5,269 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Potential of Whole-Farm Insurance Over Crop-Specific Insurance Policies

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    Since 1996, different formats of whole-farm insurance (WFI) have been launched in North America and Spain. Their rationale is to pool all farm's insurable risks into a single policy that provides cheaper coverage against the farm's revenue losses. We evaluate the gains of moving from a situation of full insurance coverage delivered by crop-specific policies to WFI. Based on the records of individual farmers gathered by the Spanish Agricultural Insurance Agency (ENESA), we select two representative farms in Valencia that have consistently purchased insurance during 1993-2004 for three crops (apricots, plums and wine grapes). WFI is designed to deliver exactly the same expected revenue than does the combined effects of three crop-specific multiple-peril insurance policies, covering from the same risks. We carry out Monte-Carlo simulations to compare crop-specific insurance with WFI, looking at premium differences, farms' revenues, and farmers' utilities (DARACRRA). From ENESA's database we evaluate the parameters of the yield distribution functions, the eligible losses distribution functions and their correlation. Results show that WFI is slightly superior to crop-specific insurance. Premia are 20% cheaper, and certainty equivalents slightly larger. Yet, the left tail of the revenue distribution is only weakly reduced by either insurance strategy, due to crop risks that are not covered by either policy. The main conclusion is that, if crop-specific insurance is sufficiently mature, farmers would benefit from WFI and Governments would enhance the efficiency of their insurance subsidies.agricultural insurance, whole-farm insurance, simulation, crop risks, Spanish agriculture, Risk and Uncertainty, Q14, G, Q18,

    Income Stabilisation in a Changing Agricultural World: Policy and Tools

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    This paper attempts to draw conclusions regarding Risk Management instruments (RMI) for potential development or expansion in the EU (Garrido and Bielza, 2007). Using data from EU countries, compiled in the course of two EU research projects about RMIs, we perform a cross-sectional analysis of the role of agricultural insurance and ad hoc payments. Tests of comparisons of means of key insurance data reveal the impact of insurance policies and the degree of competitiveness in supply side. While the presence of subsidies explains differences across EU member states' (MSs) insurance data, the degree of competitiveness is not a differentiating factor. In the last part of the paper, we rate a number of RMIs on the basis of a number of criteria. We conclude that RMIs on EU scale should be flexible enough to accommodate very diverse risk contexts, farmers’ demands and ongoing national programmes. Our conclusions may be useful in defining RMIs within the scope of European Agricultural Policy, and as an extension of similar studies (Cafiero et al. 2005; European Commission (2006a).

    Revenue Insurance as an Income Stabilization Policy: An Application to the Spanish Olive Oil Sector

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    Various forms of revenue insurance have been applied in Canada and in the US with relative success. In this paper different combinations of traditional agricultural policies and revenue and yield insurance are analysed for the Spanish olive oil sector. Taking a database containing about half million Spanish olive growers during 8 campaigns, five possible policies are studied and the results are examined according to different criteria including average revenue and its variability, growers utility gains, taxpayers cost and the transfer efficiency of support. The policies analysed are: (1) non-intervention; (2) the policy currently in force in Spain that combines a production aid with a yield insurance; (3) a revenue insurance, only; (4) revenue insurance combined with a production aid; and (5) an aid per tree in combination with revenue insurance. The methodology is based on Monte-Carlo simulations performed on about 100 groups of growers that have been grouped according to their expected yields and variability. Assuming and estimating olive oil price and yields correlations for each group of growers, the analysis allows for consistent policy comparisons at a very disaggregate level. Using the results for all analysed groups, policies are ranked based on the above criteria at the provincial and national levels. Results show that the current regime of EU production aids of olive oil eliminates the advantage of extending the current yield insurance to a revenue insurance. It is also shown that the level of support delivered by production aids cannot be reached with revenue insurance even with completely subsidised premiums. Finally, it is shown that the policy that combines tree aids with revenue insurance exhibits good results for all examining criteria.Agricultural policy, revenue insurance, olive oil sector, Risk and Uncertainty,

    Sol-gel incorporation of organometallic compounds into silica: useful precursors to metallic nanostructured materials

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloLa inclusión del MLN organometálica = HOC 6 H 4 CH 2 CN • Mo (CO) 5 (6) en sílice amorfa con los precursores TEOS gelificante y N 3 P 3 {NH [CH 2 ] 3 Si [OEt] 3 } 6 permitirse los geles (MLN) ( SiO 2 ) n . Los nanocompuestos híbridos inorgánicos-orgánicos se piroliza bajo aire a 800 º C para dar óxidos nanoestructurados metálicos y / o pirofosfatos de metal (fosfatos) incluidos en las matrices de sílice. La morfología de los nanocompuestos monolíticas exhiben una fuerte dependencia con el precursor del gel utilizado es principalmente laminar para aquellos preparados utilizando N 3 P 3 {NH [CH 2 ] 3 Si [OEt] 3 } como gelificante. Las imágenes de TEM muestran la forma y tamaño diferentes, tales como nanopartículas circulares, nanocables y aglomerados en algunos casos con tamaños de 20 nm para las nanoestructuras circulares y de diámetro aproximadamente 25 nm para los nanocables.Inclusion of the organometallic MLn = [HOC5H4N•Cp2TiCl][PF6] (1), HOC5H4N-W(CO)5 (2), HOC5H4N•Mo(CO)5 (3), [HOC6H4CH2CN•Cp2TiCl][PF6] (4), HOC6H4CH2CN•W(CO)5 (5) and HOC6H4CH2CN•Mo(CO)5 (6) into amorphous silica using the gelator precursor TEOS and N3P3{NH[CH2]3Si[OEt]3}6 afford the gels (MLn)(SiO2)n. The inorganic-organic hybrid nanocomposites were pyrolyzed under air at 800°C to give nanostructured metal oxides and/or metal pyrophosphates (phosphates) included in the silica matrices. The morphology of the monolithic nanocomposites exhibited a strong dependence on the gel precursor used being mainly laminar for those prepared using N3P3{NH[CH2]3Si[OEt]3} as gelator. TEM images show different shape and size such as circular nanoparticles, nanocables and agglomerates in some cases with sizes of 20 nm for the circular nanostructures, and diameter about 25 nm for the nanocables.http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-97072012000200021&nrm=is

    Artes textiles y activismo colectivo. Mujeres e intervenciones estético-políticas

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    Artes textiles y activismo colectivo es un proyecto en construcción que pretende trazar un mapa –o un tejido resistente- de las prácticas textiles realizadas por las mujeres como intervenciones estético-políticas. La fuerza transformadora y las posibilidades de sumar experiencias reivindicativas vehiculan las capacidades de acción de las mujeres unidas en trabajos textiles de diversa índole. Desde la categorización de estas actividades como labores de mantenimiento y cuidados, identificadas con los roles femeninos en el ámbito doméstico, se pasa a su re-conversión en mecanismos e instrumentos de acción pública. Abordar estas cuestiones presupone tratar aspectos de partida que atañen a los cimientos de la institución arte, la jerarquización de los géneros, las técnicas o los formatos, el cuestionamiento de los relatos histórico-artísticos con pretensiones universales, y la estimación historiográfica. A algunas experiencias estudiadas, como las de las sufragistas británicas o del colectivo Bordando Feminicidios, se unen, entre otras, las arpilleras chilenas, el activismo pacifista en el Greenham Common Women's Peace Camp o diversas acciones del craftivismo. Estaríamos atendiendo al potencial transformador de lo que podríamos calificar como “armas de construcción masiva”.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Cultura franciscana contemporánea : la conmemoración del VII Centenario de la muerte de San Francisco de Asís (1226-1926)

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    La conmemoración del VII centenario de la muerte de San Francisco de Asís (1226- 1926) traspasó los ámbitos estrictamente religiosos y eclesiásticos para alcanzar una dilatada dimensión ilustrada. El evento fue una oportunidad bien aprovechada para profundizar y avanzar en el conocimiento de la historia, la mística y la llamada “cultura” franciscanas. En la base de este renovado interés estaba la validez contemporánea del carisma del santo, su poder de simbolización de las preocupaciones del hombre moderno y su fascinante capacidad de respuesta a múltiples inquietudes. El presente trabajo se centra en el análisis de esta impronta erudita y artística, la variedad de su materialización y el valor de sus canales de difusión.The commemoration of the 7th centenary of the death of St Francisco de Asis (1226-1926) went beyond the purely religious and ecclesiastical limits reaching a high enlightened standing. This event constituted a well-taken opportunity to study and make progress in the knowledge of the Franciscan history and mysticism, and the so-called “Fransciscan culture” The reason of this renewed interest was the contemporary validity of his charisma, his power to symbolize the modern man’s worries and his fascinating response capacity to numerous concerns. The present work is focused on the analysis of this erudite and artistic mark, the variety of its materialization and the value of its distribution channels

    "Yo soy Egipto" El poder y la seducción de Cleopatra en las artes plásticas y en el cine

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    La figura de Cleopatra ocupa un lugar preferente dentro del universo iconográfico femenino. En la creación del mito, cuya imagen histórica aparece teñida de una buena dosis de leyenda, han participado activamente los artistas a través de la proyección de sus miradas. La soberana de Egipto ofrece los ingredientes más sabrosos para inspirar y alimentar las inquietudes, deseos y sueños masculinos. Desde esta perspectiva, el ejercicio del poder por parte de una mujer no podía entenderse sin la utilización consciente de los componentes estereotipados de la feminidad. Cleopatra, como portadora de una rara y exótica belleza, de un desenfrenado apetito sexual y de pasiones extremas, se convierte en la reina de la seducción que arrastra, arrasa y, finalmente, lleva a la muerte. El país del Nilo brinda, además, el escenario perfecto para los gustadores de lo exótico. El presente trabajo aborda las posibilidades estéticas y expresivas del mito a través de una selección de la producción plástica y cinematográfica más significativa.The figure of Cleopatra has a special place in the female iconographic universe. Her historical image has been frequently tinged with legend, in whose creation artists have taken an active part through their gazes. The sovereign of Egypt provides the most delicious ingredients to inspire and nurture the male interests, desires and dreams. From this point of view the women’s practise of power cannot be understood without the conscious use of the female stereotyped elements. Cleopatra with her rare and exotic beauty, her insatiable sexual appetite and her extreme passion turns into seduction queen who draws, destroyes and finally leads to death. The Nile country offers also the perfect location for those who enjoy exotic things. This essay deals with the aesthetics and expressive possibilities of the legend through a selection of the most significant plastic and film works

    Mathematical analysis and numerical methods for pricing pension plans allowing early retirement

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    In this paper, we address the mathematical analysis and numerical solution of a model for pricing a defined benefit pension plan. More precisely, the benefits received by the member of the plan depend on the average salary and early retirement is allowed. Thus, the mathematical model is posed as an obstacle problem associated to a Kolmogorov equation in the time region where the salary is being averaged. Previously to the initial averaging date, a nonhomogeneous one factor Black-Scholes equation is posed. After stating the model, existence and regularity of solutions are studied. Moreover, appropriate numerical methods based on a Lagrange-Galerkin discretization and an augmented Lagrangian active set method are proposed. Finally, some numerical examples illustrate the performance of the numerical techniques and the properties of the solution and the free boundary.retirement plans, options pricing, Kolmogorov equations, complementarity problem, numerical methods, augmented Lagrangian formulation

    Un enfoque inclusivo y transnacional a las ideologías lingüísticas

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    SCHIEFFELIN, Bambi B.; WOOLARD, Kathryn A. y KROSKRITY, Paul V. (Eds.). 2012. Ideologías Lingüísticas: Práctica y Teoría. Madrid: Catarata