2,520 research outputs found

    Active learning and social commitment projects as a teaching-learning intervention in engineering degrees

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    [EN] The purpose of universities, apart from produce qualified professionals with problem-solving capabilities and soft-skills, should be to develop the social responsibility sense on their students. In this context, our proposal combines project based learning (PBL) and service based learning (SBL) along with gamming and the use of open-source machines, with the aim to increase student’s motivation and their social commitment with an affordable budget. The strategy, from now on named OS-PBL-SR (Open-Source-based PBL projects with Social Responsibility), mainly includes three important aspects: (i) assignment with projects orientated towards a social benefit; (ii) development of the projects using open-source Do It Yourself desktop machines (DIY-DkM); and (iii) include gamming in the evaluation method. The strategy was applied in the subject Manufacturing Technology but it might be easily exportable to other technical subjects. The results from the last academic year are presented. Also, a new OS-PBL-SR proposal aimed to the design and fabrication of autonomy-oriented products for people in a dependency situation is presented. The results showed the beneficial impact on undergraduate students by keeping high levels of motivation reflected on excellent success rates and scores. In addition, essential advantages in the use of DIY-DkM were found regarding the implementation of this kind of PBL strategy.The authors would like to acknowledge the financial support received from the University of La Rioja through the programs ‘Proyectos de Innovación Docente 2018/2019’. The authors also want to express their gratitude to the Instituto de Estudios Riojanos (IER). One of the authors, A.S.G., would also like to acknowledge the financial support from the Academy of Finland No. 273689.Pernía-Espinoza, A.; Sanz-Garcia, A.; Martinez-De-Pison-Ascacibar, FJ.; Peciña-Marqueta, S.; Blanco-Fernandez, J. (2019). Active learning and social commitment projects as a teaching-learning intervention in engineering degrees. En HEAD'19. 5th International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 281-288. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD19.2019.9605OCS28128

    Regeneración de la superficie ocular: stem cells/células madre y técnicas reconstructivas Regeneration of the ocular

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    La córnea es un tejido transparente constituido microscópicamente por 5 capas bien diferenciadas. El epitelio corneal es esencial para la transparencia corneal y se encuentra en continua renovación a lo largo de la vida a partir de la población de células madre limbocorneales. La localización de estas células madre limbocorneales parece residir en las capas basales del epitelio limbocorneal, de vital importancia para mantener el microambiente de estas células madre limbocorneales, que depende de una variedad de factores intrínsecos y extrínsecos. La insuficiencia límbica se produce cuando ocurre una pérdida parcial o total de estas células madre limbocorneales. Este cuadro lleva a una opacificación corneal con la consiguiente pérdida de visión. En estos casos, el trasplante corneal supone únicamente un reemplazo temporal del epitelio corneal; es necesario llevar a cabo un tratamiento previo con trasplante de limbo autólogo o alogénico, que permita regenerar la población de células limbocorneales dañadas. Para disminuir el riesgo que supone el trasplante de limbo en el ojo donante, se han propuesto técnicas de cultivo de células limbocorneales a partir de pequeñas biopsias limbocorneales

    Molecular analysis of a multistep lung cancer model induced by chronic inflammation reveals epigenetic regulation of p16 and activation of the DNA damage response pathway

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    The molecular hallmarks of inflammation-mediated lung carcinogenesis have not been fully clarified, mainly due to the scarcity of appropriate animal models. We have used a silica-induced multistep lung carcinogenesis model driven by chronic inflammation to study the evolution of molecular markers and genetic alterations. We analyzed markers of DNA damage response (DDR), proliferative stress, and telomeric stress: gamma-H2AX, p16, p53, and TERT. Lung cancer-related epigenetic and genetic alterations, including promoter hypermethylation status of p16(CDKN2A), APC, CDH13, Rassf1, and Nore1A, as well as mutations of Tp53, epidermal growth factor receptor, K-ras, N-ras, and c-H-ras, have been also studied. Our results showed DDR pathway activation in preneoplastic lesions, in association with inducible nitric oxide synthase and p53 induction. p16 was also induced in early tumorigenic progression and was inactivated in bronchiolar dysplasias and tumors. Remarkably, lack of mutations of Ras and epidermal growth factor receptor, and a very low frequency of Tp53 mutations suggest that they are not required for tumorigenesis in this model. In contrast, epigenetic alterations in p16(CDKN2A), CDH13, and APC, but not in Rassf1 and Nore1A, were clearly observed. These data suggest the existence of a specific molecular signature of inflammation-driven lung carcinogenesis that shares some, but not all, of the molecular landmarks of chemically induced lung cancer

    T-cell epitopes of the major peach allergen, Pru p 3: Identification and differential T-cell response of peach-allergic and non-allergic subjects

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    Lipid transfer proteins (LTPs), particularly peach Pru p 3, are the most relevant plant food allergens in the South of Europe, and, therefore, their allergic properties have been extensively studied. However, neither T-cell epitopes nor their effect on the patients’ T-cell response has been investigated in any member of the LTP panallergen family. The objective of the present study was to map the major T-cell epitopes of Pru p 3, as well as to evaluate their induced T-cell response in peach-allergic versus control subjects. Thus, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from 18 peach-allergic patients and Pru p 3-specific T-cell lines (TCLs) from 9 of them were cultured with Pru p 3 and with a panel of 17 derived peptides (10-mer overlapping in 5 amino acids representing the full sequence of Pru p 3). Proliferation in 5-day assays was carried out via tritiated-thymidine incorporation, while IL4 and IFNγ production was assessed via sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent tests (ELISA) of TCL culture supernatants. The results were compared to those obtained from 10 non-peach allergic control volunteers. Two consecutive peptides showed the highest activation capacity. About 74% of PBMCs and TCLs recognized them, forming a single T-epitope: Pru p 365–80. Additionally, other specific T-cell epitopes were observed. Pru p 325–35 was detected by more than 60% of TCLs from peach-allergic patients, and Pru p 345–55 only activated PBMCs from control subjects. Interestingly, TCLs from patients were associated with a Th2-type, whereas control TCLs presented a Th1-type cytokine response. The major immunogenic T-cell epitope identified in Pru p 3, Pru p 365–80, is a good candidate to develop new vaccines for hypersensitivity reactions associated with LTP allergens from Rosaceae fruits

    EWS-FLI1-mediated suppression of the RAS-antagonist Sprouty 1 (SPRY1) confers aggressiveness to Ewing sarcoma

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    Ewing sarcoma is characterized by chromosomal translocations fusing the EWS gene with various members of the ETS family of transcription factors, most commonly FLI1. EWS-FLI1 is an aberrant transcription factor driving Ewing sarcoma tumorigenesis by either transcriptionally inducing or repressing specific target genes. Herein, we showed that Sprouty 1 (SPRY1), which is a physiological negative feedback inhibitor downstream of fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors (FGFRs) and other RAS-activating receptors, is an EWS-FLI1 repressed gene. EWS-FLI1 knockdown specifically increased the expression of SPRY1, while other Sprouty family members remained unaffected. Analysis of SPRY1 expression in a panel of Ewing sarcoma cells showed that SPRY1 was not expressed in Ewing sarcoma cell lines, suggesting that it could act as a tumor suppressor gene in these cells. In agreement, induction of SPRY1 in three different Ewing sarcoma cell lines functionally impaired proliferation, clonogenic growth and migration. In addition, SPRY1 expression inhibited extracellular signal-related kinase/mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling induced by serum and basic FGF (bFGF). Moreover, treatment of Ewing sarcoma cells with the potent FGFR inhibitor PD-173074 reduced bFGF-induced proliferation, colony formation and in vivo tumor growth in a dose-dependent manner, thus mimicking SPRY1 activity in Ewing sarcoma cells. Although the expression of SPRY1 was low when compared with other tumors, SPRY1 was variably expressed in primary Ewing sarcoma tumors and higher expression levels were significantly associated with improved outcome in a large patient cohort. Taken together, our data indicate that EWS-FLI1-mediated repression of SPRY1 leads to unrestrained bFGF-induced cell proliferation, suggesting that targeting the FGFR/MAPK pathway can constitute a promising therapeutic approach for this devastating disease.FC-A, LG-G, JCL, AS, PG-M, SEL-P, SM and JA are supported by Asociación Pablo Ugarte and Miguelañez SA, ASION-La Hucha de Tomás, Fundación La Sonrisa de Alex and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI12/00816 and Spanish Cancer Network RTICC RD12/0036/0027). TGPG is supported by a grant from ‘Verein zur Förderung von Wissenschaft und Forschung an der Medizinischen Fakultät der LMU München (WiFoMed)’, the Daimler and Benz Foundation in cooperation with the Reinhard Frank Foundation, by LMU Munich’s Institutional Strategy LMUexcellent within the framework of the German Excellence Initiative, the ‘Mehr LEBEN für krebskranke Kinder—Bettina-Bräu-Stiftung’, the Walter Schulz Foundation, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation (FTH- and by the German Cancer Aid (DKH-111886 and DKH-70112257). The ‘Genetics and Biology of Cancers’ team (TGPG, DS and OD) is supported by grants from the Ligue Nationale Contre Le Cancer (Equipe labellisée). This work was also supported by the European PROVABES, ASSET and EEC FP7 grants. We also thank the following associations for their invaluable support: the Société Française des Cancers de l’Enfant, Courir pour Mathieu, Dans les pas du Géant, Olivier Chape, Les Bagouzamanon, Enfants et Santé and les Amis de Claire. We thank Dr S Navarro (University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain) and Dr TJ Triche (Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, Los Angeles, USA) for providing us with Ewing sarcoma cell lines A4573 and TTC-466, respectively.S

    Role of the human concentrative nucleoside transporter (hCNT1) in the cytotoxic action of 5[Prime]-deoxy-5-fluorouridine, an active intermediate metabolite of capecitabine, a novel oral anticancer drug.

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    We attempt to identify the plasma membrane transporter involved in the uptake of 5'-deoxy-5-fluorouridine (5'-DFUR), an intermediate metabolite of capecitabine. This novel oral fluoropyrimidine is used in cancer treatments and is a direct precursor of the cytostatic agent 5'-fluorouracil. We also examine the role of the transporter in 5'-DFUR cytotoxicity. The human concentrative nucleoside transporter (hCNT1) was cloned from human fetal liver and expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes. The two-electrode voltage-clamp technique was used to demonstrate that 5'-DFUR, but not capecitabine or 5'-FU, is an hCNT1 substrate. Then, hCNT1 was heterologously expressed in the mammalian cell line Chinese hamster ovary-K1. Functional expression was demonstrated by monitoring transport of radiolabeled substrates and by using a monospecific polyclonal antibody generated against the transporter. hCNT1-expressing cells were more sensitive to 5'-DFUR than vector-transfected or wild-type cells. The sensitivity of the three cell types to other agents such as cisplatin or 5'-FU was identical. In conclusion, this study shows that 1) the pharmacological profile of a nucleoside transporter can be determined by an electrophysiological approach; 2) the hCNT1 transporter is involved in 5'-DFUR uptake; and 3) hCNT1 expression may increase cell sensitivity to 5'-DFUR treatment. This study also reports for the first time the generation of an antibody against hCNT1, which may be useful in the elucidation of the relationship between hCNT1 expression and tumor response to capecitabine treatmen

    Hemodynamic performance of different stent strategies for coronary bifurcations. Evaluation with a mathematical model

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    Purpose: Best percutaneous treatment strategy for lesions in coronary bifurcations is an ongoing subject of debate. There is limited data that analyses the effect of the different bifurcation strategies on coronary flow. Our aim is to evaluate the influence of different bifurcation stenting strategies on hemodynamic parameters, both in the main vessel (MV) and side branch (SB)

    Transforming growth factor-beta inhibition reduces progression of early choroidal neovascularization lesions in rats: P17 and P144 peptides

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) inhibitor peptides (P17 & P144) on early laser-induced choroidal neovascularization (LI-CNV) lesions in rats, two weeks after laser CNV induction. Seventy-one Long Evans rats underwent diode laser application in an established LI-CNV model. Baseline fluorescein angiography (FA) was performed 14 days following laser procedure, and treatments were administered 16 days post-laser application via different administration routes. Intravenous groups included control (IV-Control), P17 (IV-17), and P144 (IV-144) groups, whereas intravitreal groups included P17 (IVT-17), P144 (IVT-144), and a mixture of both peptides (IVT-17+144) (with fellow eyes receiving vehicle alone). CNV evolution was assessed using FA performed weekly for four weeks after treatment. Following sacrifice, VEGF, TGF-β, COX-2, IGF-1, PAI-1, IL-6, MMP-2, MMP-9, and TNF-α gene expression was assessed using RT-PCR. VEGF and p-SMAD2 protein levels were also assessed by western-blot, while MMP-2 activity was assessed with gelatin zymography. Regarding the FA analysis, the mean CNV area was lower from the 3(rd) week in IVT-17 and IVT-144 groups, and also from the 2(nd) week in IVT-17+144. Biochemical analysis revealed that gene expression was lower for VEGF and COX-2 genes in IV-17 and IV-144 groups, VEGF gene in IVT-17+144 group and MMP-2 gene in IVT-17 and IVT-144 groups. VEGF protein expression was also decreased in IV-17, IV-144, IVT-17 and IVT-144, whereas pSMAD-2 levels were lower in IV-17, IV-144 and IVT-17+144 groups. Zymogram analysis revealed decreased MMP-2 activity in IV-17, IV-144, IVT-17 and IVT-144 groups. These data suggest that the use of TGF-β inhibitor peptides (P17 & P144) decrease the development of early CNV lesions by targeting different mediators than those typically affected using current anti-angiogenic therapies. Its potential role in the treatment of early CNV appears promising as a single therapy or adjuvant to anti-VEGF drugs