388 research outputs found

    A new fungal isolates applicated to bovine skin in beamhouse processes

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    Content: Beamhouse area is an important step in leather technology, either in the final quality of the leather or in the contribution to the contamination of effluents. In unhairing process, the use of enzymes as sulphide assistants can reduce sulfhidric gas emissions to reach permitted levels for health. The characterization of enzymatic extracts allows controlling the proteolysis mechanism so that its action does not attack the reticular structure. A new fungal enzyme extracts were applied on submerged bovine skin in the soaking and unhairing steps. Fungal strains were isolated from alkaline soils of coast of Buenos Aires province and enzymatic extracts (EE) were obtained by submerged culture with bovine hair waste from hair-saving unhairing process as inducer in the production of keratinolytic enzymes. This activity was determined by quantitative test and the most productive strains were selected: Clonostachys rosea (CR), Emericellopsis minima (EM), Paecilomyces lilacinus (PL), Penicillium sp (Psp), Fusarium oxysporum (FO), Acremonium sp (A) and an unidentified filamentous fungus strain with sterile yellow mycelium (SYM). EE were tested at laboratory scale on submerged bovine skin with biocide 0,2% w/w wet skin, anionic 0,1% and non-ionic 0,5% tensioactives in soaking and unhairing respectively and incubated 48 h at 37°C in shaking thermostatic bath. Controls were tested in the same conditions without EE. Morphological changes in the skin were observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Pieces of bovine skin were fixed, post-fixed in formaldehyde 4% and dehydrated in alcohol solutions, treated by critical point drying, metalized and analyzed in SEM. It was observed with FO, EM and A extracts empty hair follicles, absence of epidermis, papillary layer of dermis exposed, hairs enclosed by detached hair follicle sheaths and collagen fibers without characteristic patterns. With PL and SYM EE some hairs were detached while Psp and CR EE did not produce changes. In control samples epidermis and hair without modification were observed. In the quantitative test, keratinolytic activities increased in the following order: A<PL<Psp<CR<FO<SYM. Submerged culture with keratin as inductor produced keratinolytic enzymes useful for unhairing step. Fusarium oxysporum extract showed the greatest effect on the skin, thus the relationship between keratinolytic activity and depilatory effect was found. However, it is necessary to find the optimal conditions to avoid the damage of collagen and enable its application as a sustainable technology. Take-Away: A new fungal isolates applicated to bovine skin in beamhouse processe

    The burden of mild cognitive impairment attributable to physical inactivity in Colombia

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    BACKGROUND: Mild cognitive impairment often precedes dementia. The purpose of this analysis was to estimate the population attributable fraction for physical activity in Colombia, which is the reduction in cases that would occur if all participants were physically active. METHODS: The sample included 20,174 men and women aged 70.04 +/- 7.68 years (mean +/- SD) from the National Survey of Health, Wellbeing and Ageing. Trained interviewers administered a shorter version of the mini-mental state examination and mild cognitive impairment was defined as a score of 12 or less out of 19. Logistic regression models were fitted and population attributable fractions for physical activity were calculated. All analyses were adjusted for age, sex, height, education, income, civil status, smoking, and alcohol drinking. RESULTS: The prevalence of physical activity was approximately 50% when defined as walking between 9 and 20 blocks at least three times per week. Theoretically, 19% of cases of mild cognitive impairment would be eliminated if all adults were to walk (95% confidence interval: 16%, 22%). The prevalence was approximately 20% when defined as taking part in vigorous sport or exercise at least three times per week. Theoretically, 23% of cases of mild cognitive impairment would be eliminated if all adults were to take part in vigorous sport or exercise (16%, 30%). Similar results were observed after removing those who reported mental health problems. CONCLUSION: Physical activity, whether walking or vigorous sport and exercise, has the potential to substantially reduce the burden of mild cognitive impairment in Colombia

    Introduction of Aedes albopictus into a La Crosse virus--enzootic site in Illinois.

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    In late summer and fall 1997, Aedes albopictus mosquitoes were found in Peoria, Illinois, a long recognized focus of La Crosse virus transmission. Larvae were found in tires and other artificial containers, biting adults were recovered, and eggs were collected in oviposition traps within a 25-ha area. One chipmunk trapped < 0.25 km from the infested area tested positive for neutralizing antibodies against La Crosse virus


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    Negli ultimi anni l’attenzione del consumatore si Ăš sempre piĂč orientata verso le caratteristiche nutrizionali degli alimenti. Queste proprietĂ  sono di grande importanza anche per quanto riguarda le produzioni dei piccoli ruminanti. Il presente lavoro ha lo scopo di riassumere i principali risultati emersi dal progetto di ricerca “Aspetti della produzione dei piccoli ruminanti con particolare impatto sulla salute umana”. Sono stati analizzati mediante i metodi descritti in letteratura: 1) i polimorfismi genetici dei biopeptidi del latte dei piccoli ruminanti; 2) le attivitĂ  di alcuni enzimi della membrana del globulo di grasso e la frazione lipidica del latte ovino; 3) la qualitĂ  nutrizionale del latte e del formaggio ovino in relazione all’intensitĂ  di pascolamento; 4) le componenti bioattive di siero e scotta residui alla produzione dei formaggi ovi-caprini; 5) la resistenza genetica alle encefalopatie spongiformi trasmissibili e l’efficienza economica e biologica in razze ovine. I risultati ottenuti evidenziano, da svariati punti di vista, numerose potenzialitĂ  legate alle produzioni dei piccoli ruminanti e alle loro ricadute sulla salute umana

    Resonant Rayleigh scattering of exciton-polaritons in multiple quantum wells

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    A theoretical concept of resonant Rayleigh scattering (RRS) of exciton-polaritons in multiple quantum wells (QWs) is presented. The optical coupling between excitons in different QWs can strongly affect the RRS dynamics, giving rise to characteristic temporal oscillations on a picosecond scale. Bragg and anti-Bragg arranged QW structures with the same excitonic parameters are predicted to have drastically different RRS spectra. Experimental data on the RRS from multiple QWs show the predicted strong temporal oscillations at small scattering angles, which are well explained by the presented theory

    The ateneo as an effective model of continuing professional development:Findings from southern Argentina

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    Despite a sustainable research interest in different forms of teachers’ professional development, scant international attention has been paid to forms of professional development which are implemented in South America. Based on a qualitative research design, this study explores the impact of the ateneo as an innovative model of continuing professional development. An ateneo is a model which supports teacher reflection and change in teaching practices by concentrating on context-responsive practical issues such as lesson planning and delivery. The study was carried out with 22 teachers of English as a foreign language in southern Argentina. Data were gathered through the teachers’ lesson plans, whole group discussions, and the teachers’ final assignments to receive credits for completion of the ateneo. Drawing on thematic analysis, the participants envisaged the ateneo as a practice-oriented, dynamic, interaction-based, and personal as well as collective space for developing teaching skills and professional knowledge. In particular, findings show that the participants exhibited an improvement in lesson contextualization, sequencing and transitioning, maximization of resources, class time management, and reflective teaching. The study argues that the ateneo became successful given the shared teacher identity among the participants and the course tutors and the explicit focus on the teachers’ daily practices

    Discovery of new globular clusters in the Sagittarius dwarf galaxy

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    © ESO 2021. Published by EDP Sciences. This is the accepted manuscript version of an article which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/202140395Context. Globular clusters (GCs) are witnesses of the past accretion events onto the Milky Way. In particular, the GCs of the Sagittarius (Sgr) dwarf galaxy are important probes of an on-going merger. Aims. Our main goal is to search for new GC members of this dwarf galaxy using the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea Extended Survey (VVVX) near-infrared database combined with the Gaia Early Data Release 3 (EDR3) optical database. Methods. We investigated all VVVX-enabled discoveries of GC candidates in a region covering about 180 sq. deg. toward the bulge and the Sgr dwarf galaxy. We used multiband point-spread function photometry to obtain deep color-magnitude diagrams (CMDs) and luminosity functions (LFs) for all GC candidates, complemented by accurate Gaia-EDR3 proper motions (PMs) to select Sgr members and variability information to select RR Lyrae which are potential GC members. Results. After applying a strict PM cut to discard foreground bulge and disk stars, the CMDs and LFs for some of the GC candidates exhibit well defined red giant branches and red clump giant star peaks. We selected the best Sgr GCs, estimating their distances, reddenings, and associated RR Lyrae. Conclusions. We discover 12 new Sgr GC members, more than doubling the number of GCs known in this dwarf galaxy. In addition, there are 11 other GC candidates identified that are uncertain, awaiting better data for confirmation.Peer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Adaptively Transforming Graph Matching

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    Recently, many graph matching methods that incorporate pairwise constraint and that can be formulated as a quadratic assignment problem (QAP) have been proposed. Although these methods demonstrate promising results for the graph matching problem, they have high complexity in space or time. In this paper, we introduce an adaptively transforming graph matching (ATGM) method from the perspective of functional representation. More precisely, under a transformation formulation, we aim to match two graphs by minimizing the discrepancy between the original graph and the transformed graph. With a linear representation map of the transformation, the pairwise edge attributes of graphs are explicitly represented by unary node attributes, which enables us to reduce the space and time complexity significantly. Due to an efficient Frank-Wolfe method-based optimization strategy, we can handle graphs with hundreds and thousands of nodes within an acceptable amount of time. Meanwhile, because transformation map can preserve graph structures, a domain adaptation-based strategy is proposed to remove the outliers. The experimental results demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art graph matching algorithms
