1,231 research outputs found

    Metagenomics and Diagnosis of Zoonotic Diseases

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    Zoonotic diseases represent a public health problem worldwide, since approximately 60% of human pathogens have a zoonotic origin. A variety of methodologies have been developed to diagnose zoonosis, including culture-dependent and immunological-based methods, which allow the identification of a huge range of pathogens. However, some of them are not detected easily with these approaches. Additionally, molecular tests have been developed, and they are designed to identify a single pathogen or mixtures of them. In this context, metagenomics comes as an alternative to get genome sequences of different microorganisms, which comprise a microbial community. Metagenomics have been used to characterize microbiomes and viromes, which are not cultivable under laboratory conditions. This methodology could be a powerful tool in the diagnosis of zoonotic diseases because it allows not only identification of genus and species, but also detection of some proteins in specific conditions on specific tissues, through structural and functional metagenomics, respectively

    Método de determinación de estado de materiales de cubierta de invernaderos

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    Número de publicación: ES2376324 A1 (13.03.2012) También publicado como: ES2376324 B2 (29.01.2013 Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P200930039(03.04.2009)Método de determinación de estado de materiales de cubierta de invernaderos. Se describe un método que permite realizar una estimación y predicción del estado de un film plástico utilizado como cubierta de invernadero bien para poder así evaluar la necesidad de restitución de las cubiertas o bien como herramienta de diseño previa a la construcción de invernaderos.Universidad de Almerí

    Concepto de climatología

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    Se describe el concepto de clima y los diferentes parámetros medidos y útiles en climatología o variables climáticas que nos ayudan a .determinar las características climáticas de zonas climáticas.Soriano Soto, MD.; García-España Soriano, L. (2020). Concepto de climatología. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/146446DE

    Nubosidad niebla y meteoros eléctricos

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    El artículo docente explica los conceptos de nubes y otros meteoros eléctricos. La formación del tipo de nubes y sus características sirviendo como base para conocer este tipo de fenómenos atmosféricosSoriano Soto, MD.; García-España Soriano, L. (2020). Nubosidad niebla y meteoros eléctricos. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/146444DE


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    La lluvia es un fenómeno atmosférico consistente en una precipitación acuosa. La forma de medirla es diversa en función del tipo de precipitación. Es un indicador importante de las características climáticas de una zona y determina junto a la temperatura las zonas climáticas del mundoSoriano Soto, MD.; García-España Soriano, L. (2020). Precipitación. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/146445DE

    Factores fijos en estudios climático

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    Se describen aquellos factores fijos que afectan a las condiciones climáticas y que pueden modificar a los parámetros o variables climáticas en zonas concretas del territorio Se describen aquellos factores fijos que afectan a las condiciones climáticas y que pueden modificar los parámetros o variables climáticasSoriano Soto, MD.; García-España Soriano, L. (2020). Factores fijos en estudios climático. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/142183DE

    Time-dependent monitoring of cement hydration by combined laboratory x-ray microtomography and powder diffraction

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    Following the reaction degree of amorphous phases in cements is very challenging. It becomes even harder when some additions (supplementary cementitious materials) are employed. Nowadays, calcined clays are attracting a lot of attention as it is possible to reduce the clinker factor by 50%, which leads to a 40% CO2 cement footprint reduction. Thus, the aim of our overall project is to follow the reaction degree of amorphous anhydrous cement phases (for instance metakaolin) to yield different amorphous phase(s) (f.i. C-A-S-H gel) by combined X-ray micro-computed tomography (μCT) and powder diffraction (PD) analyses at different ages of hydration. Furthermore, some microstructural features, like porosity, can also be mapped out which are important for durability.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Manual de mecanismos de participación pública ambiental en el marco del DR-CAFTA

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    Esta publicación es parte de un esfuerzo de la Fundación Nacional para el Desarrollo (FUNDE), desde su Programa de Integración y Desarrollo –con apoyo del Programa de pequeñas donaciones para la participación pública–, por “decodificar” y hacer accesible a los ciudadanos y ciudadanas centroamericanos las herramientas que el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre República Dominicana, Centroamérica y Estados Unidos de América (CAFTA-DR, por sus siglas en inglés) les ofrece para acercar sus inquietudes, opiniones y demandas sobre el tema ambiental a las autoridades, tanto a nivel nacional como regional. El mismo busca ser una guía práctica sobre los procedimientos, formalidades, requisitos y potencialidades de estos mecanismos de participación pública. This publication is an effort of FUNDE´s Programme of Integration and Development to “decode” and make accessible to the citizenship of Central America the mechanisms provided by the Dominican Republic-Central America-United States Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA-DR) to approach their concerns, points of view and demands pertaining environmental matters to the authorities at the national and regional level. This work looks forward to be a practical guide about the procedures, formalities, requirements and potencialities that this mechanisms of public participation can offer

    Synchrotron radiation studies on even-odd and odd-even nylons

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    Aliphatic polyamides derived from odd diamine or odd dicarboxylic acid units cannot adopt a conventional sheet structure when molecular chains have an all trans conformation. However, typical fiber diffraction patterns of this sheet structure were observed in several polyamides derived from odd units such as nylons 65 and 56. Consequently, a new structure based on the establishment of intermolecular hydrogen bonds along two different directions was postulated. Real-time temperature dependence of X-ray diffraction patterns for nylons 65 and 56 was studied by synchrotron radiation to gain understanding of the Brill transition usually occurring in polyamides. Significant differences were found between the temperature dependence of both nylons, although a transition towards a monoclinic structure characterized by a single equatorial reflection around 0.425-0.420 nm was observed to occur at high temperatures. This transition was reversible for nylon 65 only. In this case, a characteristic hysteresis effect was found.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version