14,021 research outputs found

    Pendulum Integration and Elliptic Functions

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    Revisiting canonical integration of the classical pendulum around its unstable equilibrium, normal hyperbolic canonical coordinates are constructe

    Classical Analog of Electromagnetically Induced Transparency

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    We present a classical analog for Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT). In a system of just two coupled harmonic oscillators subject to a harmonic driving force we can reproduce the phenomenology observed in EIT. We describe a simple experiment performed with two linearly coupled RLC circuits which can be taught in an undergraduate laboratory class.Comment: 6 pages, two-column, 6 figures, submitted to the Am. J. Phy

    Bistable forespore engulfment in Bacillus subtilis by a zipper mechanism in absence of the cell wall

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    To survive starvation, the bacterium Bacillus subtilis forms durable spores. The initial step of sporulation is asymmetric cell division, leading to a large mother-cell and a small forespore compartment. After division is completed and the dividing septum is thinned, the mother cell engulfs the forespore in a slow process based on cell-wall degradation and synthesis. However, recently a new cell-wall independent mechanism was shown to significantly contribute, which can even lead to fast engulfment in \sim 60 % of the cases when the cell wall is completely removed. In this backup mechanism, strong ligand-receptor binding between mother-cell protein SpoIIIAH and forespore-protein SpoIIQ leads to zipper-like engulfment, but quantitative understanding is missing. In our work, we combined fluorescence image analysis and stochastic Langevin simulations of the fluctuating membrane to investigate the origin of fast bistable engulfment in absence of the cell wall. Our cell morphologies compare favorably with experimental time-lapse microscopy, with engulfment sensitive to the number of SpoIIQ-SpoIIIAH bonds in a threshold-like manner. By systematic exploration of model parameters, we predict regions of osmotic pressure and membrane-surface tension that produce successful engulfment. Indeed, decreasing the medium osmolarity in experiments prevents engulfment in line with our predictions. Forespore engulfment may thus not only be an ideal model system to study decision-making in single cells, but its biophysical principles are likely applicable to engulfment in other cell types, e.g. during phagocytosis in eukaryotes

    Boundary Dissipation in a Driven Hard Disk System

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    A simulation is performed aiming at checking the existence of a well defined stationary state for a two dimensional system of driven hard disks when energy dissipation takes place at the system boundaries and no bulk impurities are presentComment: 5 pages, 7 figure

    Three-body properties of low-lying 12^{12}Be resonances

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    We compute the three-body structure of the lowest resonances of 12^{12}Be considered as two neutrons around an inert 10^{10}Be core. This is an extension of the bound state calculations of 12^{12}Be into the continuum spectrum. We investigate the lowest resonances of angular momenta and parities, 0±0^{\pm}, 11^{-} and 2+2^{+}. Surprisingly enough, they all are naturally occurring in the three-body model. We calculate bulk structure dominated by small distance properties as well as decays determined by the asymptotic large-distance structure. Both 0+0^{+} and 2+2^{+} have two-body 10^{10}Be-neutron d-wave structure, while 11^{-} has an even mixture of pp and d-waves. The corresponding relative neutron-neutron partial waves are distributed among ss, pp, and d-waves. The branching ratios show different mixtures of one-neutron emission, three-body direct, and sequential decays. We argue for spin and parities, 0+0^{+}, 11^{-} and 2+2^{+}, to the resonances at 0.89, 2.03, 5.13, respectively. The computed structures are in agreement with existing reaction measurements.Comment: To be published in Physical Review

    Trademark cancellation for non use in EU

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    The report focuses on the peculiarities of trademark cancellation i

    Phasing of gravitational waves from inspiralling eccentric binaries

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    We provide a method for analytically constructing high-accuracy templates for the gravitational wave signals emitted by compact binaries moving in inspiralling eccentric orbits. By contrast to the simpler problem of modeling the gravitational wave signals emitted by inspiralling {\it circular} orbits, which contain only two different time scales, namely those associated with the orbital motion and the radiation reaction, the case of {\it inspiralling eccentric} orbits involves {\it three different time scales}: orbital period, periastron precession and radiation-reaction time scales. By using an improved `method of variation of constants', we show how to combine these three time scales, without making the usual approximation of treating the radiative time scale as an adiabatic process. We explicitly implement our method at the 2.5PN post-Newtonian accuracy. Our final results can be viewed as computing new `post-adiabatic' short period contributions to the orbital phasing, or equivalently, new short-period contributions to the gravitational wave polarizations, h+,×h_{+,\times}, that should be explicitly added to the `post-Newtonian' expansion for h+,×h_{+,\times}, if one treats radiative effects on the orbital phasing of the latter in the usual adiabatic approximation. Our results should be of importance both for the LIGO/VIRGO/GEO network of ground based interferometric gravitational wave detectors (especially if Kozai oscillations turn out to be significant in globular cluster triplets), and for the future space-based interferometer LISA.Comment: 49 pages, 6 figures, high quality figures upon reques