233 research outputs found

    The reafforestation of Sierra Morena (Jaén, 1940-1984)

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    Los municipios de Sierra Morena se encuentran entre los principales destinatarios de la política de repoblación forestal desarrollada durante la segunda mitad del siglo XX en España. En el presente artículo se muestran los planteamientos y motivaciones de estos trabajos en la provincia de Jaén, analizando sus resultados espaciales, temporales y territoriales.Sierra Morena's municipalities are among the main destination of the reafforestation developped in Spain during the second half of the XXth century. In this paper we explain the different expositions and motivations of these activities in the province of Jaén, analyzing their space, temporary and territorial results

    Congruency fit: beyond performance in the auto supplier industry

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    The effects of manufacturing strategy (MS) and technology (T) on performance have been studied separately, but few studies have examined the relationship between MS and T practices clusters that improve effectiveness when implemented jointly, and even then they do not consider possible congruency between the two. This paper develops a congruency (selection) model to test for any interconnection between said clusters, without addressing causation or their combined effect on performance. The implicit outcome is that the plant will achieve a desirable effectiveness level. Through a wide-ranging survey of auto supplier plants, two approaches are considered: 1) grouping both clusters in pairs (canonical correlation analysis); and 2) a more general selection view version, with practices from both clusters related multidimensionally and subordinated by bivariate analysis (regression) to test for any congruent pattern. Both methods find a congruent relationship between manufacturing strategy and technology practice clusters, although the second provides greater detail.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia DPI-2006-0553

    Diet of sympatric Barn Owls Tyto alba and Short-eared Owls Asio flammeus in an agricultural landscape in south-east Spain

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    Acknowledgements We are very grateful to Ángel Tórtola Sánchez and Miguel Tórtola García for their help in identifying bird prey species; without their knowledge the identification would not have been possible. We also thank the IFAPA Centro Camino de Purchil for allowing us to collect pellets at their facilities. Special thanks also to Mariola Sánchez-Cerdá for her excellent company and support during the field work around “hasking place”, as well as to all the volunteers who participated in “Proyecto Sobrevolando”. The comments of two anonymous referees, the editor, and the managing editor improved the manuscript.The diets of the Barn Owl Tyto alba and the Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus have been extensively studied worldwide over the past few years, especially on the Iberian Peninsula. Nevertheless, very few studies have examined the diets and the trophic niche overlap in areas where these two raptor species occur in sympatry. As such, in this study we compared the diets of the Barn Owl and the Short-eared Owl inhabiting agricultural landscapes of the Vega de Granada, south-east Spain, based on pellet analysis. The diets were very similar, as both owls preyed mainly on small mammals, the Algerian Mouse Mus spretus being the prey most commonly found in pellets from both species. Although the diet of the Barn Owl was more diverse than that of the Short-eared Owl, the food niche overlap was very high, thus indicating a low interspecific trophic segregation. Despite the similarities between both diets, the frequency of the Mediterranean Pine Vole Microtus duodecimcostatus was much higher in pellets from the Barn Owl, thus suggesting that the Barn Owl may exert pest control in years when the Mediterranean Pine Vole occurs in high numbers

    Living with cancer: throught the eyes of the patient and the physician

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    This article is co-authored by a patient with colon cancer and his treating oncologist, who interact at two different levels: the instrumental and the emotional and affective one. The patient relates in detail his personal experiences struggling with cancer, including his fears, expectations, purposes, and attitudes through the most important events in the evolution of his illness. The professional reflects how patient-based communication and shared decision-making impact on quality of life and coping with cancer

    Antioxidant Intake and Antitumor Therapy: Toward Nutritional Recommendations for Optimal Results

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    This study was supported by the Regional Government of Andalusia (Project P11-CTS-7651 and assistance to the CTS-107 group).The role of the induction of oxidative stress as the mechanism of action of many antitumor drugs is acquiring an increasing interest. In such cases, the antitumor therapy success may be conditioned by the antioxidants present in our own body, which can be synthesized de novo (endogenous) or incorporated through the diet and nutritional supplements (exogenous). In this paper, we have reviewed different aspects of antioxidants, including their classification, natural sources, importance in diet, consumption of nutritional supplements, and the impact of antioxidants on health. Moreover, we have focused especially on the study of the interaction between antioxidants and antitumor therapy, considering both radiotherapy and chemotherapy. In this regard, we found that the convenience of administration of antioxidants during cancer treatment still remains a very controversial issue. In general terms, antioxidants could promote or suppress the effectiveness of antitumor treatment and even protect healthy tissues against damage induced by oxidative stress. The effects may depend on many factors discussed in the paper. These factors should be taken into consideration in order to achieve precise nutritional recommendations for patients. The evidence at the moment suggests that the supplementation or restriction of exogenous antioxidants during cancer treatment, as appropriate, could contribute to improving its efficiency.Junta de Andalucia P11-CTS-765

    Análisis sobre el aprendizaje y la aplicación de las competencias generales en el contexto laboral : estrategias de colaboración entre la formación profesional, la universidad y la empresa

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    La realidad social, económica y laboral actual exige un continuo desarrollo de las habilidades y de los conocimientos adquiridos, así como la adquisición de otros nuevos. Por ello, la formación «en» y «para» el empleo resulta un pilar fundamental para el desarrollo de los países, las organizaciones productivas y el individuo. En dicha sentido, se realizan importantes aportes para mantener alto el nivel de competencias de los ciudadanos y los trabajadores. La formación permite desarrollar el capital intelectual de la organización y prepara a los individuos para afrontar los retos que plantea la economía global.El desarrollo de estas competencias clave es uno de los retos de la formación profesional básica, pues forman parte de la preparación que los alumnos deben recibir ante su incorporación al mundo profesional. En este sentido, entendemos las prácticas que los estudiantes realizan fuera del centro educativo como el espacio que les permite aplicar y adquirir ese conjunto de conocimientos, habilidades y destrezas.En el presente artículo, se muestran los resultados más relevantes de una investigación desarrollada en ocho centros de formación profesional de Cataluña, teniendo en cuenta los factores que influyen en la transferencia de los aprendizajes y el desarrollo de las competencias. Situación percibida por estudiantes en prácticas, profesores tutores y tutores de empresa.La realitat social, econòmica i laboral actual exigeix un desenvolupament continu de les habilitats i dels coneixements adquirits, com també l'adquisició d'uns altres de nous. La formació «en» i «per a» l'ocupació esdevé un pilar fonamental per al desenvolupament dels països, les organitzacions productives i l'individu. En aquest sentit, es realitzen importants aportacions per mantenir un nivell alt de competències entre ciutadans i treballadors. La formació permet desenvolupar el capital intel·lectual de l'organització i prepara els individus per afrontar els reptes que planteja l'economia global.El desenvolupament d'aquestes competències clau és un dels reptes de la formació professional bàsica, atès que formen part de la preparació que els alumnes han de rebre davant la incorporació al món professional. En aquest sentit, les pràctiques que realitzen fora del centre educatiu constitueixen el context on poden aplicar i adquirir aquest conjunt de coneixements, habilitats i destreses.En aquest article, s'hi mostren els resultats més rellevants d'una recerca desenvolupada en vuit centres de formació professional de Catalunya, tenint en compte els factors que influeixen en la transferència dels aprenentatges i el desenvolupament de les competències. Situació percebuda per estudiants en pràctiques, professors tutors i tutors d'empresa.The current social, economic and labour situation requires the continuous acquisition of skills and knowledge, making training 'in' and 'for' employment a fundamental pillar in the development of countries, productive organisations and individuals. In this line, much effort is being made to maintain a high level of competences among citizens and workers. Training enhances organisations' intellectual capital and prepares workers to face the challenges of the global economy. The acquisition of general competences is one of the challenges of initial vocational training, as such competences are an essential part of the preparation that students should receive to foster their incorporation into the professional world. In this regard, workplace internships during training provide a setting for students to apply their competences and acquire new ones. This article presents the findings of a research study conducted at eight vocational training centres of Catalonia, taking into account the factors that influence the transfer of learning and the development of general competencies as perceived by students and school-based and workplace-based supervisors

    NT-proBNP as predictor factor of cardiotoxicity during trastuzumab treatment in breast cancer patients

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    Background Trastuzumab is a drug used in HER2-positive breast cancer that increases patient survival. Due to cardiotoxicity is the most important side effect of trastuzumab treatment, cardiac monitoring should be a priority. The purpose of this study is to evaluate plasma NT-proBNP level and major cardiovascular risk factors as possible early predictors of trastuzumab-induced cardiotoxicity in HER2-positive breast cancer patients. Methods We conducted a retrospective observational study involving 66 patients with HER2-positive breast cancer treated with trastuzumab. Left ventricle ejection fraction (LVEF), NT-proBNP values, and the history of cardiovascular risk factors were collected. Cardiotoxicity was diagnosed considering a decrease of the LVEF from baseline or clinical manifestation of congestive heart failure. NT-proBNP cut-off points were considered to establish normal or abnormal values according to patient age. Results 27.3% of the patients suffered cardiotoxicity during trastuzumab treatment. Most cases were diagnosed due to the appearance of cardiac symptomatology (66.7%). Logistic regression analysis showed a significant association of diabetes mellitus (OR 5.9, 95% CI 1.2–28.5, p = 0.028) and high NT-proBNP levels (OR 22.0, 95% CI 5.7–85.4, p < 0.0001) with the development of trastuzumab-induced cardiotoxicity. Conclusion NT-proBNP levels above the upper limit of the normal range adjusted to age or diabetes mellitus seem to be associated with a higher risk of developing cardiotoxicity. However, some limitations of the present study make necessary further studies aimed to clarify whether NT-proBNP and diabetes-associated markers determinations can be useful in the monitoring of cardiotoxicity risk in breast cancer patients undergoing trastuzumab therapy.Ramon Areces Foundation, Madrid, Spai

    Combined TGA-MS kinetic analysis of multistep processes. Thermal decomposition and ceramification of polysilazane and polysiloxane preceramic polymers.

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    The polymer-to-ceramic transformation kinetics of two widely employed ceramic precursors; 1,3,5,7-tetramethyl-1,3,5,7-tetravinylcyclotetrasiloxane (TTCS) and polyureamethylvinylsilazane (CERASET) have been investigated using coupled thermogravimetry and mass spectrometry (TG-MS), Raman, XRD and FTIR. The thermally induced decomposition of the pre-ceramic polymer is the critical step in the synthesis of Polymer Derived Ceramics (PDCs) and an accurate kinetic modeling is key to attain a complete understanding of the underlying process and to attempt any behavior predictions. However, obtaining a precise kinetic description of processes of such complexity, consisting of several largely overlapping physico-chemical processes comprising the cleavage of the starting polymeric network and the release of organic moieties, is extremely difficult. Here, using the evolved gases detected by MS as a guide it has been possible to determine the number of steps that compose the overall process, which was subsequently resolved using a semiempirical deconvolution method based on the Frasier-Suzuki function. Such function is more appropriate that the more usual Gaussian or Lorentzian functions since it takes into account the intrinsic asymmetry of kinetic curves. Then, the kinetic parameters of each constituent step was independently determined using both model-free and model-fitting procedures, finding the processes obey mostly diffusion models that can be attributed to the diffusion of the released gases through the solid matrix. The validity of the obtained kinetic parameters was tested not only by the successful reconstruction of the original experimental curves but also by predicting the kinetic curves of the overall processes yielded by different thermal schedules and by a mixed TTCS-CERASET precursorEspaña Mineco FEDER CTQ2011-27626 CTQ2014-52763-C2-1-RJunta de Andalucia FEDERTEP-7858 TEP-190

    Behavior of echocardiographic parameters of right ventricular function after tricuspid surgery

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    Evaluation of right ventricular (RV) function after tricuspid valve surgery is complex. The objective was to identify the most appropriate RV function parameters for this purpose. This prospective study included 70 patients undergoing cardiac and tricuspid valve (TV) surgery. RV size and function parameters were determined at 3 months and 1-year post-surgery. Categorical variables were analyzed with the McNemar test and numerical variables with the Student’s t-test for related samples or, when non-normally distributed, the Wilcoxon test. Spearman’s rho was used to determine correlations between variables at 3 months and 1 year. RV diameters were reduced at 3 months postsurgery and were then unchanged at 1 year. Tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (TAPSE) and S′ wave values were worse at 3 months and then improved at 1 year (t-score-2.35, p 0.023; t-score-2.68; p 0.010). There was no significant reduction in free wall longitudinal strain (LS) or shortening fraction (SF) at 3 months (t-score 1.421 and − 1.251; p 0.218 and 0.172), and they were only slightly below presurgical values at 1 year. No relationship was found between RV function parameters and mortality or major complications. During the first few months after TV surgery, LS may be a more appropriate parameter to evaluate global ventricular function in comparison to TAPSE. At 1 year, good correlations are observed between TAPSE, S′ wave, and LS values

    Effect of dolomite decomposition under CO2 on its multicycle CO2 capture behaviour under calcium looping conditions

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    One of the major drawbacks that hinder the industrial competitiveness of the calcium looping (CaL) process for CO capture is the high temperature (∼930-950 °C) needed in practice to attain full calcination of limestone in a high CO partial pressure environment for short residence times as required. In this work, the multicycle CO capture performance of dolomite and limestone is analysed under realistic CaL conditions and using a reduced calcination temperature of 900 °C, which would serve to mitigate the energy penalty caused by integration of the CaL process into fossil fuel fired power plants. The results show that the fundamental mechanism of dolomite decomposition under CO has a major influence on its superior performance compared to limestone. The inert MgO grains resulting from dolomite decomposition help preserve a nanocrystalline CaO structure wherein carbonation in the solid-state diffusion controlled phase is promoted. The major role played by the dolomite decomposition mechanism under CO is clearly demonstrated by the multicycle CaO conversion behaviour observed for samples decomposed at different preheating rates. Limestone decomposition at slow heating rates yields a highly crystalline and poorly reactive CaCO structure that requires long periods to fully decarbonate and shows a severely reduced capture capacity in subsequent cycles. On the other hand, the nascent CaCO produced after dolomite half-decomposition consists of nanosized crystals with a fast decarbonation kinetics regardless of the preheating rate, thus fully decomposing from the very first cycle at a reduced calcination temperature into a CaO skeleton with enhanced reactivity as compared to limestone derived CaO.Junta de Andalucía FQM-5735 TEP-7858 TEP-1900España Mineco CTQ2014-52763-C2-1-R CTQ2014-52763-C2-2-