138 research outputs found

    The SNR G106.3+2.7 and its Pulsar Wind Nebula: relics of triggered star formation in a complex environment

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    We propose that the pulsar nebula associated with the pulsar J2229+6114 and the supernova remnant (SNR) G106.3+2.7 are the result of the same supernova explosion. The whole structure is located at the edge of an HI bubble with extended regions of molecular gas inside. The radial velocities of both the atomic hydrogen and the molecular material suggest a distance of 800 pc. At this distance the SNR is 14 pc long and 6 pc wide. Apparently the bubble was created by the stellar wind and supernova explosions of a group of stars in its center which also triggered the formation of the progenitor star of G106.3+2.7. The progenitor star exploded at or close to the current position of the pulsar, which is at one end of the SNR rather than at its center. The expanding shock wave of the supernova explosion created a comet shaped supernova remnant by running into dense material and then breaking out into the inner part of the HI bubble. A synchrotron nebula with a shell-like structure (the ``Boomerang'') of length 0.8 pc was created by the pulsar wind interacting with the dense ambient medium. The expanding shock wave created an HI shell of mass 0.4 Msun around this nebula by ionizing the atomic hydrogen in its vicinity.Comment: 10 pages, Latex, with aastex and emulateapj5, 5 figures. ApJ, accepted, scheduled for the v560 n1 p1 Oct 10, 2001 issu

    New Insights on Interstellar Gas-Phase Iron

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    In this paper, we report on the gas-phase abundance of singly-ionized iron (Fe II) for 51 lines of sight, using data from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE). Fe II column densities are derived by measuring the equivalent widths of several ultraviolet absorption lines and subsequently fitting those to a curve of growth. Our derivation of Fe II column densities and abundances creates the largest sample of iron abundances in moderately- to highly-reddened lines of sight explored with FUSE, lines of sight that are on average more reddened than lines of sight in previous Copernicus studies. We present three major results. First, we observe the well-established correlation between iron depletion and and also find trends between iron depletion and other line of sight parameters (e.g. f(H_2), E_(B-V), and A_V), and examine the significance of these trends. Of note, a few of our lines of sight probe larger densities than previously explored and we do not see significantly enhanced depletion effects. Second, we present two detections of an extremely weak Fe II line at 1901.773 A in the archival STIS spectra of two lines of sight (HD 24534 and HD 93222). We compare these detections to the column densities derived through FUSE spectra and comment on the line's f-value and utility for future studies of Fe II. Lastly, we present strong anecdotal evidence that the Fe II f-values derived empirically through FUSE data are more accurate than previous values that have been theoretically calculated, with the probable exception of f_1112.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 669, 378; see ApJ version for small updates. 53 total pages (preprint format), 7 tables, 11 figure

    Radial abundance gradients in the outer Galactic disk as traced by main-sequence OB stars

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    Using a sample of 31 main-sequence OB stars located between galactocentric distances 8.4 - 15.6 kpc, we aim to probe the present-day radial abundance gradients of the Galactic disk. The analysis is based on high-resolution spectra obtained with the MIKE spectrograph on the Magellan Clay 6.5-m telescope on Las Campanas. We used a non-NLTE analysis in a self-consistent semi-automatic routine based on TLUSTY and SYNSPEC to determine atmospheric parameters and chemical abundances. Stellar parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, projected rotational velocity, microturbulence, and macroturbulence) and silicon and oxygen abundances are presented for 28 stars located beyond 9 kpc from the Galactic centre plus three stars in the solar neighborhood. The stars of our sample are mostly on the main-sequence, with effective temperatures between 20800 - 31300 K, and surface gravities between 3.23 - 4.45 dex. The radial oxygen and silicon abundance gradients are negative and have slopes of -0.07 dex/kpc and -0.09 dex/kpc, respectively, in the region 8.4≀RG≀15.68.4 \leq R_G \leq 15.6\,kpc. The obtained gradients are compatible with the present-day oxygen and silicon abundances measured in the solar neighborhood and are consistent with radial metallicity gradients predicted by chemodynamical models of Galaxy Evolution for a subsample of young stars located close to the Galactic plane.Comment: Accepted for publication in the A&

    Embedded Stellar Clusters in the W3/W4/W5 Molecular Cloud Complex

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    We analyze the embedded stellar content in the vicinity of the W3/W4/W5 HII regions using the FCRAO Outer Galaxy 12CO(J=1-0) Survey, the IRAS Point Source Catalog, published radio continuum surveys, and new near-infrared and molecular line observations. Thirty-four IRAS Point Sources are identified that have far-infrared colors characteristic of embedded star forming regions, and we have obtained K' mosaics and 13CO(J=1-0) maps for 32 of them. Ten of the IRAS sources are associated with an OB star and 19 with a stellar cluster, although three OB stars are not identified with a cluster. Half of the embedded stellar population identified in the K' images is found in just the 5 richest clusters, and 61% is contained in IRAS sources associated with an embedded OB star. Thus rich clusters around OB stars contribute substantially to the stellar population currently forming in the W3/W4/W5 region. Approximately 39% of the cluster population is embedded in small clouds with an average mass of ~130 Mo that are located as far as 100 pc from the W3/W4/W5 cloud complex. We speculate that these small clouds are fragments of a cloud complex dispersed by previous episodes of massive star formation. Finally, we find that 4 of the 5 known embedded massive star forming sites in the W3 molecular cloud are found along the interface with the W4 HII region despite the fact that most of the molecular mass is contained in the interior regions of the cloud. These observations are consistent with the classical notion that the W4 HII region has triggered massive star formation along the eastern edge of the W3 molecular cloud.Comment: to appear in ApJS, see http://astro.caltech.edu/~jmc/papers/w

    Optical photometry and spectral classification in the field of the open cluster NGC 6996 in the North America Nebula

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    We present and discuss broad band CCD UBV(I)CUBV(I)_C photometry and low resolution spectroscopy for stars in the region of the open cluster NGC 6996, located in the North America Nebula. The new data allow us to tightly constrain the basic properties of this object. We revise the cluster size, which in the past has been significantly underestimated. The width of the Main Sequence is mainly interpreted in terms of differential reddening, and indeed the stars' color excess EB−VE_{B-V} ranges from 0.43 to 0.65, implying the presence of a significant and evenly distributed dust component. We cross-correlate our optical photometry with near infrared from 2MASS, and by means of spectral classification we are able to build up extinction curves for an handful of bright members. We find that the reddening slope and the total to selective absorption ratio RVR_V toward NGC 6996 are anomalous. Moreover the reddening corrected colors and magnitudes allow us to derive estimates for the cluster distance and age, which turn out to be 760±70pc760 \pm 70 pc (V0−MV=9.4±0.2V_{0}-M_{V} = 9.4 \pm 0.2) and ∌350\sim 350 Myr, respectively. Basing on our results, we suggest that NGC 6996 is located in front of the North America Nebula, and does not seem to have any apparent relationship with it.Comment: 19 pages, 12 eps figures, in press in A&

    Clumpy outer Galaxy molecular clouds and the steepening of the IMF

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    We report the results of high-resolution (~0.2 pc) CO(1-0) and CS(2-1) observations of the central regions of three star-forming molecular clouds in the far-outer Galaxy (~16 kpc from the Galactic Center): WB89 85 (Sh 2-127), WB89 380, and WB89 437. We used the BIMA array in combination with IRAM 30-m and NRAO 12-m observations. The GMC's in which the regions are embedded were studied by means of KOSMA 3-m CO(2-1) observations. The properties the CO and CS clumps are analyzed and compared with newly derived results of previously published single-dish measurements of local clouds (OrionB South and Rosette). We find that the slopes of the clump mass distributions (-1.28 and -1.49, for WB89 85 and WB89 380, respectively) are somewhat less steep than found for most local clouds, but similar to those of clouds which have been analyzed with the same clumpfind program. We investigate the clump stability by using the virial theorem, including all possible contributions (gravity, turbulence, magnetic fields, and pressure due to the interclump gas). It appears that under reasonable assumptions a combination of these forces would render most clumps stable. Comparing only gravity and turbulence, we find that in the far-outer Galaxy clouds, these forces are in equilibium (virial parameter alpha~1) for clumps down to the lowest masses found (a few Msol). For clumps in the local clouds alpha~1 only for clumps with masses larger than a few tens of Msol. Thus it appears that in these outer Galaxy clumps gravity is the dominant force down to a much lower mass than in local clouds, implying that gravitational collapse and star formation may occur more readily even in the smallest clumps. Although there are some caveats, due to the inhomogeneity of the data used, this might explain the apparently steeper IMF found in the outer Galaxy.Comment: 29 pages, including 9 tables, 21 figures. Accepted for Astron. Astrop

    The ionising cluster of 30 Doradus.IV. Stellar kinematics

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    On the basis of multislit spectroscopy of 180 stars in the ionising cluster of 30 Doradus we present reliable radial velocities for 55 stars. We calculate a radial velocity dispersion of ~35 km/s for the cluster and we analyse the possible influence of spectroscopic binaries in this rather large velocity dispersion. We use numerical simulations to show that the observations are consistent with the hypothesis that all the stars in the cluster are binaries, and the total mass of the cluster is ~5E+5 solar masses. A simple test shows only marginal evidence for dynamical mass segregation which if present is most likely not due to dynamical relaxation.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    A Galactic O-Star Catalog

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    We have produced a catalog of 378 Galactic O stars with accurate spectral classifications which is complete for V<8 but includes many fainter stars. The catalog provides cross-identifications with other sources; coordinates (obtained in most cases from Tycho-2 data); astrometric distances for 24 of the nearest stars; optical (Tycho-2, Johnson, and Stromgren) and NIR photometry; group membership, runaway character, and multiplicity information; and a web-based version with links to online services.Comment: 76 pages, 13 tables, and 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal. Online version of the catalog available at http://www.stsci.edu/~jmaiz/GOSmain.htm
