers and by considering a heterogeneous fleet. We propose a comparison of granular approaches of Simulated Annealing (GSA), of Variable Neighborhood Search (GVNS) and of a probabilistic Tabu Search (pGTS) for the LRPH. Thus, the proposed approaches consider a subset of the search space in which non-favorable movements are discarded regarding a granularity factor. The proposed algorithms are experimentally compared for the solution of the LRPH, by taking into account the CPU time and the quality of the solutions obtained on the instances adapted from the literature. The computational results show that algorithm GSA is able to obtain high quality solutions within short CPU times, improving the results obtained by the other proposed approaches.https://revistas.unal.edu.co/index.php/dyna/article/view/55533/5896

    Design of an Information System for optimizing the Programming of nursing work shifts

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    Health institutions operate twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. They face a demand that fluctuates daily. Unlike jobs with fixed hours and obligatory days off, in health, operational continuity is required. The allocation for nursing shifts generates a rotation of people for health services according to legal and casuistic guidelines. Assigning and planning shifts results in a workload that takes an average of five to six extra hours. Existing applications offer a partial solution because they do not consider the news and contingencies of a health service. A web application is presented that, given a list of nurses, historical shifts and restrictions, a work shift planning is generated. This application comes to support the current shift allocation method based on electronic spreadsheets. The development consists of two modules. The first module has a shift allocation algorithm developed in C ++ and the second module has a graphical interface. As a case study, a set of health services from Chile and Colombia was used. The services have a defined number of nurses, who work different shifts according to the role and need of the institution. The results obtained are similar to a historical one. The proposed system takes less time and delivers various files and parameters that can be useful for nurses, the service and the health institutio

    Simple Model of Capillary Condensation in porous media

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    We employ a simple model to describe the phase behavior of 4He and Ar in a hypothetical porous material consisting of a regular array of infinitely long, solid, parallel cylinders. We find that high porosity geometries exhibit two transitions: from vapor to film and from film to capillary condensed liquid. At low porosity, the film is replaced by a ``necking'' configuration, and for a range of intermediate porosity there are three transitions: from vapor to film, from film to necking and from necking to a capillary condensed phase.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    Bose-Einstein Condensation of Helium and Hydrogen inside Bundles of Carbon Nanotubes

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    Helium atoms or hydrogen molecules are believed to be strongly bound within the interstitial channels (between three carbon nanotubes) within a bundle of many nanotubes. The effects on adsorption of a nonuniform distribution of tubes are evaluated. The energy of a single particle state is the sum of a discrete transverse energy Et (that depends on the radii of neighboring tubes) and a quasicontinuous energy Ez of relatively free motion parallel to the axis of the tubes. At low temperature, the particles occupy the lowest energy states, the focus of this study. The transverse energy attains a global minimum value (Et=Emin) for radii near Rmin=9.95 Ang. for H2 and 8.48 Ang.for He-4. The density of states N(E) near the lowest energy is found to vary linearly above this threshold value, i.e. N(E) is proportional to (E-Emin). As a result, there occurs a Bose-Einstein condensation of the molecules into the channel with the lowest transverse energy. The transition is characterized approximately as that of a four dimensional gas, neglecting the interactions between the adsorbed particles. The phenomenon is observable, in principle, from a singular heat capacity. The existence of this transition depends on the sample having a relatively broad distribution of radii values that include some near Rmin.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figure

    Phellinus Species Inducing Hoja de Malvón Symptoms on Leaves and Wood Decay in Mature Field-Grown Grapevines

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    Hoja de malvón is a common vine wood disease widely spread in grape production areas of Argentina which causes wood necrosis, decline, and the death of plants. Leaves are smaller than normal and chlorotic, with margins curled downwards. A basidiomycete, provisionally classified as Phellinus sp., is the fungus most frequently isolated from infected plants. The aim of this study was to determine the pathogenicity of this fungus in field-grown grapevines and to clarify its taxonomic positioning. The trunks and branches of five 13-year-old grapevines cv. Riesling were infected on October 1994. Six years later some of the infected grapevines showed foliar symptoms of hoja de malvón. The inoculated fungus was reisolated with relatively high frequency, together with other fungi from different necrotic areas near the inoculation sites. The fungus under study was ascertained to belong to the Hymenochaetaceae family (Aphyllophorales, Basidiomycota). Further inoculations of a much greater number of plants and with various associated fungi like species of the genera Phaeoacremonium, Phaeomoniella and Botryosphaeria, will be conducted