2,390 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular risk assessment in patients with a severe mental illness: a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background Cardiovascular risk (CVR) has been observed to be higher in patients with severe mental illness (SMI) than in the general population. However, some studies suggest that CVR is not equally increased in different subgroups of SMI. The purposes of this review are to summarise CVR scores of SMI patients and to determine the differences in CVR between patients with different SMIs and between SMI patients and the control-population. Methods MEDLINE (via PubMed) was searched for literature published through August 28, 2014, followed by a snowball search in the Web of Science. Observational and experimental studies that reported CVR assessments in SMI patients using validated tools were included. The risk of bias was reported using STROBE and CONSORT criteria. Pooled continuous data were expressed as standardized mean differences (SMD) with 95% confidence intervals (CI). Two reviewers independently selected studies, extracted data and assessed methodological quality. Results A total of 3,608 articles were identified, of which 67 full text papers were assessed for eligibility and 35 were finally included in our review, in which 12,179 psychiatric patients and 225,951 comparative patients had been assessed. The most frequent diagnoses were schizophrenia and related diagnoses (45.7%), depressive disorders (14.7%), SMI (11.4%) and bipolar disorders (8.6%). The most frequent CVR assessment tool used was the Framingham risk score. Subgroups analysis showed a higher CVR in schizophrenia than in depressive disorder or in studies that included patients with multiple psychiatric diagnoses (SMD: 0.63, 0.03, and 0.02, respectively) Six studies were included in the meta-analysis. Total overall CVR did not differ between SMI patients and controls (SMD: 0.35 [95% CI: -0.02 to 0.71], p=0.06); high heterogeneity was observed (I2=93%; p<0.001). Conclusions The summary of results from studies that assessed CVR using validated tools in SMI patients did not find sufficient data (except for limited evidence associated with schizophrenia) to permit any clear conclusions about increased CVR in this group of patients compared to the general population. The systematic review is registered in PROSPERO (http://www.crd.york.ac.uk/PROSPERO/): CRD42013003898

    Electromagnetic cloaking by layered structure of homogeneous isotropic materials

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    Electromagnetic invisibility cloak requires material with anisotropic distribution of the constitutive parameters deduced from a geometrical transformation as first proposed by Pendry et al. [Science 312, 1780 (2006)]. In this paper, we proposed a useful method to realize the required radius-dependent, anisotropic material parameters and to construct an electromagnetic cloak through concentric layered structure of thin, alternating layers of homogeneous isotropic materials. With proper design of the permittivity or the thickness ratio of the alternating layers, we demonstrated the low-reflection and power-flow bending properties of the proposed cloaking structure through rigorous analysis of the scattered electromagnetic fields. The proposed cloaking structure does not require anisotropy or inhomogeneity of the material constitutive parameters usually realized by metamaterials with subwavelength structured inclusions, therefore may lead to a practical path to an experimental demonstration of electromagnetic cloaking, especially in the optical range.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Less can be more: loss of MHC functional diversity can reflect adaptation to novel conditions during fish invasions

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    The ability of invasive species to adapt to novel conditions depends on population size and environmental mismatch, but also on genetic variation. Away from their native range, invasive species confronted with novel selective pressures may display different levels of neutral versus functional genetic variation. However, the majority of invasion studies have only examined genetic variation at neutral markers, which may reveal little about how invaders adapt to novel environments. Salmonids are good model systems to examine adaptation to novel pressures because they have been translocated all over the world and represent major threats to freshwater biodiversity in the Southern Hemisphere, where they have become invasive. We examined patterns of genetic differentiation at seven putatively neutral (microsatellites) loci and one immune-related major histocompatibility complex (MHC class II-β) locus among introduced rainbow trout living in captivity (farmed) or under natural conditions (naturalized) in Chilean Patagonia. A significant positive association was found between differentiation at neutral and functional markers, highlighting the role of neutral evolutionary forces in shaping genetic variation at immune-related genes in salmonids. However, functional (MHC) genetic diversity (but not microsatellite diversity) decreased with time spent in the wild since introduction, suggesting that there was selection against alleles associated with captive rearing of donor populations that do not provide an advantage in the wild. Thus, although high genetic diversity may initially enhance fitness in translocated populations, it does not necessarily reflect invasion success, as adaptation to novel conditions may result in rapid loss of functional MHC diversity

    Comunidad Chorcán y Varas – Hacia la construcción de una estrategia de desarrollo local con base en el turismo social comunitario

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    Las comunidades originarias de Varas y Chorcán, al igual que la mayoría en la Quebrada de Humahuaca, no han sido ajenas a la problemática general de todas las comunidades originarias de América: desde su casi aniquilación, sojuzgamiento, despojo y opresión de los primeros siglos de conquista europea, hasta el ocultamiento, marginación, relegación, discriminación, que aún perdura en nuestros días. Estas comunidades dedicadas tradicionalmente a tareas agrícolas y ganaderas de pequeña escala, no escapan a la problemática de las poblaciones rurales, aisladas de los centros urbanos, los mercados, los avances tecnológicos y sus beneficios, especialmente en cuestiones de salud, educación, comunicación, etc. En 2003 la UNESCO declara a la Quebrada de Humahuaca como patrimonio cultural de la humanidad a partir de lo cual se produce un rápido y poco planificado desarrollo turístico. Este proyecto apunta a la disminución de la migración que se produce de las zonas rurales a la ciudad por los atractivos que las mismas ofrecen, trayendo como consecuencia la concentración de población diezmada sobre determinados sectores, arrastrando consigo un despoblamiento y desaparición de numerosas comunidades y culturas locales.  Pensamos que el Turismo Social, cultural y comunitario tal como se presenta conceptualmente a través de los nuevos paradigmas, es una alternativa real de desarrollo no sólo para aumentar los alcances de los beneficios de la actividad, sino también para atenuar y solucionar problemas intrínsecos a las regiones. A partir de la firme convicción de las comunidades de Chorcán y Varas de avanzar en esta línea, este proyecto busca sentar las bases para el desarrollo de un programa de turismo social comunitario reconstruyendo el rico y complejo entramado cultural comunitario, desarrollando capacidades para su fortalecimiento y sostén principalmente en los referentes más jóvenes. El proceso de preparación y capacitación brindará asimismo herramientas de gestión participativa, manejo de TICs, integración a redes que abrirán caminos a otras posibilidades de desarrollo. La creación y puesta en marcha de una red local, la articulación concreta con organizaciones locales (el BD, la Fundación Mallku Andina, entre otras), permitirán, luego de instaladas las herramientas, un desarrollo autónomo. La propia actividad de turismo cultural comunitario, será un estímulo permanente, ya que generará vivencias exitosas que fortalecerán “dialógicamente” el emprendimiento. Es intención del presente proyecto formar, estimular y fortalecer el liderazgo comunitario, lo que permitirá el crecimiento autónomo

    Efectos de la conducción eficiente en el tráfico y las emisiones mediante micro-simulación

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    [ES] El transporte por carretera es uno de los principales causantes de la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero y del deterioro de la calidad del aire en nuestras ciudades. Para atajar este problema las administraciones competentes están promoviendo diferentes medidas entre las que se encuentra el fomento de una conducción eficiente. La conducción eficiente comprende variadas recomendaciones para conseguir disminuir el consumo de combustible y las emisiones, entre las que se pueden citar conducir con marchas altas, evitar aceleraciones y frenadas bruscas o el mantenimiento de una distancia de seguridad suficiente para reaccionar suavemente a las variaciones del tráfico. Muchos estudios cifran los ahorros de combustible individuales entre el 5% y el 20%, pero apenas se encuentran investigaciones acerca de resultados globales según se incorporan más conductores eficientes al corredor o zona de estudio. En esta ponencia se describe el proceso de simulación de conducción eficiente para diferentes ratios de penetración entre los conductores. Para ello se parte de un análisis estadístico de perfiles de velocidad reales recogidos en ciertos itinerarios de Madrid, realizados primero con una conducción normal y posteriormente siguiendo las recomendaciones de un curso de conducción eficiente. A partir de este análisis se calibra el modelo de micro-simulación (Vissim), para posteriormente plantear diversos escenarios en función de la intensidad de tráfico y del porcentaje de conductores eficientes y calcular las emisiones mediante el modelo VERSIT+. Entre los problemas medioambientales más trascendentales para la sociedad, se encuentra el del cambio climático así como el de la calidad del aire en nuestras áreas metropolitanas. Los resultados muestran que los ahorros individuales son mayores en porcentaje que los ahorros globales. Incluso, en el escenario con mayor congestión, un mayor porcentaje de conductores eficiente provoca una mayor congestión y por tanto un aumento de las emisiones de CO2 y NOx.Garcia-Castro, A.; Monzon De Caceres, A. (2016). Efectos de la conducción eficiente en el tráfico y las emisiones mediante micro-simulación. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 890-897. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2015.3130OCS89089

    Revenant: A database of resurrected proteins

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    Revenant is a database of resurrected proteins coming from extinct organisms. Currently, it contains a manually curated collection of 84 resurrected proteins derived from bibliographic data. Each protein is extensively annotated, including structural, biochemical and biophysical information. Revenant contains a browse capability designed as a timeline from where the different proteins can be accessed. The oldest Revenant entries are between 4200 and 3500 million years ago, while the younger entries are between 8.8 and 6.3 million years ago. These proteins have been resurrected using computational tools called ancestral sequence reconstruction techniques combined with wet-laboratory synthesis and expression. Resurrected proteins are commonly used, with a noticeable increase during the past years, to explore and test different evolutionary hypotheses such as protein stability, to explore the origin of new functions, to get biochemical insights into past metabolisms and to explore specificity and promiscuous behaviour of ancient proteins.Fil: Carletti, Matías Sebastian. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Monzon, Alexander. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentina. Università di Padova; ItaliaFil: Garcia Rios, Emilio. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú; PerúFil: Benítez, Guillermo Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Hirsh, Layla. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Perú; PerúFil: Fornasari, Maria Silvina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; ArgentinaFil: Parisi, Gustavo Daniel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. Departamento de Ciencia y Tecnología; Argentin

    Morbimortalidad en Recién Nacidos Pretérminos menores de 36 semanas, Hospital IESS Ibarra Año 2014: Morbidity and mortality in preterm infants under 36 weeks, IESS Ibarra hospital year 2014

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    Objetivo, Mostrar el comportamiento de la morbilidad en recién nacidos pretérminos menores de 36 semanas en Hospital IEES IBARRA. Se realizó un estudioobservacional descriptivo, retrospectivo ; tomando como muestra a 47 recién nacidos de edad gestacional menores de 36 semanas, nacidos o trasferidos alhospital IESS - Ibarra año 2014. En el centro se ha evidenciado un incremento del nacimiento pretérmino, con el mayor promedio de edad gestacional al nacer entre 32-34semanas, habiendo recibido maduración pulmonar previa al nacimiento más del 50% de los casos y de ellos solo un 27% requirió ventilación mecánica al nacer ya que la mayoría de ellos tuvo una notable mejoría con el uso de la ventilación no invasiva (CPAP).La Enfermedad de la Membrana Hialina fuela que más presentaron los pacientes, para un total de 16 casos (34%)

    Enhanced Communications on Satellite-Based IoT Systems to Support Maritime Transportation Services

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    Maritime transport has become important due to its ability to internationally unite all continents. In turn, during the last two years, we have observed that the increase of consumer goods has resulted in global shipping deadlocks. In addition, the future goes through the role of ports and efficiency in maritime transport to decarbonize its impact on the environment. In order to improve the economy and people&rsquo;s lives, in this work, we propose to enhance services offered in maritime logistics. To do this, a communications system is designed on the deck of ships to transmit data through a constellation of satellites using interconnected smart devices based on IoT. Among the services, we highlight the monitoring and tracking of refrigerated containers, the transmission of geolocation data from Global Positioning System (GPS), and security through the Automatic Identification System (AIS). This information will be used for a fleet of ships to make better decisions and help guarantee the status of the cargo and maritime safety on the routes. The system design, network dimensioning, and a communications protocol for decision-making will be presented

    DNA barcoding and microsatellites help species delimitation and hybrid identification in endangered galaxiid fishes

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    The conservation of data deficient species is often hampered by inaccurate species delimitation. The galaxiid fishes Aplochiton zebra and Aplochiton taeniatus are endemic to Patagonia (and for A. zebra the Falkland Islands), where they are threatened by invasive salmonids. Conservation of Aplochiton is complicated because species identification is hampered by the presence of resident as well as migratory ecotypes that may confound morphological discrimination. We used DNA barcoding (COI, cytochrome b) and a new developed set of microsatellite markers to investigate the relationships between A. zebra and A. taeniatus and to assess their distributions and relative abundances in Chilean Patagonia and the Falkland Islands. Results from both DNA markers were 100% congruent and revealed that phenotypic misidentification was widespread, size-dependent, and highly asymmetric. While all the genetically classified A. zebra were correctly identified as such, 74% of A. taeniatus were incorrectly identified as A. zebra, the former species being more widespread than previously thought. Our results reveal, for the first time, the presence in sympatry of both species, not only in Chilean Patagonia, but also in the Falkland Islands, where A. taeniatus had not been previously described. We also found evidence of asymmetric hybridisation between female A. taeniatus and male A. zebra in areas where invasive salmonids have become widespread. Given the potential consequences that species misidentification and hybridisation can have for the conservation of these endangered species, we advocate the use of molecular markers in order to reduce epistemic uncertainty