108 research outputs found
Applications of Microsatellites and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms for the Genetic Characterization of Cattle and Small Ruminants: An Overview
The status of genetic diversity, adaptation to climate change or the identification of genes associated with traits of interest in livestock populations has been a major concern for scientists in the last decades. Biotechnology has evolved continuously, offering new tools and methodologies to analyse the genomes of livestock species. Biochemical markers or protein polymorphisms were the tools used for population studies many years ago, but over the last three decades the methodologies available to analyse livestock genomes have changed notably. The development of DNA molecular markers, especially microsatellites and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms, opened new possibilities for a better understanding of livestock genomes, unthinkable until recently. However, Whole-Genome Sequencing technologies or genome editing techniques are changing the way to analyse or interact with the genomes, even before full advantage can be taken of all the possibilities open by the last group of molecular markers. The aim of this review is to summarize the opportunities available through livestock genome analysis in cattle and small ruminant populations, namely through the molecular markers most widely used over the last few years, including microsatellites and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms.Fac. de VeterinariaTRUEpu
Desarrollo de una herramienta de aprendizaje activa y colaborativa docente-alumno
Depto. de Producción AnimalFac. de VeterinariaFALSEsubmitte
Desarrollo de una herramienta interactiva online (campus virtual) para la realización y corrección de ejercicios como herramienta de aprendizaje en mejora genética
Se ha desarrollo de una herramienta interactiva para la resolución de problemas por parte del alumno de la asignatura Mejora Genética de los Animales de Interés Veterinario (Grado en Veterinaria). Al acceder a la herramienta, a través del campus virtual de la asignatura, selecciona entre el índice de problemas, aquel que desea resolver. Al introducir los resultados se corrige en el momento el ejercicio por lo que el alumno conoce los errores cometidos sin necesidad de esperar. El alumno puede utilizar la herramienta tantas veces como considere oportuno y en cada ingreso los datos de los problemas cambian. Los resultados introducidos por el alumno y sus calificaciones se almacenan, con el objetivo de analizar el uso de la herramienta y los resultados obtenidos por los alumnos. Para facilitar la resolución de los problemas al alumno se le facilita a través del campus virtual un documento con apuntes y un hilo abierto en el foro de la asignatura para la resolución de dudas entre ellos y con el profesor.Depto. de Producción AnimalFac. de VeterinariaFALSEsubmitte
L@s estudiantes y un primer ejercicio de investigación
La experiencia que vamos a presentar se desarrolla en el Departamento de Ciencias de la Educación de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la UBA. Se trata de una propuesta, de aprendizaje y de evaluación, dirigida a los estudiantes de la licenciatura en Ciencias de la Educación, desarrollada desde la cátedra de Administración de la Educación. Una experiencia que no puede considerarse destacada en relación con su carácter novedoso (emprender actividades similares, a la que vamos a presentar, se ha vuelto bastante habitual entre muchos colegas, hace tiempo ya). Ni por su implementación reciente (si bien con algunos cambios periódicos, se trata de una iniciativa que la cátedra lleva adelante hace más de diez años).Eje 5: Problemas y alternativas en los procesos de evaluación de los aprendizajes y la acreditación de saberes. Reflexiones, innovaciones y experiencias de evaluación en la enseñanza universitaria.Secretaría de Asuntos Académico
Ludificación de la Historia de Veterinaria
En este proyecto se han realizado ocho interpretaciones histórico-teatrales de personajes relevantes en la historia de la veterinaria, realizada por los propios alumnos matriculados y profesores, para facilitar el conocimiento de aspectos personales, profesionales y sociales de la Veterinaria en distintas épocas
On the origins of American Criollo pigs: A common genetic background with a lasting Iberian signature
American Criollo pigs are thought to descend mainly from those imported from the Iberian Peninsula starting in the late 15th century. Criollo pigs subsequently expanded throughout the Americas, adapting to very diverse environments, and possibly receiving influences from other origins. With the intensification of agriculture in the mid-20th century, cosmopolitan breeds largely replaced Criollo pigs, and the few remaining are mostly maintained by rural communities in marginal areas where they still play an important socio-economic and cultural role. In this study, we used 24 microsatellite markers in samples from 1715 pigs representing 46 breeds with worldwide distribution, including 17 American Criollo breeds, with the major focus of investigating their genetic diversity, structure and breed relationships. We also included representatives of the Iberian, Local British, Hungarian, Chinese and Commercial breeds, as well as Wild Boar, in order to investigate their possible influence in the genetic composition of Criollos. Our results show that, when compared with the other breeds, Criollo pigs present higher levels of genetic diversity, both in terms of allelic diversity and expected heterozygosity. The various analyses indicate that breed differentiation overall explains nearly 21% of the total genetic diversity. Criollo breeds showed their own identity and shared a common genetic background, tending to cluster together in various analyses, even though they differ from each other. A close relationship of Criollos with Iberian breeds was revealed by all the different analyses, and the contribution of Iberian breeds, particularly of the Celtic breeds, is still present in various Criollo breeds. No influence of Chinese breeds was detected on Criollos, but a few were influenced by Commercial breeds or by wild pigs. Our results confirm the uniqueness of American Criollo pigs and the role that Iberian breeds have played in their development. © 2021 Revidatti et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited
Religiosity, materialism, consumer environmental predisposition. Some insights on vegan purchasing intentions in Italy
This paper explores the effects of environmental predisposition on purchasing intentions. The proposed model considers religiosity as a determinant of consumer environmental predisposition, adopting a multidimensional view entailing both intrinsic and extrinsic religiosity. Further, the effects of materialism are investigated, as it has been recognized as one of the most relevant hampering factors in determining consumer environmental predispositions and behaviors. Such factors appear intimately related, as materialism has been indicated as largely antithetical with respect to religion. Literature has suggested religiosity to be a key determinant of consumer environmental predispositions and behaviors. This might be even more important for specific, environmentally relevant consumer lifestyles. This work is hence set within vegan consumption. Veganism has been mostly related to specific religious beliefs (like Buddhism), according to which it represents a core component of larger worldviews. A structural equation model is proposed, based on a sample of 842 Italian consumers. Results show that religiosity exerts some effect on consumer environmental predisposition, and that, in turn, such predisposition determines vegan purchasing intentions. A split model is then proposed considering Christian and Buddhist consumers. Results of multigroup analysis show that religious influxes on consumer environmental predispositions might vary according to different religious faiths. Given the lack of previous empirical research, results of this study require further validation; still, they might provide some insights for managers, as markets related to environmentally relevant products and services are exhibiting a sustained growth
Elaboración de píldoras educativas sobre Historia de la Veterinaria
Tras el éxito de la utilización de la ludificación como motivación para el estudio de la Historia de la Veterinaria, nos propusimos crear pequeños vídeos o píldoras de conocimiento sobre hechos o personajes históricos que fueran reusables (se pueden utilizar en diferentes contextos), interoperables (sirven para propósitos diferentes) y accesibles por su formato digital que facilita el almacenaje y su recuperación. En este proyecto se ha grabado más escenas antes del confinamiento y preparados la historioteca con una de las píldoras ya definitivas
Creación de la Historioteca Veterinaria: píldoras de conocimiento sobre historia de la veterinaria
Proyecto de Innovación Educativo 341 curso 20-21
Creación de la Historioteca Veterinaria: píldoras de conocimiento sobre historia de la veterinaria
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