1,055 research outputs found

    Evaluating seawater quality objectives: Application to the Andalusian littoral

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    The University of Cadiz (southern Spain) and the Andalusian Environmental Agency (AMA) have signed an agreement to draw up a proposal of quality objectives for Andalusian littoral waters in accordance with the classification of zones approved in the Andalusian Littoral Waters Quality Objectives Regulations (Decree 14/1996, 01-16-1996, BOJA no. 19, 02-08-1996). The present paper reviews different regulations (European Union, Spain and the United States) concerning seawater quality criteria and presents the quality criteria proposed by the University of Cadiz.La Universidad de Cádiz y la Agencia de Medio Ambiente Andaluza (AMA) han desarrollado un convenio cuya finalidad es la realización de una propuesta de objetivos de calidad para las aguas litorales andaluzas según la clasificación de zonas establecida en el Decreto 14/1996, por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de Calidad de las Aguas Litorales Andaluzas (BOJA n.° 19 de 8 de febrero de 1996). En este trabajo se hace una revisión de la normativa referente a los objetivos de calidad de las aguas marinas en la Unión Europea, España y Estados Unidos. Además, se recoge la propuesta de objetivos de calidad de aguas litorales realizada por la Universidad de Cádiz.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Molecular and evolutionary basis of O-antigenic polysaccharide-driven phage sensitivity in environmental pseudomonads.

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    Pseudomonas protegens CHA0, a bacterial strain able to suppress plant pathogens as well as efficiently kill lepidopteran pest insects, has been studied as a biocontrol agent to prevent ensuing agricultural damage. However, the success of this method is dependent on efficient plant colonization by the bacterial inoculant, while it faces competition from the resident microbiota as well as predators such as bacteriophages. One of these naturally occurring phages, ΦGP100, was found to drastically reduce the abundance of CHA0 once inoculated into plant microcosms, resulting in the loss of plant protection effect against a phytopathogen. Here, we investigated the molecular determinants implicated in the interaction between CHA0 and the phage ΦGP100 using a high-density transposon-sequencing approach. We show that lipopolysaccharide cell surface decorations, specifically the longer OBC3-type O-antigenic polysaccharide (O-PS, O-antigen) of the two dominant O-PS of CHA0, are essential for the attachment and infection of ΦGP100. Moreover, when exploring the distribution of the OBC3 cluster in bacterial genomes, we identified several parts of this gene cluster that are conserved in phylogenetically distant bacteria. Through heterologous complementation, we integrated an OBC3-type gene copy from a phylogenetically distant bacterium and were able to restore the phage sensitivity of a CHA0 mutant which lacked the ability to form long O-PS. Finally, we evidence that the OBC3 gene cluster of CHA0 displays a high genomic plasticity and likely underwent several horizontal acquisitions and genomic rearrangements. Collectively, this study underlines the complexity of phage-bacteria interactions and the multifunctional aspect of bacterial cell surface decorations. IMPORTANCE The application of plant-beneficial microorganisms to protect crop plants is a promising alternative to the usage of chemicals. However, biocontrol research often faces difficulties in implementing this approach due to the inconsistency of the bacterial inoculant to establish itself within the root microbiome. Beneficial bacterial inoculants can be decimated by the presence of their natural predators, notably bacteriophages (also called phages). Thus, it is important to gain knowledge regarding the mechanisms behind phage-bacteria interactions to overcome this challenge. Here, we evidence that the major long O-antigenic polysaccharide (O-PS, O-antigen) of the widely used model plant-beneficial bacterium Pseudomonas protegens CHA0 is the receptor of its natural predator, the phage ΦGP100. We examined the distribution of the gene cluster directing the synthesis of this O-PS and identified signatures of horizontal gene acquisitions. Altogether, our study highlights the importance of bacterial cell surface structure variation in the complex interplay between phages and their Pseudomonas hosts

    Soil microbiome structure and function in ecopiles used to remediate petroleum-contaminated soil

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    The soil microbiome consists of a vast variety of microorganisms which contribute to essential ecosystem services including nutrient recycling, protecting soil structure, and pathogen suppression. Recalcitrant organic compounds present in soils contaminated with fuel oil can lead to a decrease in functional redundancy within soil microbiomes. Ecopiling is a passive bioremediation technique involving biostimulation of indigenous hydrocarbon degraders, bioaugmentation through inoculation with known petroleum-degrading consortia, and phytoremediation. The current study investigates the assemblage of soil microbial communities and pollutant-degrading potential in soil undergoing the Ecopiling process, through the amplicon marker gene and metagenomics analysis of the contaminated soil. The analysis of key community members including bacteria, fungi, and nematodes revealed a surprisingly diverse microbial community composition within the contaminated soil. The soil bacterial community was found to be dominated by Alphaproteobacteria (60–70%) with the most abundant genera such as Lysobacter, Dietzia, Pseudomonas, and Extensimonas. The fungal community consisted mainly of Ascomycota (50–70% relative abundance). Soil sequencing data allowed the identification of key enzymes involved in the biodegradation of hydrocarbons, providing a novel window into the function of individual bacterial groups in the Ecopile. Although the genus Lysobacter was identified as the most abundant bacterial genus (11–46%) in all of the contaminated soil samples, the metagenomic data were unable to confirm a role for this group in petrochemical degradation. Conversely, genera with relatively low abundance such as Dietzia (0.4–9.0%), Pusillimonas (0.7–2.3%), and Bradyrhizobium (0.8–1.8%) did possess genes involved in aliphatic or aromatic compound degradation

    Predicting Acorn-Grass Weight Gain Index using non-destructive Near Infrared Spectroscopy in order to classify Iberian pig carcasses according to feeding regime

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    The classification of Iberian pig carcasses into different commercial categories according to feeding regime was evaluated by means of a non-destructive analysis of the subcutaneous adipose tissue using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). A quantitative approach was used to predict the Acorn-Grass Weight Gain Index (AGWGI), and a set of criteria was established for commercial classification purposes. A total of 719 animals belonging to various batches, reflecting a wide range of feeding regimes, production systems and years, were analyzed with a view to developing and evaluating quantitative NIRS models. Results for the external validation of these models indicate that NIRS made clear differentiation of batches as a function of three feeding regimes possible with high accuracy (<i>Acorn, Recebo</i> and <i>Feed</i>), on the basis of the mean representative spectra of each batch. Moreover, individual analysis of the animals showed a broad consensus between field inspection information and the classification based on the AGWGI NIRS prediction, especially for extreme categories (<i>Acorn</i> and <i>Feed</i>).<br><br>La clasificación en distintas categorías comerciales según régimen alimenticio de canales de cerdo Ibérico fue evaluada mediante el análisis no destructivo de muestras de tejido adiposo subcutáneo por Espectroscopía del Infrarrojo Cercano (NIRS). Partiendo de una aproximación cuantitativa para predecir el Índice de Reposición en Montanera (IRM) se establecieron una serie de criterios para proceder a su clasificación comercial. Se analizaron un total de 719 animales pertenecientes a diversas partidas, que recogen una amplia variabilidad de muestras de distintos regímenes alimenticios, campañas y sistemas productivos, para el desarrollo y evaluación de los modelos NIRS cuantitativos. Los resultados de validación externa de los modelos indicaron que es posible discriminar con una gran exactitud entre partidas de distintos categorías (<i>Bellota, Recebo</i> y <i>Cebo</i>), en base al espectro medio representativo de cada partida. Además, el análisis individualizado de los animales mostró un amplio consenso entre la información recibida de campo y la clasificación en base a la predicción del parámetro IRM por NIRS, sobre todo para categorías con características extremas (<i>Bellota</i> y <i>Cebo</i>)

    El Neógeno del Valle de los Guájares (Cordillera Bética, Granada)

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    El estudio llevado a cabo sobre las características litoestratigráficas, el contenido faunístico y la edad de los materiales neógenos del Valle de los Guájares, pone de manifiesto la presencia de materiales del Serravallense y del Tortonense, además de los correspondientes al Plioceno (?) - Cuaternario. Las deformaciones de tales materiales se deben esencialmente a fracturas con saltos tanto horizontales como verticales, que controlaron en buena medida el relieve y la sedimentación. A partir de estos datos y de otros de carácter regional se aborda la evolución geológica del sector, posterior a la estructuración esencial de la Cordillera Bética durante el Mioceno inferior. A este respecto se pueden destacar dos fases deformacionales: una fase finiserravallense, responsable de algunas fallas inversas que afectan a las margas pelágicas serravallenses y a los materiales alpujárrides y, probablemente, también responsable del nacimiento de sistemas de fallas, las cuales podrían ya controlar la sedimentación; segunda fase intratortonense que produce discordancia angular entre los materiales tortonenses así como una nueva actividad, principalmente con desplazamientos verticales, de los sistemas de fallas previamente formados. Los materiales del Plioceno (?) - Cuaternario muestran igualmente evidencias de movimientos tectónicos recientes en los que prevalecen los desplazamientos verticales sobre los horizontales.The geological study, lead upon the lithostratigraphic characteristics, the faunistic content and the age of the neogene materials from the Guájares valley reveals the presence of terranes belonging to the Serravallian and the Tortonian, besides the ones corresponding to the Pliocene (?) - Quaternary. The deformation features of such materials are essentially due to faults showing both horizontal and vertical slips, which strongly controlled the relief and the deposition. From these data and others of regional character we envisage the geological evolution of the area, once the main structuration of the Betic Cordilleras during the lower Miocene was already accomplished. In this regard two deformational phases stand out: a finiserravallian phase, responsible for sorne reverse faults concerning serravallian pelagic marls and alpujarride materials and, probably also and for the birth of important fault systems which could already control the sedimentation; which a second one, the intratortonian phase, which yields an angular unconformity within the tortonian materials as well as a new activity, mainly with vertical displacements, of the previous fault systems. The Pliocene (?)- Quaternary deposits provide also evidence of recent tectonic movements, the vertical slips being prevalent over the horizontal ones.Trabajo realizado dentro del Proyecto «El Borde Mediterráneo español: Evolución del Orógeno bético y geodinámica de las depresiones neógenas», realizado por el Departamento de Investigaciones Geológicas, C.S.I.C. y financiado por C.A.I.C.YT. y C.S.I.C

    Molecular characterization of new FBXL4 mutations in patients with mtDNA depletion syndrome

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    Encephalomyopathic mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion syndrome 13 (MTDPS13) is a rare genetic disorder caused by defects in F-box leucine-rich repeat protein 4 (FBXL4). Although FBXL4 is essential for the bioenergetic homeostasis of the cell, the precise role of the protein remains unknown. In this study, we report two cases of unrelated patients presenting in the neonatal period with hyperlactacidemia and generalized hypotonia. Severe mtDNA depletion was detected in muscle biopsy in both patients. Genetic analysis showed one patient as having in compound heterozygosis a splice site variant c.858+5G>C and a missense variant c.1510T>C (p.Cys504Arg) in FBXL4. The second patient harbored a frameshift novel variant c.851delC (p.Pro284LeufsTer7) in homozygosis. To validate the pathogenicity of these variants, molecular and biochemical analyses were performed using skin-derived fibroblasts. We observed that the mtDNA depletion was less severe in fibroblasts than in muscle. Interestingly, the cells harboring a nonsense variant in homozygosis showed normal mtDNA copy number. Both patient fibroblasts, however, demonstrated reduced mitochondrial transcript quantity leading to diminished steady state levels of respiratory complex subunits, decreased respiratory complex IV (CIV) activity, and finally, low mitochondrial ATP levels. Both patients also revealed citrate synthase deficiency. Genetic complementation assays established that the deficient phenotype was rescued by the canonical version of FBXL4, confirming the pathological nature of the variants. Further analysis of fibroblasts allowed to establish that increased mitochondrial mass, mitochondrial fragmentation, and augmented autophagy are associated with FBXL4 deficiency in cells, but are probably secondary to a primary metabolic defect affecting oxidative phosphorylation

    Predicción del Índice de Reposición en Montanera para la clasificación de canales de cerdo Ibérico según régimen alimenticio mediante el análisis no destructivo por Espectroscopía del Infrarrojo Cercano

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    The classification of Iberian pig carcasses into different commercial categories according to feeding regime was evaluated by means of a non-destructive analysis of the subcutaneous adipose tissue using Near Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS). A quantitative approach was used to predict the Acorn-Grass Weight Gain Index (AGWGI), and a set of criteria was established for commercial classification purposes. A total of 719 animals belonging to various batches, reflecting a wide range of feeding regimes, production systems and years, were analyzed with a view to developing and evaluating quantitative NIRS models. Results for the external validation of these models indicate that NIRS made clear differentiation of batches as a function of three feeding regimes possible with high accuracy (Acorn, Recebo and Feed), on the basis of the mean representative spectra of each batch. Moreover, individual analysis of the animals showed a broad consensus between field inspection information and the classification based on the AGWGI NIRS prediction, especially for extreme categories (Acorn and Feed).La clasificación en distintas categorías comerciales según régimen alimenticio de canales de cerdo Ibérico fue evaluada mediante el análisis no destructivo de muestras de tejido adiposo subcutáneo por Espectroscopía del Infrarrojo Cercano (NIRS). Partiendo de una aproximación cuantitativa para predecir el Índice de Reposición en Montanera (IRM) se establecieron una serie de criterios para proceder a su clasificación comercial. Se analizaron un total de 719 animales pertenecientes a diversas partidas, que recogen una amplia variabilidad de muestras de distintos regímenes alimenticios, campañas y sistemas productivos, para el desarrollo y evaluación de los modelos NIRS cuantitativos. Los resultados de validación externa de los modelos indicaron que es posible discriminar con una gran exactitud entre partidas de distintos categorías (Bellota, Recebo y Cebo), en base al espectro medio representativo de cada partida. Además, el análisis individualizado de los animales mostró un amplio consenso entre la información recibida de campo y la clasificación en base a la predicción del parámetro IRM por NIRS, sobre todo para categorías con características extremas (Bellota y Cebo)

    Clinical outcomes of temporary mechanical circulatory support as a direct bridge to heart transplantation: a nationwide Spanish registry

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    Background: In Spain, listing for high-urgent heart transplantation is allowed for critically ill candidates not weanable from temporary mechanical circulatory support (T-MCS). We sought to analyse the clinical outcomes of this strategy. Methods and results: We conducted a case-by-case, retrospective review of clinical records of 291 adult patients listed for high-urgent heart transplantation under temporary devices from 2010 to 2015 in 16 Spanish institutions. Survival after listing and adverse clinical events were studied. At the time of listing, 169 (58%) patients were supported on veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO), 70 (24%) on temporary left ventricular assist devices (T-LVAD) and 52 (18%) on temporary biventricular assist devices (T-BiVAD). Seven patients transitioned from VA-ECMO to temporary ventricular assist devices while on the waiting list. Mean time on T-MCS was 13.1 ± 12.6 days. Mean time from listing to transplantation was 7.6 ± 8.5 days. Overall, 230 (79%) patients were transplanted and 54 (18.6%) died during MCS. In-hospital postoperative mortality after transplantation was 33.3%, 11.9% and 26.2% for patients bridged on VA-ECMO, T-LVAD and T-BiVAD, respectively (P = 0.008). Overall survival from listing to hospital discharge was 54.4%, 78.6% and 55.8%, respectively (P = 0.002). T-LVAD support was independently associated with a lower risk of death over the first year after listing (hazard ratio 0.52, 95% confidence interval 0.30–0.92). Patients treated with VA-ECMO showed the highest incidence rate of adverse clinical events associated with T-MCS. Conclusion: Temporary devices may be used to bridge critically ill candidates directly to heart transplantation in a setting of short waiting list times, as is the case of Spain. In our series, bridging with T-LVAD was associated with more favourable outcomes than bridging with T-BiVAD or VA-ECMO

    Primary care randomized clinical trial: manual therapy effectiveness in comparison with TENS in patients with neck pain

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    This study investigated effectiveness of manual therapy (MT) with transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) to reduce pain intensity in patients with mechanical neck disorder (MND). A randomized multi-centered controlled clinical trial was performed in 12 Primary Care Physiotherapy Units in Madrid Region. Ninety patients were included with diagnoses of subacute or chronic MND without neurological damage, 47 patients received MT and 43 TENS. The primary outcome was pain intensity measured in millimeters using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Also disability, quality of life, adverse effects and sociodemographic and prognosis variables were measured. Three evaluations were performed (before, when the procedure ?nished and six months after). Seventy-one patients (79%) completed the follow-up measurement at six months. In more than half of the treated patients the procedure had a clinically relevant ?short term? result after having ended the intervention, when either MT or TENS was used. The success rate decreased to one-third of the patients 6 months after the intervention. No differences can be found in the reduction of pain, in the decrease of disability nor in the quality of life between both therapies. Both analyzed physiotherapy techniques produce a short-term pain reduction that is clinically relevant.Ministerio de SanidadInstituto de Salud Carlos II