10,755 research outputs found

    Geometry Diagnostics of a Stellar Flare from Fluorescent X-rays

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    We present evidence of Fe fluorescent emission in the Chandra HETGS spectrum of the single G-type giant HR 9024 during a large flare. In analogy to solar X-ray observations, we interpret the observed Fe Kα\alpha line as being produced by illumination of the photosphere by ionizing coronal X-rays, in which case, for a given Fe photospheric abundance, its intensity depends on the height of the X-ray source. The HETGS observations, together with 3D Monte Carlo calculations to model the fluorescence emission, are used to obtain a direct geometric constraint on the scale height of the flaring coronal plasma. We compute the Fe fluorescent emission induced by the emission of a single flaring coronal loop which well reproduces the observed X-ray temporal and spectral properties according to a detailed hydrodynamic modeling. The predicted Fe fluorescent emission is in good agreement with the observed value within observational uncertainties, pointing to a scale height 0.3\lesssim 0.3\rstar. Comparison of the HR 9024 flare with that recently observed on II Peg by Swift indicates the latter is consistent with excitation by X-ray photoionization.Comment: accepted for publication on the Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Face Centered Anisotropic Surface Impedance Boundary Conditions in FDTD

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    Thin sheet models are essential to allow shielding effectiveness of composite enclosures and vehicles to be modelled. Thin dispersive sheets are often modeled using surface impedance models in finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) codes in order to deal efficiently with the multi-scale nature of the overall structure. Such boundary conditions must be applied to collocated tangential electric and magnetic fields on either side of the surface; this is usually done on the edges of the FDTD mesh cells at the electric field sampling points. However, these edge based schemes are difficult to implement accurately on stair-cased surfaces. Here we present a novel face centered approach to the collocation of the fields for the application of the boundary condition. This approach naturally deals with the ambiguities in the surface normal that arise at the edges on stair-cased surfaces, allowing a simpler implementation. The accuracy of the new scheme is compared to edge based and conformal approaches using both planar sheet and spherical shell canonical test cases. Stair-casing effects are quantified and the new face-centered scheme is shown have up to 3 dB lower error than the edge based approach in the cases considered, without the complexity and computational cost of conformal techniques

    Hamiltonian embedding of the massive noncommutative U(1) theory

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    We show that the massive noncommutative U(1) can be embedded in a gauge theory by using the BFFT Hamiltonian formalism. By virtue of the peculiar non-Abelian algebraic structure of the noncommutative massive U(1) theory, several specific identities involving Moyal commutators had to be used in order to make the embedding possible. This leads to an infinite number of steps in the iterative process of obtaining first-class constraints. We also shown that the involutive Hamiltonian can be constructed.Comment: 8 pages, Revtex (multicol

    Energy mapping of large refrigerated warehouses co-located with renewable energy sources across Europe

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    Powering refrigerated warehouses by renewable energy sources (RES) turns from an extravagancy to a routine. RES intermittency requires suitable energy storage for both off-grid and on-grid applications. Cryogenic energy storage, integrated synergistically with RES and large refrigerated warehouses, is a promising environmentally friendly technology (addressed by the EU CryoHub project). Hence, studies were carried out to identify where large energy-intensive refrigerated warehouses are situated across Europe and how much power they consume. By employing diverse instruments and data sources, some 1049 warehouses were established, while 503 energy intensive ones were mapped and further co-located with 3200 solar PV and 11700 onshore wind parks to discover the best areas for RES integration across EU28. As compared with similar international surveys, the CryoHub statistics covers simultaneously warehouse capacity, geographical location and energy data, which permit a comprehensive analysis and strategic planning in both food refrigeration and energy sectors

    Global impact of diet and temperature over aquaculture of Octopus vulgaris paralarvae from a transcriptomic approach

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    Common octopus, Octopus vulgaris, is an economically important cephalopod species. However, its rearing under captivity is currently challenged by massive mortalities previous to their juvenile stage due to nutritional and environmental factors. Dissecting the genetic basis and regulatory mechanism behind this mortality requires genomic background knowledge. A transcriptomic sequencing of 10 dph octopus paralarvae from different experimental conditions was constructed via RNA-seq. A total of 613,767,530 raw reads were filtered and de novo assembled into 363,527 contigs of which 82,513 were annotated in UniProt carrying also their GO and KEGG information. Differential gene expression analysis was carried out on paralarvae reared under different diet regimes and temperatures, also including wild paralarvae. Genes related to lipid metabolism exhibited higher transcriptional levels in individuals whose diet includes crustacean zoeas, which had an impact over their development and immune response capability. High temperature induces acclimation processes at the time that increase metabolic demands and oxidative stress. Wild individuals show an expression profile unexpectedly similar to Artemia fed individuals. Proteomic results support the hypothesis revealed by transcriptional analysis. The comparative study of the O. vulgaris transcriptomic profiles allowed the identification of genes that deserve to be further studied as candidates for biomarkers of development and health. The results obtained here on the transcriptional variations of genes caused by diet and temperature will provide new perspectives in understanding the molecular mechanisms behind nutritional and temperature requirements of common octopus that will open new opportunities to deepen in paralarvae rearing requirements.Versión del edito

    Hospital Virtual: Sistema de información clínica y telecuidado de pacientes VIH/SIDA basado en tecnologías Web 2.0

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    Este artículo describe el desarrollo de un nuevo sistema de información clínica y telecuidado de pacientes VIH/SIDA que se encuentra implantado en rutina clínica dentro del Servicio de Enfermedades Infecciosas del Hospital Clínic de Barcelona. El proyecto surge ante la necesidad de unificar el sistema de información departamental del servicio y un sistema de telemedicina instalado en el hospital en 2004. Para ello se han diseñado e implementado nuevas bases de datos y dos sistemas específicos para uso de profesionales y pacientes. Además, se ha realizado una integración con el Sistema de Información del Hospital (HIS) permitiendo el acceso a todos los datos requeridos de los pacientes desde una única aplicación. Este nuevo sistema está al servicio de más de 70 profesionales sanitarios que realizan una media de 150 consultas al día disponiendo de información clínica de más de 8000 pacientes

    Electronic health records and patient registries in medical oncology departments in Spain

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    We aimed to evaluate the current situation of electronic health records (EHRs) and patient registries in the oncology departments of hospitals in Spain. This was a cross-sectional study conducted from December 2018 to September 2019. The survey was designed ad hoc by the Outcomes Evaluation and Clinical Practice Section of the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) and was distributed to all head of medical oncology department members of SEOM. We invited 148 heads of oncology departments, and 81 (54.7%) questionnaires were completed, with representation from all 17 Spanish autonomous communities. Seventy-seven (95%) of the respondents had EHRs implemented at their hospitals; of them, over 80% considered EHRs to have a positive impact on work organization and clinical practice, and 73% considered that EHRs improve the quality of patient care. In contrast, 27 (35.1%) of these respondents felt that EHRs worsened the physician-patient relationship and conveyed an additional workload (n = 29; 37.6%). Several drawbacks in the implementation of EHRs were identified, including the limited inclusion of information on both outpatients and inpatients, information recorded in free text data fields, and the availability of specific informed consent. Forty-six (56.7%) respondents had patient registries where they recorded information from all patients seen in the department. Our study indicates that EHRs are almost universally implemented in the hospitals surveyed and are considered to have a positive impact on work organization and clinical practice. However, EHRs currently have several drawbacks that limit their use for investigational purposes. Not applicable The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s12094-021-02614-9

    The Air Microwave Yield (AMY) experiment - A laboratory measurement of the microwave emission from extensive air showers

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    The AMY experiment aims to measure the microwave bremsstrahlung radiation (MBR) emitted by air-showers secondary electrons accelerating in collisions with neutral molecules of the atmosphere. The measurements are performed using a beam of 510 MeV electrons at the Beam Test Facility (BTF) of Frascati INFN National Laboratories. The goal of the AMY experiment is to measure in laboratory conditions the yield and the spectrum of the GHz emission in the frequency range between 1 and 20 GHz. The final purpose is to characterise the process to be used in a next generation detectors of ultra-high energy cosmic rays. A description of the experimental setup and the first results are presented.Comment: 3 pages -- EPS-HEP'13 European Physical Society Conference on High Energy Physics (July, 18-24, 2013) at Stockholm, Swede

    Changes in health behaviors, mental and physical health among older adults under severe lockdown restrictions during the covid-19 pandemic in spain

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    We used data from 3041 participants in four cohorts of community-dwelling individuals aged =65 years in Spain collected through a pre-pandemic face-to-face interview and a telephone interview conducted between weeks 7 to 15 after the beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown. On average, the confinement was not associated with a deterioration in lifestyle risk factors (smoking, alcohol intake, diet, or weight), except for a decreased physical activity and increased sedentary time, which reversed with the end of confinement. However, chronic pain worsened, and moderate declines in mental health, that did not seem to reverse after restrictions were lifted, were observed. Males, older adults with greater social isolation or greater feelings of loneliness, those with poorer housing conditions, as well as those with a higher prevalence of chronic morbidities were at increased risk of developing unhealthier lifestyles or mental health declines with confinement. On the other hand, previously having a greater adherence to the Mediterranean diet and doing more physical activity protected older adults from developing unhealthier lifestyles with confinement. If an-other lockdown were imposed during this or future pandemics, public health programs should spe-cially address the needs of older individuals with male sex, greater social isolation, sub-optimal housing conditions, and chronic morbidities because of their greater vulnerability to the enacted movement restrictions. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland