12 research outputs found

    Procesado de potencia y arquitecturas eléctricas adaptadas para aplicaciones de harvesting en baja tensión. Power processing and electricla architectures adapted to low-voltage harvesting-based applications

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    En aquest treball es presenta l'anàlisi, disseny i realització d'un sistema per a la recollida d'energia undimotriu de baixa potència, és a dir, extreure petita energia de les onades de la mar per a l'alimentació d'un equip autònom alimentat per bateria.Aquest sistema consta d'un captador d'energia flotant, i d'una etapa processadora d'energia per interconnectar l'element captador amb la bateria de el sistema. El captador d'energia és un dispositiu articulat realitzat en fusta i conté tres transductors inductius interconnectats entre si. Després de la introducció i l'estat de l'art, la tesi comença examinant diversos dispositius comercials de captació d'energia, després, presenta el transductor inductiu desenvolupat, el sistema de recollida articulada, els processadors d'energia estudiats, i després de les simulacions i verificacions experimentals corresponents , conclusions i línies futures de treball. Per extreure petites quantitats d'energia de les onades de la mar, aquest prototip, coordina el moviment de tres imants interns a tres bobines individuals interconnectades elèctricament entre si. Aprofitant la pujada i baixada de les onades de la mar, es produeix un moviment oscil·lant lineal de cada imant a l'interior de l'transductor (bobina) que genera un pols elèctric induït a la bobina. L'energia així recol·lectada s'emmagatzemarà en una bateria la qual alimentarà un sistema autònom, per exemple, un equip de telemetria, estació meteorològica, etc., situada a alta mar. Per maximitzar l'energia recol·lectada, es requereix d'un circuit interfície que adapti la impedància entre el conjunt de transductors que forma el generador i la bateria de el sistema. Es proposen dos circuits convertidors DC / DC, un Híbrid Buck-Boost (HBB) i un convertidor SEPIC com circuits adaptadors d'impedància. Tots dos convertidors es controlaran en mode lliscant, així doncs, els convertidors es comportaran com una resistència lliure de pèrdues (LFR-Loss Free Resistor), la impedància d'entrada està regulada per a que coincideixi amb la impedància de sortida de el generador. Després d’estudi i anàlisis teòriques, s’ofereixen diversos resultats de simulació i experimentació que permeten comparar el rendiment d’ambdós circuits adaptadors.En este trabajo se presenta el análisis, diseño y realización de un sistema para la recolección de energía undimotriz de baja potencia, es decir, extraer pequeña energía de las olas del mar para la alimentación de un equipo autónomo alimentado por batería. Este sistema consta de un captador de energía flotante, y de una etapa procesadora de energía para interconectar el elemento captador con la batería del sistema. El captador de energía es un dispositivo articulado realizado en madera y contiene tres transductores inductivos interconectados entre sí. Tras la introducción y el estado del arte, la tesis comienza examinando diversos dispositivos comerciales de captación de energía, después, presenta el transductor inductivo desarrollado, el sistema de recolección articulada, los procesadores de energía estudiados, y después de las simulaciones y verificaciones experimentales correspondientes, conclusiones y líneas futuras de trabajo. Para extraer pequeñas cantidades de energía de las olas del mar, este prototipo, coordina el movimiento de tres imanes internos a tres bobinas individuales interconectadas eléctricamente entre sí. Aprovechando la subida y bajada de las olas del mar, se produce un movimiento oscilante lineal de cada imán en el interior del transductor (bobina) que genera un pulso eléctrico inducido en la bobina. La energía así recolectada se almacenará en una batería la cual alimentará un sistema autónomo, por ejemplo, un equipo de telemetría, estación meteorológica, etc., situada en alta mar. Para maximizar la energía recolectada, se requiere de un circuito interfaz que adapte la impedancia entre el conjunto de transductores que forma el generador y la batería del sistema. Se proponen dos circuitos convertidores DC/DC, uno Híbrido Buck-Boost (HBB) y un convertidor SEPIC como circuitos adaptadores de impedancia. Ambos convertidores se controlarán en modo deslizante, así pues, los convertidores se comportaran como una resistencia libre de pérdidas (LFR-Loss Free Resistor), cuya impedancia de entrada está regulada para que coincida con la impedancia de salida del generador. Después del estudio y análisis teórico, se ofrecen varios resultados de simulación y experimentales que permiten comparar el rendimiento de ambos circuitos adaptadores.In this work, the analysis, design and realization of a system for the collection of low-energy wave energy for the feeding of an autonomous battery-powered equipment is presented. This system consists of a floating energy sensor, and an energy processing stage to interconnect the sensor element with the system battery. The energy collector is an articulated device made of wood and contains three inductive transducers interconnected with each other. After this introduction and the state of the art, the thesis begins by examining various commercial energy collection devices, then introducing the developed inductive transducer, the articulated collection system, then the energy processors studied, and after the corresponding simulations and verifications experimental, future conclusions and lines of work are addressed. To extract small amounts of energy from the waves of the sea, this prototype, coordinates the movement of three internal magnets to three individual coils electrically interconnected with each other. Taking advantage of the rise and fall of sea waves, there is a linear oscillating movement of each magnet inside the transducer (coil) that generates an induced electrical pulse in the coil. The energy harvested by the developed prototype will be stored in a battery and can be used as the energy source of a self-powered autonomous electrical system like for example a telemetry equipment, a weather station, etc., located on the high seas. In order to maximize the energy harvested by this process, an impedance matching interface circuit between the battery and the transducers (energy generator) must be developed. Two DC-DC converters, a hybrid Buck-Boost (HBB) converter and a SEPIC converter are proposed in this work as impedance matching circuits. Both converters will be controlled in sliding mode. Hence, the converters will behave as a Loss Free Resistor (LFR) where the input impedance is regulated to match the output impedance of the generator. Several simulated and experimental results have been obtained based on the previous theoretical analysis of the proposed system. Based on this results, a comparison between the performance of both impedance matching circuits has been carried out

    Analysis of Sliding-mode controlled impedance matching circuits for inductive harvesting devices

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    A sea-wave energy harvesting, articulated device is presented in this work. This hand-made, wooden device is made combining the coil windings of an array of three single transducers. Taking advantage of the sea waves sway, a linear oscillating motion is produced in each transducer generating an electric pulse. Magnetic fundamentals are used to deduce the electrical model of a single transducer, a solenoid-magnet device, and after the model of the whole harvesting array. The energy obtained is stored in a battery and is used to supply a stand-alone system pay-load, for instance a telecom relay or weather station. To maximize the harvested energy, an impedance matching circuit between the generator array and the system battery is required. Two dc-to-dc converters, a buck-boost hybrid cell and a Sepic converter are proposed as impedance adaptors. To achieve this purpose, sliding mode control laws are introduced to impose a loss free resistor behavior to the converters. Although some converters operating at discontinuous conduction mode, like the buck-boost converter, can exhibit also this loss free resistor behavior, they usually require a small input voltage variation range. By means of sliding mode control the loss free resistor behavior can be assured for any range of input voltage variation. After the theoretical analysis, several simulation and experimental results to compare both converters performance are given

    Intregrated transcriptome, methylome and smallRNA profile analysis of a geminivirus infection

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    Geminiviruses constitute the largest family of plant-infecting viruses with small, single- stranded DNA genomes that replicate through double-stranded DNA intermediates. Because of their limited coding capacity, geminiviruses use plant nuclear machiney to amplify their genomes, which are packaged into nucleosomes forming chromatin as multiple circular minichromosomes. Thus, viral minichromosomes must encounter the nuclear pathways that regulate host gene expression and chromatin states. DNA methylation and post-transcriptional gene silencing play critical roles in controlling infection of geminiviruses and this pathogen can counteract these host defense mechanisms and promote its infectivity. To better understand this virus-host interaction at a genetic and epigenetic level we have analysed the transcriptome, sRNA profile and methylome of tomato plants infected with the geminivirus, TYLCV (Tomato yellow leaf curl virus). Total RNA and DNA was extracted from tomato–infected plants (three biological replicates) and analysed at 2, 7, 14 and 21 days pots-infection (dpi). Analysis of the changes in host transcription during the infection and its correlation with changes in sRNA profiles and DNA methylation will be discussed/shown. This work represents the first comprehensive study of the genetic and epigenetics interactions established during a geminivirus infection in its natural host.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Everolimus plus minimized tacrolimus on kidney function in liver transplantation: REDUCE, a prospective, randomized controlled study

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    Background and aim: reduction in calcineurin inhibitor levels is considered crucial to decrease the incidence of kidney dysfunction in liver transplant (LT) recipients. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and impact of everolimus plus reduced tacrolimus (EVR + rTAC) vs. mycophenolate mofetil plus tacrolimus (MMF + TAC) on kidney function in LT recipients from Spain. Methods: the REDUCE study was a 52-week, multicenter, randomized, controlled, open-label, phase 3b study in de novo LT recipients. Eligible patients were randomized (1:1) 28 days post-transplantation to receive EVR + rTAC (TAC levels <_ 5 ng/mL) or to continue with MMF + TAC (TAC levels = 6-10 ng/mL). Mean estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), clinical benefit in renal function, and safety were evaluated. Results: in the EVR + rTAC group (n = 105), eGFR increased from randomization to week 52 (82.2 [28.5] mL/min/1.73 m2 to 86.1 [27.9] mL/min/1.73 m2) whereas it decreased in the MMF + TAC (n = 106) group (88.4 [34.3] mL/min/1.73 m2 to 83.2 [25.2] mL/min/1.73 m2), with significant (p < 0.05) differences in eGFR throughout the study. However, both groups had a similar clinical benefit regarding renal function (improvement in 18.6 % vs. 19.1 %, and stabilization in 81.4 % vs. 80.9 % of patients in the EVR + rTAC vs. MMF + TAC groups, respectively). There were no significant differences in the incidence of acute rejection (5.7 % vs. 3.8 %), deaths (5.7 % vs. 2.8 %), and serious adverse events (51.9 % vs. 44.0 %) between the 2 groups. Conclusion: EVR + rTAC allows a safe reduction in tacrolimus exposure in de novo liver transplant recipients, with a significant improvement in eGFR but without significant differences in renal clinical benefit 1 year after liver transplantation

    Early- versus late-onset systemic sclerosis. Differences in clinical presentation and outcome in 1037 patients

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    Peak age at onset of systemic sclerosis (SSc) is between 20 and 50 years, although SSc is also described in both young and elderly patients. We conducted the present study to determine if age at disease onset modulates the clinical characteristics and outcome of SSc patients. The Spanish Scleroderma Study Group recruited 1037 patients with a mean follow-up of 5.2 ± 6.8 years. Based on the mean ± 1 standard deviation (SD) of age at disease onset (45 ± 15 yr) of the whole series, patients were classified into 3 groups: age ≤ 30 years (early onset), age between 31 and 59 years (standard onset), and age ≥ 60 years (late onset). We compared initial and cumulative manifestations, immunologic features, and death rates. The early-onset group included 195 patients; standard-onset group, 651; and late-onset, 191 patients. The early-onset group had a higher prevalence of esophageal involvement (72% in early-onset compared with 67% in standard-onset and 56% in late-onset; p = 0.004), and myositis (11%, 7.2%, and 2.9%, respectively; p = 0.009), but a lower prevalence of centromere antibodies (33%, 46%, and 47%, respectively; p = 0.007). In contrast, late-onset SSc was characterized by a lower prevalence of digital ulcers (54%, 41%, and 34%, respectively; p < 0.001) but higher rates of heart conduction system abnormalities (9%, 13%, and 21%, respectively; p = 0.004). Pulmonary hypertension was found in 25% of elderly patients and in 12% of the youngest patients (p = 0.010). After correction for the population effects of age and sex, standardized mortality ratio was shown to be higher in younger patients. The results of the present study confirm that age at disease onset is associated with differences in clinical presentation and outcome in SSc patients

    Procesado de potencia y arquitecturas eléctricas adaptadas para aplicaciones de harvesting en baja tensión. Power processing and electricla architectures adapted to low-voltage harvesting-based applications

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    En aquest treball es presenta l'anàlisi, disseny i realització d'un sistema per a la recollida d'energia undimotriu de baixa potència, és a dir, extreure petita energia de les onades de la mar per a l'alimentació d'un equip autònom alimentat per bateria.Aquest sistema consta d'un captador d'energia flotant, i d'una etapa processadora d'energia per interconnectar l'element captador amb la bateria de el sistema. El captador d'energia és un dispositiu articulat realitzat en fusta i conté tres transductors inductius interconnectats entre si. Després de la introducció i l'estat de l'art, la tesi comença examinant diversos dispositius comercials de captació d'energia, després, presenta el transductor inductiu desenvolupat, el sistema de recollida articulada, els processadors d'energia estudiats, i després de les simulacions i verificacions experimentals corresponents , conclusions i línies futures de treball. Per extreure petites quantitats d'energia de les onades de la mar, aquest prototip, coordina el moviment de tres imants interns a tres bobines individuals interconnectades elèctricament entre si. Aprofitant la pujada i baixada de les onades de la mar, es produeix un moviment oscil·lant lineal de cada imant a l'interior de l'transductor (bobina) que genera un pols elèctric induït a la bobina. L'energia així recol·lectada s'emmagatzemarà en una bateria la qual alimentarà un sistema autònom, per exemple, un equip de telemetria, estació meteorològica, etc., situada a alta mar. Per maximitzar l'energia recol·lectada, es requereix d'un circuit interfície que adapti la impedància entre el conjunt de transductors que forma el generador i la bateria de el sistema. Es proposen dos circuits convertidors DC / DC, un Híbrid Buck-Boost (HBB) i un convertidor SEPIC com circuits adaptadors d'impedància. Tots dos convertidors es controlaran en mode lliscant, així doncs, els convertidors es comportaran com una resistència lliure de pèrdues (LFR-Loss Free Resistor), la impedància d'entrada està regulada per a que coincideixi amb la impedància de sortida de el generador. Després d’estudi i anàlisis teòriques, s’ofereixen diversos resultats de simulació i experimentació que permeten comparar el rendiment d’ambdós circuits adaptadors.En este trabajo se presenta el análisis, diseño y realización de un sistema para la recolección de energía undimotriz de baja potencia, es decir, extraer pequeña energía de las olas del mar para la alimentación de un equipo autónomo alimentado por batería. Este sistema consta de un captador de energía flotante, y de una etapa procesadora de energía para interconectar el elemento captador con la batería del sistema. El captador de energía es un dispositivo articulado realizado en madera y contiene tres transductores inductivos interconectados entre sí. Tras la introducción y el estado del arte, la tesis comienza examinando diversos dispositivos comerciales de captación de energía, después, presenta el transductor inductivo desarrollado, el sistema de recolección articulada, los procesadores de energía estudiados, y después de las simulaciones y verificaciones experimentales correspondientes, conclusiones y líneas futuras de trabajo. Para extraer pequeñas cantidades de energía de las olas del mar, este prototipo, coordina el movimiento de tres imanes internos a tres bobinas individuales interconectadas eléctricamente entre sí. Aprovechando la subida y bajada de las olas del mar, se produce un movimiento oscilante lineal de cada imán en el interior del transductor (bobina) que genera un pulso eléctrico inducido en la bobina. La energía así recolectada se almacenará en una batería la cual alimentará un sistema autónomo, por ejemplo, un equipo de telemetría, estación meteorológica, etc., situada en alta mar. Para maximizar la energía recolectada, se requiere de un circuito interfaz que adapte la impedancia entre el conjunto de transductores que forma el generador y la batería del sistema. Se proponen dos circuitos convertidores DC/DC, uno Híbrido Buck-Boost (HBB) y un convertidor SEPIC como circuitos adaptadores de impedancia. Ambos convertidores se controlarán en modo deslizante, así pues, los convertidores se comportaran como una resistencia libre de pérdidas (LFR-Loss Free Resistor), cuya impedancia de entrada está regulada para que coincida con la impedancia de salida del generador. Después del estudio y análisis teórico, se ofrecen varios resultados de simulación y experimentales que permiten comparar el rendimiento de ambos circuitos adaptadores.In this work, the analysis, design and realization of a system for the collection of low-energy wave energy for the feeding of an autonomous battery-powered equipment is presented. This system consists of a floating energy sensor, and an energy processing stage to interconnect the sensor element with the system battery. The energy collector is an articulated device made of wood and contains three inductive transducers interconnected with each other. After this introduction and the state of the art, the thesis begins by examining various commercial energy collection devices, then introducing the developed inductive transducer, the articulated collection system, then the energy processors studied, and after the corresponding simulations and verifications experimental, future conclusions and lines of work are addressed. To extract small amounts of energy from the waves of the sea, this prototype, coordinates the movement of three internal magnets to three individual coils electrically interconnected with each other. Taking advantage of the rise and fall of sea waves, there is a linear oscillating movement of each magnet inside the transducer (coil) that generates an induced electrical pulse in the coil. The energy harvested by the developed prototype will be stored in a battery and can be used as the energy source of a self-powered autonomous electrical system like for example a telemetry equipment, a weather station, etc., located on the high seas. In order to maximize the energy harvested by this process, an impedance matching interface circuit between the battery and the transducers (energy generator) must be developed. Two DC-DC converters, a hybrid Buck-Boost (HBB) converter and a SEPIC converter are proposed in this work as impedance matching circuits. Both converters will be controlled in sliding mode. Hence, the converters will behave as a Loss Free Resistor (LFR) where the input impedance is regulated to match the output impedance of the generator. Several simulated and experimental results have been obtained based on the previous theoretical analysis of the proposed system. Based on this results, a comparison between the performance of both impedance matching circuits has been carried out

    Global analysis of the geminivirus tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) genome expression and DNA methylation during infection in tomato plants

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    Geminiviruses are the plant largest family of DNA viruses that cause devastating diseases in crops worldwide. Upon the infection, viral genomes and transcripts are targeted by the plant gene silencing machinery, that processes the viral transcripts into viral small interfering RNAs (vsRNAs) and directs viral DNA methylation. To counteract these plant responses, geminiviruses encode proteins that are able to supress both, post-transcriptional and transcriptional gene silencing. To get an insight into geminiviral infection, the transcriptional and DNA methylation landscape of the geminivirus TYLCV (Tomato yellow leaf curl virus) from tomato-infected leaves, was characterized for the first time at high coverage by Illumina high-throughput sequencing during a time course infection. Three week-old tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum cv. Moneymaker) were infected with TYLCV by agroinoculation or using its natural vector, the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. RNA and DNA were extracted from samples collected at 2, 7, 14 and 21 dpi (days post ingfection) and RNAseq, smallRNAseq and WGBS (Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing) was performed. We will present the RNA and vsRNA expression profiles along the infection and the complete DNA methylation landscape of a geminivirus by both inoculation methods, discussing the correlation with viral transcripts, vsRNA and viral DNA accumulation.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech