3,238 research outputs found

    Borderline personality disorder: The challenge of crisis management

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    El manejo del trastorno límite de personalidad puede ser un reto para el clínico, especialmente en elservicio de urgencias hospitalarias, donde se hacen necesarias decisiones rápidas que deben ser ademáslas más beneficiosas y en conjunto con el paciente, favoreciendo su autonomía y participación en laresolución de la crisis.En este artículo pretendemos revisar el manejo de la crisis de una forma práctica y, basándonos enlas guías clínicas más recientes, proporcionar una serie de pautas a los clínicos que se enfrentan a estassituaciones para manejar adecuadamente las crisis con recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia cientí-fica que tenemos hasta ahora y claves para la valoración de la conducta suicida, que es uno de los motivosmás frecuentes por lo que estos pacientes acuden a los servicios de urgencias. Finalmente revisaremos losdiferentes manejos y encuadres, repasando las indicaciones de ingreso hospitalario, así como los objetivosdel mismo.Managing patients with borderline personality disorder can pose a substantial challenge for psychia-trists. This is especially the case when patients with this disorder are seen in the emergency room, asclinicians must make rapid decisions that balance clinical benefit and the will of the patient, fosteringtheir autonomy and participation.A review is presented in this article of the strategies for practical management of crises. Based on themost recent clinical guidelines, a series of insights are provided for facing these situations, includingrecommendations based on scientific evidence, as well as the key steps for assessing suicidal behaviour,which is one of the most frequent causes behind visits to the emergency department in this patientpopulation. Finally, a review is presented on the different management approaches and frameworks,analysing the indications and aims of hospital admission.Instituto de Salud Carlos III PI16/01852Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional de Drogas 20151073American Foundation for Suicide Prevention LSRG-1-005-1

    Extracting Hα\alpha flux from photometric data in the J-PLUS survey

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    We present the main steps that will be taken to extract Hα\alpha emission flux from Javalambre Photometric Local Universe Survey (J-PLUS) photometric data. For galaxies with z0.015z\lesssim0.015, the Hα\alpha+[NII] emission is covered by the J-PLUS narrow-band filter F660F660. We explore three different methods to extract the Hα\alpha + [NII] flux from J-PLUS photometric data: a combination of a broad-band and a narrow-band filter (rr' and F660F660), two broad-band and a narrow-band one (rr', ii' and F660F660), and a SED-fitting based method using 8 photometric points. To test these methodologies, we simulated J-PLUS data from a sample of 7511 SDSS spectra with measured Hα\alpha flux. Based on the same sample, we derive two empirical relations to correct the derived Hα\alpha+[NII] flux from dust extinction and [NII] contamination. We find that the only unbiased method is the SED fitting based one. The combination of two filters underestimates the measurements of the Hα\alpha + [NII] flux by a 28%, while the three filters method by a 9%. We study the error budget of the SED-fitting based method and find that, in addition to the photometric error, our measurements have a systematic uncertainty of a 4.3%. Several sources contribute to this uncertainty: differences between our measurement procedure and the one used to derive the spectroscopic values, the use of simple stellar populations as templates, and the intrinsic errors of the spectra, which were not taken into account. Apart from that, the empirical corrections for dust extinction and [NII] contamination add an extra uncertainty of 14%. Given the J-PLUS photometric system, the best methodology to extract Hα\alpha + [NII] flux is the SED-fitting based one. Using this method, we are able to recover reliable Hα\alpha fluxes for thousands of nearby galaxies in a robust and homogeneous way.Comment: 11 pages, 14 figures. Minor changes to match the published versio

    Estudio de la obesidad y del sobrepeso como factores de riesgo de la prevalencia y severidad del asma en niños de Valencia

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    [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]: La obesidad y el sobrepeso se han descrito como factores de riesgo asociados a la prevalencia y severidad del asma en niños y adolescentes. El objetivo del estudio ha sido el valorar el papel de la obesidad en el asma infantil. Ámbito de estudio y sujetos:Estudio realizado en niños y adolescentes entre 8 y 15 años, elegidos por un muestreo aleatorio tipo cluster entre los niños que estudiaban en 80 colegios, el cual representa el 30% de los colegios de la ciudad de Valencia. Material y métodos:El análisis de los datos se organizó en dos grupos, obesos (aquellos niños en un percentil superior al 85 del Índice de Masa Corporal (kg/m2), tomando como referencia la población española) y no obesos, cuando no cumplian esta condición. Se calcularon la prevalencia de los diferentes parámetros con un intervalo de confianza al 95%, y el riesgo relativo (RR) de los síntomas compatibles con asma entre niños obesos comparándolos con los no obesos. Resultados: No se obtuvo un riesgo relativo significativo para la obesidad con respecto al asma en aquellos niños por encima del percentil 85. Por otra parte, un incremento en el riesgo en relación con la severidad del asma se observó con la obesidad, principalmente en el percentil 85 (RR = 1,51 de sufrir entre 4-12 ataques de pitos y RR = 1,86 de sufrir más de 12 ataques en niños obesos frente a los no obesos) Conclusiónes: En este estudio, no identificamos un riesgo más alto de asma entre niños obesos frente a los no obesos, aunque encontramos que hubiera un riesgo más alto de severidad de síntomas asmáticos. En relación con la severidad del asma, observamos un riesgo más alto de ataques de pitos y sibilancias entre los niños obesos en los percentiles 85 y 95 del Indice de Masa Corporal.Background: Obesity and overweight have been described as factors associated with asthma. Our aim was to evaluate the role obesity plays on asthma in children. Scope and subjects: A study carried out on children and teenagers between 8 and 15 years of age, chosen for a cluster-type random sampling from children who studied in 80 schools, which represents 30% of the schools in the city of Valencia. Material and Methods: The analysed data was organized into two groups, obese (from the Body Mass Index (Kg/m2)), showing children with a percentile over 85% of the measuring reference for the Spanish population) and non obese, when they did not fulfil this condition. The prevalence of the different parameters studied was calculated by an Interval of Confidence of 95%. The risk was calculated (Relative Risk) from those symptoms compatible with asthma among obese children compared to non obese children. Results: No significant relative risk (RR) was seen for obesity with regards to asthma in those percentiles of obesity over 85. Otherwise, an increase in the relative risk (RR) regarding the severity of asthma was seen in relation to obesity, mainly in the 85th percentile (RR = 1.51 of suffering between 4-12 wheezing attacks and RR = 1.86 of suffering more than 12 attacks in obese children as opposed to non obese children). Conclusions: In this study, we did not identify a higher risk of asthma among obese children than among non obese children, although we did find there was a higher risk of severity of asthmatic symptoms. As far as the severity of the asthma is concerned, we saw a higher risk of wheezing and whistling attacks among obese children with the 85th and the 95th percentiles according to the Body Mass [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]

    Application of hand-held near-infrared and Raman spectrometers in surface treatment authentication of cork stoppers

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    The aim of this paper was to evaluate the potential of using near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy and multivariate analysis as a rapid tool to non-destructively determine the presence of surface treatments applied to cork stoppers. Density and dimensions of 6 closure varieties were characterized and the extraction force was measured on those produced for still wines. Cork stoppers were also analyzed using hand-held NIR and Raman spectrometers. Soft independent modelling of class analogy (SIMCA) models showed significant differences among treated and untreated samples, linked to components of the coating agents applied (silicone and paraffin). SIMCA model''s classification performance was tested and high sensitivity (93.33 %) and specificity (100 %) values were obtained. Partial least squares regression (PLSR) model accurately predicted the extraction forces measured with low standard error of prediction (SEP = 4.0 daN). Our results are promising for the future application of this technology in cork industry, reducing time and economic losses. © 2021 The Author(s

    High tuberculosis burden among people living with HIV in southern Mozambique

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    Tuberculosis (TB) remains an important public health concern, and a leading cause of disease and death worldwide. Mozambique is one of the few high TB burden countries where TB figures have not improved in recent years, with an estimated TB incidence in 2013 of 552 cases per 100 000 population [1]. With 58% of all notified TB cases being HIV-positive, Mozambique also has one of the highest TB/HIV co-infection rates. Published data on the burden of TB or HIV disease in the country are scarce, and improving epidemiological surveillance has been identified as an urgent step to improve TB control [2]

    Climate and Local Hydrography Underlie Recent Regime Shifts in Plankton Communities off Galicia (NW Spain)

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    A 29-year-long time series (1990–2018) of phyto- and zooplankton abundance and composition is analyzed to uncover regime shifts related to climate and local oceanography variability. At least two major shifts were identified: one between 1997 and 1998, affecting zooplankton group abundance, phytoplankton species assemblages and climatic series, and a second one between 2001 and 2002, affecting microzooplankton group abundance, mesozooplankton species assemblages and local hydrographic series. Upwelling variability was relatively less important than other climatic or local oceanographic variables for the definition of the regimes. Climate-related regimes were influenced by the dominance of cold and dry (1990–1997) vs. warm and wet (1998–2018) periods, and characterized by shifts from low to high life trait diversity in phytoplankton assemblages, and from low to high meroplankton dominance for mesozooplankton. Regimes related to local oceanography were defined by the shift from relatively low (1990–2001) to high (2002–2018) concentrations of nutrients provided by remineralization (or continental inputs) and biological production, and shifts from a low to high abundance of microzooplankton, and from a low to high trait diversity of mesozooplankton species assemblages. These results align with similar shifts described around the same time for most regions of the NE Atlantic. This study points out the different effects of large-scale vs. local environmental variations in shaping plankton assemblages at multiannual time scales.En prens

    Star formation in isolated AMIGA galaxies: dynamical influence of bars

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    Star formation depends strongly both on the local environment of galaxies, and on the internal dynamics of the interstellar medium. To disentangle the two effects, we obtained, in the framework of the AMIGA project, Ha and Gunn r photometric data for more than 200 spiral galaxies lying in very low-density regions of the local Universe. We characterise the Ha emission, tracing current star formation, of the 45 largest and less inclined galaxies observed for which we estimate the torques between the gas and the bulk of the optical matter. We could subsequently study the Ha morphological aspect of these isolated spiral galaxies. Using Fourier analysis, we focus on the modes of the spiral arms and also on the strength of the bars, computing the torques between the gas and newly formed stars (Ha) and the bulk of the optical matter (Gunn r). We interpret the various bar/spiral morphologies observed in terms of the secular evolution experienced by galaxies in isolation. We also classify the different spatial distributions of star forming regions in barred galaxies. The observed frequency of particular patterns brings constraints on the lifetime of the various evolution phases. We propose an evolutive sequence accounting for the transitions between the different phases we could observe. Isolated galaxies appear not to be preferentially barred or unbarred. Through numerical simulations, trying to fit the Ha distributions yields constraints on the star formation law, which is likely to differ from a genuine Schmidt law. In particular, it is probable that the relative velocity of the gas in the bar also needs to be taken into account.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figures (low resolution), 2 tables, accepted by A&

    Soil quality impacts of current South American agricultural practices

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    Increasing global demand for oil seeds and cereals during the past 50 years has caused an expansion in the cultivated areas and resulted in major soil management and crop production changes throughout Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina and southern Brazil. Unprecedented adoption of no-tillage as well as improved soil fertility and plant genetics have increased yields, but the use of purchased inputs, monocropping i.e., continuous soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.), and marginal land cultivation have also increased. These changes have significantly altered the global food and feed supply role of these countries, but they have also resulted in various levels of soil degradation through wind and water erosion, soil compaction, soil organic matter (SOM) depletion, and nutrient losses. Sustainability is dependent upon local interactions between soil, climate, landscape characteristics, and production systems. This review examines the region’s current soil and crop conditions and summarizes several research studies designed to reduce or prevent soil degradation. Although the region has both environmental and soil resources that can sustain current agricultural production levels, increasing population, greater urbanization, and more available income will continue to increase the pressure on South American croplands. A better understanding of regional soil differences and quantifying potential consequences of current production practices on various soil resources is needed to ensure that scientific, educational, and regulatory programs result in land management recommendations that support intensification of agriculture without additional soil degradation or other unintended environmental consequences.EEA ParanáFil: Wingeyer, Ana Beatriz. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Paraná; ArgentinaFil: Amado, Telmo Jorge Carneiro. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. Centro de Ciências Rurais; BrasilFil: Pérez Bidegain, Mario. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Agronomía; UruguayFil: Studdert, Guillermo. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria Balcarce; ArgentinaFil: Perdomo Varela, Carlos Honorio. Universidad de la República. Facultad de Agronomía; UruguayFil: García, Fernando O. International Plant Nutrition Institute. Americas and Oceania Group. Latin America - Southern Cone; ArgentinaFil: Karlen, Douglas L. United States. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service; Estados Unido