504 research outputs found

    Persuasion-enhanced computational argumentative reasoning through argumentation-based persuasive frameworks

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    One of the greatest challenges of computational argumentation research consists of creating persuasive strategies that can effectively influence the behaviour of a human user. From the human perspective, argumentation represents one of the most effective ways to reason and to persuade other parties. Furthermore, it is very common that humans adapt their discourse depending on the audience in order to be more persuasive. Thus, it is of utmost importance to take into account user modelling features for personalising the interactions with human users. Through computational argumentation, we can not only devise the optimal solution, but also provide the rationale for it. However, synergies between computational argumentative reasoning and computational persuasion have not been researched in depth. In this paper, we propose a new formal framework aimed at improving the persuasiveness of arguments resulting from the computational argumentative reasoning process. For that purpose, our approach relies on an underlying abstract argumentation framework to implement this reasoning and extends it with persuasive features. Thus, we combine a set of user modelling and linguistic features through the use of a persuasive function in order to instantiate abstract arguments following a user-specific persuasive policy. From the results observed in our experiments, we can conclude that the framework proposed in this work improves the persuasiveness of argument-based computational systems. Furthermore, we have also been able to determine that human users place a high level of trust in decision support systems when they are persuaded using arguments and when the reasons behind the suggestion to modify their behaviour are provided

    Persuasion-enhanced computational argumentative reasoning through argumentation-based persuasive frameworks

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    One of the greatest challenges of computational argumentation research consists of creating persuasive strategies that can effectively influence the behaviour of a human user. From the human perspective, argumentation represents one of the most effective ways to reason and to persuade other parties. Furthermore, it is very common that humans adapt their discourse depending on the audience in order to be more persuasive. Thus, it is of utmost importance to take into account user modelling features for personalising the interactions with human users. Through computational argumentation, we can not only devise the optimal solution, but also provide the rationale for it. However, synergies between computational argumentative reasoning and computational persuasion have not been researched in depth. In this paper, we propose a new formal framework aimed at improving the persuasiveness of arguments resulting from the computational argumentative reasoning process. For that purpose, our approach relies on an underlying abstract argumentation framework to implement this reasoning and extends it with persuasive features. Thus, we combine a set of user modelling and linguistic features through the use of a persuasive function in order to instantiate abstract arguments following a user-specific persuasive policy. From the results observed in our experiments, we can conclude that the framework proposed in this work improves the persuasiveness of argument-based computational systems. Furthermore, we have also been able to determine that human users place a high level of trust in decision support systems when they are persuaded using arguments and when the reasons behind the suggestion to modify their behaviour are provided

    Structure-function dissection of Myxococcus xanthus CarD N-terminal domain, a defining member of the CarD-CdnL-TRCF family of RNA polymerase interacting proteins

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    © 2015 Bernal-Bernal et al. Two prototypes of the large CarD-CdnL-TRCF family of bacterial RNA polymerase (RNAP)-binding proteins, Myxococcus xanthus CarD and CdnL, have distinct functions whose molecular basis remain elusive. CarD, a global regulator linked to the action of several extracytoplasmic function (ECF) σ-factors, binds to the RNAP β subunit (RNAP-β) and to protein CarG via an N-terminal domain, CarDNt, and to DNA via an intrinsically unfolded C-terminal domain resembling eukaryotic high-mobility-group A (HMGA) proteins. CdnL, a CarDNt-like protein that is essential for cell viability, is implicated in σA-dependent rRNA promoter activation and interacts with RNAP-β but not with CarG. While the HMGA-like domain of CarD by itself is inactive, we find that CarDNt has low but observable ability to activate ECF σ-dependent promoters in vivo, indicating that the C-terminal DNA-binding domain is required to maximize activity. Our structure-function dissection of CarDNt reveals an N-terminal, five-stranded β-sheet Tudor-like domain, CarD1-72, whose structure and contacts with RNAP-β mimic those of CdnL. Intriguingly, and in marked contrast to CdnL, CarD mutations that disrupt its interaction with RNAP-β did not annul activity. Our data suggest that the CarDNt C-terminal segment, CarD61-179, may be structurally distinct from its CdnL counterpart, and that it houses at least two distinct and crucial function determinants: (a) CarG-binding, which is specific to CarD; and (b) a basic residue stretch, which is also conserved and functionally required in CdnL. This study highlights the evolution of shared and divergent interactions in similar protein modules that enable the distinct activities of two related members of a functionally important and widespread bacterial protein family.Peer Reviewe

    Receptiveness of Spanish and flamenco professional dancers in their training and development

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    The concept of coaching is an important object of study in the development of sports coaches, and the relationship between athletes and coaches may define the professional life of the former. In the area of dance, the figure of the coach is represented by teachers, choreographers and directors; however, there are few studies that analyse the different forms of coaching and receptiveness in the training of dance professionals. Therefore, the aim of this study was to ascertain the receptiveness of professional Spanish dance and flamenco dancers to the coaching abilities of their respective teachers, directors or choreographers. The sample consisted of 143 dancers, 96 women (67.1%) and 47 men (32.9%) aged between 18 and 51 (30.52±7.86), who were students in their last year of a Higher Degree, or professionals from different companies specialising in Spanish dance and flamenco. The most relevant results show that there were significant statistical differences in receptiveness to coaching according to age, with the older dancers showing less receptiveness. Similarly, there were significant statistical differences according to the company in which the dancers carried out their professional work

    Polygonal cracking associated to vertical and subvertical fracture surfaces in granite (La Pedriza del Manzanares, Spain): considerations for a morphological classification

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    The area known as Pedriza de Manzanares forms part of the Upper Manzanares River Basin and of the recently (June 2013) listed Sierra de Guardarrama National Park, located in the Spanish province of Madrid. The region is home to Late Palaeozoic granites characteristic of the Spanish Central Systam, which were intruded during the Variscan Orogeny and uplifted to their present position during the Alpine Orogeny. Previous studies of polygonal cracking in granite suggest several possible control mechanisms. Some authors contend that weathering patterns are governed by internal geodynamic factors, such as the final stages of magmatic consolidation or differential movements in fault planes as a result of their structural position. Others claim that climate-related external factors, specifically insolation rates and thermal differences, can explain the predominance of a given orientation in such patterns. The present paper is a study of the effect of case hardening on polygonal cracking, and the role of variables such as temperature and rock surface hardness in granite weathering. It also aims to establish a general systematic classification for polygonal cracking, focusing particularly on the cracking associated with the sub-vertical planes of fracture at Pedriza de Manzanares. The morphometric parameters associated with cracks and fractures, including strike and dip, are analysed, along with the height of occurrence and shape of polygonal cracks.La Pedriza de Manzanares forma parte de la cuenca alta del río Manzanares en la provincia de Madrid, y desde junio de 2013 forma parte del Parque Nacional de la Sierra de Guadarrama. La zona está formada por granitos característicos del Sistema Central Español que intruyeron a finales del Paleozoico durante la orogenia Varisca y sufrieron un levantamiento hasta su posición actual durante la orogenia Alpina. Trabajos previos sobre agrietamientos poligonales en granitos sugieren diversos posibles mecanismos de control. Algunos autores mantienen que los patrones de meteorización están controlados por factores geodinámicos internos relacionados con estados tardíos de consolidación magmática, o por movimientos diferenciales de planos de fractura, como consecuencia de su posición estructural. Otros autores apuntan que los factores externos tales como el clima, específicamente por diferencias térmicas debido a la insolación, pueden explicar la abunadancia de estas formas de acuerdo con un patrón de la orientación del afloramiento. En este trabajo se estudia la influencia de los endurecimientos superficiales en la evolución de los agrietamientos poligonales, y se analizan variables como la temperatura y la dureza de la superficie rocosa en el proceso de meteorización del granito. Además, el trabajo trata de presentar una clasificación general de los agietamientos poligonales, incidiendo en los agrietamientos asociados a planos de fractura subverticales identificados en La Pedriza de Manzanares. Los parámetros morfométricos estudiados de los agrietamientos poligonales, incluyen la dirección e inclinación de la pared rocosa, la altura de aparición y su forma

    Point of care medical device communication standars (ISO11073/IEEE1073) in patient telemonitoring

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    Proceeding of: European Medical and Biological Engineering and IFMBE Conference (EMBEC 2005). November 20-25, 2005. Prague, Czech Republic.This paper reviews the use of ISO11073/ IEEE1073 international standard in patient telemonitoring. The purpose of this family of standards is to allow interoperability between medical instrumentation devices and medical information systems. Its application in the field of telemonitoring can encourage telemedicine services and e-care, preventing failures and problems that are making difficult its spread (use problems, high costs of reconfigurations and actualizations). An application guide for the system engineer that want to apply them is proposed, showing the steps to follow, the benefits and handicaps in the standard implementation for different telemonitoring scenarios. The study also includes the conformity levels that have to be fulfilled, the main application points of the standard.This work was supported by projects G03/117 from Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias (Spanish Government) and 41/2003 from Departamento de Salud (Navarra Regional Government), and a personal grant to Miguel Galarraga from Departamento de Salud (Navarra Regional Government).No publicad

    Implementación integrada de una plataforma telemática basada en estándares para monitorización de pacientes

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    Proceeding of: VI Jornadas de Ingeniería Telemática (JITEL 2007), Málaga, Spain, 17-19, SeptiembreThis paper presents a proof-of-concept design of an integrated solution of a telematic platform for home telemonitoring. It is end-to-end standards-based, using ISO/IEEE11073 in the client environment and EN13606 to send the information to an Electronic Healthcare Record (EHR) server. This solution has been implemented to comply with the standards available versions and tested in a laboratory environment to demonstrate the feasibility of an end-to-end standards-based platform.Este trabajo ha recibido el apoyo de proyectos de la Comisión Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnología (CICYT) y de los Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) TSI2004-04940-C02-01, del VI Programa Marco (Pulsers II IP) IST-27142, y del Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (beca FPU AP-2004-3568).No publicad

    Epidemiology of injuries in professional and amateur spanish paddle players

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    Se realizó un estudio epidemiológico descriptivo, observacional y retrospectivo, analizando la incidencia y las características de las lesiones sufridas por jugadores de pádel españoles profesionales y no profesionales. Se registraron las lesiones sufridas por 478 jugadores entre el 1 de enero y el 31 de diciembre de 2016. Se registraron datos sobre el número de lesiones, lesiones más frecuentes, distribución, tipo, ubicación, el momento en que ocurrieron y la causa de las lesiones que afectan el sistema locomotor. La tasa de lesiones en esta población fue de 2,75 lesiones por 1000 horas de exposición al riesgo. Las lesiones leves y aquellas con mecanismos de lesión intrínseca fueron las más frecuentes, y tuvieron lugar el final de la práctica deportiva. La extremidad inferior fue el área corporal más lesionada, y el tejido más lesionado fue el sistema musculo-tendinoso. A su vez, la epicondilitis fue la patología más comúnAn epidemiological study was conducted using retrospective, observational and descriptive methodologies. We sought to analyse the incidence and features of injuries sustained by professional and non-professional Spanish Padel players. In total, 478 injuries were registered in 2016 from January 1st to December 31st. We collected data on the number of injuries, the most frequent injuries, their distribution, type, location, the moment at which these occurred and the cause of the injuries affecting the locomotor system. We found that the injury rate in this population was 2.75 injuries per 1000 hours of risk exposure. The most frequent injuries were those which were mild or with mechanisms of intrinsic injury, and most occurred towards the end any given game or practice. The lower limb was the most frequently injured body area, and the most injured tissue was the muscle-tendinous system. In turn, epicondylitis was the most common patholog