3,770 research outputs found

    Effects of asymmetric contacts on single molecule conductances of HS(CH2)nCOOH in nano-electrical junctions

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    A scanning tunnelling microscope has been used to determine the conductance of single molecular wires with the configuration X-bridge-X, X-bridge-Y and Y-bridge-Y (X = thiol terminus and Y = COOH). We find that for molecular wires with mixed functional groups (X-bridge-Y) the single molecule conductance decreases with respect to the comparable symmetric molecules. These differences are confirmed by theoretical computations based on a combination of density functional theory and the non-equilibrium Green functions formalism. This study demonstrates that the apparent contact resistance, as well as being highly sensitive to the type of the anchoring group is also strongly influenced by contact-asymmetry of the single molecular junction which in this case decreases the transmission. This highlights that contact asymmetry is a significant factor to be considered when evaluating nano-electrical junctions incorporating single molecules

    Validação conceitual das características definidoras de diagnósticos de enfermagem respiratórios em neonatos

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    OBJECTIVE:To develop and validate conceptual and operational definitions for the defining characteristics of the respiratory nursing diagnoses, ineffective breathing pattern, impaired gas exchange and impaired spontaneous ventilation, in newborns.METHODS:This was a methodological study of conceptual validation of the defining characteristics of three respiratory nursing diagnoses, by consensus analysis of a committee of five specialist nurses, and then a group of five non-nursing professionals, using the Delphi technique.RESULTS:After two rounds of evaluation, consensus was obtained that was equal to or greater than 80% on all of the definitions, which were then considered validated.CONCLUSION:The definitions developed for the defining characteristics of three nursing diagnoses were validated with a high level of consensus.OBJETIVO:Elaborar e validar definições conceituais e operacionais para as características definidoras dos diagnósticos de enfermagem respiratórios, Padrão Respiratório Ineficaz, Troca de Gases Prejudicada e Ventilação Espontânea Prejudicada em recém-nascidos.MÉTODOS:Estudo metodológico, de validação conceitual das características definidoras dos três diagnósticos de enfermagem respiratórios por meio da análise de consenso de um comitê de cinco enfermeiras especialistas e de cinco profissionais não enfermeiros, utilizando a técnica Delphi.RESULTADOS:Após duas rodadas de avaliação, obteve-se consenso igual ou superior a 80% na totalidade das definições, sendo consideradas validadas.CONCLUSÃO:As definições elaboradas para as características definidoras dos três diagnósticos de enfermagem foram validadas com elevado grau de consenso.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de EnfermagemUNIFESP, EPESciEL

    F-theory and Neutrinos: Kaluza-Klein Dilution of Flavor Hierarchy

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    We study minimal implementations of Majorana and Dirac neutrino scenarios in F-theory GUT models. In both cases the mass scale of the neutrinos m_nu ~ (M_weak)^2/M_UV arises from integrating out Kaluza-Klein modes, where M_UV is close to the GUT scale. The participation of non-holomorphic Kaluza-Klein mode wave functions dilutes the mass hierarchy in comparison to the quark and charged lepton sectors, in agreement with experimentally measured mass splittings. The neutrinos are predicted to exhibit a "normal" mass hierarchy, with masses m_3,m_2,m_1 ~ .05*(1,(alpha_GUT)^(1/2),alpha_GUT) eV. When the interactions of the neutrino and charged lepton sectors geometrically unify, the neutrino mixing matrix exhibits a mild hierarchical structure such that the mixing angles theta_23 and theta_12 are large and comparable, while theta_13 is expected to be smaller and close to the Cabibbo angle: theta_13 ~ theta_C ~ (alpha_GUT)^(1/2) ~ 0.2. This suggests that theta_13 should be near the current experimental upper bound.Comment: v2: 83 pages, 10 figures, references adde

    The effects of laryngeal mask airway passage simulation training on the acquisition of undergraduate clinical skills: a randomised controlled trial

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    Background\ud Effective use of the laryngeal mask airway (LMA) requires learning proper insertion technique in normal patients undergoing routine surgical procedures. However, there is a move towards simulation training for learning practical clinical skills, such as LMA placement. The evidence linking different amounts of mannequin simulation training to the undergraduate clinical skill of LMA placement in real patients is limited. The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness in vivo of two LMA placement simulation courses of different durations. \ud \ud Methods\ud Medical students (n = 126) enrolled in a randomised controlled trial. Seventy-eight of these students completed the trial. The control group (n = 38) received brief mannequin training while the intervention group (n = 40) received additional more intensive mannequin training as part of which they repeated LMA insertion until they were proficient. The anaesthetists supervising LMA placements in real patients rated the participants' performance on assessment forms. Participants completed a self-assessment questionnaire. \ud \ud Results\ud Additional mannequin training was not associated with improved performance (37% of intervention participants received an overall placement rating of > 3/5 on their first patient compared to 48% of the control group, X2X^2 = 0.81, p = 0.37). The agreement between the participants and their instructors in terms of LMA placement success rates was poor to fair. Participants reported that mannequins were poor at mimicking reality. \ud \ud Conclusions\ud The results suggest that the value of extended mannequin simulation training in the case of LMA placement is limited. Educators considering simulation for the training of practical skills should reflect on the extent to which the in vitro simulation mimics the skill required and the degree of difficulty of the procedure. \ud \u

    Extraordinary absorption of sound in porous lamella-crystals

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    We present the design of a structured material supporting complete absorption of sound with a broadband response and functional for any direction of incident radiation. The structure which is fabricated out of porous lamellas is arranged into a low-density crystal and backed by a reflecting support. Experimental measurements show that strong all-angle sound absorption with almost zero reflectance takes place for a frequency range exceeding two octaves. We demonstrate that lowering the crystal filling fraction increases the wave interaction time and is responsible for the enhancement of intrinsic material dissipation, making the system more absorptive with less material.The work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Union FEDER through project FIS2011-29734-C02-01. J.C. gratefully acknowledges financial support from the Danish Council for Independent Research and a Sapere Aude grant (12-134776). V. R. G. gratefully acknowledges financial support from the ''Contratos Post-Doctorales Campus Excelencia Internacional'' UPV CEI-01-11.Christensen, J.; Romero García, V.; Picó Vila, R.; Cebrecos Ruiz, A.; Garcia De Abajo, FJ.; Mortensen, NA.; Willatzen, M.... (2014). Extraordinary absorption of sound in porous lamella-crystals. Scientific Reports. 4(4674). https://doi.org/10.1038/srep04674S44674Mei, J. et al. Dark acoustic metamaterials as super absorbers for low-frequency sound. Nat. Commun. 3, 756 (2012).Leroy, V., Strybulevych, A., Scanlon, M. G. & Page, J. Transmission of ultrasound through a single layer of bubbles. Eur. Phys. J. E 29, 123 (2009).Leroy, V., Bretagne, A., Fink, M. H. W., Tabeling, P. & Tourin, A. Design and characterization of bubble phononic crystals. Appl. Phys. Lett. 95, 171904 (2009).Thomas, E. L. Applied physics: Bubbly but quiet. Nature 462, 990 (2009).Romero-García, V., Sánchez-Pérez, J. V. & Garcia-Raffi, L. M. Tunable wideband bandstop acoustic filter based on two-dimensional multiphysical phenomena periodic systems. J. Appl. Phys. 110, 014904 (2011).Garcia-Chocano, V. M., Cabrera, S. & Sanchez-Dehesa, J. Broadband sound absorption by lattices of microperforated cylindrical shells. Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 184101 (2012).Kushwaha, M. S., Halevi, P., Dobrzynski, L. & Djafari-Rouhani, B. Acoustic band structure of periodic elastic composites. Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 2022 (1993).Vasseur, J. O. et al. Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for the Existence of Absolute Acoustic Band Gaps in Two-Dimensional Solid Phononic Crystals. Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 3012 (2001).Liu, Z. et al. Locally Resonant Sonic Materials. Science 289, 1734 (2000).Christensen, J., Martin-Moreno, L. & Garcia-Vidal, F. J. All-angle blockage of sound by an acoustic double-fishnet metamaterial. Appl. Phys. Lett. 97, 134106 (2010).Botten, L. C., Craig, M. S., McPhedran, R. C., Adams, J. L. & Andrewartha, J. R. The finitely conducting lamellar diffraction grating. Optica Acta 28, 1087 (1981).McPhedran, R. C., Botten, L. C., Craif, M. S., Neviere, M. & Maystre, D. Lossy lamellar gratings in the quasistatic limit. Optica Acta 29, 289 (1982).Kravets, V. G., Schedin, F. & Grigorenko, A. N. Plasmonic blackbody: Almost complete absorption of light in nanostructured metallic coatings. Phys. Rev. B 78, 205405 (2008).Sondergaard, T. et al. Plasmonic black gold by adiabatic nanofocusing and absorption of light in ultra-sharp convex grooves. Nat. Commun. 3, 969 (2012).Clapham, P. B. & Hurtley, M. C. Reduction of Lens Reflexion by the Moth Eye Principle. Nature Vol. 244, 281 (1973).Garcia-Vidal, F. J., Pitarke, J. M. & Pendry, J. B. Effective Medium Theory of the Optical Properties of Aligned Carbon Nanotubes. Phys. Rev. Lett. 78, 4289 (1997).Yang, Z., Ci, L., Bur, J. A., Lin, S. & Ajayan, P. M. Experimental Observation of an Extremely Dark Material Made By a Low-Density Nanotube Array. Nano Lett. 8, 446 (2008).Garcia-Vidal, F. J. Metamaterials: Towards the dark side. Nat. Photonics 2, 215 (2008).Mizunoa, K. et al. A black body absorber from vertically aligned single-walled carbon nanotubes. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 6044 (2009).Lidorkis, E. & Ferrari, A. C. Photonics with Multiwall Carbon Nanotube Arrays. ACS Nano 3, 1238 (2009).Beenakker, C. W. J. & Brouwer, P. W. Distribution of the reflection eigenvalues of a weakly absorbing chaotic cavity. Physica E 9, 463 (2001).Lafarge, D., Lemarinier, P., Allard, J. F. & Tarnow, V. Dynamic compressibility of air in porous structures at audible frequencies. J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 102, 1995 (1997), With the macroscopic parameters: ϕ = 0.94, α∞ = 1, σ = 20000 Nm−4s and Λ = Λ′ = 0.41 μm.García de Abajo, F. J. Colloquium: Light scattering by particle and hole arrays. Rev. Mod. Phys. 79, 1267–1290 (2007)

    Understanding the threats posed by non-native species: public vs. conservation managers.

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    Public perception is a key factor influencing current conservation policy. Therefore, it is important to determine the influence of the public, end-users and scientists on the prioritisation of conservation issues and the direct implications for policy makers. Here, we assessed public attitudes and the perception of conservation managers to five non-native species in the UK, with these supplemented by those of an ecosystem user, freshwater anglers. We found that threat perception was not influenced by the volume of scientific research or by the actual threats posed by the specific non-native species. Media interest also reflected public perception and vice versa. Anglers were most concerned with perceived threats to their recreational activities but their concerns did not correspond to the greatest demonstrated ecological threat. The perception of conservation managers was an amalgamation of public and angler opinions but was mismatched to quantified ecological risks of the species. As this suggests that invasive species management in the UK is vulnerable to a knowledge gap, researchers must consider the intrinsic characteristics of their study species to determine whether raising public perception will be effective. The case study of the topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva reveals that media pressure and political debate has greater capacity to ignite policy changes and impact studies on non-native species than scientific evidence alone

    Flavor Physics in an SO(10) Grand Unified Model

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    In supersymmetric grand-unified models, the lepton mixing matrix can possibly affect flavor-changing transitions in the quark sector. We present a detailed analysis of a model proposed by Chang, Masiero and Murayama, in which the near-maximal atmospheric neutrino mixing angle governs large new b -> s transitions. Relating the supersymmetric low-energy parameters to seven new parameters of this SO(10) GUT model, we perform a correlated study of several flavor-changing neutral current (FCNC) processes. We find the current bound on B(tau -> mu gamma) more constraining than B(B -> X_s gamma). The LEP limit on the lightest Higgs boson mass implies an important lower bound on tan beta, which in turn limits the size of the new FCNC transitions. Remarkably, the combined analysis does not rule out large effects in B_s-B_s-bar mixing and we can easily accomodate the large CP phase in the B_s-B_s-bar system which has recently been inferred from a global analysis of CDF and DO data. The model predicts a particle spectrum which is different from the popular Constrained Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (CMSSM). B(tau -> mu gamma) enforces heavy masses, typically above 1 TeV, for the sfermions of the degenerate first two generations. However, the ratio of the third-generation and first-generation sfermion masses is smaller than in the CMSSM and a (dominantly right-handed) stop with mass below 500 GeV is possible.Comment: 44 pages, 5 figures. Footnote and references added, minor changes, Fig. 2 corrected; journal versio

    An essential function for the ATR-Activation-Domain (AAD) of TopBP1 in mouse development and cellular senescence

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    ATR activation is dependent on temporal and spatial interactions with partner proteins. In the budding yeast model, three proteins – Dpb11TopBP1, Ddc1Rad9 and Dna2 - all interact with and activate Mec1ATR. Each contains an ATR activation domain (ADD) that interacts directly with the Mec1ATR:Ddc2ATRIP complex. Any of the Dpb11TopBP1, Ddc1Rad9 or Dna2 ADDs is sufficient to activate Mec1ATR in vitro. All three can also independently activate Mec1ATR in vivo: the checkpoint is lost only when all three AADs are absent. In metazoans, only TopBP1 has been identified as a direct ATR activator. Depletion-replacement approaches suggest the TopBP1-AAD is both sufficient and necessary for ATR activation. The physiological function of the TopBP1 AAD is, however, unknown. We created a knock-in point mutation (W1147R) that ablates mouse TopBP1-AAD function. TopBP1-W1147R is early embryonic lethal. To analyse TopBP1-W1147R cellular function in vivo, we silenced the wild type TopBP1 allele in heterozygous MEFs. AAD inactivation impaired cell proliferation, promoted premature senescence and compromised Chk1 signalling following UV irradiation. We also show enforced TopBP1 dimerization promotes ATR-dependent Chk1 phosphorylation. Our data suggest that, unlike the yeast models, the TopBP1-AAD is the major activator of ATR, sustaining cell proliferation and embryonic development