247 research outputs found

    A non-contact optical technique for vehicle tracking along bounded trajectories

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    This paper presents a method for measuring the non-controlled trajectory of a cart along a bounded rectilinear path. The method uses non-contact measurement devices to identify the position of a movable laser scanner working in helical mode in order to reconstruct the 3D model of bridges. The main idea of the proposed method is to use vision systems in order to identify the coordinates of the laser scanner placed on the cart with respect to the global reference system. A fit-to-purpose vision system has been implemented: the system uses three CCD's cameras mounted on the cart to identify the relative rotations with respect to the environment. Two lasers pointers and a laser distance meter are fixed at the starting point of the trajectory and pointing in the direction of motion of the cart, creating three dots on a plane placed on the cart. One of the camera detects the cart displacements and rotations in the plane using a blob analysis procedure. The method described in this paper has a constant uncertainty and the measurement range only depends on the lasers power. The theoretical accuracy of the measurement system is close to 1 mm for the translation along the motion direction and around 0.5 mm along the other two directions. Orientations measurement have a theoretical accuracy of less than 0.1 °. The solution has been implemented for the 3D reconstruction of concrete bridge; preliminary experimental results are presented and discussed

    Room temperature evolution of gold nanodots deposited on silicon

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    In this work, the morphological and structural evolution of gold nanodots deposited on Si substrates has been monitored for 2.4 × 103 h. Gold nanodots on Si are of great scientific interest because they can be used in numerous ways, for example as subwavelength antennas in plasmonics, as electrical contacts in nanometric devices, or as catalysts for the formation of quasi-1dimensional nanostructures. Their characteristics have been studied in a very large number of papers in literature, and among the several aspects, it is known that continuous Au films peculiarly interact with Si by interdiffusion even at room temperature. It would be expected that also small nanostructures could undergo to an interdiffusion and consequent modifications of their structure and shape after aging. Despite the cruciality of this topic, no literature papers have been found showing a detailed morphological and structural characterization of aged Au nanodots. Au nanoparticles have been deposited by sputtering on Si and stored in air at temperature between 20 and 23 °C and humidity of about 45 %, simulating the standard storage conditions of most of the fabrication labs. The morphological and structural characterizations have been performed by bright field transmission electron microscopy (TEM). A specific procedure has been used in order to avoid any modification of the material during the specimen preparation for the TEM analysis. A digital processing of the TEM images has allowed to get a large statistical analysis on the particles size distribution. Two different types of nanoparticles are found after the deposition: pure gold crystalline nanodots on the Si surface and gold amorphous nanoclusters interdiffused into the Si subsurface regions. While the nanodots preserve both morphology and structure all over the time, the amorphous agglomerates show an evolution during aging in morphology, structure, and chemical phase

    High Grade Glioma Treatment in Elderly People: Is It Different Than in Younger Patients? Analysis of Surgical Management Guided by an Intraoperative Multimodal Approach and Its Impact on Clinical Outcome

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    Objective: Age is considered a negative prognostic factor for High Grade Gliomas (HGGs) and many neurosurgeons remain skeptical about the benefits of aggressive treatment. New surgical and technological improvements may allow extended safe resection, with lower level of post-operative complications. This opportunity opens the unsolved question about the most appropriate HGG treatment in elderly patients. The aim of this study is to analyze if HGG maximal safe resection guided by an intraoperative multimodal imaging protocol coupled with neuromonitoring is associated with differences in outcome in elderly patients versus younger ones. Methods: We reviewed 100 patients, 53 (53%) males and 47 (47%) females, with median (IQR) age of 64 (57; 72) years. Eight patients were diagnosed with Anaplastic Astrocytoma (AA), 92 with Glioblastoma (GBM). Surgery was aimed to achieve safe maximal resection. An intraoperative multimodal imaging protocol, including neuronavigation, neurophysiological monitoring, 5-ALA fluorescence, 11C MET-PET, navigated i-US system and i-CT, was used, and its impact on EOTR and clinical outcome in elderly patients was analyzed. We divided patients in two groups according to their age: 65 years, and surgical and clinical results (EOTR, post-operative KPS, OS and PFS) were compared. Yet, to better understand age-related differences, the same patient cohort was also divided into 70 years and all the above data reanalyzed. Results: In the first cohort division, we did not found KPS difference over time and survival analysis did not show significant difference between the two groups (p = 0.36 for OS and p = 0.49 for PFS). Same results were obtained increasing the age cut-off for age up to 70 years (p = 0.52 for OS and p = 0.92 for PFS). Conclusions: Our data demonstrate that there is not statistically significant difference in post-operative EOTR, KPS, OS, and PFS between younger and elderly patients treated with extensive tumor resection aided by a intraoperative multimodal protocol

    Guanosine-mediated anxiolytic-like effect: Interplay with adenosine a1 and a2a receptors

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    Acute or chronic administration of guanosine (GUO) induces anxiolytic-like effects, for which the adenosine (ADO) system involvement has been postulated yet without a direct experimental evidence. Thus, we aimed to investigate whether adenosine receptors (ARs) are involved in the GUO-mediated anxiolytic-like effect, evaluated by three anxiety-related paradigms in rats. First, we confirmed that acute treatment with GUO exerts an anxiolytic-like effect. Subsequently, we investigated the effects of pretreatment with ADO or A1R (CPA, CCPA) or A2AR (CGS21680) agonists 10 min prior to GUO on a GUO-induced anxiolytic-like effect. All the combined treatments blocked the GUO anxiolytic-like effect, whereas when administered alone, each compound was ineffective as compared to the control group. Interestingly, the pretreatment with nonselective antagonist caffeine or selective A1R (DPCPX) or A2AR (ZM241385) antagonists did not modify the GUO-induced anxiolytic-like effect. Finally, binding assay performed in hippocampal membranes showed that [3H]GUO binding became saturable at 100–300 nM, suggesting the existence of a putative GUO binding site. In competition experiments, ADO showed a potency order similar to GUO in displacing [3H]GUO binding, whereas AR selective agonists, CPA and CGS21680, partially displaced [3H]GUO binding, but the sum of the two effects was able to displace [3H]GUO binding to the same extent of ADO alone. Overall, our results strengthen previous data supporting GUO-mediated anxiolytic-like effects, add new evidence that these effects are blocked by A1R and A2AR agonists and pave, although they do not elucidate the mechanism of GUO and ADO receptor interaction, for a better characterization of GUO binding sites in ARs

    Ultrahigh-power micrometre-sized supercapacitors based on onion-like carbon

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    Electrochemical capacitors, also called supercapacitors, store energy in two closely spaced layers with opposing charges, and are used to power hybrid electric vehicles, portable electronic equipment and other devices¹. By offering fast charging and discharging rates, and the ability to sustain millions of ²⁻⁵, electrochemical capacitors bridge the gap between batteries, which offer high energy densities but are slow, and conventional electrolytic capacitors, which are fast but have low energy densities. Here, we demonstrate microsupercapacitors with powers per volume that are comparable to electrolytic capacitors, capacitances that are four orders of magnitude higher, and energies per volume that are an order of magnitude higher. We also measured discharge rates of up to 200 V s⁻¹, which is three orders of magnitude higher than conventional supercapacitors. The microsupercapacitors are produced by the electrophoretic deposition of a several micrometre-thick layer of nanostructured carbon onions⁶‚⁷ with diameters of 6-7 nm. Integration of these nanoparticles in a microdevice with a high surface-to-volume ratio, without the use of organic binders and polymer separators, improves performance because of the ease with which ions can access the active material. Increasing the energy density and discharge rates of supercapacitors will enable them to compete with batteries and conventional electrolytic capacitors in a number of applications

    Thoracic Outlet Syndrome Part II: Consensus on the Management of Neurogenic Thoracic Outlet Syndrome by the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies' Section of Peripheral Nerve Surgery

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    peer reviewedBACKGROUND: In the first part of this report, the European Association of Neurosurgical Societies' section of peripheral nerve surgery presented a systematic literature review and consensus statements on anatomy, classification, and diagnosis of thoracic outlet syndrome (TOS) along with a subclassification system of neurogenic TOS (nTOS). Because of the lack of level 1 evidence, especially regarding the management of nTOS, we now add a consensus statement on nTOS treatment among experienced neurosurgeons. OBJECTIVE: To document consensus and controversy on nTOS management, with emphasis on timing and types of surgical and nonsurgical nTOS treatment, and to support patient counseling and clinical decision-making within the neurosurgical community. METHODS: The literature available on PubMed/MEDLINE was systematically searched on February 13, 2021, and yielded 2853 results. Screening and classification of abstracts was performed. In an online meeting that was held on December 16, 2021, 14 recommendations on nTOS management were developed and refined in a group process according to the Delphi consensus method. RESULTS: Five RCTs reported on management strategies in nTOS. Three prospective observational studies present outcomes after therapeutic interventions. Fourteen statements on nonsurgical nTOS treatment, timing, and type of surgical therapy were developed. Within our expert group, the agreement rate was high with a mean of 97.8% (± 0.04) for each statement, ranging between 86.7% and 100%. CONCLUSION: Our work may help to improve clinical decision-making among the neurosurgical community and may guide nonspecialized or inexperienced neurosurgeons with initial patient management before patient referral to a specialized center. Copyright © Congress of Neurological Surgeons 2022. All rights reserved

    CID: Chemistry in disks VI.sulfur-bearing molecules in the protoplanetary disks surrounding LkCa15, MWC480, DM Tau, and GO Tau

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    We study the content in S-bearing molecules of protoplanetary disks around low-mass stars. We used the new IRAM 30-m receiver EMIR to perform simultaneous observations of the 1101011_{10}-1_{01} line of H2_2S at 168.8 GHz and 2231122_{23}-1_{12} line of SO at 99.3 GHz. We compared the observational results with predictions coming from the astrochemical code NAUTILUS, which has been adapted to protoplanetary disks. The data were analyzed together with existing CS J=3-2 observations. We fail to detect the SO and H2_2S lines, although CS is detected in LkCa15, DM\,Tau, and GO\,Tau but not in MWC\,480. However, our new upper limits are significantly better than previous ones and allow us to put some interesting constraints on the sulfur chemistry. Our best modeling of disks is obtained for a C/O ratio of 1.2, starting from initial cloud conditions of H density of 2×1052\times 10^5 cm3^{-3} and age of 10610^6 yr. The results agree with the CS data and are compatible with the SO upper limits, but fail to reproduce the H2_2S upper limits. The predicted H2_2S column densities are too high by at least one order of magnitude. H2_2S may remain locked onto grain surfaces and react with other species, thereby preventing the desorption of H2_2S

    Keyboard Contamination in Intensive Care Unit: Is Cleaning Enough? Prospective Research of In Situ Effectiveness of a Tea Tree Oil (KTEO) Film

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    After the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, disinfection practices and microbial load reduction have become even more important and rigorous. To determine the contamination of keyboard surface and the relative risk to transfer healthcare-associated pathogens to susceptible patients, as it frequently happens in Intensive Care Unit (ICU), a standard keyboard (SK), a cleanable keyless keyboard (KK) with smooth surface and a standard keyboard coated with a 3M Tegaderm film added with active essential oil (tea tree oil) (KTEO) were tested. S. aureus, including MRSA strains, were detected in ICU, with values ranging from 15% to 57%. Gram negative strains belonging to the Enterobacteriaceae family were also found with values ranging from 14% to 71%. Similar Gram positive and Gram negative strains were found on all surfaces, but with low percentage, and only environmental bacteria were detected using the settling plates method. The Microbial Challenge Test performed on KTEO showed high rates of decrease for all the pathogens with statistical significance both at 24 and 48h (p=0.003* and p=0.040*, respectively). Our results suggest that the use of KTEO may be a feasible strategy for reducing the transmission of pathogens in health care setting and may be complementary to surface cleaning protocols

    Procedures for the relative calibration of the SiPM gain on ASTRI SST-2M camera

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    ASTRI SST-2M is one of the prototypes of the small size class of telescopes proposed for the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Its optical design is based on a dual-mirror Schwarzschild-Couder configuration, and the camera is composed by a matrix of monolithic multipixel silicon photomultipliers managed by ad-hoc tailored front-end electronics. This paper describes the procedures for the gain calibration on the ASTRI SST-2M. Since the SiPM gain depends on the operative voltage and the temperature, we adjust the operative voltages for all sensors to have equal gains at a reference temperature. We then correct gain variations caused by temperature changes by adjusting the operating voltage of each sensor. For that purpose the SiPM gain dependence on operating voltage and on temperature have been measured. In addition, we present the calibration procedures and the results of the experimental measurements to evaluate, for each pixel, the parameters necessary to make the trigger uniform over the whole focal plane