152 research outputs found

    Metafora Pada Lirik-lirik Lagu Dalam Album No Sound Without Silence Karya the Script

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    This research is entitled ā€œMetaphor in the Song Lyrics of the Album No Sound without Silence by The Scriptā€. There are two problems to answer in the analysis. First is what are the types of metaphor found in The Script songs No Sound without Silence album. The second one is what the meaning of the song lyrics in The Script Album No Sound without Silence. This study uses descriptive method. The data sources used in this study are the lyrics of the 12 songs by The Script on No Sound without Silence album. This study uses the theory of Leech (1984) and Lakoff and Johnson (1980). The result reveals that there are 40 metaphors found in the Album No Sound without Silence by The Script. It can be categorized into concretive metaphor, humanizing metaphor, animistic metaphor and synesthetic metaphor. Those metaphors are divided into 32 lines of concretive metaphor, 6 lines of humanizing metaphor, 1 line of animistic metaphor and 3 lines of synesthetic metaphor. Concretive metaphor is mostly used in this album. The songwriter uses the metaphor to add some elegance to the song. In addition the messages of each song were shown by the use of metaphor. In analyzing the meaning, Lakoff and Johnson's theory about target and source was used. Target refers to the idea or principal subject of metaphor while source refer to the thing that has been equalizer

    Pemakaian Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar pada badan publik di Kota Makassar

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    Bahasa Indonesia memiliki kedudukan dan fungsi yang telah diatur dalam Pasal 36 Undang-Undang Dasar tahun 1945 dan semakin dikukuhkan dan diperjelas dalam Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia No 24 tahun 2009 tentang Bendera, Bahasa, dan Lambang Negara, serta Lagu Kebangsaan. Dengan adanya Undang-Undang tersebut, kedudukan dan fungsi Bahasa Indonesia sudah sepantasnya diposisikan sebagai bahasa yang dijunjung tinggi oleh masyarakat Indonesia. Salah satu caranya adalah menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia pada badan publik berdasakan kaidah Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar. Tujuan pengkajian ini semata-mata untuk menggambarkan penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar pada badan publik di Kota Makassar


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    CARCASS QUALITY OF BROILER FED RATION CONTAINING COFFEE (Coffea sp) HUSK WASTE PRODUCT TREATED BY SIMPLE PROCESSING AND SUBSTITUTING PARTS OF CORN WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS. The aim of this research Ā was to know coffee husk waste product treated by simple processing and substituting parts of corn on body weight, carcass percentage and weight of abdominal fat Study was applied at Faculty of Animal Science, Sam Ratulangi University during 35 days. Total of 144 day old chick unsexed broilers, strain of CP 707, involving 36 experimental units of battery pens were used in this study. Each unit of pen was filled 4 birds under completely randomized design on factorial patter of 3x4. Factor A was focused on three processing treatments including coffee husk heated under sun light (A1), coffee husk immersed in the water (A2), and coffee husk boiled under water (A3). Factor B was focused on four treatments of substitution levels including ration containing corn without coffee husk substitution (B0), ration containing corn substituted with 25% coffee husk (B1), rationĀ  containing corn substituted with 50% coffee husk (B2), rationĀ  containing corn substituted with 75% coffee husk (B3). Variables observed were including final body weight, carcass weight percentage and abdominal fat weight. Analysis of variance showed that interaction of processing treatments did not affect significantly on final body weight, carcass weight percentage and abdominal fat weight. This study showed that utilization of coffee husk waste product by above simple processing could substitute part of corn in ration of 25% - 75% producing high carcass quality of broiler.Ā Key word: Coffee husk by product, corn, broiler carcass percentag


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    Jargon that used by transgender community in social networking ā€˜facebookā€™ is really interesting to understand because the jargon has a form and meaning itself in its disclosure. The research discusses of using of transgender community in social networking ā€˜facebookā€™ by using semantic parameter. The research aims to describe the jargon forms that used by transgender community in social networking ā€˜facebookā€™ and discusses the type of semantics and changes of meaning generated from the jargons. The method used of this research is qualitative descriptive by using noting and scrutinizing technique. The result shows that there are fifty-three of jargons used by transgender community in social networking ā€˜facebookā€™. Those jargons are ate, eke/eike, yey, ses, astajim, mengondek, menyabong, res/ress, le/lek/leee, mawar, ono, seljes/seljong, bo, kulo, lekes, mehong, cuccok, ce, nekk, sindang, ceu, libra, chinese, centes, peges-peges, mekong, tinta, bae, kentilas, heywanat, cacamarica, ojo, polo/polonia, mursid/mursida, bosnia, megang, kereles, kempinsky, endes, sahaja, bue, perez, dese, merongin, malides, mojang, priwi, kinyis-kinyis, cuss, eim/em, say, andbye. The jargons are formed based on the type of semantic, namely lexical meaning, grammatical meaning, denotative meaning, connotative meaning, contextual meaning, situational meaning, and thematic meaning. Furthermore, the jargons have also a relation of meaning and aspect of meaning. The relation of meaning is synonym and antonym, while, the aspect of meaning is feeling, tone, and intention. Then, there are some of jargons that undergo change the meaning, that is total meaning, broad meaning, and using diachronic parameter, such, bosnia, mursid, polo astajim, mawar, and bye.ABSTRAKJargon yang digunakan oleh komunitas waria di jejaring sosial ā€œā€˜facebookā€™ā€ sangat menarik untuk dipahami karena jargon tersebut memiliki bentuk dan makna tersendiri dalam pengungkapannya. Bagi orang awam jargon tersebut susah untuk dipahami, hanya komunitas merekalah yang mampu memahami maksud dari jargon yang digunakannya tersebut. Tulisan ini membincangkan tentang penggunaan jargon bahasa waria di jejaring sosial ā€˜facebookā€™ dan perubahan makna yang ditimbulkan dari jargon tersebut. Tujuan tulisan ini adalah mendeskripsikan bentuk-bentuk jargon yang digunakan oleh komunitas waria di jejaring sosial ā€˜facebookā€™ dan menjelaskan kata-kata apa saja yang mengalami perubahan makna. Metode yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif dengan menggunakan teknik catat dan simak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat lima puluh dua bentuk jargon yang digunakan oleh komunitas waria di jejaring sosial ā€˜facebookā€™, yakni ate, eke/eike, yey, ses, astajim, mengondek, menyabong, res/ress, le/lek/leee, mawar, ono, seljes/seljong, bo, kulo, lekes, mehong, cuccok, ce, nekk, sindang, ceu, libra, chinese, centes, peges-peges, mekong, tinta, bae, kentilas, heywanat, cacamarica, ojo, polo/polonia, mursid/mursida, bosnia, megang, kereles, kempinsky, endes, sahaja, bue, perez, dese, merongin, malides, mojang, priwi, kinyis-kinyis, cuss, eim/em, say, dan bye. Jargon-jargon tersebut dibentuk berdasarkan makna leksikal dan gramatikal. Selanjutnya, jargon yang mengalami perubahan makna adalah astajim, mawar, dan bye


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    Each every Puskesmas archipelago Sangihe need the assessment accredit as conducting public and quality institution. The reaching of accredit the A from Body Accredit the National is not easy matter in a short time. Limitation of human resource, time, fund and TIRE assessment making as consideration each every head on duty health for the repair of accreditation. System of Decision Supporter made to assist the head on duty health in menyususn of repair priority seven standard accredit pursuant to consideration of condition Puskesmas. Method of Analytic Process Represent one of method form capable to elaborate a problem to form hierarki by level. Software which is developing to use the Ianguage of pemograman QT CREATOR and its data bases use the MYSQL . Hence require to be develop builded a computerized system which can assist the team accredit from town regency and also from provinsi in determining elegibility accredit Puskesmas. By develop building system of supporterof elegibility decision accredit the Puskesmas with the method AHP can assist in decision determination in taking decision and determine precisely and competent accurate accredit and not accredit

    Resepsi "Puisi Pendidikan" Karya Dian Hartati Bagi Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Semester IV FBS Universitas Negeri Makassar

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    Ringkasan: Pembaca karya sastra akan memberikan resepsi yang berbeda dengan pembaca lainnya. Oleh karena itu, sebuah karta sastra tidak selalu mendapat perhatian yang sama dari setiap pembaca. Mereka mempunyai tujuan masing-masing dalam pembacaan sebuah karya sastra. Dari tanggapan atau resepsi tersebut pembaca lebih diminan menilai karya sastra degan membuat suatu resepsi atau simpulan dari sebuah karya sastra yang dibacanya seperti karya sastra berupa puisi.Puisi (Dian Hartati) merupakan salah satu pencipta puisi yang dikenal dengan kepiawaiannya dalam meramu kata-kata sehingga menjadi sebuah puisi yang memiliki nilai estis yang tinggi, sehingga pembaca dapat meresapi makna dari puisi yang ditulisnya, puisi-puisi yang dihasilkan oleh Dian memiliki nilai tersendiri di mata pembacanya sehingga untuk memberikan sebuah interpretasi makna terhadap puisinya beragam

    Kamus Tae'

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    PRAKATA: Perkembangan teknologi informasi saat ini membawa pengaruh yang sangat besar dalam segala hal, termasuk penyusunan kamus. Penyusunan kamus yang semula dilakukan dengan cara mengumpulkan kata-kata baru dari buku cetakan dan dituliskan kembali dalam kartu-kartu kecil (slip), kemudian diurutkan secara alfabetis, kini mulai ditinggalkan. Sumber-sumber tertulis dalam bentuk cetakan tersebut sudah mulai digantikan dengan sumber-sumber yang tersedia dalam laman yang dapat diakses melalui internet. Penggunaan slip juga mulai bergeser ke dalam bentuk data digital yang dapat diproses secara cepat dan langsung. Perkembangan teknologi informasi telah membawa banyak kemudahan. Kamus Dwibahasa Taeā€Ÿ-Indonesia merupakan hasil penelitian terapan RISTEKDIKTI, dikemas sebagai acuan informasi atau referensi bahasa Taeā€Ÿ yang ingin mendalami dan mempelajari bahasa Taeā€Ÿ. Kamus Dwibahasa Taeā€Ÿ-Indonesia merupakan kamus pertama yang dibuat dalam bentuk daring dan luring. Penyusunan Kamus Dwibahasa Taeā€Ÿ-Indonesia ini dimulai dengan menggunakan aplikasi yang diberi nama kamustaeluwu.com. Penggunaan aplikasi dalam edisi pertama ini memungkinkan penyusunan kamus menjadi lebih mudah dan cepat. Aplikasi ini selain dirancang sebagai mesin pencarian yang diperuntukkan bagi pengguna Kamus Dwibahasa Taeā€Ÿ-Indonesia, juga terintegrasi dengan pekerjaan menyusun dan menyunting kamus yang diperuntukkan bagi tim penyusun ini. Selain itu, dalam aplikasi ini pula tersedia fitur interaktif yang memungkinkan pengguna menyumbangkan kata baru, mengomentari entri kamus, dan mengoreks

    Modality in Tae' Language: A Grammatical-Lexical View

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    Abstract: There are many ways to find modality m languages Modality of language can be expressed through grammatical or lexical feature However, modality in Tae' language specifically. can be described through both these features This research aims to express the modality in lac' language based on grammatical-lexical point of view This is a descriptive qualitative research using library research methods. Library research aims to get of completed and detail data. Further, this research analyzes eighteen discourses of Tae" language consisting of folklore, fable, messages, and Tae' specific food The result shows that there are some features marking modality in Tae' language that expressed through grammatical and lexical feature Grammatical modality of Tae" established through affixation process, i.e. prefix la-, and suffixes -ri. ra functioning as verbs and particles Further, modality m Tae" is also established by lexical feature using the words me/o. parotht, musu. beta, wo 'ding, hang ami. JW. iade, k . ohm, tae, lanma. saha. lake, andknnuui functioning ax auxiliary verbs, particles, negations, and conjunctions Semantically. these forms mark epistemit and deontic modality in Tae" language Lpistemic and deontic modality in Tae" describe as declarative, subjunctive, dubitativc. imperative, dcsiderative and volition, interrogative, and possibility for

    Speech Variation Of Benteng Somba Opu Community

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    The research aims to describe the speech variation of the Benteng Somba Opu community. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. Data were gaining from the verbal speech of the Benteng Somba Opu community in the form of dialogue. Data collection techniques conducted by doing observation and recording techniques. The data analysis carried out through data identification, data classification, data interpretation, and description of the result based on the sociolinguistics theory. The results of the research show that the Benteng Somba Opu community speech variation marked by using suffix, prefix, particle, and code-mixing. The suffix form contains -mi, -ma, -mo, -na, -nu, -ni, -ka, -ki, -ko, -ku, -ji, -pi, -di, -i, and -e. The prefix form marked by na-, ku-, ta-, and -i. The particle seems to the words, iyo, tong, tomma (i), mako, mami, paeng, dih, and tawwa. Code mixing conveyed using the English language (off and reward), and Arabic (alham-dulillah). Those variations are adjusting with the level of social, position, age, and familiarity between the speaker and the addressee in the Benteng Somba Opu community, resulting in a good, respectful, and polite speech
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