4,021 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Radioactive Nanostructures in a Research Nuclear Reactor

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    In this work, the synthesis of radioactive nanostructures by water radiolysis was studied. The irradiation processes were done in the Missouri University of Science and Technology research nuclear reactor (MSTR). Radioactive gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) were synthesized from aqueous solutions containing the metal salt precursors by radiolysis of water. Seven different samples were irradiated at 200kW of thermal power for 0.5, 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, and 60 minutes. The average sizes of the obtained nanoparticles ranged from 3 nm to 400 nm, it was found that the particle size decreased with the irradiation time. Some agglomerations of particles were found in each solution after the irradiation process. With this research, it was possible to synthesize, in a single step, radioactive AuNPs with the appropriate characteristics to be used in imaging diagnosis and cancer radiation therapy. Radioactive bimetallic nanoparticles of silver and gold (Au/Ag BMNPs) were synthesized from aqueous solutions containing the metal salt precursors by radiolysis of water. Four samples with different Au/Ag concentration (30/70, 50/50, 70/30, and 0/100 by volume percentage) were irradiated at 10kW of thermal power for 3 minutes. The obtained nanoparticles showed (Au)core-shell(Ag) structure as well as alloyed metal structure depending on the solution concentration. It was found that the alloyed metal nanoparticles presented a faced centered cubic crystal structure with lattice parameter of 4.082 ± 0.001 Å and a chemical composition of 70.21 ± 0.01 wt% Au and 28.59 ± 0.01 wt% Ag

    Modification of the optical response of alpha quartz via the deposition of gold nanoparticles in etched ion tracks

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    ”This study addresses the experimental methods used to develop and characterize plasmonic devices capable of modifying the optical response of alpha quartz via the deposition of gold nanoparticles in etched ion tracks. In the first part of the research, the microstructural characterization of latent and etched ion tracks produced in alpha quartz (α-SiO2) is presented. Single crystals of α-SiO2 were irradiated with two highly energetic ions to different nominal fluences. As expected, the morphology of the resulting ion tracks depends on the energy of the incident ion and their stopping powers within the target material. Subsequent chemical vapor-etching was conducted to create nanowells in the crystal structure. The etching process resulted in facetted nanowells, whose superficial dimensions increased with etching times and etchant concentrations. It was found that the etching rate is highly dependent on crystal orientation. Additionally, Raman spectroscopic analysis of the phonon confinement effect and strain due to the ion tracks is presented. Results show that the optical phonon modes undergo a shift towards higher frequencies while broadening asymmetrically compared to the unirradiated samples due to phonon confinement effects. In the second part of the research, the deposition of gold nanoparticles inside of the nanowells was conducted. The modification of the optical response of quartz by depositing gold nanoparticles in the nanowells is discussed. An increase in the Raman intensity was observed thanks to the enhancement of the electromagnetic field produced by localized surface plasmons at the surface of the gold nanoparticles. The deposition of nanoparticles in etched ion tracks in fused silica was also achieved and is also briefly discussed”--Abstract, page iv

    Prueba de habilidades practicas ccnp

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    El presente trabajo, contiene documentación necesaria para obtener la certificación CCNP de CISCO (Cisco Certified Network Professional) aplicando conocimiento y desarrollando habilidades en el campo de telecomunicaciones y electrónica, permitiendo demostrar los conocimientos por medio de una topología desarrollada a partir de un ejemplo común de la infraestructura de redes de una empresa. Para la simulación de la red, se utiliza la herramienta GNS3 en donde se desarrolla la topología de forma grafica utilizando 3 router cisco 7200 y 3 switches de capa 2, que son necesarios para poder simular el diseño seleccionado. En la configuración se asignan los nombres a cada dispositivo, se asigna una dirección IP, y características en cada componente que permiten el enrutamiento de los diferentes dispositivos, también se realizan procesos de conmutación que permitan la accesibilidad de extremo a extremo, por medio de una puerta de enlace predeterminada y que sea confiable, aplicando también protocolos para configurar el enrutamiento IPV4 e IPV6. Sobre la misma red finalmente se trabaja en configurar la redundancia del primer salto por medio del protocolo HSRP, y utilizando protocolo SLA para el monitoreo activo de la conectividad de la red.This work contains the necessary documentation to obtain the CISCO CCNP certification (Cisco Certified Network Professional) applying knowledge and developing skills in the field of telecommunications and electronics, allowing to demonstrate knowledge through a topology developed from an example. common part of a companys network infrastructure. For the simulation of the network, the GNS3 tool is used, where the topology is developed graphically using 3 cisco 7200 routers and 3 layer 2 switches, which are necessary to be able to simulate the selected design. In the configuration, the names are assigned to each device, an IP address is assigned, and characteristics in each component that allow the routing of the different devices, switching processes are also carried out that allow end-to-end accessibility, through a established and reliable gateway, also applying protocols to configure IPV4 and IPV6 routing. Finally, work is being done on the same network to configure the redundancy of the first hop through the HSRP protocol, and using the SLA protocol for active monitoring of network connectivity

    Mindfulness and Symptoms o f Depression and Anxiety in the General Population: The Mediating Roles of Worry, Rumination, Reappraisal and Suppression

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    The present study examined the effects of mindfulness on depression and anxiety, both direct and indirect through the mediation of four mechanisms of emotional regulation: worry, rumination, reappraisal and suppression. Path analysis was applied to data collected from an international and non-clinical sample of 1151 adults, including both meditators and non-meditators, who completed an online questionnaire battery. Our results show that mindfulness are related to lower levels of depression and anxiety both directly and indirectly. Suppression, reappraisal, worry and rumination all acted as significant mediators of the relationship between mindfulness and depression. A similar picture emerged for the relationship between mindfulness and anxiety, with the difference that suppression was not a mediator. Our data also revealed that the estimated number of hours of mindfulness meditation practice did not affect depression or anxiety directly but did reduce these indirectly by increasing mindfulness. Worry and rumination proved to be the most potent mediating variables. Altogether, our results confirm that emotional regulation plays a significant mediating role between mindfulness and symptoms of depression and anxiety in the general population and suggest that meditation focusing on reducing worry and rumination may be especially useful in reducing the risk of developing clinical depression

    Diseño de administración de riesgos legales en las emisoras de tarjetas de crédito en Ecuador

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    En el trabajo que se presenta a continuación se investigó y analizó como propuesta el diseño de un modelo para administrar los Riesgos Legales en las compañías Emisoras de Tarjeta de Crédito en el Ecuador basado en la Gestión de Riesgos Operacionales. La inexistencia en el Ecuador de una adecuada cultura de identificación de Riesgos Legales, basándose en normas legales aún incipientes que rigen por obligatoriedad para las instituciones Financieras, entre ellas las empresas emisoras de Tarjetas de Crédito; sin embargo, existen otras, que no buscan adoptar como mejores prácticas, modelos para gestionar este tipo de riesgos que sería beneficioso para la consecución de los objetivos que se planteen. Este modelo se enmarca en la administración de los Riesgos Legales a nivel integral en base al Riesgo Operacional y las mejores prácticas nacionales e internacionales. Toma como referencia los principales factores adscritos a este riesgo como son: personas, procesos, tecnología de Información y eventos externos, con alcance a cada proceso, proyecto, producto e implicaciones por las acciones o decisiones acertadas o no, tomadas en una organización. La propuesta plantea un modelo de administración de Riesgos Legales, para específicamente identificar, medir, controlar y monitorear estos riesgos, en base a un método de análisis cuali-cuantitativo que permita tomar las acciones correctivas y la reducción significativa de los contingentes legales, provisiones excesivas a causa de la probable, posible, o remota materialización, al no ser gestionados oportunamente, por no contar con una cultura de mitigación, reducción, transferencia o aceptación de los riesgos.The following work introduced as follows shows a research and analysis of the design proposal to administrate Legal Risks for the Credit Card issuing companies in Ecuador based on the Operational Risks management. As in Ecuador does not exist a culture to identify Legal Risks, based on legal laws to rule Financial Institutions, among them Credit Card issuing companies, nevertheless there are other seeking to adapt better ways and role models to manage this kind of risks in benefit of the objectives proposed. This role model is part of the Legal Risk integral base of an Operational Risk and better practices at a national and international level. Takes as references main factors as: person, process, Info technology and external events, reaching every process, project, product and the actions or decisions right or wrong taken within an organization. The proposal offers a model for the administration of this Legal Risks specifically to identify measure and control this risks based on an analysis method qualitative and quantitative that allows to take the right actions and to reduce legal contingents, excessive provisions due a possible probable or remote materialization by not being managed on time as a result of this lack of culture to mitigation reduction and acceptance of risks

    Comunicación, niñez y medios, una estrategia para construir sociedad.

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    Esta investigación busca contribuir a la construcción red social de comunicación en las comunidades más vulnerables como lo es la niñez de la Dorada Caldas, mediante estrategias de comunicación comunitaria, utilizando como herramienta fundamental los medios de comunicación tanto tradicionales como alternativos, convirtiendo a los menores en productores de sus propios contenidos para la no vulneración de sus derechos, construyendo red social entre familia, sociedad y estado, para la reconstrucción del tejido social.This research seeks to contribute to the construction of a social communication network in the most vulnerable communities, such as the children of Dorada Caldas, through community communication strategies, using both traditional and alternative media as a fundamental tool, turning minors into producers of their own content for the non-violation of their rights, building a social network between family, society and state, for the reconstruction of the social fabric

    Evaluation guide for global citizenship education; proposal based on the evaluative methodology of key competences

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    La evaluación es una fase necesaria en todo proyecto de Educación para el Desarrollo y la Ciudadanía Global (EDCG), permite mejorar futuras actuaciones educativas y progresar en los resultados de aprendizaje. En estudios previos se ha observado que la metodología de evaluación de Competencias Clave (CC) empleada en el sistema educativo, puede servir como ejemplo de evaluación a la EDCG. Todo ello se justifica por las coincidencias que presentan las dos; tanto el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje Competencial como el de EDCG fomentan el aprendizaje permanente y la adquisición de conocimientos, habilidades, valores y actitudes para aplicarlos a la vida real de forma creativa, crítica y reflexiva. Los enfoques metodológicos de ambas se caracterizan por la transversalidad, dinamismo y participación del alumno en su propio proceso de aprendizaje. En consecuencia es imprescindible que este sector de la Cooperación conozca dicha metodología para que pueda aprovechar los recursos evaluativos de las CC. En base a esta necesidad, el objetivo planteado en este estudio es ofrecer una revisión de los requerimientos esenciales en la evaluación de CC que muestre, junto a ejemplos utilizados en evaluaciones oficiales, cómo aplicar estos procedimientos en beneficio de las necesidades evaluativas de la EDCG. Con ello se obtiene un instrumento práctico, una guía, que permite saber cómo valorar los resultados obtenidos en actuaciones de EDCG del ámbito formal.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Reinforcement of the Plasmon–phonon Coupling in Α-Quartz Via Deposition of Gold Nanoparticles in Etched Ion Tracks

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    This study reports a large reinforcement of the plasmon–phonon coupling in alpha quartz achieved through the controlled deposition of gold nanoparticles into nano templates produced through chemical etching of ion tracks. Preferential agglomeration of nanoparticles within the etched ion tracks (nano wells) was observed in Scanning Electron Microscopy and Atomic Force Microscopy images. Raman characterization of quartz substrates with different nanoparticle concentrations revealed a relationship between the plasmon–phonon coupling intensity and nanoparticle concentration. Reinforcement of the plasmon–phonon coupling was observed as an increase in the Raman intensity with increasing concentration of deposited nanoparticles. The intensity initially increased linearly with nanoparticle concentration up to about 4 x 106 nps/µL where a saturation regime was identified. In the saturation regime, a roughly 200-fold increase in the scattering intensity was measured in the first micron of the specimen. At higher nanoparticle concentrations, the Raman intensity decreased exponentially following the Beer–Lambert Law. The reduction in the Raman intensity is attributed to increased laser absorption with increasing nanoparticle layer thickness. Comparatively weak reinforcement of Raman scattering was observed when nanoparticles were deposited on unirradiated and unetched samples, suggesting that the reinforcement of plasmon–phonon coupling may be favored by the anisotropic geometry of the nano wells. In particular, the etched tracks promote nanoparticles agglomeration likely promoting the formation of plasmon hotspots

    Education for development and Social Marketing: analysis of the campaign of sensitizaction and training of “InteRed” in Santa Teresa Academy of Málaga

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    La Educación para el desarrollo y la ciudadanía global demanda nuevas formas de comunicación efectivas e influyentes, adaptadas a los nuevos tiempos. El marketing social incluye componentes de sensibilización y educativos para cambiar un comportamiento particular en la sociedad. Ambas materias se unen para hacer posible cambios sociales en un mundo altamente interconectado. El presente trabajo analiza el impacto de las campañas de sensibilización (celebración del Día de la Solidaridad) y formación en Educación para el Desarrollo, realizadas por InteRed en el colegio Teresianas de Málaga. En el primer caso se encuestaron a 59 adultos y en el segundo más de 200 niños/as de primaria. Las encuestas fueron diseñadas por profesionales del sector. Los resultados fueron satisfactorios en ambas campañas, sensibilizando al público asistente en el primer caso y desarrollando una actitud crítica-participativa en el segundo, encontrándonos con posibles prácticas de mejoras.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech