5,083 research outputs found

    The integration of the cultural dimension in the management of internacional markets: The Covet case

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    O presente relatório diz respeito ao estágio curricular, inserido no Mestrado Intercultural Studies for Business do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto. O estágio foi realizado na empresa Covet Group, na marca Maison Valentina. Após uma contextualização do sector do móvel em Portugal, onde o Covet Group se insere, o relatório descreve a minha experiência enquanto estagiária, através de um relato minucioso sobre a empresa e sobre as suas práticas gerais e de estágio. Este será feito recorrendo a opiniões pessoais, relatos e gráficos. Posteriormente será feita uma argumentação teórica que aborda a dualidade da influência americana e portuguesa na empresa. Dois autores serão referenciados, Hofstede e Trompenaars/ Hampden-Turner cujas teorias se interligam com os temas abordados no presente relatórioThe present report is related to the curriculum internship, conducted within the ambit of the Master’s Programme in Intercultural Studies for Business of the “Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto”. The internship took place in the company “Covet Group”, more specifically in the brand Maison Valentina. After a contextualization of the furniture sector in Portugal, where the Covet Group operates, the report will describe my experience as a trainee, through a detailed report about the company and its general practises. This will be done by using my opinion, figures and graphs. Following this part, there will be a theoretical argumentation, talks about the duality of the American and Portuguese influence. Two authors will be mentioned, Hofstede and Trompenaars/Hampdem-Turner, whose theories connect to the topics mentioned in this report

    Getting away from the point: The emergence of ostensive gestures and their functions

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    Within developmental psychology, pointing gestures have received a great deal of attention, while ostensive gestures have been overlooked in terms of their emergence and intentionality. In a longitudinal and micro-genetic study with six children at 9, 11, and 13 months of age, we codified gesture production of children within second-by-second data frames. We identified 480 instances of gestures and categorised whether they were of ostensive, ostensive-indexical, or indexical nature. We specified the communicative function of each gesture by analysing the object involved and their circumstances of production. Data analysis include frequencies, binomial tests, proportion comparisons, and repeated measures ANOVA. We identified a phatic function in other-directed gestures, as well as exploratory and private functions in selfdirected gestures. This has important implications for children development since ostensive gestures are easier to produce and to understand than pointing. The consideration of objects would be essential for defining the communicative function of gesturesThis study was supported by the program for the Training of University Teachers (Formación de Profesorado Universitario – FPU) of the Spanish Ministry of Education granted to the first author [reference AP2009-4064

    Shine on you crazy diamond: Symbolism and social use of fluorite ornaments in Iberia’s late prehistory

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    Fluorite ornaments have been recorded in different sites of Europe since Upper Paleolithic. Due to its visual appearance and physical properties, some translucent or transparent mineralogies like fluorite were searched for or casually acquired by late prehistory’s human communities. After intensive research on archaeological contexts from the Iberian Peninsula with personal ornaments from 4th to 2nd millennia BCE, we have recently identified and characterized for the first time an important number of fluorite ornaments, confronting a previous background where little attention was paid. Our work has been carried out in different archaeological collections and museums from the whole Iberian Peninsula by non-destructive techniques (Raman spectroscopy, portable X-ray fluorescence (p-XRF) and X-ray Diffraction (XRD), that revealed the nature of fluorite ornaments and points to its consideration as scarce and highly symbolic items during late prehistory. A total of 36 fluorite beads from 23 sites are here recorded and studied, many of them unpublished or wrong catalogued as other mineralogies. These adornments could have important roles in trade and use among the communities of Iberia from the 4th millennium BCE onwards, because of their scarcity and its recurrent association with important funerary complex and exotic materials. Fluorite ornaments could have been significant and special symbols in the development of new and exclusive raw materials in the context of increasing social complexity and inequality

    Estudio de los efectos de algunos psicotropos en el test "Open Field"

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    Por medio del test "opcn-field" se ha analizado el comportamiento de ratas tratadas con diversos psicotropos ncurolépt icos. antidcpresivos, tranquilizntes, barbitú ricos, psicoana l~pt icos) y asociaciones, entre las que figura la de un IMAO (nialamida) y 5-hidroxitriptofano, precusor de la serotonina cerebral. De los resultados obtenidos se deduce que los neurolépticos dieron lugar a una marcada reducción de la motilidad, en tanto que el clordiacepóxido y el fenobarbilal produjeron el efecto con· trario, probablemente como expresión de un efecto ansiolítico notable. La asociación de nialamida y 5-hidroxitriptofano dió lugar a una reducción muy significativa de la deambulación de las ratas tratadas, sugiriéndose una participación de la serotonina en los circuitos moduladores de la actividad de las ratas. Este descenso de movilidad fue hallado, asimtsmo, con la imipramina, r~lacio nándose también, este fenómeno, con una posible intensificación de sistemas serotoninérgicos. En cuanto a la intervención de los psicotropos sobre las estereotipias y las emisiones de bolos fecales, no se han encontrado resultados capaces de informar con eficacia, sobre la utilidad de estos dos parámetros como medida para la "emotividad"

    Removal of Heavy Metals (Cr+6, Ni, Zn) from Leachates of the Sanitary Landfill of the City of Veracruz, Mexico with Reactive Permeable Silica Sand Barriers

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    The use of Permeable Reactive Barriers as a material for the removal of heavy metals from the leachates of the Sanitary Landfills has been verified for various materials, the Silica Sand from the coasts of the municipality of Alvarado Veracruz in Mexico have the characteristics of size and composition Required to be used for this purpose, samples of leachate were collected from the Sanitary Landfill of the City of Veracruz and the concentrations of Ni, Cr+6 and Zn were determined were respectively 0.0818, 0.186 and 0.224 mg/l, three columns were built of acrylic and were filled with 20, 30 and 40 cm of washed and dried Silica Sand, treated and stabilized leachate was passed through the porous medium at a flow of 1.7 ml/s, taking samples at 40.75, 115 , 165 and 235 seconds for each column and the efficiency for the removal of these heavy metals was measured and a significant reduction of these pollutants was found, ranging from 76 to 93%. for Nickel, from 44 to 81 % in the case of hexavalent Chromium and from 65 to 92% for Zinc for a maximum time of 235 seconds, which indicates that this material can be used in the remediation of leachate

    Thermal effects on the drilling performance of a limestone: relationships with physical and mechanical properties

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    This work evaluates the effect of high temperatures and cooling methods on the drillability of Prada limestone. Samples from boreholes drilled during the design stage of the Tres Ponts Tunnel in the Catalan south Pyrenean zone (Spain) were subjected to temperatures of 105, 200, 300, 400, and 600 °C, and then cooled at a slow rate or by quenching. Sievers’ J-value (SJ) and brittleness (S20) were determined on thermally treated samples, and the drilling rate index (DRI) was calculated for each temperature. The results show that thermal treatment implied a sustained increase in the drillability of the rock of up to 40% at 600 °C and a change in the drillability category (from medium to high). At 600 °C, SJ and S20 tripled and doubled, respectively, the initial values obtained for the intact rock. The results were inconclusive about the influence of the cooling method on the drilling performance of Prada limestone for the tested range of temperatures. The substantial improvement observed in the drillability of Prada limestone when heated, measured in terms of DRI, could help in the development of novel thermally-assisted mechanical excavation methods. Additionally, strong correlations between drillability variables (i.e., SJ and S20) and physical and mechanical variables of Prada limestone (i.e., P- and S-wave velocities, uniaxial compression strength, elastic modulus, and Poisson’s ratio) are proposed. Correlations will help make preliminary predictions of drillability based on properties such as uniaxial compression strength and ultrasound wave velocities.The authors wish to acknowledge David Benavente and Juan Carlos Canaveras from the University of Alicante, for their valuable help on mineralogical and petrographic description of the rock. Additionally, Kreum SA, Ayesa SA, Infraestructures de la Generalitat de Catalunya, S.A.U., and the Lleida regional roads authority (Servei Territorial de Carreteres de Lleida, Generalitat de Catalunya) for providing rock samples. This work was supported by the Department of Geological and Geotechnical Engineering, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia

    Spectrophotometric detection of monensin overdose in bovine feed

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    La creciente presión de la agricultura, así como la búsqueda de mayor eficiencia en los sistemas ganaderos, ha conducido al aumento del empleo de productos farmacológicos como estrategias para mejorar la rentabilidad de la ganadería. La monensina (MN) es un antibiótico poliéter del grupo de los ionóforos elaborado a partir del hongo Streptomyces cinnamonensis. En este trabajo se describe la puesta a punto de un método espectrofotométrico sencillo y eficaz para la determinación de MN en muestras de piensos para ganado bovino. Se evaluaron alimentos con diferentes concentraciones de MN conocidas e incógnitas, recolectadas en las provincias de Córdoba y La Pampa (Argentina). Los resultados muestran que el método espectrofotométrico es apropiado para medir MN en piensos a dosis normales y en sobredosificaciones, siendo útil para revelar presuntas intoxicaciones de origen alimentario. Comparada con otros métodos, la técnica revela bajo costo en insumos y equipamiento, aunque requiere cierta laboriosidad. Los resultados del trabajo señalan la idoneidad del método para efectuar la vigilancia farmacológica de MN, dado que brinda un rápido y efectivo diagnóstico en casos de intoxicación, de gran utilidad en laboratorios de baja complejidad.The growing pressure on agriculture as well as the search for better efficiency in livestock systems has led to the increased use of pharmacological products as a strategy to improve livestock profitability. Monensin (MN) is a polyether antibiotic of the ionophores class produced by the Streptomyces cinnamonensis. This study describes the development of a simple and effective spectrophotometric method for MN measurement in feed samples. Feed samples with known and unknown concentrations of MN collected from farms of Córdoba and La Pampa provinces (Argentina) were measured. The results show that the spectrophotometric method is appropriate for measuring normal and overdose levels of MN in feed. Thus, the method is suitable to evaluate presumptive poisoning cases. While reagents and equipment are of low cost compared to more sophisticated techniques, it does require more labor and time. We suggest the use of spectrophotometric method for monitoring and eventual quick diagnosis of poisoning cases, being a useful tool for low complexity laboratories.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Spectrophotometric detection of monensin overdose in bovine feed

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    La creciente presión de la agricultura, así como la búsqueda de mayor eficiencia en los sistemas ganaderos, ha conducido al aumento del empleo de productos farmacológicos como estrategias para mejorar la rentabilidad de la ganadería. La monensina (MN) es un antibiótico poliéter del grupo de los ionóforos elaborado a partir del hongo Streptomyces cinnamonensis. En este trabajo se describe la puesta a punto de un método espectrofotométrico sencillo y eficaz para la determinación de MN en muestras de piensos para ganado bovino. Se evaluaron alimentos con diferentes concentraciones de MN conocidas e incógnitas, recolectadas en las provincias de Córdoba y La Pampa (Argentina). Los resultados muestran que el método espectrofotométrico es apropiado para medir MN en piensos a dosis normales y en sobredosificaciones, siendo útil para revelar presuntas intoxicaciones de origen alimentario. Comparada con otros métodos, la técnica revela bajo costo en insumos y equipamiento, aunque requiere cierta laboriosidad. Los resultados del trabajo señalan la idoneidad del método para efectuar la vigilancia farmacológica de MN, dado que brinda un rápido y efectivo diagnóstico en casos de intoxicación, de gran utilidad en laboratorios de baja complejidad.The growing pressure on agriculture as well as the search for better efficiency in livestock systems has led to the increased use of pharmacological products as a strategy to improve livestock profitability. Monensin (MN) is a polyether antibiotic of the ionophores class produced by the Streptomyces cinnamonensis. This study describes the development of a simple and effective spectrophotometric method for MN measurement in feed samples. Feed samples with known and unknown concentrations of MN collected from farms of Córdoba and La Pampa provinces (Argentina) were measured. The results show that the spectrophotometric method is appropriate for measuring normal and overdose levels of MN in feed. Thus, the method is suitable to evaluate presumptive poisoning cases. While reagents and equipment are of low cost compared to more sophisticated techniques, it does require more labor and time. We suggest the use of spectrophotometric method for monitoring and eventual quick diagnosis of poisoning cases, being a useful tool for low complexity laboratories.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Estrés y desempeño laboral en personal de salud durante la pandemia del Covid 19, Trujillo 2021

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    El presente trabajo de investigación, tiene como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre estrés y desempeño laboral en el personal de salud durante la pandemia del Covid 19, Trujillo 2021, fue un estudio de tipo cuantitativo, de nivel descriptivo correlacional, con diseño no experimental; para la recolección de datos se aplicó un cuestionario por cada variable el cual fue aplicado a 30 profesionales de salud. Además, se utilizó el coeficiente Alfa de Cronbach para determinar la confiabilidad del instrumento aplicado; asimismo se utilizó el programa estadístico SSPS versión 26. Los resultados determinaron que en la variable estrés el 43.3% del personal se encuentra en un nivel medio afectando la dimensión despersonalización con 53.3%, la dimensión agotamiento emocional con 50.0% y la dimensión realización personal con 43.3% y en la variable de desempeño laboral el 53.3% del personal presentan un nivel medio afectando las dimensiones responsabilidad, iniciativa, oportunidad, confiabilidad y discreción y cumplimiento de normas con un 53.3%. Concluyendo existe una relación inversa alta entre ambas variables con un valor de -0.841, indicando a medida que los puntajes del estrés incrementan el desempeño labora tiende a disminuir