40,670 research outputs found

    Near Tribimaximal Neutrino Mixing with Delta(27) Symmetry

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    The discrete subgroup Delta(27) of SU(3) has the interesting multiplication rule 3 X 3 = bar{3} + bar{3} + bar{3}, which is used to obtain near tribimaximal neutrino mixing. Using present neutrino oscillation data as input, this model predicts that the effective mass m_{ee} measured in neutrinoless double beta decay will be 0.14 eV.Comment: 6 pages, no figur

    Dark Scalar Doublets and Neutrino Tribimaximal Mixing from A_4 Symmetry

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    In the context of A_4 symmetry, neutrino tribimaximal mixing is achieved through the breaking of A_4 to Z_3 (Z_2) in the charged-lepton (neutrino) sector respectively. The implied vacuum misalignment of the (1,1,1) and (1,0,0) directions in A_4 space is a difficult technical problem, and cannot be treated without many auxiliary fields and symmetries (and perhaps extra dimensions). It is pointed out here that an alternative scenario exists with A_4 alone and no redundant fields, if neutrino masses are "scotogenic", i.e. radiatively induced by dark scalar doublets as recently proposed.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures, 1 reference and 1 paragraph adde

    Explicit towers of Drinfeld modular curves

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    We give explicit equations for the simplest towers of Drinfeld modular curves over any finite field, and observe that they coincide with the asymptotically optimal towers of curves constructed by Garcia and Stichtenoth.Comment: 10 pages. For mini-symposium on "curves over finite fields and codes" at the 3rd European Congress in Barcelona 7/2000 Revised to correct minor typographical and grammatical error


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    Dengan mengelola gagasan Ricoeur tentang ‘Hermeneutics of Self ‘ artikel ini membahas kesadaran tentang pluralitas budaya dan bahasa yang makin nyata. Dalam situasi itu komunikasi makna menuntut ‘penerjemahan’ serentak kewajiban ‘berdukacita’. Dalam kerangka itu identitas bukan lagi soal ‘batas’ melainkan soal interaksi. Identitas mesti dilihat sebagai sesuatu yang tak pernah final, ber-evolusi dalam saling penerjemahan antar bahasa dan budaya. Penerjemahan adalah pertaruhan yang diwarnai ‘dukacita’ sebab penerjemahan identitas kita oleh pihak lain (eksternal) maupun oleh diri sendiri (internal) selalu hanya sampai pada ‘ekuivalensi tanpa adekuasi’, dan kesenjangan itu tak kan pernah teratasi


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    Scale Dependence of Twist-3 Quark-Gluon Operators for Single Spin Asymmetries

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    We derive the scale dependence of twist-3 quark-gluon operators, or ETQS matrix elements, at one-loop. These operators are used to factorize transverse single spin asymmetries, which are studied intensively both in experiment and theory. The scale dependence of two special cases are particularly interesting. One is of soft-gluon-pole matrix elements, another is of soft-quark-pole matrix elements. From our results the evolutions in the two cases can be obtained. A comparison with existing results of soft-gluon-pole matrix elements is made.Comment: typo in Eq.(10) corrected, references adde

    Z_3 Dark Matter and Two-Loop Neutrino Mass

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    Dark matter is usually distinguished from ordinary matter by an odd-even parity, i.e. the discrete symmetry Z_2. The new idea of Z_3 dark matter is proposed with a special application to generating radiative Majorana neutrino masses in two-loop order.Comment: expanded (9 pages, 2 figures), 2 references adde

    Combining isotonic regression and EM algorithm to predict genetic risk under monotonicity constraint

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    In certain genetic studies, clinicians and genetic counselors are interested in estimating the cumulative risk of a disease for individuals with and without a rare deleterious mutation. Estimating the cumulative risk is difficult, however, when the estimates are based on family history data. Often, the genetic mutation status in many family members is unknown; instead, only estimated probabilities of a patient having a certain mutation status are available. Also, ages of disease-onset are subject to right censoring. Existing methods to estimate the cumulative risk using such family-based data only provide estimation at individual time points, and are not guaranteed to be monotonic or nonnegative. In this paper, we develop a novel method that combines Expectation-Maximization and isotonic regression to estimate the cumulative risk across the entire support. Our estimator is monotonic, satisfies self-consistent estimating equations and has high power in detecting differences between the cumulative risks of different populations. Application of our estimator to a Parkinson's disease (PD) study provides the age-at-onset distribution of PD in PARK2 mutation carriers and noncarriers, and reveals a significant difference between the distribution in compound heterozygous carriers compared to noncarriers, but not between heterozygous carriers and noncarriers.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/14-AOAS730 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Fair value versus historic cost Valuation for Biological assets: Implications for the quality of financial information

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    This research finds neither significant differences in earnings and revenues for farms using fair value (FV) for biological assets with respect to those valuing at historic cost (HC), nor an increase in their volatility. It does not bring about differences in profitability, accounting manipulation and farm cash flows predictability either. On the contrary, most tests reveal higher predictive power of future earnings under FV. The study also provides evidence on flawed HC accounting practices in the agricultural sector and concludes that FV seems an interesting tool for the predominant small holdings in the agricultural sector in the European Union.accounting relevance, historic cost, agricultural accounting, prediction, fair value, earnings, cash flow prediction, biological assets

    Structural Capital Management: A Guide For Indicators

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    Intellectual Capital is of vital importance, both for the scientific community and business reality. For this reason, over the past decades its relevance has rapidly increased. Within Intellectual Capital (from here on IC), Structural Capital (from here on, SC) plays an outstanding paper, given that is represents the part of knowledge that the organization is able to explicit, systematize and internalize and that, initially, is latent in employees or teams. This type of capital allows for organizational effectiveness improvement through the transmission of knowledge.The objectives of this paper is, first, to identify the elements of IC that help to guarantee the success of companies belonging to a given sector, paying special attention to the contributions of SC to IC. Second, and after observing that most existing papers are centered only on the measurement of SC and, therefore, leave aside elements regarding its management, our proposal fills this gap and includes various general indicators for SC that may help to manage it adequately. The basic aim is to allow managers themselves to choose the most adequate indicators within those presented, taking into account, of course, characteristics, objectives and strategies of the companies they manage
