7,363 research outputs found

    Zooplankton Community in The Waters of Lab Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science East Likupang North Minahasa

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the type, density, and community structure of the Zooplankton including the Diversity Index (H '), Dominance Index (C), and Evenness (e). Sampling was carried out on November 12, 2019, using planktonet to a depth of 10 m from sea level, and carried out vertically as much as 3 times at each sampling point. The results obtained were 22 genus 26 species in 3 classes, namely: Paracalanus sp, Rhincalanus sp, Calanus sp., Corycaeus sp., Acrocalanus sp., Oncaea sp., Oithona sp., Scolecithricella sp., Euterpina sp., Eurytemora sp., Centropages sp., Ctenocalanus sp., Eucalanus sp., Pseudocalanus sp., Microsetella sp., Nauplius sp., Squilla sp., Siriella sp., Pseudeuphausia sp., Nematocelis sp., Zoea., Solenocera sp. The highest relative density was found in Paracalanus sp which was 39.38%. The Diversity (H ') of zooplankton at two sampling points is classified as moderate. These values indicate the community of planktonic organisms in the areas of study is less diverse. And Dominance Index (C) shows that no species dominates the waters of East Likupang.Keywords: Community; Zooplankton; East Likupang; Domination; Diversity.AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis, kepadatan, dan  struktur komunitas Zooplankton seperti Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’), Indeks Dominansi (C), dan Keseragaman (e). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 12 November 2019 mengunakan planktonet sampai kedalaman 10 m dari permukaan laut, dilakukan secara vertikal sebanyak 3 kali pada setiap titik. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan diperoleh 22 genus 26 spesies dalam 3 kelas yaitu : Paracalanus sp, Rhincalanus sp, Calanus sp., Corycaeus sp,  Acrocalanus sp., Oncaea sp, Oithona sp., Scolecithricella sp., Euterpina sp., Eurytemora sp., Centropages sp., Ctenocalanus sp., Eucalanus sp., Pseudocalanus sp., Microsetella sp., Nauplius sp., Squilla sp., Siriella sp., Pseudeuphausia sp., Nematocelis sp., Zoea., Solenocera sp. Kepadatan Relatif tertinggi terdapat pada Paracalanus sp yakni 39.38%. Keanekaragaman (H’) zooplankton di dua titik tergolong sedang. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan komunitas organisme dalam kondisi yang kurang beragam. Dan Dominansi (C) menunjukkan tidak ada spesies yang mendominasi di perairan Likupang Timur.Kata kunci: Komunitas; Zooplankton; Likupang Timur; Dominasi; Keanekaragaman

    Zooplankton Community in the Waters of Lab Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science East Likupang North Minahasa

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui jenis, kepadatan, dan struktur komunitas Zooplankton seperti Indeks Keanekaragaman (H\u27), Indeks Dominansi (C), dan Keseragaman (e). Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada 12 November 2019 mengunakan planktonet sampai kedalaman 10 m dari permukaan laut, dilakukan secara vertikal sebanyak 3 kali pada setiap titik. Berdasarkan hasil pengamatan diperoleh 22 genus 26 spesies dalam 3 kelas yaitu : Paracalanus sp, Rhincalanus sp, Calanus sp., Corycaeus sp, Acrocalanus sp., Oncaea sp, Oithona sp., Scolecithricella sp., Euterpina sp., Eurytemora sp., Centropages sp., Ctenocalanus sp., Eucalanus sp., Pseudocalanus sp., Microsetella sp., Nauplius sp., Squilla sp., Siriella sp., Pseudeuphausia sp., Nematocelis sp., Zoea., Solenocera sp. Kepadatan Relatif tertinggi terdapat pada Paracalanus sp yakni 39.38%. Keanekaragaman (H\u27) zooplankton di dua titik tergolong sedang. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan komunitas organisme dalam kondisi yang kurang beragam. Dan Dominansi (C) menunjukkan tidak ada spesies yang mendominasi di perairan Likupang Timur

    The Abundance Of Sea Cucumber Species In The Waters Of The Wet Laboratory Of East Likupang, North Minahasa

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    Sea cucumbers, or Holothuroidea, are a class within the Echinodermata phylum. All organisms within this class possess characteristic spiny or knobbed skin composed of calcite particles. Several species of sea cucumber are internationally traded fishing commodities. The hunting of sea cucumbers is not only limited to the high-value species but also extends to lower-value species that initially garnered little attention. The sampling method used in this study began with a daytime location survey, followed by sample collection at night during the lowest tide, using a flashlight for illumination. All species of sea cucumbers found in the surveyed areas were collected. Following the collection, sorting was conducted where only two individuals of each morphological type, color, and other similar traits were kept, while the rest were returned to the waters. The sorted samples were then photographed for identification purposes, and to analyze the density of the discovered sea cucumber species, the number of individuals per suspected species was noted. The images of the collected samples were then compared with a guide for species identification. The World Register of Marine Species (WORMS) 2023 guide was used for this purpose. Subsequently, the number of individual species found was analyzed to determine the density of individuals and the abundance of sea cucumber species. The results of the identification process revealed 7 species with a total of 53 individuals. Keywords: Teripang, Holothuroidea, Likupang Abstrak Teripang atau Holothuroidea merupakan salah satu dari kelas Echinodermata. Semuah golongan organisme ini memiliki ciri kulit yang berduri atau yang berbintil atau tersusun dari sat-sat kapur. Beberapa jenis teripang merupakan komoditi perikanan yang diperdaganngkan secara Internasional. Perburuan teripang tidak saja pada jenis-jenis yang berharga mahal, tetapi juga pada jenis-jenis yang berharga murah yang pada awalnya tidak memiliki perhatian. Metode pengambilan sampel diawali dengan survei lokasi pada siang hari dan pengambilan sampel pada malam hari saat surut terendah dengan menggunakan senter sebagai alat penerang. Spesies yang diambil adalah semua jenis teripang yang ditemukan di perairan tesebut. Setelah teripang terkumpul dilanjutkan dengan penyortiran dimana hanya di ambil dua individu setiap bentuk morfologi, warna dan ciri lainnya yang sama. Sedangkan sisanya dikembalikan ke perairan. Sampel yang telah disortir, lalu difoto untuk keperluan iderntifikasi, kemudian untuk menganalisis kepadatan jenis teripang yang ditemukan dicatat jumlah individu setiap jenis yang điduga merupakan spesies/jenis yang sama. Sampel yang telah diambil foto/gambarnya dicocokkan dengan gambar panduan untuk identifikasi jenis. Panduan untuk mengidentifikasi digunakan WORMS (2023) Selanjutnya jumlah jenis individu yang ditemukan dianalisi untuk mendapatkan kepadatan individu dan kelimpahan spesies teripang. Hasil identifikasi ditemukan 7 spesies dengan jumlah 53 individu. Katakunci: Teripang, Holothuroidea, Likupang

    Effects of Temperature on the Toxicity to the Aquatic Biota of Waste Discharges - A Compilation of the Literature

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    An extensive compiliation and general evaluation of the literature is presented which describes the temperature interaction with toxicity. Recent literature is summarized and made accessible along with a few generalized relationships such that researchers may design studies in a manner that will increase the utility of their results. A detailed indexing system is employed which makes the information contained in the report accessible by author, toxicant, and text organism. Summary tables of the most pertinent literature are also presented for easy subject retrieval. It was concluded that very little uniformity in experimental design is found between experiments on temperature-toxicity relationships, and a generalized summary of the results presented in th eliterature is essentially impossible because of the inconsistencies in experimental designs. The utilization of standard bioassay procedures is highly recommened, and these procedures should be applied to experimental designs which allow the estimation of parameters related to the theoretical effects of temperature

    Lisbon Emoji and Emoticon Database (LEED): norms for emoji and emoticons in seven evaluative dimensions

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    The use of emoticons and emoji is increasingly popular across a variety of new platforms of online communication. They have also become popular as stimulus materials in scientific research. However, the assumption that emoji/emoticon users’ interpretations always correspond to the developers’/researchers’ intended meanings might be misleading. This article presents subjective norms of emoji and emoticons provided by everyday users. The Lisbon Emoji and Emoticon Database (LEED) comprises 238 stimuli: 85 emoticons and 153 emoji (collected from iOS, Android, Facebook, and Emojipedia). The sample included 505 Portuguese participants recruited online. Each participant evaluated a random subset of 20 stimuli for seven dimensions: aesthetic appeal, familiarity, visual complexity, concreteness, valence, arousal, and meaningfulness. Participants were additionally asked to attribute a meaning to each stimulus. The norms obtained include quantitative descriptive results (means, standard deviations, and confidence intervals) and a meaning analysis for each stimulus. We also examined the correlations between the dimensions and tested for differences between emoticons and emoji, as well as between the two major operating systems—Android and iOS. The LEED constitutes a readily available normative database (available at www.osf.io/nua4x) with potential applications to different research domains.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Growth Of Brown Algae, Padina australis, In The Coastal waters of Serei Village, West Likupang District, North Minahasa Regency

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    Marine algae is one resource that has important economic value because it has cagar, carrageen and alginate ontent (Indriani and Sumiarsih, 1999). In the world of science, the word algae comes from the Greek , algor which means cold (Nontji, 2002). Padina australis is a species of marine algae belong to Phaeophyta Division (brown algae) which is commonly found in marine waters, from shallow to deep waters. This algae has a wide transparent brown sheet or filament shape. This study was aimed to observe the growth of algae P. australis by using case study method where samples of Padina algae taken from nature were placed into basket as container for culturing. While the technique used is cultivation using basket; in order to determine the growth, algae was analyzed further by measuring the maximum weight of P. australis living without substrate. Some environmental factors such as temperature, salinity, depth and tides were recorded to see their impact on the growth of P. australis. Serei village is the location of the research on the growth of this P. australis. The result also records that P. australis can only live about three weeks and after that die. The growth of P. australis was greatest in the 8th container weighing 23 gr.Keywords: Growth, Padina australis, Desa Serei ABSTRAKAlga laut adalah salah satu sumberdaya yang mempunyai nilai ekonomis penting karena memiliki kandungan agar, karaginan dan alginat (Indriani dan Sumiarsih, 1999). Dalam dunia ilmu pengetahuan, alga berasal dari bahasa Yunani yaitu Algor yang berarti dingin (Nontji, 2002). Padina australis merupakan spesies alga laut dari Divisi Phaeophyta (alga cokelat) yang pada umumnya tersebar di perairan laut, mulai perairan laut dangkal hingga perairan dalam. Alga ini memiliki bentuk lembaran atau filamen yang lebar yang berwarna cokelat transparan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengamati pertumbuhan alga Padina australis lewat metode studi kasus dimana sampel alga Padina yang diambil dari alam  kemudian ditempatkan ke dalam keranjang sebagai wadah budidaya alga Padina australis. Sedangkan teknik yang digunakan adalah teknik budidaya dengan menggunakan keranjang. Pertumbuhan dianalisis berdasrakan pertambahan berat malsimum P. australis yang hidup tanpa substrat. Beberapa factor lingkungan antara lain suhu, salinitas, kedalaman dan pasang surut diukur untuk melihat dampaknya terhadap pertumbuhan P. australis. Desa Serei merupakan lokasi dilakukannya penelitian pertumbuhan alga P. australis ini. Setelah dilakukan pengamatan P. australis hanya bisa hidup sekitar tiga minggu dan setelah itu mati dan hancur. Pertumbuhan P. australis paling besar terjadi pada wadah ke-8 dengan berat 23 gr.                                                                                                                   Kata kunci : Pertumbuhan, Padina australis, Desa Sere

    Pertumbuhan Alga Cokelat Padina Australis Hauch Di Perairan Pesisir, Desa Kampung Ambon, Kecamatan Likupang Timur, Kabupaten Minahasa Utara

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    Alga laut adalah bagian terbesar dari tumbuhan laut, namun dari segi morfologi tumbuhan ini mempunyai perbedaan dengan tumbuhan-tumbuhan yang ada di daratan. Alga merupakan tumbuhan tingkat rendah yang tidak memiliki perbedaan susunan kerangka seperti alat pelekat (holdfast), batang (stipe) dan daun (blade) meskipun wujudnya tampak seperti ada perbedaan, tetapi sesungguhnya merupakan bentuk thallus belaka. Pemanfaatan rumput laut di Indonesia sendiri dimulai sejak tahun 1920 yang digunakan secara tradisional sebagai makanan seperti lalap, sayur dan manisan. Akan tetapi dengan berkembangnya ilmu pengetahuan, pemanfaatan alga laut ke arah komersial untuk diekspor semakin meningkat. Hal ini dikarenakan kandungan kimia yang terdapat dalam alga laut seperti agar dan karaginan yang terdapat pada alga merah, algin pada alga cokelat serta alga hijau yang merupakan sumber karbonat. Salah satu jenis alga laut cokelat yaitu Padina. Pada tahun 2014, telah dikembangkan produk anti-ageing oleh PT APRO yang bekerja sama dengan CEVA (Centre d‟Etude et de Valorisation des Algues) di Pleubian, Perancis yang berasal dari Padina australis yang dipanen dari Kawasan Timur Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat pertumbuhan alga cokelat Padina australis untuk menentukan waktu panen yang tepat untuk pengembangan budidaya

    Term Structure Models with Shot-noise Effects

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    This work proposes term structure models consisting of two parts: a part which can be represented in exponential quadratic form and a shot noise part. These term structure models allow for explicit expressions of various derivatives. In particular, they are very well suited for credit risk models. The goal of the paper is twofold. First, a number of key building blocks useful in term structure modelling are derived in closed-form. Second, these building blocks are applied to single and portfolio credit risk. This approach generalizes Duffie & Garleanu (2001) and is able to produce realistic default correlation and default clustering. We conclude with a specific model where all key building blocks are computed explicitly

    MobiSensA: development of a mobile APP for iSensA platform

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    “Copyright © 2018 IEEE. Reprinted from 13th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies (CISTI). ISBN: 978-989-98434-8-6. This material is posted here with permission of the IEEE. Internal or personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or redistribution must be obtained from the IEEE by writing to [email protected] choosing to view this document, you agree to all provisions of the copyright laws protecting it.”iSensA is a smart data acquisition system and Web platform for monitoring and analyzing real-time data of environments and devices in a wide range of areas. The Web platform allows centralized management of facilities, as well as real-time data visualization, historical analysis, alarm configuration and periodic reporting. To facilitate facility monitoring and event notification (anomalies and alerts), there is a need to develop an Android mobile application for the iSensA product, whose development process is presented in this paper.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Motives, frequency and attitudes toward emoji and emoticon use

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    Electronic Mediated Communication (EMC) has become highly prevalent in our daily lives. Many of the communication formats used in EMC are text-based (e.g., instant messaging), and users often include visual paralinguistic cues in their messages. In the current study, we examined the usage of two of such cues - emoji and emoticons. Specifically, we compared self-reported frequency of use, as well as attitudes (6 bipolar items, e.g., “fun” vs. “boring”) and motives for their usage (9 motives, e.g., “express how I feel to others”). We also examined these indicators according to age and gender. Overall, participants (N = 474, 72.6% women; Mage = 30.71, SD = 12.58) reported using emoji (vs. emoticons) more often, revealed more positive attitudes toward emoji usage, and identified more with motives to use them. Moreover, all the ratings were higher among younger (vs. older) participants. Results also showed that women reported to use emoji (but not emoticons) more often and expressed more positive attitudes toward their usage than men. However, these gender differences were particularly evident for younger participants. No gender differences were found for emoticons usage. These findings add to the emerging body of literature by showing the relevance of considering age and gender, and their interplay, when examining patterns of emoji and emoticons use.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio