34 research outputs found

    Airborne particulate matter monitoring in Kenya using calibrated low-cost sensors [final revised article]

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    East African countries face an increasing threat from poor air quality stemming from rapid urbanization, population growth, and a steep rise in fuel use and motorization rates. With few air quality monitoring systems available, this study provides much needed high temporal resolution data to investigate the concentrations of particulate matter (PM) air pollution in Kenya. Calibrated low-cost optical particle counters (OPCs) were deployed in Kenya in three locations: two in the capital Nairobi and one in a rural location in the outskirts of Nanyuki, which is upwind of Nairobi. The two Nairobi sites consist of an urban background site and a roadside site. The instruments were composed of an AlphaSense OPC-N2 ran with a Raspberry Pi low-cost microcomputer, packaged in a weather-proof box. Measurements were conducted over a 2-month period (February–March 2017) with an intensive study period when all measurements were active at all sites lasting 2 weeks. When collocated, the three OPCN2 instruments demonstrated good inter-instrument precision with a coefficient of variance of 8.8 ± 2.0 % in the fine particle fraction (PM2.5). The low-cost sensors had an absolute PM mass concentration calibration using a collocated gravimetric measurement at the urban background site in Nairobi. The mean daily PM1 mass concentration measured at the urban roadside, urban background and rural background sites were 23.9, 16.1 and 8.8 ”g m−3 , respectively. The mean daily PM2.5 mass concentration measured at the urban roadside, urban background and rural background sites were 36.6, 24.8 and 13.0 ”g m−3, respectively. The mean daily PM10 mass concentration measured at the urban roadside, urban background and rural background sites were 93.7, 53.0 and 19.5 ”g m−3, respectively. The urban measurements in Nairobi showed that PM concentrations regularly exceed WHO guidelines in both the PM10 and PM2.5 size ranges. Following a “Lenschow”-type approach we can estimate the urban and roadside increments that are applicable to Nairobi (Lenschow et al., 2001). The median urban increment is 33.1 ”g m−3 and the median roadside increment is 43.3 ”g m−3 for PM2.5. For PM1, the median urban increment is 4.7 ”g m−3 and the median roadside increment is 12.6 ”g m−3. These increments highlight the importance of both the urban and roadside increments to urban air pollution in Nairobi. A clear diurnal behaviour in PM mass concentration was observed at both urban sites, which peaks during the morning and evening Nairobi rush hours; this was consistent with the high roadside increment indicating that vehicular traffic is a dominant source of PM in the city, accounting for approximately 48.1 %, 47.5 % and 57.2 % of the total PM loading in the PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 size ranges, respectively. Collocated meteorological measurements at the urban sites were collected, allowing for an understanding of the location of major sources of particulate matter at the two sites. The potential problems of using low-cost sensors for PM measurement without gravimetric calibration available at all sites are discussed. This study shows that calibrated low-cost sensors can be successfully used to measure air pollution in cities like Nairobi. It demonstrates that low-cost sensors could be used to create an affordable and reliable network to monitor air quality in cities

    Demonstrating PM2.5 and road-side dust pollution by heavy metals along Thika superhighway in Kenya, sub-Saharan Africa

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    This study assessed the level of heavy metal in roadside dust and PM2.5 mass concentrations along Thika superhighway in Kenya. Thika superhighway is one of the busiest roads in Kenya, linking Thika town with Nairobi. Triplicate road dust samples collected from 12 locations were analysed for lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni), zinc (Zn), and copper (Cu) using atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). PM2.5 samples were collected on pre-weighed Teflon filters using a BGI personal sampler and the filters were then reweighed. The ranges of metal concentrations were 39–101 μg/g for Cu, 95–262 μg/g for Zn, 9–28 μg/g for Cd, 14–24 μg/g for Ni, 13–30 μg/g for Cr, and 20–80 μg/g for Pb. The concentrations of heavy metals were generally highly correlated, indicating a common anthropogenic source of the pollutants. The results showed that the majority of the measured heavy metals were above the background concentration, and in particular, Cd, Pb, and Zn levels indicated moderate to high contamination. Though not directly comparable due to different sampling timeframes (8 h in this study and 24 h for guideline values), PM2.5 for all sites exceeds the daily WHO PM2.5 guidelines of 25 μg/m3. This poses a health risk to people using and working close to Thika superhighway, for example, local residents, traffic police, street vendors, and people operating small businesses. PM2.5 levels were higher for sites closer to Nairobi which could be attributed to increased vehicular traffic towards Nairobi from Thika. This study provides some evidence of the air pollution problem arising from vehicular traffic in developing parts of the world and gives an indication of the potential health impacts. It also highlights the need for source apportionment studies to determine contributions of anthropogenic emissions to air pollution, as well as long-term sampling studies that can be used to fully understand spatiotemporal patterns in air pollution within developing regions

    Airborne particulate matter monitoring in Kenya using calibrated low cost sensors [discussion paper]

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    East African countries face an increasing threat from poor air quality, stemming from rapid urbanisation, population growth and a steep rise in fuel use and motorization rates. With few air quality monitoring systems available, this study provides the much needed high temporal resolution data to investigate the concentrations of particulate matter (PM) air pollution in Kenya. Calibrated low cost optical particle counters (OPCs) were deployed in Kenya in three locations: two in the capital of Nairobi and one in a rural location in the outskirts of Nanyuki, which is upwind of Nairobi. The two Nairobi sites consist of an urban background site and a roadside site. The instruments were composed of an Alphasense OPC-N2 optical particle counter (OPC) ran with a raspberry pi low cost microcomputer, packaged in a weather proof box. Measurements were conducted over a two-month period (February–March 2017) with an intensive study period when all measurements were active at all sites lasting two weeks. When collocated, the three OPC-N2 instruments demonstrated good inter-instrument precision with a coefficient of variance of 8.8±2.0% in the PM2.5 fraction. The low cost sensors had an absolute PM mass concentration calibration using a collocated gravimetric measurement at the urban background site in Nairobi. The mean daily PM1 mass concentration measured at the urban roadside, urban background and rural background sites were 23.9, 16.1, 8.8”gm−3. The mean daily PM2.5 mass concentration measured at the urban roadside, urban background and rural background sites were 36.6, 24.8, 13.0”gm−3. The mean daily PM10 mass concentration measured at the urban roadside, urban background and rural background sites were 93.7, 53.0, 19.5”gm−3. The urban measurements in Nairobi showed that particulate matter concentrations regularly exceed WHO guidelines in both the PM10 and PM2.5 size ranges. Following a Lenschow type approach we can estimate the urban and roadside increments that are applicable to Nairobi. Median urban and roadside increments are 33.1 and 43.3”gm−3 for PM10, respectively, the median urban and roadside increments are 7.1 and 18.3”gm−3 for PM2.5, respectively, and the median urban and roadside increments are 4.7 and 12.6”gm−3 for PM1, respectively. These increments highlight the importance of both the urban and roadside increments to urban air pollution in Nairobi. A clear diurnal behaviour in PM mass concentration was observed at both urban sites, which peaks during the morning and evening Nairobi rush hours; this was consistent with the high measured roadside increment indicating vehicular traffic being a dominant source of particulate matter in the city, accounting for approximately 48.1, 47.5, and 57.2% of the total particulate matter loading in the PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 size ranges, respectively. Collocated meteorological measurements at the urban sites were collected, allowing for an understanding of the location of major sources of particulate matter at the two sites. The potential problems of using low cost sensors for PM measurement without gravimetric calibration available at all sites are discussed. This study shows that calibrated low cost sensors can be used successfully to measure air pollution in cities like Nairobi. It demonstrates that low cost sensors could be used to create an affordable and reliable network to monitor air quality in cities

    Evaluation of the WRF and CHIMERE models for the simulation of PM₂.₅ in large East African urban conurbations

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    Urban conurbations of East Africa are affected by harmful levels of air pollution. The paucity of local air quality networks and the absence of the capacity to forecast air quality make difficult to quantify the real level of air pollution in this area. The CHIMERE chemistry transport model has been used along with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) meteorological model to run high-spatial-resolution (2 × 2 km) simulations of hourly concentrations of particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than 2.5 ”m (PM2.5) for three East African urban conurbations: Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, Nairobi in Kenya, and Kampala in Uganda. Two existing emission inventories were combined to test the performance of CHIMERE as an air quality model for a target monthly period in 2017, and the results were compared against observed data from urban, roadside, and rural sites. The results show that the model is able to reproduce hourly and daily temporal variabilities in aerosol concentrations that are close to observed values from urban, roadside, and rural environments. CHIMERE's performance as a tool for managing air quality was also assessed. The analysis demonstrated that, despite the absence of high-resolution data and up-to-date biogenic and anthropogenic emissions, the model was able to reproduce 66 %–99 % of the daily PM2.5 exceedances above the World Health Organization (WHO) 24 h mean PM2.5 guideline (25 ”g m−3) in the three cities. An analysis of the 24 h average PM2.5 levels was also carried out for 17 constituencies in the vicinity of Nairobi. This showed that 47 % of the constituencies in the area exhibited a poor Air Quality Index for PM2.5 that was in the unhealthy category for human health, thereby exposing between 10 000 and 30 000 people per square kilometre to harmful levels of air contamination

    Volatile Organic Compound Composition of Urban Air in Nairobi, Kenya and Lagos, Nigeria

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    Sub-Saharan Africa is seeing rapid urbanization, with the population of cities such as Lagos and Nairobi growing at a rate of 3–4% a year. The region is extremely under-sampled for all air pollutants, particularly VOCs, which are useful markers for source apportionment as well as toxic in their own right. There are many contributors to air pollution in the region, and studies examining fine particulate pollution implicate traffic as the primary source in urban areas. In this pilot study, VOCs were analysed at a selection of roadside and urban background locations in Nairobi and Lagos, and 74 VOCs were quantified. GC×GC–MS/FID analysis revealed all locations were dominated by hydrocarbons typical of vehicle emissions, with the aromatic hydrocarbons benzene and toluene among the most abundant VOCs. Typical personal exposure scenarios for citizens of the cities were calculated to far exceed those of a resident in a city in Europe/US. Finally, the calculated ozone forming potential of the VOCs measured was found to be similarly high to other large cities studied with similar air pollution problems. Further study is therefore essential to determine the full extent of VOC pollution in the region and its impact on tropospheric chemistry

    Effect of aerosol composition on the performance of low-cost optical particle counter correction factors

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    There is considerable interest in using low-cost optical particle counters (OPCs) to supplement existing routine air quality networks that monitor particle mass concentrations. In order to do this, low-cost OPC data need to be comparable with particle mass reference instrumentation; however, there is currently no widely agreed upon methodology to accomplish this. Aerosol hygroscopicity is known to be a key parameter to consider when correcting particle mass concentrations derived from low-cost OPCs, particularly at high ambient relative humidity (RH). Correction factors have been developed that apply Îș-Köhler theory to correct for the influence of water uptake by hygroscopic aerosols. We have used datasets of co-located reference particle measurements and low-cost OPC (OPC-N2, Alphasense) measurements, collected in four cities on three continents, to explore the performance of this correction factor. We provide evidence that the elevated particle mass concentrations, reported by the low-cost OPC relative to reference instrumentation, are due to bulk aerosol hygroscopicity under different RH conditions, which is determined by aerosol composition and, in particular, the levels of hygroscopic aerosols (sulfate and nitrate). We exploit measurements made in volcanic plumes in Nicaragua, which are predominantly composed of sulfate aerosol, as a natural experiment to demonstrate this behaviour in the ambient atmosphere; the observed humidogram from these measurements closely resembles the calculated pure sulfuric acid humidogram. The results indicate that the particle mass concentrations derived from low-cost OPCs during periods of high RH (>60 %) need to be corrected for aerosol hygroscopic growth. We employed a correction factor based on Îș-Köhler theory and observed that the corrected OPC-N2 PM2.5 mass concentrations were within 33 % of reference measurements at all sites. The results indicated that a Îș value derived in situ (using suitable reference instrumentation) would lead to the most accurate correction relative to co-located reference instruments. Applying a Îș values from the literature in the correction factor also resulted in improved OPC-N2 performance, with the measurements being within 50 % of the reference values. Therefore, for areas where suitable reference instrumentation for developing a local correction factor is lacking, using a literature Îș value can result in a reasonable correction. For locations with low levels of hygroscopic aerosols and low RH values, a simple calibration against gravimetric measurements (using suitable reference instrumentation) would likely be sufficient. Whilst this study generated correction factors specific for the Alphasense OPC-N2 sensor, the calibration methodology developed is likely amenable to other low-cost PM sensors