215 research outputs found

    I-69 Finish Line: EPS Fill Under the Interstate

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    This presentation will look inside the unique design, analysis, and construction of the I-69 bridge structure at SR-252, which utilized expanded polystyrene (EPS) fill. We will discuss the design constraints, geotechnical challenges, and construction methods used to complete this challenging project and keep the I-69 Finish Line project in Martinsville on track for completion

    Neighborhood and community interactions determine the spatial pattern of tropical tree seedling survival

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    Factors affecting survival and recruitment of 3531 individually mapped seedlings of Myristicaceae were examined over three years in a highly diverse neotropical rain forest, at spatial scales of 1–9 m and 25 ha. We found convincing evidence of a community compensatory trend (CCT) in seedling survival (i.e., more abundant species had higher seedling mortality at the 25-ha scale), which suggests that density-dependent mortality may contribute to the spatial dynamics of seedling recruitment. Unlike previous studies, we demonstrate that the CCT was not caused by differences in microhabitat preferences or life history strategy among the study species. In local neighborhood analyses, the spatial autocorrelation of seedling survival was important at small spatial scales (1–5 m) but decayed rapidly with increasing distance. Relative seedling height had the greatest effect on seedling survival. Conspecific seedling density had a more negative effect on survival than heterospecific seedling density and was stronger and extended farther in rare species than in common species. Taken together, the CCT and neighborhood analyses suggest that seedling mortality is coupled more strongly to the landscape-scale abundance of conspecific large trees in common species and the local density of conspecific seedlings in rare species. We conclude that negative density dependence could promote species coexistence in this rain forest community but that the scale dependence of interactions differs between rare and common species

    Remarkable preservation of brain tissues in an Early Cretaceous iguanodontian dinosaur

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    It has become accepted in recent years that the fossil record can preserve labile tissues. Here we report highly detailed mineralisation of soft tissues associated with a naturally occurring brain endocast of an iguanodontian dinosaur, found in ~133 Ma fluvial sediments of the Wealden at Bexhill, Sussex, U.K. Moulding of the braincase wall, and mineral replacement of adjacent brain tissues by phosphates and carbonates, permits direct examination of petrified brain tissues. SEM imaging and CT-scanning reveal preservation of the tough membranes (meninges) that enveloped and supported the brain proper. Collagen strands of the meningeal layers are preserved in collophane. Blood vessels, also preserved in collophane, are either lined by, or infilled with, microcrystalline siderite. Meninges are preserved in the hindbrain region, and exhibit structural similarities with those of living archosaurs. Greater definition of the forebrain (cerebrum) compared to the hindbrain (cerebellar and medullary regions) is consistent with the anatomical and implied behavioural complexity previously described in iguanodontian-grade ornithopods. However, we caution that the observed proximity of probable cortical layers to the braincase walls likely results from settling of brain tissues against the roof of the braincase following inversion of the skull during decay and burial

    High-risk and multiple human papillomavirus (HPV) infections in cancer-free Jamaican women

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Vaccines, that target human papillomavirus (HPV) high risk genotypes 16 and 18, have recently been developed. This study was aimed at determining genotypes commonly found in high-risk and multiple-HPV infections in Jamaican women. Two hundred and fifty three (253) women were enrolled in the study. Of these, 120 pregnant women, aged 15–44 years, were recruited from the Ante Natal Clinic at the University Hospital of the West Indies and 116 non-pregnant, aged 19–83, from a family practice in Western Jamaica. Cervical cell samples were collected from the women and HPV DNA was detected using Polymerase Chain Reaction and Reverse Line Hybridization. HPV genotypes were assessed in 236 women. Data were collected from January 2003 to October 2006.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>HPV DNA was detected in 87.7% (207/236) and of these 80.2% were positive for high-risk types. The most common high-risk HPV types were: HPV 45 (21.7%), HPV 58 (18.8%), HPV 16 (18.4%), HPV 35 (15.0%), HPV 18 (14.5%), HPV 52 (12.0%) and HPV 51(11.1%). Other high-risk types were present in frequencies of 1.4% – 7.2%.</p> <p>Multivariate regression analyses showed that bacterial vaginosis predicted the presence of multiple infections (OR 3.51; CI, 1.26–9.82) and that alcohol use (OR 0.31; CI, 0.15–0.85) and age at first sexual encounter (12–15 years: OR 3.56; CI, 1.41–9.12; 16–19 years, OR 3.53, CI, 1.22–10.23) were significantly associated with high risk infections. Cervical cytology was normal in the majority of women despite the presence of high-risk and multiple infections.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>HPV genotype distribution in this group of Jamaican women differs from the patterns found in Europe, North America and some parts of Asia. It may be necessary therefore to consider development of other vaccines which target genotypes found in our and similar populations. HPV genotyping as well as Pap smears should be considered.</p

    Remarkable preservation of brain tissues in an Early Cretaceous iguanodontian dinosaur

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    It has become accepted in recent years that the fossil record can preserve labile tissues. We report here the highly detailed mineralization of soft tissues associated with a naturally occurring brain endocast of an iguanodontian dinosaur found in c. 133 Ma fluvial sediments of the Wealden at Bexhill, Sussex, UK. Moulding of the braincase wall and the mineral replacement of the adjacent brain tissues by phosphates and carbonates allowed the direct examination of petrified brain tissues. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) imaging and computed tomography (CT) scanning revealed preservation of the tough membranes (meninges) that enveloped and supported the brain proper. Collagen strands of the meningeal layers were preserved in collophane. The blood vessels, also preserved in collophane, were either lined by, or infilled with, microcrystalline siderite. The meninges were preserved in the hindbrain region and exhibit structural similarities with those of living archosaurs. Greater definition of the forebrain (cerebrum) than the hindbrain (cerebellar and medullary regions) is consistent with the anatomical and implied behavioural complexity previously described in iguanodontian-grade ornithopods. However, we caution that the observed proximity of probable cortical layers to the braincase walls probably resulted from the settling of brain tissues against the roof of the braincase after inversion of the skull during decay and burial

    Seasonality of reproduction in an ever-wet lowland tropical forest in Amazonian Ecuador

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    We thank Pablo Alvia, Alvaro Pérez, Zornitza Aguilar, Paola Barriga, Matt Priest, Caroline Whitefoord, and Gorky Villa for assistance in collecting data or identifying species; Elina Gomez for entry of trap data; Hugo Navarrete, Katya Romoleroux and the QCA herbarium staff, and David Lasso and the ECY staff for help with logistics and needed permitting; Rick Condit, Elizabeth Losos, Robin Foster, and Henrik Balslev for initial encouragement to work within the Yasuní Forest Dynamics Plot; Hugo Romero for initially summarizing the YFDP and SSP weather data sets; Pablo Jarrin for setting up the TEAM weather station, and David Lasso and Carlos Padilla for maintaining that equipment and making the data available; and the Ecuadorian Ministerio del Ambiente for permission to work in Yasuní National Park [No 014-2019-IC-PNY-DPAO/AVS, No 012-2018-IC-PNY593-DPAO/AVS, No 008-2017-IC-PNY-DPAO/AVS, No 012-2016-IC-FAU-FLO-DPAO-PNY, No 594-014-2015-FLO-MAE-DPAO-PNY, and earlier permits]. The Forest Dynamics Plot of Yasuní National Park has been made possible through the generous support of the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador (PUCE) funds of donaciones del impuesto a la renta, the Government of Ecuador, the US National Science Foundation, the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, and the University of Aarhus of Denmark. The phenology project began while NCG was at the Natural History Museum, London, with funding (2000–2004) from the Department of Botany (NHM), the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, British Airways, and the Natural Environment Research Council (GR9/04037). It continued with NCG at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (2005–2023). We thank the Center for Tropical Forest Science for transitional funding (2006–2008, 2017–2018) and the National Science Foundation LTREB program for long-term funding (2006–2020; DEB-0614525, DEB-1122634, DEB-1754632, DEB-1754668).Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    16-O-methylcafestol is present in ground roast Arabica coffees: Implications for authenticity testing

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    High-field and low-field proton NMR spectroscopy were used to analyse lipophilic extracts from ground roast coffees. Using a sample preparation method that produced concentrated extracts, a small marker peak at 3.16 ppm was observed in 30 Arabica coffees of assured origin. This signal has previously been believed absent from Arabicas, and has been used as a marker for detecting adulteration with robusta. Via 2D 600 MHz NMR and LC-MS, 16-O-methylcafestol and 16-O-methylkahweol were detected for the first time in Arabica roast coffee and shown to be responsible for the marker peak. Using low-field NMR, robusta in Arabica could be detected at levels of the order of 1-2% w/w. A surveillance study of retail purchased "100% Arabica" coffees found that 6 out of 60 samples displayed the 3.16 ppm marker signal to a degree commensurate with adulteration at levels of 3-30% w/w