1,693 research outputs found

    Dynamic Model-based Management of Service-Oriented Infrastructure.

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    Models are an effective tool for systems and software design. They allow software architects to abstract from the non-relevant details. Those qualities are also useful for the technical management of networks, systems and software, such as those that compose service oriented architectures. Models can provide a set of well-defined abstractions over the distributed heterogeneous service infrastructure that enable its automated management. We propose to use the managed system as a source of dynamically generated runtime models, and decompose management processes into a composition of model transformations. We have created an autonomic service deployment and configuration architecture that obtains, analyzes, and transforms system models to apply the required actions, while being oblivious to the low-level details. An instrumentation layer automatically builds these models and interprets the planned management actions to the system. We illustrate these concepts with a distributed service update operation

    An Autonomous Engine for Services Configuration and Deployment.

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    The runtime management of the infrastructure providing service-based systems is a complex task, up to the point where manual operation struggles to be cost effective. As the functionality is provided by a set of dynamically composed distributed services, in order to achieve a management objective multiple operations have to be applied over the distributed elements of the managed infrastructure. Moreover, the manager must cope with the highly heterogeneous characteristics and management interfaces of the runtime resources. With this in mind, this paper proposes to support the configuration and deployment of services with an automated closed control loop. The automation is enabled by the definition of a generic information model, which captures all the information relevant to the management of the services with the same abstractions, describing the runtime elements, service dependencies, and business objectives. On top of that, a technique based on satisfiability is described which automatically diagnoses the state of the managed environment and obtains the required changes for correcting it (e.g., installation, service binding, update, or configuration). The results from a set of case studies extracted from the banking domain are provided to validate the feasibility of this propos

    A Change Execution System for Enterprise Services with Compensation Support

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    Modern enterprises rely on a distributed IT infrastructure to execute their business processes, adopting Service Oriented Architectures in order to improve the flexibility and ease of adaptation of their functions. Nowadays this is a vital characteristic, as the increased competition forces companies to continuously evolve and adapt. SOA applications must be supported by management and deployment systems, which have to continuously apply modifications to the distributed infrastructure. This article presents a modelbased solution for automatically applying change plans to heterogeneous enterprise managed environments. The proposed solution uses models which describe in an abstract language the changes that need to be applied to the environment, and executes all the required operations to the specific managed elements. Also, to ensure that the environment ends in a stable state, compensation for previously executed operations is supported. The validation results from a case study taken from the banking domain are also presented here

    El papel del project manager en el desarrollo de proyectos universitarios multidisciplinares: Aplicación de Métrica 3 al Proyecto SIVIT

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    El Proyecto SIVIT tiene como objetivo el desarrollo de un sistema de información destinado a orientar a los usuarios en el territorio mediante un entorno de realidad virtual, y constituye un proyecto de innovación de gran envergadura en el ámbito de las TIC. Para su ejecución, se ha constituido un equipo multidisciplinar formado por grupos de investigación de tres Escuelas de Ingeniería de la UPM, distribuyéndose el trabajo según sus diferentes áreas de conocimiento. En este contexto, la figura del Project Manager es fundamental dada la gran amplitud del Proyecto y el hecho de que esté constituido por subproyectos de características específicas. Esto exige emplear una metodología flexible, que permita su adaptación a cada subproyecto mediante planificaciones interdependientes, por lo que se ha adoptado la metodología METRICA 3, desarrollada por el Ministerio de Administraciones Públicas. Se complementa esta metodología con el uso de herramientas comerciales de mapeado de la información (mapas mentales), así como de comunicación y colaboración (servidores de información). Igualmente, se integra en la planificación la aplicación del método de gestión del valor ganado (Earned Value Method) para una mayor eficiencia de cara a futuros proyectos en esta línea de investigació

    A Model-Based Approach for the Management of Electronic Invoices

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    The globalized market pushes companies to expand their business boundaries to a whole new level. In order to efficiently support this environment, business transactions must be executed over the Internet. However, there are several factors complicating this process, such as the current state of electronic invoices. Electronic invoice adoption is not widespread because of the current format fragmentation originated by national regulations. In this paper we present an approach based on Model-Driven Engineering techniques and abstractions for supporting the core functions of invoice management systems. We compare our solution with the traditional implementations and try to analyze the advantages MDE can bring to this specific domain

    An automated Model-based Testing Approach in Software Product Lines Using a Variability Language.

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    This paper presents the application of an automated testing approach for Software Product Lines (SPL) driven by its state-machine and variability models. Context: Model-based testing provides a technique for automatic generation of test cases using models. Introduction of a variability model in this technique can achieve testing automation in SPL. Method: We use UML and CVL (Common Variability Language) models as input, and JUnit test cases are derived from these models. This approach has been implemented using the UML2 Eclipse Modeling platform and the CVL-Tool. Validation: A model checking tool prototype has been developed and a case study has been performed. Conclusions: Preliminary experiments have proved that our approach can find structural errors in the SPL under test. In our future work we will introduce Object Constraint Language (OCL) constraints attached to the input UML mode

    NRF2 and primary cilia: An emerging partnership

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    When not dividing, many cell types target their centrosome to the plasma membrane, where it nucleates assembly of a primary cilium, an antenna-like signaling structure consisting of nine concentric microtubule pairs surrounded by membrane. Primary cilia play important pathophysiological roles in many tissues, their dysfunction being associated with cancer and ciliopathies, a diverse group of congenital human diseases. Several recent studies have unveiled functional connections between primary cilia and NRF2 (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2), the master transcription factor orchestrating cytoprotective responses to oxidative and other cellular stresses. These NRF2-cilia relationships are reciprocal: primary cilia, by promoting autophagy, downregulate NRF2 activity. In turn, NRF2 transcriptionally regulates genes involved in ciliogenesis and Hedgehog (Hh) signaling, a cilia-dependent pathway with major roles in embryogenesis, stem cell function and tumorigenesis. Nevertheless, while we found that NRF2 stimulates ciliogenesis and Hh signaling, a more recent study reported that NRF2 negatively affects these processes. Herein, we review the available evidence linking NRF2 to primary cilia, suggest possible explanations to reconcile seemingly contradictory data, and discuss what the emerging interplay between primary cilia and NRF2 may mean for human health and disease.This work was funded by European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER)-cofunded grants from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) to F.R.G.G. (SAF2015-66568-R and RYC2013-14887). A.M.H. was supported by a FEDER-cofunded predoctoral contract from the Community of Madrid governmen

    A federated repository for PaaS components in a multi-cloud environment

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    Cloud computing has seen an impressive growth in recent years, with virtualization technologies being massively adopted to create IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service) public and private solutions. Today, the interest is shifting towards the PaaS (Platform as a Service) model, which allows developers to abstract from the execution platform and focus only on the functionality. There are several public PaaS offerings available, but currently no private PaaS solution is ready for production environments. To fill this gap a new solution must be developed. In this paper we present a key element for enabling this model: a cloud repository based on the OSGi component model. The repository stores, manages, provisions and resolves the dependencies of PaaS software components and services. This repository can federate with other repositories located in the same or different clouds, both private and public. This way, dependencies can be fulfilled collaboratively, and new business models can be implemented