52 research outputs found

    Skeletal Muscle Mitochondrial Function/Dysfunction and Type 2 Diabetes

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    “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food” stated Hippocrates, the father of Western medicine, in 400 B.C. This statement was based on the belief that food was able to influence disease, a concept that was revived several times in later years by painters, writers, scientists, and philosophers. One such philosopher, Ludwig Feuerbach, famously wrote in his 1863-4 essay “man is what he eats” introducing the idea that if we want to improve the spiritual conditions of people we must first improve their material conditions (Feuerbach, 2003). However, for years his warnings remained unheeded, at least in Western countries, in contrast to the teachings of Indian and Chinese medicine which for millennia have argued that a living organism has to assume a healthy diet. Like diet, physical activity has been also considered an important starting point for people's health. Hippocrates wrote in his book Regimen "if we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health" (Hippocrates, 1955). Our knowledge about the links between diet, exercise, and disease has vastly increased since Hippocrates time. A healthy lifestyle based on diet and physical activity is now considered the keystone of disease prevention and the basis for a healthy aging. However, modern society has created conditions with virtually unrestricted access to food resources and reduced physical activity, resulting in a positive overall energy balance. This is far from the environment of our ”hunter-gathered ancestros” whose genes were modulated over thousands of years adapting our metabolism to survive when food was scarce and maximizing energy storage when food became available. In terms of evolution, this radical and sudden lifestyle change in modern society has led to a dramatic increase in the incidence of metabolic diseases including obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). It seems clear that the development of T2DM has a genetic component that becomes obvious when individuals are exposed to western lifestyle. However, environment plays a critical role in the incidence of the disease being obesity the main etiological cause of T2DM. Thus, modest weight loss is enough for obese glucose intolerant subjects to prevent the development of T2DM (National Task Force on the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity, 2000)..

    Interrelation of adipose tissue macrophages and fibrosis in obesity

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    Obesity is characterized by adipose tissue expansion, extracellular matrix remodelling and unresolved inflammation that contribute to insulin resistance and fibrosis. Adipose tissue macrophages represent the most abundant class of immune cells in adipose tissue inflammation and could be key mediators of adipocyte dysfunction and fibrosis in obesity. Although macrophage activation states are classically defined by the M1/M2 polarization nomenclature, novel studies have revealed a more complex range of macrophage phenotypes in response to external condition or the surrounding microenvironment. Here, we discuss the plasticity of adipose tissue macrophages (ATMs) in response to their microenvironment in obesity, with special focus on macrophage infiltration and polarization, and their contribution to adipose tissue fibrosis. A better understanding of the role of ATMs as regulators of adipose tissue remodelling may provide novel therapeutic strategies against obesity and associated metabolic diseases

    Impact of GLP-1 receptor agonist versus omega-3 fatty acids supplement on obesity-induced alterations of mitochondrial respiration

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    ObjectiveTo compare administration of the glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogue, exenatide, versus dietary supplementation with the omega-3 fatty acid-rich Calanus oil on obesity-induced alterations in mitochondrial respiration. MethodsSix-week-old female C57BL/6JOlaHSD mice were given high fat diet (HFD, 45% energy from fat) for 12 weeks to induce obesity. Thereafter, they were divided in three groups where one received exenatide (10 mu g/kg/day) via subcutaneously implanted mini-osmotic pumps, a second group received 2% Calanus oil as dietary supplement, while the third group received HFD without any treatment. Animals were sacrificed after 8 weeks of treatment and tissues (skeletal muscle, liver, and white adipose tissue) were collected for measurement of mitochondrial respiratory activity by high-resolution respirometry, using an Oroboros Oxygraph-2k (Oroboros instruments, Innsbruck, Austria). ResultsIt was found that high-fat feeding led to a marked reduction of mitochondrial respiration in adipose tissue during all three states investigated - LEAK, OXPHOS and ETS. This response was to some extent attenuated by exenatide treatment, but not with Calanus oil treatment. High-fat feeding had no major effect on hepatic mitochondrial respiration, but exenatide treatment resulted in a significant increase in the various respiratory states in liver. Mitochondrial respiration in skeletal muscle was not significantly influenced by high-fat diet or any of the treatments. The precise evaluation of mitochondrial respiration considering absolute oxygen flux and ratios to assess flux control efficiency avoided misinterpretation of the results. ConclusionsExenatide increased hepatic mitochondrial respiration in high-fat fed mice, but no clear beneficial effect was observed in skeletal muscle or fat tissue. Calanus oil did not negatively affect respiratory activity in these tissues, which maintains its potential as a dietary supplement, due to its previously reported benefits on cardiac functio

    Glucose Restriction Promotes Osteocyte Specification by Activating a PGC-1α-Dependent Transcriptional Program

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    Osteocytes, the most abundant of bone cells, differentiate while they remain buried within the bone matrix. This encasement limits their access to nutrients and likely affects their differentiation, a process that remains poorly defined. Here, we show that restriction in glucose supply promotes the osteocyte transcriptional program while also being associated with increased mitochondrial DNA levels. Glucose deprivation triggered the activation of the AMPK/PGC-1 pathway. AMPK and SIRT1 activators or PGC-1α overexpression are sufficient to enhance osteocyte gene expression in IDG-SW3 cells, murine primary osteoblasts, osteocytes, and organotypic/ ex vivo bone cultures. Conversely, osteoblasts and osteocytes deficient in Ppargc1a and b were refractory to the effects of glucose restriction. Finally, conditional ablation of both genes in osteoblasts and osteocytes generate osteopenia and reduce osteocytic gene expression in mice. Altogether, we uncovered a role for PGC-1 in the regulation of osteocyte gene expression. Molecular Mechanism of Behavior; Molecular Physiology; Specialized Functions of Cell

    Reduced alfa-MSH underlies hypothalamic ER-stress-induced hepatic gluconeogenesis

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    Alterations in ER homeostasis have been implicated in the pathophysiology of obesity and type-2 diabetes (T2D). Acute ER stress induction in the hypothalamus produces glucose metabolism perturbations. However, the neurobiological basis linking hypothalamic ER stress with abnormal glucose metabolism remains unknown. Here, we report that genetic and induced models of hypothalamic ER stress are associated with alterations in systemic glucose homeostasis due to increased gluconeogenesis (GNG) independent of body weight changes. Defective alpha melanocyte-stimulating hormone (α-MSH) production underlies this metabolic phenotype, as pharmacological strategies aimed at rescuing hypothalamic α-MSH content reversed this phenotype at metabolic and molecular level. Collectively, our results posit defective α-MSH processing as a fundamental mediator of enhanced GNG in the context of hypothalamic ER stress and establish α-MSH deficiency in proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons as a potential contributor to the pathophysiology of T2D

    Activation of the Integrated Stress Response and ER Stress Protect from Fluorizoline-Induced Apoptosis in HEK293T and U2OS Cell Lines

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    The prohibitin (PHB)-binding compound fluorizoline as well as PHB-downregulation activate the integrated stress response (ISR) in HEK293T and U2OS human cell lines. This activation is denoted by phosphorylation of eIF2 alpha and increases in ATF4, ATF3, and CHOP protein levels. The blockage of the activation of the ISR by overexpression of GRP78, as well as an increase in IRE1 activity, indicate the presence of ER stress after fluorizoline treatment. The inhibition of the ER stress response in HEK293T and U2OS led to increased sensitivity to fluorizoline-induced apoptosis, indicating a pro-survival role of this pathway after fluorizoline treatment in these cell lines. Fluorizoline induced an increase in calcium concentration in the cytosol and the mitochondria. Finally, two different calcium chelators reduced fluorizoline-induced apoptosis in U2OS cells. Thus, we have found that fluorizoline causes increased ER stress and activation of the integrated stress response, which in HEK293T and U2OS cells are protective against fluorizoline-induced apoptosis

    Mitochondrial cristae-remodeling protein OPA1 in POMC neurons couples Ca2+ homeostasis with adipose tissue lipolysis

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    Appropriate cristae remodeling is a determinant of mitochondrial function and bioenergetics and thus represents a crucial process for cellular metabolic adaptations. Here, we show that mitochondrial cristae architecture and expression of the master cristae-remodeling protein OPA1 in proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons, which are key metabolic sensors implicated in energy balance control, is affected by fluctuations in nutrient availability. Genetic inactivation of OPA1 in POMC neurons causes dramatic alterations in cristae topology, mitochondrial Ca2+ handling, reduction in alpha-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH) in target areas, hyperphagia, and attenuated white adipose tissue (WAT) lipolysis resulting in obesity. Pharmacological blockade of mitochondrial Ca2+ influx restores α-MSH and the lipolytic program, while improving the metabolic defects of mutant mice. Chemogenetic manipulation of POMC neurons confirms a role in lipolysis control. Our results unveil a novel axis that connects OPA1 in POMC neurons with mitochondrial cristae, Ca2+ homeostasis, and WAT lipolysis in the regulation of energy balance

    The antioxidant l-Ergothioneine prevents cystine lithiasis in the Slc7a9-/- mouse model of cystinuria

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    The high recurrence rate of cystine lithiasis observed in cystinuria patients highlights the need for new therapeutic options to address this chronic disease. There is growing evidence of an antioxidant defect in cystinuria, which has led to test antioxidant molecules as new therapeutic approaches. In this study, the antioxidant l-Ergothioneine was evaluated, at two different doses, as a preventive and long-term treatment for cystinuria in the Slc7a9-/- mouse model. l-Ergothioneine treatments decreased the rate of stone formation by more than 60% and delayed its onset in those mice that still developed calculi. Although there were no differences in metabolic parameters or urinary cystine concentration between control and treated mice, cystine solubility was increased by 50% in the urines of treated mice. We also demonstrate that l-Ergothioneine needs to be internalized by its transporter OCTN1 (Slc22a4) to be effective, as when administrated to the double mutant Slc7a9-/-Slc22a4-/- mouse model, no effect on the lithiasis phenotype was observed. In kidneys, we detected a decrease in GSH levels and an impairment of maximal mitochondrial respiratory capacity in cystinuric mice that l-Ergothioneine treatment was able to restore. Thus, l-Ergothioneine administration prevented cystine lithiasis in the Slc7a9-/- mouse model by increasing urinary cystine solubility and recovered renal GSH metabolism and mitochondrial function. These results support the need for clinical trials to test l-Ergothioneine as a new treatment for cystinuria.This work has been funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the projects PI16/00267-R-FEDER and PI20/00200 to VN (Co-funded by European Regional Development Fund. ERDF, a way to build Europe), and by La Marató de TV3 through the project 202025-30 to VN and 202025-32 to FVP. Generalitat de Catalunya Grant SGR2017-191 to VN. We also thank CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support.Peer reviewe

    Remission of obesity and insulin resistance is not sufficient to restore mitochondrial homeostasis in visceral adipose tissue

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    Metabolic plasticity is the ability of a biological system to adapt its metabolic phenotype to different environmental stressors. We used a whole-body and tissue-specific phenotypic, functional, proteomic, metabolomic and transcriptomic approach to systematically assess metabolic plasticity in diet-induced obese mice after a combined nutritional and exercise intervention. Although most obesity and overnutrition-related pathological features were successfully reverted, we observed a high degree of metabolic dysfunction in visceral white adipose tissue, characterized by abnormal mitochondrial morphology and functionality. Despite two sequential therapeutic interventions and an apparent global healthy phenotype, obesity triggered a cascade of events in visceral adipose tissue progressing from mitochondrial metabolic and proteostatic alterations to widespread cellular stress, which compromises its biosynthetic and recycling capacity. In humans, weight loss after bariatric surgery showed a transcriptional signature in visceral adipose tissue similar to our mouse model of obesity reversion. Overall, our data indicate that obesity prompts a lasting metabolic fingerprint that leads to a progressive breakdown of metabolic plasticity in visceral adipose tissue