568 research outputs found

    Audiovisual content for all : Easy-to-read Language in Audiovisual Translation

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    Easy-to-read language has traditionally focused on written texts. However, the increasing societal relevance of audiovisual content calls for at least two new developments. On the one hand, there is a need to implement easy-to-read language principles in other formats, such as the audiovisual. On the other hand, there is a need to consider how Easy-to-read language principles can be applied to existing audiovisual access services such as subtitling or audio description. Aware of the two above-mentioned needs, EASIT (Easy Access for Social Inclusion Training, ref. code 2018-1-ES01-KA203-05275), a European project funded under the Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships call, aims to research how easy-to-understand audiovisual content could be created and how future professionals could be trained. More specifically, it aims to map current professional and training practices in Europe and produce recommendations for audiovisual content. It also aims to list the skills that future professionals should have and to design a curriculum to train them. Finally, the project aims to generate training materials which will be integrated in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC). The presentation will summarise the main results obtained so far in the project and will present an overview of the MOOC that is being developed. The presentation will highlight the relationship between Easy-to-Read Language and Audiovisual Translation, and the need for further training in this intersecting area

    Using ChatGPT as a CAT tool in Easy Language translation

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    This study sets out to investigate the feasibility of using ChatGPT to translate citizen-oriented administrative texts into German Easy Language, a simplified, controlled language variety that is adapted to the needs of people with reading impairments. We use ChatGPT to translate selected texts from websites of German public authorities using two strategies, i.e. linguistic and holistic. We analyse the quality of the generated texts based on different criteria, such as correctness, readability, and syntactic complexity. The results indicated that the generated texts are easier than the standard texts, but that they still do not fully meet the established Easy Language standards. Additionally, the content is not always rendered correctly

    Commissioning and First Observations with Wide FastCam at the Telescopio Carlos S\'anchez

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    The FastCam instrument platform, jointly developed by the IAC and the UPCT, allows, in real-time, acquisition, selection and storage of images with a resolution that reaches the diffraction limit of medium-sized telescopes. FastCam incorporates a specially designed software package to analyse series of tens of thousands of images in parallel with the data acquisition at the telescope. Wide FastCam is a new instrument that, using the same software for data acquisition, does not look for lucky imaging but fast observations in a much larger field of view. Here we describe the commissioning process and first observations with Wide FastCam at the Telescopio Carlos S\'anchez (TCS) in the Observatorio del Teide.Comment: 7 pages, 8 figures, Proc. SPIE. 9908, Ground-based and Airborne Instrumentation for Astronomy VI, 99082O. (August 09, 2016

    Inkjet‐Printed p‐NiO/n‐ZnO Heterojunction Diodes for Photodetection Applications

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    Transparent Conducting Oxides (TCOs) are an enticing family of optoelectronic materials which have been proven to increase efficiency when incorporated into perovskite light emitting diode (PE-LED) and organic OLED architectures as transport layers. Solution-processed metal oxide inks have already been demonstrated, although there is still a need for high-quality inkjet-printable metal oxide inks with a thermal post-process below 200 °C. The set of inks in this work are adapted from low-boiling point colloidal suspensions of metal oxide nanoparticles synthesized via flame spray pyrolysis. High quality, pinhole- and wrinkle-free inkjet-printed layers are obtained at low temperatures through vacuum oven post process, as proven by scanning electron microscopy. The crystallinity of the layers is confirmed by X-ray diffraction, showing the expected hexagonal and cubic structures respectively for ZnO and NiO. The thin film layers reach over 70% (ZnO) and 90% (NiO) transparency in the visible spectrum. Their implementation in the inkjet-printed p-n diode shows excellent I-V rectifying behavior with an ON/OFF ratio of two orders of magnitude at ±3 V and a forward threshold voltage of 2 V. Furthermore, the device exhibits an increase in photocurrent around four orders of magnitude when illuminated under a 1-sun solar simulator

    Efectos del ejercicio físico extracurricular vigoroso sobre la atención de escolares

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    El objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el efecto sobre la atención de escolares de dos programas de actividad física (moderada y alta intensidad). Participaron 94 niños (n = 52) y niñas (n =42), (Edad M = 8,20; DT = 0,70) de la ciudad de Granada (España). Se empleó un diseño cuasi experimental con un grupo control y otro experimental. Se analizó amplitud de la atención y atención selectiva. Como variable de control se evaluó la aptitud cardiorrespiratoria a través de consumo de oxígeno máximo y la velocidad pico alcanzada durante actividad aeróbica máxima. Se aprecian efectos significativos a favor del programa de alta intensidad sobre dos pruebas de span atencional y ejercicios de atención selectiva, así como en valores de condición física. Se concluye que la práctica física de alta intensidad intermitente, practicada de manera regular, podría tener implicaciones positivas sobre el rendimiento cognitivo de niños y que la mejora de la condición física podría ser uno de los factores vinculados a estos cambios.The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of two programs of physical activity (moderate and high intensity physical activity), in the levels of attention of a sample of young in scholar aged. 94 children, boys=52 and girls=42 (Age M = 8.20; SD = 0.70) from Granada (Spain) participated in the investigation. A quasi-experimental design was used, with control and experimental group. Evidence of attentional span and search items on matrices with the purpose of analyzing the amplitude of the attention and selective attention were applied. As a control variable, cardiorespiratory fitness by maximum oxygen uptake and peak speed reached during maximal aerobic activity was evaluated. The results showed significant effects in favor of high-intensity program on two tests of attentional span and exercises selective attention, as well as the values of fitness. These data suggest that the physical practice of intermittent high intensity practiced regularly could have positive implications on cognitive performance of children and improving the physical condition could be one of the factors linked to these changes.O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o efeito de dois programas de atividade física (de intensidade moderada e alta) em atenção o nível cognitivo para a escola. 94 estudantes participaram, 52 do sexo masculino, 42 do sexo feminino (Idade M = 8,20, DP = 0,70) da cidade de Granada (Espanha). Um design quase-experimental foi utilizado com um grupo controle e um grupo experimental. Amplitude de atenção e atenção seletiva foram analisados. Como variável de controle foi avaliada a aptidão cardiorrespiratória através do consumo máximo de oxigênio e velocidade de pico alcançado durante a atividade aeróbica máxima. Efeitos significativos são vistos em favor do programa de alto intensidade e dois exercícios de amplitude e exercícios de atenção selectiva, bem como valores de aptidao física. Conclui-se que a prática física de alta intensidade intermitente, praticado regularmente, pode ter implicações positivas sobre o desempenho cognitivo das crianças e condição física melhoria poderia ser um dos fatores ligados a essas mudanças

    Exploring the Capability of HAADF-STEM Techniques to Characterize Graphene Distribution in Nanocomposites by Simulations

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    This paper explores the capability of scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) techniques in determining the dispersion degree of graphene layers within the carbon matrix by using simulated high-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) images. Results ensure that unmarked graphene layers are only detectable if their orientation is parallel to the microscope beam. Additionally, gold-marked graphene layers allow evaluating the dispersion degree in structural composites. Moreover, electron tomography has been demonstrated to provide truthfully 3D distribution of the graphene sheets inside the matrix when an appropriate reconstruction algorithm and 2D projections including channelling effect are use

    Maíz de alto contenido proteínico (Zea mays l.) en hogares rurales marginados del estado de Puebla

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    El déficit en ingesta diaria de proteínas y calorías registrado en la población infantil mexicana, se muestra de modo extremo en áreas rurales. El déficit se agudiza por la problemática económica y sanitaria actual, lo que se constituye en un problema alimentario de naturaleza nacional. En este trabajo se estudió el nivel de aceptabilidad del maíz de alta calidad proteínica (ACP) con el cálculo de un índice de aceptabilidad, con información de 78 productores, del sur del estado de Puebla, que participan en un programa de la SDR, caracterizados por IDH bajo y alto índice de desnutrición. Se aplicó un cuestionario de 51 preguntas a una muestra por muestreo aleatorio simple, con grado de confiabilidad de 95%. Se encontró que la semilla del maíz ACP se distribuye con sus atributos proteínicos, pero con una deficiente transferencia de tecnología; con índice de aceptabilidad del 60%, que muestra buena aceptación para ser sembrado por los productores. Lo siembran uno, dos o tres años, valorando sus circunstancias para repetirlo en ciclos siguientes, ignorando sus propiedades proteínicas. El consumo, del maíz ACP se incorpora al forraje para animales de traspatio y esporádicamente en la dieta de la familia

    Toward RGB LEDs based on rare earth-doped ZnO

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    By using ZnO thin films doped with Ce, Tb or Eu, deposited via radiofrequency magnetron sputtering, we have developed monochromatic (blue, green and red, respectively) light emitting devices (LEDs). The rare earth ions introduced with doping rates lower than 2% exhibit narrow and intense emission peaks due to electronic transitions in relaxation processes induced after electrical excitation. This study proves zinc oxide to be a good host for these elements, its high conductivity and optical transparency in the visible range being as well exploited as top transparent electrode. After structural characterization of the different doped layers, a device structure with intense electroluminescence is presented, modeled, and electrically and optically characterized. The different emission spectra obtained are compared in a chromatic diagram, providing a reference for future works with similar devices. The results hereby presented demonstrate three operating monochromatic LEDs, as well as a combination of the three species into another one, with a simply-designed structure compatible with current Si technology and demonstrating an integrated red-green-blue emission

    Fully Inkjet-Printed Green-Emitting PEDOT:PSS/NiO/Colloidal CsPbBr3/SnO2 Perovskite Light-Emitting Diode on Rigid and Flexible Substrates

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    After establishing themselves as promising active materials in the field of solar cells, halide perovskites are currently being explored for fabrication of low-cost, easily processable, and highly efficient light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Despite this, the highest efficiencies reported for perovskite-based LEDs (PeLEDs) are achieved through spin coating or vacuum evaporation deposition techniques, which are not adequate, in most of the cases, for an industrial-scale production. Additionally, the long-term stability is still a big handicap, even though all inorganic perovskites, such as CsPbBr3, are found to be more stable to external variables. In this context, herein, the fabrication of fully inkjet-printed (IJP) CsPbBr3-based PeLEDs in ambient conditions, on rigid and flexible substrates, on a proof-of-concept basis, with the successful incorporation of NiO and SnO2 as hole- and electron-selective contacts, respectively, is reported. Despite the moderate luminance (324 cd m−2) value obtained, this result paves the way toward the development of upscalable fabrication of PeLEDs based on deposition techniques with controlled spatial resolution.The authors wish to thank the financial support from the European Commission via FET Open Grant (862656, DROP-IT), MINECO (Spain) for grant PID2019-105658RB-I00 (PRITES project), Ministry of Science and Innovation of Spain under Project STABLE (PID2019-107314RB-I00), and Generalitat Valenciana via Prometeo Grant Q-Devices (Prometeo/2018/098)