6,668 research outputs found

    El papel del project manager en el desarrollo de proyectos universitarios multidisciplinares: Aplicación de Métrica 3 al Proyecto SIVIT

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    El Proyecto SIVIT tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un sistema de información destinado a orientar a los usuarios en el territorio mediante un entorno de realidad virtual, y constituye un proyecto de innovación de gran envergadura en el ámbito de las TIC. Para su ejecución, se ha constituido un equipo multidisciplinar formado por grupos de investigación de tres Escuelas de Ingeniería de la UPM, distribuyéndose el trabajo según sus diferentes áreas de conocimiento. En este contexto, la figura del Project Manager es fundamental dada la gran amplitud del Proyecto y el hecho de que esté constituido por subproyectos de características específicas. Esto exige emplear una metodología flexible, que permita su adaptación a cada subproyecto mediante planificaciones interdependientes, por lo que se ha adoptado la metodología METRICA 3, desarrollada por el Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas. Se complementa esta metodología con el uso de herramientas comerciales de mapeado de la información (mapas mentales), así como de comunicación y colaboración (servidores de información). Igualmente, se integra en la planificación la aplicación del método de gestión del valor ganado (Earned Value Method) para una mayor eficiencia de cara a futuros proyectos en esta línea de investigació

    Development of power conversion devices for complexes of automation and stabilization of electric power supply systems for spacecraft

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    В статье рассматривается развитие силовых преобразовательных устройств для комплексов автоматики и стабилизации систем электропитания космических аппаратов. Приведены примеры построения различных комплексов автоматики и стабилизации. Проведен их сравнительный анализ. Определены основные современные принципы построения КАС и СЭП КА.The article deals with the development of power conversion devices for automation and stabilization systems for electrical power supply systems for space vehicles. Examples of the construction of various automation and stabilization complexes are given. Their comparative analysis is carried out. The main modern principles of construction of ASC and EPS SPACECRAFT are determined

    Development and validation of a tool to measure collaborative practice between community pharmacists and physicians from the perspective of community pharmacists: the professional collaborative practice tool.

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    BACKGROUND: Collaborative practice between community pharmacists and physicians is becoming increasingly common. Although tools and models to explore collaborative practice between both health care professionals have been developed, very few have been validated for their use in clinical practice. The objective of this study was to develop and validate a tool for measuring collaborative practice between community pharmacists and physicians from the perspective of community pharmacists. METHODS: The DeVellis method was used to develop and validate the Professional Collaborative Practice Tool. A pool of 40 items with Likert frequency scales was generated based on previous literature and expert opinion. This study was undertaken in Spain. A sample of community pharmacists providing medication reviews with follow-up and a random sample of pharmacists providing usual care were invited to participate. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis was used to assess the tool's reliability and content validity. RESULTS: Three hundred thirty-six pharmacists were invited with an overall response rate of 84.8%. The initial 40 items selected were reduced to 14 items. Exploratory Factor Analysis provided a 3-factor solution explaining 62% of the variance. Confirmatory Factor Analysis confirmed the three factors "Activation for collaborative professional practice," the "Integration in collaborative professional practice," and the "Professional acceptance in collaborative professional practice." The tool demonstrated an adequate fit (X2/df = 1.657, GFI = 0.889 and RMSEA = 0.069) and good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.924). CONCLUSIONS: The Professional Collaborative Practice Tool has shown good internal reliability and criterion validity. The tool could be used to measure the perceived level of collaborative practice between community pharmacists and physicians and monitor changes over time. Its applicability and transferability to other settings should be evaluated

    Effect of catalyst carbon supports on the oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media: a comparative study

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    Four common catalyst carbon supports are quantitatively compared in an integrated study towards the oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media.</p

    Predictors of diabetes risk in urban and rural areas in Colombia

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    Background: Nutritional habits low in fruits and vegetables and sedentary lifestyle are associated with a higher risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes (T2D). However, it is important to assess differences between urban and rural areas. This study aimed to analyze the associations between the risk of developing T2D and setting in the Colombian north coast in 2017. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 1,005 subjects. Data was collected by interviewing self-identified members of an urban community and a rural-indigenous population. The interaction terms were evaluated as well as the confounders. Then, adjusted binary logistic regressions were used to estimate the odds ratio (OR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (CI). Results: subjects with a high risk of T2D are more likely to belong to the urban setting (OR = 1.908; 95%CI = 1.201-2.01) compared with those with lower T2D after adjusting for age, Body Mass Index (BMI), physical activity, history of high levels of glycemia, and diabetes in relatives. Conclusions: Urban communities are more likely to have T2D compared with rural-indigenous populations. These populations have differences from the cultural context, including personal, and lifestyle factors.Peer reviewe

    The Cadiz Contourite Channel: Sandy contourites, bedforms and dynamic current interaction

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    The Cadiz Contourite Channel is the largest and most prominent contourite channel in the middle slope of the Gulf of Cadiz, and is known to channelise the southern branch of the Lower Core of Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) as it flows westwards from the Gibraltar Gateway. The channel lies in water depth between 650 and 1500 m, is 150 km long, 2–12 km wide, up to 120 m deep, and broadly s-shaped in plan view. It has several associated subparallel marginal channels and shorter spillover channel segments. Its geometry is controlled by the interaction of a strong bottom current with the seafloor morphology, affected by neotectonic deformation and diapiric intrusion. Bottom photographs and dredge hauls reveal a channel floor shaped by high-energy flow, in places with bare rock, boulders and gravel, and elsewhere covered with sandy contourites. The rocky substrate and derived clasts are formed of authigenic iron-rich carbonates, testifying the high degree of fluid escape from adjacent diapiric ridges and mud volcanoes. The sandy substrate shows a wide range of current-induced bedforms including small, straight-crested ripples, large sinuous sand waves and dunes (wavelength 3.5–5 m, height 0.3–0.9 m), weak surface lineation on sands, and aligned gravel stringers and deep erosive scours around large boulders. Bedform orientation indicates flows directed to the south/south-west (main channel) and west (spillover channel), which can be related to MOW bottom currents, and current velocities that vary between about 0.2 and 0.8 m s− 1, even in the same channel location. However, current vane orientation was clearly responding, at least in part, to tidal effects and periodicity in the Gulf of Cadiz at the time the photographs were taken. Maximum current velocities are achieved by a combination of barotropic and internal tides (probably generated at the continental slope) that reinforce the normal MOW flow. In addition, meteorologically-induced internal waves with periods shorter than tidal ones may exert an even greater influence on current intensity, especially when they occur at times of sudden changes of meteorological forcing. This effect further influences MOW variability. In all cases, the funnelling effect of the Cadiz Channel amplifies tidal or meteorologically-induced bottom currents

    Critical Strain Region Evaluation of Self-Assembled Semiconductor Quantum Dots

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    A novel peak finding method to map the strain from high resolution transmission electron micrographs, known as the Peak Pairs method, has been applied to In(Ga) As/AlGaAs quantum dot (QD) samples, which present stacking faults emerging from the QD edges. Moreover, strain distribution has been simulated by the finite element method applying the elastic theory on a 3D QD model. The agreement existing between determined and simulated strain values reveals that these techniques are consistent enough to qualitatively characterize the strain distribution of nanostructured materials. The correct application of both methods allows the localization of critical strain zones in semiconductor QDs, predicting the nucleation of defects, and being a very useful tool for the design of semiconductor device

    Folksonomies and clustering in the collaborative system CiteULike

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    We analyze CiteULike, an online collaborative tagging system where users bookmark and annotate scientific papers. Such a system can be naturally represented as a tripartite graph whose nodes represent papers, users and tags connected by individual tag assignments. The semantics of tags is studied here, in order to uncover the hidden relationships between tags. We find that the clustering coefficient reflects the semantical patterns among tags, providing useful ideas for the designing of more efficient methods of data classification and spam detection.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, iop style; corrected typo