172 research outputs found

    Revisión de la proyección social institucional a partir del impacto formativo en graduados

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    Des d'una noció de qualitat educativa concebuda com aquella que assegura l'adquisició de coneixements significatius i el desenvolupament de capacitats ciutadanes compromeses amb la transformació de la realitat, les universitats confiades a la Companyia de Jesús a l'Amèrica Llatina han generat iniciatives que apunten a la formació dels estudiants per al compromís i la solidaritat. Aquest article té com a objectiu determinar els factors emergents vinculats a la cultura institucional que incideixen en la formació dels seus graduats, i així inferir els canvis a introduir en la política de projecció social institucional. La metodologia emprada va incloure un enfocament analític interpretatiu, retrospectiu i transversal, desenvolupat a través d'un disseny metodològic qualitatiu a través de l'anàlisi documental, entrevistes amb referents institucionals, graduats i referents externs (empleadors i representants d'entitats deontològiques). A la llum dels resultats va ser possible determinar les revisions valòriques, procedimentals i instrumentals que la política de projecció social de la universitat ha d'encarar, per tal de complir en profunditat la missió que li ha estat encomanada.From a notion of educational quality conceived as one that ensures the acquisition of significant knowledge and the development of citizen capacities committed to the transformation of reality, the universities entrusted to the Society of Jesus in Latin America have been generating initiatives that aim at training of students for commitment and solidarity. This article aims to determine the emerging factors linked to the institutional culture that affect the training of its graduates, and in this way, infer the changes to be introduced in the policy of institutional social projection. The methodology used included an interpretive, retrospective and cross-sectional analytical approach, developed through a qualitative methodological design through documentary analysis, interviews with institutional referents, graduates, and external referents (employers and representatives of deontological entities). In light of the results, it was possible to determine the value, procedural and instrumental reviews that the university's social projection policy should face, in order to fully comply with the mission that has been entrusted to it.Desde una noción de calidad educativa concebida como aquella que asegura la adquisición de conocimientos significativos y el desarrollo de capacidades ciudadanas comprometidas con la transformación de la realidad, las universidades confiadas a la Compañía de Jesús en América Latina han ido generando iniciativas que apuntan a la formación de los estudiantes para el compromiso y la solidaridad. Este artículo tiene como objetivo determinar los factores emergentes vinculados a la cultura institucional que inciden en la formación de sus graduados, y de esta manera, inferir los cambios a introducir en la política de proyección social institucional. La metodología empleada incluyó un enfoque analítico interpretativo, retrospectivo y transversal, desarrollado a través de un diseño metodológico cualitativo a través del análisis documental, entrevistas con referentes institucionales, graduados, y referentes externos (empleadores y representantes de entidades deontológicas). A la luz de los resultados fue posible determinar las revisiones valóricas, procedimentales e instrumentales que la política de proyección social de la universidad debiera encarar, a fin de cumplir en profundidad con la misión que le ha sido encomendada

    Evaluación de la toxicidad genética de la yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis) en Allium cepa

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    INTRODUCCIÓN: La Yerba Mate, es una infusión hecha de las hojas del árbol Ilex paraguariensis, planta de la familia Aquifoliaceae. Es una bebida que se consume principalmente en los países de América del Sur como Argentina, Uruguay, Brasil, Paraguay y está logrando una mayor penetración en Estados Unidos como en otros países del mundo. OBJETIVO: El presente estudio evalúa la genotoxicidad de la yerba mate (Ilex paraguariensis), previamente probado para la presencia de hongos toxigénicos en cultivos específicos. MATERIAL Y METODOS: Se utilizó el sistema Allium cepa para el estudio de genotoxicidad, las células meristemáticas fueron tratadas con una infusión filtrada de mate, con agua destilada como control negativo y Dimetilsulfóxido (DMS) al 0,2 % como control positivo. RESULTADOS: El crecimiento radicular fue reducido dependiendo de la concentración, y al estudiar la proliferación celular se observó que la frecuencia de células mitóticas se reducía progresivamente a medida que aumentaba la concentración de yerba mate. Por otra parte, se observó un aumento en la frecuencia de células aberrantes con la concentración de yerba mate más alta (1400 µg/ml). CONCLUSIONES: Los hallazgos de este estudio muestran que la yerba mate induce efectos clastogénicos en las raíces meristemáticas de Allium cepa

    An open and parallel multiresolution framework using block-based adaptive grids

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    A numerical approach for solving evolutionary partial differential equations in two and three space dimensions on block-based adaptive grids is presented. The numerical discretization is based on high-order, central finite-differences and explicit time integration. Grid refinement and coarsening are triggered by multiresolution analysis, i.e. thresholding of wavelet coefficients, which allow controlling the precision of the adaptive approximation of the solution with respect to uniform grid computations. The implementation of the scheme is fully parallel using MPI with a hybrid data structure. Load balancing relies on space filling curves techniques. Validation tests for 2D advection equations allow to assess the precision and performance of the developed code. Computations of the compressible Navier-Stokes equations for a temporally developing 2D mixing layer illustrate the properties of the code for nonlinear multi-scale problems. The code is open source

    Systematic Parameterization, Storage, and Representation of Volumetric DICOM Data

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    Tomographic medical imaging systems produce hundreds to thousands of slices, enabling three-dimensional (3D) analysis. Radiologists process these images through various tools and techniques in order to generate 3D renderings for various applications, such as surgical planning, medical education, and volumetric measurements. To save and store these visualizations, current systems use snapshots or video exporting, which prevents further optimizations and requires the storage of significant additional data. The Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State extension of the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) standard resolves this issue for two-dimensional (2D) data by introducing an extensive set of parameters, namely 2D Presentation States (2DPR), that describe how an image should be displayed. 2DPR allows storing these parameters instead of storing parameter applied images, which cause unnecessary duplication of the image data. Since there is currently no corresponding extension for 3D data, in this study, a DICOM-compliant object called 3D presentation states (3DPR) is proposed for the parameterization and storage of 3D medical volumes. To accomplish this, the 3D medical visualization process is divided into four tasks, namely pre-processing, segmentation, post-processing, and rendering. The important parameters of each task are determined. Special focus is given to the compression of segmented data, parameterization of the rendering process, and DICOM-compliant implementation of the 3DPR object. The use of 3DPR was tested in a radiology department on three clinical cases, which require multiple segmentations and visualizations during the workflow of radiologists. The results show that 3DPR can effectively simplify the workload of physicians by directly regenerating 3D renderings without repeating intermediate tasks, increase efficiency by preserving all user interactions, and provide efficient storage as well as transfer of visualized data. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s40846-015-0097-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    Formal Verification and Validation of ERTMS Industrial Railway Train Spacing System

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    Abstract. Formal verification and validation is a fundamental step for the certifi-cation of railways critical systems. Many railways safety standards (e.g. the CEN-ELEC EN-50126, EN-50128 and EN-50129 standards implement the mandatory safety requirements of IEC-61508-7 standard for Functional and Safety) currently mandate the use of formal methods in the design to certify correctness. In this paper we describe an industrial application of formal methods for the ver-ification and validation of “Logica di Sicurezza ” (LDS), the safety logic of a railways ERTMS Level 2 system developed by Ansaldo-STS. LDS is a generic control software that needs to be instantiated on a railways network configuration. We developed a methodology for the verification and validation of a critical sub-set of LDS deployed on typical realistic railways network configurations. To show feasibility, effectiveness and scalability, we have experimented with several state of the art symbolic software model checking techniques and tools on different network configurations. From the experiments, we have successfully identified an effective strategy for the verification and validation of our case study. More-over, the results of experiments show that formal verification and validation is feasible and effective, and also scales reasonably well with the size of the config-uration. Given the results, Ansaldo-STS is currently integrating the methodology in its internal Development and Verification & Validation Flow.

    Primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (PMLBCL): long-term results from a retrospective multicentre Italian experience in 138 patients treated with CHOP or MACOP-B/VACOP-B

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    The optimal treatment of primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma (PMLBCL) is still undefined. In the absence of randomised studies, we retrospectively analysed: (a) the effectiveness of two chemotherapy regimens (CHOP vs MACOP-B/VACOP-B) in complete remission (CR) achievement and event-free survival (EFS) and (b) the role of mediastinal involved-field radiotherapy (IF-RT) as consolidation. From 1982 to 1999, 138 consecutive patients affected by PMLBCL were treated in 13 Italian institutions with CHOP (43) or MACOP-B/VACOP-B (95). The two groups of patients were similar as regard to age, gender, presence of bulky mediastinal mass, pleural effusion, stage and international prognostic indexes category of risk. Overall, 75.5% of patients in CR received IF-RT as consolidation. Complete remission was 51.1% in the CHOP group and 80% in MACOP-B/VACOP-B (P<0.001). Relapse occurred in 22.7% of CHOP- and in 9.2% of MACOP-B/VACOP-B-treated patients (n.s.). Event-free patients were 39.5% in CHOP and 75.7% in the MACOP-B/VACOP-B group (P<0.001). The addition of IF-RT as consolidation improved the outcome, irrespectively of the type of chemotherapy (P=0.04). At a multivariate analysis, achievement of CR (P<0.0001) and type of CT (MACOP-B/VACOP-B) retained the significance for OS (P=0.008) and EFS (P=0.03). In our experience, MACOP-B/VACOP-B appears to positively influence OS and EFS in patients affected by PMLBCL, as compared to CHOP. Consolidation IF-RT on mediastinum further improves the outcome of CR patients

    Strategies for preventing group B streptococcal infections in newborns: A nation-wide survey of Italian policies

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