997 research outputs found

    A class of non-singular gravi-dilaton backgrounds

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    We present a class of static, spherically symmetric, non-singular solutions of the tree-level string effective action, truncated to first order in αâ€Č\alpha'. In the string frame the solutions approach asymptotically (at r→0r\to 0 and r→∞r\to \infty) two different anti-de Sitter configurations, thus interpolating between two maximally symmetric states of different constant curvature. The radial-dependent dilaton defines a string coupling which is everywhere finite, with a peak value that can be chosen arbitrarily small so as to neglect quantum-loop corrections. This example stresses the possible importance of finite-size αâ€Č\alpha' corrections, typical of string theory, in avoiding space-time singularities.Comment: 9 pages, LATEX, four figure included using EPSFIG. Essay written for the 1997 Awards of the Gravity Research Foundation, and selected for "Honorable Mention". To appear in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    String cosmology versus standard and inflationary cosmology

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    This paper presents a review of the basic, model-independent differences between the pre-big bang scenario, arising naturally in a string cosmology context, and the standard inflationary scenario. We use an unconventional approach in which the introduction of technical details is avoided as much as possible, trying to focus the reader's attention on the main conceptual aspects of both scenarios. The aim of the paper is not to conclude in favour either of one or of the other scenario, but to raise questions that are left to the reader's meditation. Warnings: the paper does not contain equations, and is not intended as a complete review of all aspects of string cosmology.Comment: 22 pages, Latex (IOP Style), three figures included using epsfig. To appear in Class. Quantum Grav. (Topical Review Section). Two misprints correcte

    Electromagnetic Origin of the CMB Anisotropy in String Cosmology

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    In the inflationary scenarios suggested by string theory, the vacuum fluctuations of the electromagnetic field can be amplified by the time-evolution of the dilaton background, and can grow large enough to explain both the origin of the cosmic magnetic fields and of the observed CMB anisotropy. The normalization of the perturbation spectrum is fixed, and implies a relation between the perturbation amplitude at the COBE scale and the spectral index nn. Working within a generic two-parameter family of backgrounds, a large scale anisotropy ΔT/T≃10−5\Delta T/T\simeq 10^{-5} is found to correspond to a spectral index in the range n≃1.11−1.17n\simeq 1.11 - 1.17.Comment: 11 pages, LATE

    Peak and end point of the relic graviton background in string cosmology

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    Using general arguments we determine the allowed region for the end point frequency and the peak energy density of the stochastic background of gravity waves expected in string cosmology. We provide an accurate estimate of the minimal experimental sensitivity required to detect a signal in the Hz to GHz range.Comment: 11 pages, LATEX, one figure included using eps. A complete collection of papers and references on the pre-big-bang scenario in string cosmology is available at http://www.to.infn.it/teorici/gasperini

    Time Gauge Fixing and Hilbert Space in Quantum String Cosmology

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    Recently the low-energy effective string theory has been used by Gasperini and Veneziano to elaborate a very interesting scenario for the early history of the universe (``birth of the universe as quantum scattering''). Here we investigate the gauge fixing and the problem of the definition of a global time parameter for this model, and we obtain the positive norm Hilbert space of states.Comment: 13 pages, Plain TEX, no figure

    Seeds of large-scale anisotropy in string cosmology

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    Pre-big bang cosmology predicts tiny first-order dilaton and metric perturbations at very large scales. Here we discuss the possibility that other -- more copiously generated -- perturbations may act, at second order, as scalar seeds of large-scale structure and CMB anisotropies. We study, in particular, the cases of electromagnetic and axionic seeds. We compute the stochastic fluctuations of their energy-momentum tensor and determine the resulting contributions to the multipole expansion of the temperature anisotropy. In the axion case it is possible to obtain a flat or slightly tilted blue spectrum that fits present data consistently, both for massless and for massive (but very light) axions.Comment: 27 pages, LATEX, one figure included using eps

    Constraints on pre-big bang models for seeding large-scale anisotropy by massive Kalb-Ramond axions

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    We discuss the conditions under which pre-big bang models can fit the observed large-scale anisotropy with a primordial spectrum of massive (Kalb--Ramond) axion fluctuations. The primordial spectrum must be sufficiently flat at low frequency and sufficiently steeper at high frequency. For a steep and/or long enough high-frequency branch of the spectrum the bounds imposed by COBE's normalization allow axion masses of the typical order for a Peccei--Quinn--Weinberg--Wilczek axion. We provide a particular example in which an appropriate axion spectrum is obtained from a class of backgrounds satisfying the low-energy string cosmology equations.Comment: 11 pages, revtex, two figures included using epsfig. An updated collection of papers on the pre-big bang scenario is available at http://www.to.infn.it/~gasperi

    Gauge-invariant gravitational wave modes in pre-big bang cosmology

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    The t<0 branch of pre-big bang cosmological scenarios is subject to a gravitational wave instability. The unstable behaviour of tensor perturbations is derived in a very simple way in Hwang's covariant and gauge-invariant formalism developed for extended theories of gravity. A simple interpretation of this instability as the effect of an "antifriction" is given, and it is argued that a universe must eventually enter the expanding phase.Comment: 4 pages, latex, to appear in Eur. Phys. J.
