69 research outputs found

    Changes in Caregiver Personal Support Networks: Gender Differences and Effects on Health (CUIDAR-SE Study)

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    Technological changes have led to important advances in medical diagnoses and treatments that prolong the informal care process. Support from the personal network of informal caregivers is an undervalued resource and the changes that have occurred over time are unknown. The aim of this study was to analyze the changes in personal network support among informal caregivers and to examine the effect of these changes on self-perceived caregiver health, with a focus on differences between men and women and caregivers with high and low levels of burdenWe also investigated caregiver perceptions and explanations of changes to their support network (losses and additions and no change). Using a mixed-methods approach, data were obtained from 32 caregivers that were intentionally selected in Spain, who were interviewed twice with a one-year interval. In the quantitative phase, personal networks analysis was performed with Egonet software, which obtained data on the composition and functional content in social support from 1600 personal relationships (25 alters for each ego in the two waves). In the qualitative phase, semi-structured interviews were conducted in the two waves with a guide in order to explore the changes in informal support resources over time. The selected men with high levels of burden pointed out a loss of network support with more discouraging reports compared with the low-burden male caregivers. Furthermore, the selected women with low burden levels mentioned losses too; however, their reports were more positive. Women reported improved health, especially those with low burden scores in the first wave and those who did not lose support. Caregivers with a high initial burden and who lost support reported worse health, particularly men and women with a strong sense of duty toward care. Social support from personal networks is important for caregiver health and its effects are influenced by gender roles. Our findings could help by improving the relational and social capital of informal caregivers and adapting them to the new needs of formal home care systems

    Gender Differences in Social Support Received by Informal Caregivers: A Personal Network Analysis Approach

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    Social support is an important predictor of the health of a population. Few studies have analyzed the influence of caregivers? personal networks from a gender perspective. The aim of this study was to analyze the composition, structure, and function of informal caregiver support networks and to examine gender differences. It also aimed to explore the association between different network characteristics and self-perceived health among caregivers. We performed a social network analysis study using a convenience sample of 25 female and 25 male caregivers. A descriptive analysis of the caregivers and bivariate analyses for associations with self-perceived health were performed. The structural metrics analyzed were density; degree centrality mean; betweenness centrality mean; and number of cliques, components, and isolates. The variability observed in the structure of the networks was not explained by gender. Some significant differences between men and women were observed for network composition and function. Women received help mainly from women with a similar profile to them. Men?s networks were broader and more diverse and they had more help from outside family circles, although these outcomes were not statistically significant. Our results indicate the need to develop strategies that do not reinforce traditional gender roles, but rather encourage a greater sharing of responsibility among all parties.Funding: This project has received funding from Consejería de Salud (Junta de Andalucía) (PS-0280–2016) and from Instituto de Salud Carlos III and the European Regional Development Fund (PI16/00207

    Microencapsulados funcionales de frutos de Opuntia stricta

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    En este trabajo se ha obtenido un colorante alimentario fitncional rojo -púrpura en polvo a partir del zumo de frutos de Opuntia stricta. Así, con el zumo de un fruto rico en un colorante rojopúrpura como es la betanina, se busca obtener un producto en polvo que pueda ser empleado como nutracéutico . Este producto que presenta una coloración rojo-púrpura viva puede aplicarse no solo como nutracéutico sino también como colorante. Para conseguir el colorante en polvo se han utilizado inutinas, maltodextrina y jarabe de glucosa como microencapsulantes y un equipo de secado por atomización a escala laboratorio Mini Spray Dryer B -290 (Büchi, Suiza)Asociación de Jóvenes Investigadores de Cartagena, (AJICT). Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Industrial UPCT, (ETSII). Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agronómica, (ETSIA), Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería de Telecomunicación (ETSIT). Escuela de Ingeniería de Caminos, Canales, y Puertos y de Ingeniería de Minas, (EICM). Fundación Séneca, Agencia Regional de Ciencia y Tecnología. Parque Tecnológico de Fuente Álamo. Grupo Aquilin

    App de Servicios Eléctricos ReparasApp

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    El presente proyecto nos ha permitido emplear las diferentes disciplinas aprendidas a lo largo de nuestra carrera, tales como Evaluación de Proyectos, Estadística, Marketing, Finanzas, entre otras. Esto nos ha sido muy útil para desarrollar un análisis cuantitativo y cualitativo que nos permite analizar la viabilidad del negocio. ReparasApp propone un modelo de negocio que consiste en contratar servicios técnicos de reparación y mantenimiento desde un aplicativo móvil. Para el desarrollo del proyecto, se han desarrollado los aspectos generales del negocio, un planeamiento estratégico, una investigación de mercado, un plan de marketing, un plan de operaciones y sobre todo el plan financiero. Nuestra propuesta consiste en que, a través de nuestro aplicativo móvil, se puedan conectar todos los usuarios que necesiten un servicio con un técnico garantizado, responsable y con un buen historial de trabajos realizados anteriormente. Asimismo, se proyecta los activos, pasivos, patrimonio y los gastos administrativos para planificar y cumplir los objetivos establecidos como empresa y generar ingresos para lograr rentabilidad en la empresa. Estos puntos han permitido validar y demostrar la viabilidad del proyecto.This project has allowed us to use the different disciplines learned throughout our career, such as Project Evaluation, Statistics, Marketing, Finance, among others. This has been very useful for us to develop a quantitative and qualitative analysis that allows us to analyze the viability of the business. ReparasApp proposes a business model that consists of hiring repair and maintenance technical services from a mobile application. For the development of the project, the general aspects of the business, a strategic planning, a market research, a marketing plan, an operations plan and especially the financial plan have been developed. Our proposal is that, through our mobile application, all users who need a service can be connected with a guaranteed, responsible technician with a good history of previously performed work. Likewise, assets, liabilities, equity and administrative expenses are projected to plan and meet the objectives established as a company and generate income to achieve profitability in the company. These points have made it possible to validate and demonstrate the viability of the project.Trabajo de investigació

    Estudio comparativo y análisis de la situación actual de las obras huérfanas en Europa: informe científico-técnico

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    En un primer nivel de análisis, se realiza una radiografía del estado de la cuestión de los 28 estados miembros de la UE en lo que se refiere a aspectos relacionados con la transposición de la Directiva Europea de obras huérfanas (Directiva 2012/28/UE del Parlamento Europeo y del Consejo, de 25 de octubre de 2012, sobre ciertos usos autorizados de las obras huérfanas). En un segundo nivel de análisis, se caracterizan e identifican (como foco principal de la investigación) los elementos relacionados con las obras huérfanas directamente vinculados con el ámbito de la Documentación, es decir, aquellos relacionados con la existencia de pautas y procedimientos vinculados al planteamiento, realización y registro de expedientes de búsquedas diligentes en bases de datos y que hayan sido definidos por parte de los 28 estados miembros analizados en el estudio

    MOOC como herramienta para el aprendizaje de contenidos específicos en el área de la Fisiología

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    Teniendo en cuenta que el aprendizaje integral y la implementación de las TICs están cada vez más integradas en el sistema educativo, la creación de “cápsulas educativas”-MOOCs son una herramienta creativa que puede ayudar al alumnado en la asimilación de los conocimientos. Además, al ser una herramienta de duración corta les obliga resumir la información, destacar la más importante y ser capaces de trasmitirla. Para ello, el objetivo principal de esta propuesta de innovación docente ha sido elaborar una nueva herramienta docente y aplicarla en el área de Fisiología, en concreto en la asignatura de Fisiología Celular y Humana del Grado en Farmacia. Para ello se formaron diferentes grupos de estudiantes a los que les asignó una temática relacionada con el área de Fisiología y dos tutores (participantes en el equipo de investigación) que los han acompañado en la creación de MOOC. Por otro lado, se creó el grupo de evaluadores externos, responsables para la evaluación de la capsula educativa definitiva. Para facilitar el desarrollo del proyecto, antes del comienzo del proyecto se elaboraron y se consensuaron las rúbricas necesarias para evaluar el proceso de la creación de MOOC por parte de los tutores y evaluadores. La comunicación entre los grupos de estudiantes y de los miembros del equipo de investigación se ha realizado usando el correo electrónico y con documentos compartidos en la nube de la UGR. Las diferentes tutorías entre los tutores asignados y los grupos de los alumnos, se han realizado por Google Meet. La nota final de las capsulas educativas, ha sido resultado de la interacción tanto del equipo de tutores como de evaluadores externos. Al final del proceso se ha hecho una exposición de las capsulas educativas en la clase con los demás compañeros. Al finalizar el proceso, se ha utilizado la plataforma de Google Forms para recibir las opiniones de los estudiantes y recoger sus propuestas. Según las opiniones manifestadas, la iniciativa de aplicar esta herramienta en el área de Fisiología ha recibido muy buenas críticas sobre todo sobre la innovación de la propuesta. El alumnado por otro lado destacó que le gustaría encontrar esta herramienta en otras asignaturas. Sin embargo, también mencionaron que les gustaría saber algo más sobre aplicaciones disponibles para elaborar los videos y poder ser aún más creativos. Por último, se usará la plataforma zenodo para la difusión y divulgación de los trabajos creados para que los demás estudiantes puedan consultarlos. Los resultados de esta propuesta se publicarán en congresos docentes nacionales e internacionales con el objetivo de compartir la experiencia con otros docentes e intentar implementar esta herramienta en asignaturas de áreas afines.Considering that comprehensive learning and the implementation of ICTs are increasingly integrated into the educational system, the creation of "educational capsules"-MOOCs are a creative tool that can help students assimilate knowledge. In addition, having a limited duration forces them to summarize the information, highlight the most important and be able to transmit it. For this, the main objective of this teaching proposal was the development of a new teaching tool and apply it in Physiology, specifically in the subject of Cellular and Human Physiology of the Degree in Pharmacy. For this, different groups of students were formed and a specific subject was assigned to them, related to the area of Physiology. Moreover, two tutors (member of the research team) were assigned to each group and have accompanied them in the creation of MOOCs. On the other hand, the group of external evaluators, responsible for the evaluation of the educational capsule, was created. To facilitate the development of the project, prior to the beginning of the project, the necessary rubrics were prepared and discussed between the different members, to be able to evaluate the process of creating MOOCs by both the tutors and evaluators. Communication between the student groups and the members of the research team was maintained using emails and documents were shared in the UGR cloud. The meetings between the assigned tutors and the student groups have been carried out through Google Meet. The grade of the educational capsules has resulted as the median of tutors as well the external evaluators. Once created, MOOCs were presented in the rest of the classroom with the other classmates. At the end of the process, the Google Forms platform has been used to fulfil a questionnaire and collect the opinions of the students and collect their proposals for future improvements. According to the opinions expressed, the initiative to apply this tool in the Physiology area has received very good reviews by the students, especially regarding the innovation of the proposal. The students, on the other hand, highlighted that they would like to be able to use this tool in other subjects of their carreer. However, they also mentioned that they would like to know more about available applications to make videos, a fact that would help them be even more creative. Finally, the zenodo platform will be used for the dissemination of the works created so that other students can consult them. The results of this proposal will be published in national and international teaching conferences with the aim of sharing the experience with other teachers and trying to implement this tool in subjects in related areas.Universidad de Granad

    Genomic characterization of individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced lung cancer

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may modulate individual susceptibility to carcinogens. We designed a genome-wide association study to characterize individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and we validated our results. We hypothesized that this strategy would enrich the frequencies of the alleles that contribute to the observed traits. We genotyped 2.37 million SNPs in 95 extreme phenotype individuals, that is: heavy smokers that either developed NSCLC at an early age (extreme cases); or did not present NSCLC at an advanced age (extreme controls), selected from a discovery set (n = 3631). We validated significant SNPs in 133 additional subjects with extreme phenotypes selected from databases including >39,000 individuals. Two SNPs were validated: rs12660420 (pcombined  = 5.66 × 10-5 ; ORcombined  = 2.80), mapping to a noncoding transcript exon of PDE10A; and rs6835978 (pcombined  = 1.02 × 10-4 ; ORcombined  = 2.57), an intronic variant in ATP10D. We assessed the relevance of both proteins in early-stage NSCLC. PDE10A and ATP10DmRNA expressions correlated with survival in 821 stage I-II NSCLC patients (p = 0.01 and p < 0.0001). PDE10A protein expression correlated with survival in 149 patients with stage I-II NSCLC (p = 0.002). In conclusion, we validated two variants associated with extreme phenotypes of high and low risk of developing tobacco-induced NSCLC. Our findings may allow to identify individuals presenting high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced NSCLC and to characterize molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and resistance to develop NSCLC.This work was supported by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology; Fundación SEOM and Fundación Salud 2000; and Government of Navarra.S

    Genomic characterization of individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced lung cancer

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may modulate individual susceptibility to carcinogens. We designed a genome-wide association study to characterize individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and we validated our results. We hypothesized that this strategy would enrich the frequencies of the alleles that contribute to the observed traits. We genotyped 2.37 million SNPs in 95 extreme phenotype individuals, that is: heavy smokers that either developed NSCLC at an early age (extreme cases); or did not present NSCLC at an advanced age (extreme controls), selected from a discovery set (n=3631). We validated significant SNPs in 133 additional subjects with extreme phenotypes selected from databases including >39,000 individuals. Two SNPs were validated: rs12660420 (p(combined)=5.66x10(-5); ORcombined=2.80), mapping to a noncoding transcript exon of PDE10A; and rs6835978 (p(combined)=1.02x10(-4); ORcombined=2.57), an intronic variant in ATP10D. We assessed the relevance of both proteins in early-stage NSCLC. PDE10A and ATP10D mRNA expressions correlated with survival in 821 stage I-II NSCLC patients (p=0.01 and p<0.0001). PDE10A protein expression correlated with survival in 149 patients with stage I-II NSCLC (p=0.002). In conclusion, we validated two variants associated with extreme phenotypes of high and low risk of developing tobacco-induced NSCLC. Our findings may allow to identify individuals presenting high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced NSCLC and to characterize molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and resistance to develop NSCLC

    Genomic characterization of individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced lung cancer

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) may modulate individual susceptibility to carcinogens. We designed a genome-wide association study to characterize individuals presenting extreme phenotypes of high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), and we validated our results. We hypothesized that this strategy would enrich the frequencies of the alleles that contribute to the observed traits. We genotyped 2.37 million SNPs in 95 extreme phenotype individuals, that is: heavy smokers that either developed NSCLC at an early age (extreme cases); or did not present NSCLC at an advanced age (extreme controls), selected from a discovery set (n=3631). We validated significant SNPs in 133 additional subjects with extreme phenotypes selected from databases including >39,000 individuals. Two SNPs were validated: rs12660420 (p(combined)=5.66x10(-5); ORcombined=2.80), mapping to a noncoding transcript exon of PDE10A; and rs6835978 (p(combined)=1.02x10(-4); ORcombined=2.57), an intronic variant in ATP10D. We assessed the relevance of both proteins in early-stage NSCLC. PDE10A and ATP10D mRNA expressions correlated with survival in 821 stage I-II NSCLC patients (p=0.01 and p<0.0001). PDE10A protein expression correlated with survival in 149 patients with stage I-II NSCLC (p=0.002). In conclusion, we validated two variants associated with extreme phenotypes of high and low risk of developing tobacco-induced NSCLC. Our findings may allow to identify individuals presenting high and low risk to develop tobacco-induced NSCLC and to characterize molecular mechanisms of carcinogenesis and resistance to develop NSCLC