2,514 research outputs found

    Effect of Aspirin on Cell Growth of Human MG-63 Osteosarcoma Line

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    Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are commonly used in bone tissue repair treatment for their pharmacological action. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of aspirin, on osteoblast growth, using MG63 cell line as osteoblast model. MTT spectrophotometry results showed that 20, 100, and 1000 μM aspirin doses have an inhibitory effect on growth. Cell cycle analysis revealed that aspirin doses of 100 and 1000 μM arrest the cell cycle in phase GO/G1. Parallel apoptosis/necrosis studies showed no changes in comparison to control cells after treatment with 1 or 10 μM aspirin but a significantly increased percentage of cells in apoptosis at doses of 20, 100, and 1000 μM. We highlight that treatment of osteoblast-like cells with 1000 μM aspirin increased not only the percentage of cells in apoptosis but also the percentage of necrotic cells, which was not observed in aspirin treatments at lower doses

    Surface morphologies of Ti and Ti-Al-V bombarded by 1.0-MeV Au+ Ions

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    Ion implantation is known to enhance the mechanical properties of biomaterials such as, e.g., the wear resistance of orthopedic joints. Increasing the surface area of implants may likewise improve their integration with, e.g., bone tissue, which requires surface features with sizes in the micron range. Ion implantation of biocompatible metals has recently been demonstrated to induce surface ripples with wavelengths of a few microns. However, the physical mechanisms controlling the formation and characteristics of these patterns are yet to be understood. We bombard Ti and Ti-6Al-4V surfaces with 1.0-MeV Au+ ions. Analysis by scanning electron and atomic force microscopies shows the formation of surface ripples with typical dimensions in the micron range, with potential indeed for biomedical applications. Under the present specific experimental conditions, the ripple properties are seen to strongly depend on the fluence of the implanted ions while being weakly dependent on the target material. Moreover, by examining experiments performed for incidence angle values theta = 8 degrees, 23 degrees, 49 degrees, and 67 degrees, we confirm the existence of a threshold incidence angle for (ripple) pattern formation. Surface indentation is also used to study surface features under additional values of., agreeing with our single-angle experiments.This work was financially supported by Dirección General de Asuntos del Personal Académico-UNAM under Contracts No. Programa de Apoyo a Proyectos de Investigación e Innovación Tecnológica IN110116 and No. IN111717, and by CONACYT under Contract No. 222485. L. R. d. l. V. is supported by the Programa de Estancias Sabáticas Nacionales del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT). R. C. acknowledges the kind hospitality and support of the Instituto de Física at UNAM while part of this work was being carried out, as well as partial support from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad/Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Spain/European Union) through Grants No. FIS2012- 38866-C05-01 and No. FIS2015-66020-C2-1-P

    Modelos de gestión en nutrición clínica. Puntos débiles y puntos fuertes

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    En el VIº Foro de Debate Abbott-SENPE se establece una discusión multidisciplinar y multiprofesional para buscar el o los modelos de gestión clínica que consideramos más adecuados para la Unidades de Nutrición Clínica y Dietética (UNCyD) en España. Se valoran los puntos débiles y fuertes así como las oportunidades de los actuales sistemas y se concluye en la observación de una cierta disparidad vinculada no solo a las comunidades autónomas sino también a los diferentes tipos de hospital. Se propone, desde SENPE, la creación de un grupo de trabajo que ayude a la normalización de los modelos y a potenciar la cultura del Cuadro de Mandos Integral y de Gestión del Cambio.At the 6th Abbott-SENPE Debate Forum a multidisciplinary and multiprofessional discussion was established in order to seek for the model or the models of clinical management most appropriate for Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Units (CNAD) in Spain. The weaknesses and strengths as well as opportunities for the current systems were assessed concluding that a certain degree of disparity was observed not only due to regional differences but also to different hospital types. It was proposed, from SENPE, the creation of a working group helping to standardize the models and promote the culture of Integral Control and Change Management

    El aceite de oliva en nutrición clínica

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    The different beneficial effects of olive oil have a rational and scientific basis due to advances in the knowledge of lipid metabolism. The evidence that for a similar plasma cholesterol concentration, the rate of cardiovascular deaths is lower in the Mediterranean countries than in other ones, suggests that the beneficial effects of olive oil may not be only related to the known quantitative changes in plasma lipoproteins, but also to other, as yet unknown or little known, anti-atherogenic factors. The peculiarities of olive oil in terms of certain biochemical, biological and nutritional characteristics, open up a field of application in normal clinical practice. The benefits of olive oil in clinical nutrition correlate with its action on lipid metabolism and the cardiovascular system. Even a moderate increase in the ingestion of monounsaturated fats and a reduction in the ingestion of carbohydrates could be more advantageous in those patients with diabetes and hypertriglyceridemia and/or in those where loss of weight is not a priority. Different studies have also demonstrated the benefits of olive oil in different inflammatory and autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis. The chemical composition of extra virgin olive oil contributes to daily requirements of essential fatty acids and active antioxidant nutrients in vitamin E deficiency. This particular and well-balanced situation [oleic acid (18:1 n -9) and minor components in an ideal ratio] undoubtedly has a significant relevance in human clinical nutrition.Los avances en el conocimiento del metabolismo lipídico están permitiendo establecer las bases científicas de los efectos saludables del aceite de oliva. En los países del área Mediterránea, la mortalidad cardiovascular es menor que en otros, aunque la concentración de colesterol en sangre es similar. Es muy probable que la capacidad cardio-protectora del aceite de oliva se relacione con otros factores de riesgo, algunos de los cuales son poco o completamente desconocidos. Las propiedades bioquímicas, biológicas y nutricionales del aceite de oliva son peculiares y permiten su aplicación en la nutrición clínica. Los beneficios del aceite de oliva se correlacionan con su acción sobre el metabolismo lipídico y el sistema cardiovascular. Un aumento moderado en la ingesta de grasa monoinsaturada (aceite de oliva), a expensas de los carbohidratos, es la recomendación en pacientes con diabetes e hipertrigliceridemia. En nutrición clínica, el aceite de oliva también tiene efectos beneficiosos en enfermedades relacionadas con respuestas inflamatorias y autoinmunes, como la artritis reumatoide. La composición química del aceite de oliva virgen extra contribuye a las necesidades diarias de ácidos grasos esenciales y de antioxidantes, especialmente en situaciones patológicas de deficiencia en vitamina E. Sin duda, el aceite de oliva (virgen extra) tiene máxima relevancia, por su contenido de ácido oleico (18:1 n -9) y compuestos minoritarios, en la nutrición clínica

    New candidate hypervelocity red clump stars in the inner Galactic bulge

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    We search for high-velocity stars in the inner region of the Galactic bulge using a selected sample of red clump stars. Some of those stars might be considered hypervelocity stars (HVSs). Even though the HVSs ejection relies on an interaction with the supermassive black hole (SMBH) at the centre of the Galaxy, there are no confirmed detections of HVSs in the inner region of our Galaxy. With the detection of HVSs, ejection mechanism models can be constrained by exploring the stellar dynamics in the Galactic centre through a recent stellar interaction with the SMBH. Based on a previously developed methodology by our group, we searched with a sample of preliminary data from version 2 of the Vista Variables in the Via Lactea (VVV) Infrared Astrometric Catalogue (VIRAC2) and Gaia DR3 data, including accurate optical and NIR proper motions. This search resulted in a sample of 46 stars with transverse velocities larger than the local escape velocity within the Galactic bulge, of which 4 are prime candidate HVSs with high-proper motions consistent with being ejections from the Galactic centre. Adding to that, we studied a sample of reddened stars without a Gaia DR3 counterpart and found 481 stars with transverse velocities larger than the local escape velocity, from which 65 stars have proper motions pointing out of the Galactic centre and are candidate HVSs. In total, we found 69 candidate HVSs pointing away from the Galactic centre with transverse velocities larger than the local escape velocity.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 18 pages (5 of Appendix), 15 figure

    Rare three-body decay t -> c h gamma in the standard model and the two-Higgs doublet model

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    A complete calculation of the rare three-body decay t --> c h gamma is presented in the framework of the standard model. In the unitary gauge, such a calculation involves about 20 Feynman diagrams. We also calculate this decay in the general two-Higgs doublet model (model III), in which it arises at the tree-level. While in the standard model the decay t --> c h gamma is extremely suppressed, with a branching fraction of the order of 101510^{-15} for a Higgs boson mass of the order of 115 GeV, in the model III it may have a branching ratio up to 10510^{-5}. We also discuss the crossed decay h --> b \bar{s} gamma.Comment: Updated to match published versio

    Differential leukocyte expression of IFITM1 and IFITM3 in patients with severe pandemic influenza A(H1N1) and COVID-19

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    Interferon-induced transmembrane (IFITM) proteins mediate protection against enveloped viruses by blocking membrane fusion at endosomes. IFITM1 and IFITM3 are crucial for protection against influenza, and various single nucleotide polymorphisms altering their function have been linked to disease susceptibility. However, bulk IFITM1 and IFITM3 mRNA expression dynamics and their correlation with clinical outcomes have not been extensively addressed in patients with respiratory infections. In this study, we evaluated the expression of IFITM1 and IFITM3 in peripheral leukocytes from healthy controls and individuals with severe pandemic influenza A(H1N1) or coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Comparisons between participants grouped according to their clinical characteristics, underlying disease, and outcomes showed that the downregulation of IFITM1 was a distinctive characteristic of severe pandemic influenza A(H1N1) that correlated with outcomes, including mortality. Conversely, increased IFITM3 expression was a common feature of severe pandemic influenza A(H1N1) and COVID-19. Using a high-dose murine model of infection, we confirmed not only the downregulation of IFITM1 but also of IFITM3 in the lungs of mice with severe influenza, as opposed to humans. Analyses in the comparative cohort also indicate the possible participation of IFITM3 in COVID-19. Our results add to the evidence supporting a protective function of IFITM proteins against viral respiratory infections in humans.Introduction Methods - Human samples - IFITM expression in humans - Influenza infection in mice - IFITM expression in mice - Cytokine levels in mouse lungs - Study approval - Statistical analysis Results - Participant characteristics - IFITM1 and IFITM3 in patients with severe pandemic influenza A(H1N1) - High-dose influenza A (H1N1) virus infection downregulates IFITM expression in mice - IFITM1 and IFITM3 in severe COVID-19 Discussio

    Análisis de la relevancia y factibilidad de indicadores de calidad en las unidades de nutrición

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    Introducción: La evaluación de la calidad en las actividades sanitarias exige la elección de unos indicadores acordes con los resultados que queremos medir. De todos los posibles, debemos priorizar aquellos que nos permitan obtener la información más relevante sin sobrecargar el trabajo habitual de nuestras Unidades. Objetivo: Conocer la opinión de los socios de SENPE respecto a la relevancia y la viabilidad del uso de una selección de indicadores de calidad para su aplicación en nutrición clínica. Métodos: Encuesta remitida mediante correo electrónico a los socios de SENPE solicitando a los mismos su opinión sobre 12 indicadores de calidad, valorándose cada uno en cuanto a su relevancia y factibilidad de la aplicación en su medio. Resultados: Contestaron 40 encuestados de 40 centros diferentes de 12 comunidades autónomas. En general, los indicadores fueron considerados más relevantes que factibles. Los indicadores mejor puntuados fueron: “identificación en las bolsas de nutrición artificial”, “posición semi-incorporada del paciente con nutrición enteral por sonda nasogástrica” y “protocolos clínicos básicos”. Considerando los indicadores por grupos (de estructura, proceso o resultado) los mejor valorados fueron: “identificación del paciente en las bolsas de nutrición artificial” (estructura), “posición semi-incorporada” y “protocolos clínicos básicos” (proceso), y “cumplimiento del objetivo calórico” (resultado). Conclusión: Los resultados de la encuesta permiten seleccionar indicadores prioritarios para su aplicación en las Unidades de NutriciónIntroduction: The quality assessment in health activities requires the choice of indicators in line with the results we want to measure. Of all possible, we should prioritize those that allow us to obtain the most relevant information without overloading the regular work of our units. Objective: To determine the opinion of the members of SENPE regarding the relevance and feasibility of using a selection of quality indicators designed for use in clinical nutrition. Methods: E-mail survey sent to members of SENPE asking them their views on 12 quality indicators, evaluating each in terms of their relevance and feasibility of implementation in their environment. Results: 40 respondents answered from 40 centers in 12 different regions. In general, the indicators were considered more relevant than feasible. The indicators best rated were: “identification in artificial nutrition bags, “semi-recumbent position in patient with nasogastric tube feeding” and “basic clinical protocols”. Considering the type of indicator: “patient identification in the bags of artificial nutrition (structure),” a semi-incorporated “and” basic clinical protocols (process), and “fulfillment of the caloric goal” (result). Conclusion: The results of the survey can make a selection of indicators that could be considered for first-line introduction in a Nutrition Uni

    Recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia del grupo andaluz para la reflexión e investigación en nutrición (Garin) para el manejo del paciente con síndrome de intestino corto

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    In order to develop evidence-based recommendations and expert consensus for the nutritional management of patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS), we conducted a systematic literature search using the PRISMA methodology plus a critical appraisal following the GRADE scale procedures. Pharmacological treatment with antisecretory drugs, antidiarrheal drugs, and somatostatin contributes to reducing intestinal losses. Nutritional support is based on parenteral nutrition; however, oral intake and/or enteral nutrition should be introduced as soon as possible. In the chronic phase, the diet should have as few restrictions as possible, and be adapted to the SBS type. Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) should be individualized. Single-lumen catheters are recommended and taurolidine should be used for locking the catheter. The HPN’s lipid content must be greater than 1 g/kg per week but not exceed 1 g/kg per day, and omega-6 fatty acids (ω6 FAs) should be reduced. Trace element vials with low doses of manganese should be used. Patients with chronic SBS who require long-term HPN/fluid therapy despite optimized treatment should be considered for teduglutide treatment. All patients require a multidisciplinary approach and specialized follow-up. These recommendations and suggestions regarding nutritional management in SBS patients have direct clinical applicability