331 research outputs found

    Relevance of sex-differenced analyses in bioenergetics and nutritional studies

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    Sex-biased analyses still remain as one of the biggest limitations to obtain universal conclusions. In biomedicine, the majority of experimental analyses and a significant amount of patient-derived cohort studies exclusively included males. In nutritional and molecular medicine, sex-influence is also frequently underrated, even considering maternal-inherited organelles such as mitochondria. We herein illustrate with in-house original data examples of how sex influences mitochondrial homeostasis, review these topics and highlight the consequences of biasing scientific analyses excluding females as differentiated entities from males

    La crisi del consum radiofònic juvenil a Catalunya

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    Des de fa aproximadament una dècada, la ràdio convencional catalana i espanyola ha detectat una pèrdua progressiva de penetració del mitjà entre els segments més joves de la població. Aquest fenomen afecta la majoria dels països desenvolupats i està relacionat fortament amb el desenvolupament de les TIC i les xarxes de comunicació. L'objectiu d'aquest article és aprofundir en les causes d'aquesta crisi a partir de l'estudi de la recepció radiofònica dels joves de 14 a 24 anys residents a Catalunya.For approximately a decade, traditional Catalan and Spanish radio has been noting a gradual loss of radio penetration among the population's younger segments. This phenomenon, which is affecting most developed countries, is closely related to the development of ICTs and communication networks. This paper aims to examine the causes of this crisis by studying broadcast radio reception among young people aged 14 to 24 and living in Catalonia

    Fungi Associated with Esca and Grapevine Declines in Spain : A Three-Year Survey

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    A survey of 140 vineyards in different production areas of Spain was conducted from 1999 to 2001 to identify pathogenic grapevine wood fungi. Fungal infected vines showed esca and decline symptoms, consisting mainly of reduced growth of canes and shoots, yellowing and necrotic spotting of leaves, sectorial and central brown necrosis of the trunk, soft rotted tissues and discoloured xylem at the base of the vines. Several fungi were consistently found associated with these symptoms: Botryosphaeria obtusa (isolated from 61.4% of all vineyards studied), Phaeoacremonium aleophilum (26.4%), Cylindrocarpon spp. (20%), Phaeomoniella chlamydospora (18.6%) and Fomitiporia punctata (15%) were the main fungi found. Less frequently isolated species were: Botryosphaeria dothidea (6.4%), Eutypa lata (2.1%), and Stereum hirsutum (1.4%). The association of these fungi and their role in esca disease and grapevine declines, as well as in the decline of young grapevines in Spain are discussed

    Neuronal induction and bioenergetics characterization of human forearm adipose stem cells from Parkinson's disease patients and healthy controls

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    Neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson's disease, are heterogeneous disorders with a multifactorial nature involving impaired bioenergetics. Stem-regenerative medicine and bioenergetics have been proposed as promising therapeutic targets in the neurologic field. The rationale of the present study was to assess the potential of human-derived adipose stem cells (hASCs) to transdifferentiate into neuronal-like cells (NhASCs and neurospheres) and explore the hASC bioenergetic profile. hASC neuronal transdifferentiation was performed through neurobasal media and differentiation factor exposure. High resolution respirometry was assessed. Increased MAP-2 neuronal marker protein expression upon neuronal induction (p<0.05 undifferentiated hASCs vs. 28-36 days of differentiation) and increased bIII-tubulin neuronal marker protein expression upon neuronal induction (p<0.05 undifferentiated hASCs vs. 6-28-36 days of differentiation) were found. The bioenergetic profile was detectable through high-resolution respirometry approaches in hASCs but did not lead to differential oxidative capacity rates in healthy or clinically diagnosed PD-hASCs. We confirmed the capability of transdifferentiation to the neuronal-like profile of hASCs derived from the forearms of human subjects and characterized the bioenergetic profile. Suboptimal maximal respiratory capacity trends in PD were found. Neuronal induction leading to positive neuronal protein expression markers is a relevant issue that encourages the suitability of NhASC models in neurodegeneration

    Aplicaciones móviles radiofónicas : adaptando las especificidades de los dispositivos avanzados a la distribución de los contenidos sonoros

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    Las características tecnológicas de los dispositivos móviles pueden aplicarse al diseño de productos comunicativos innovadores y también para ofrecer nuevos servicios a los consumidores de medios. Ahora, liberado de las restricciones que imponía el limitado espectro radioeléctrico, el paisaje radiofónico puede multiplicar sus contenidos, que llegan a través de la red, tanto en directo como bajo demanda. Igualmente, la identificación del propietario de un dispositivo combinada con la información que proporcionan los perfiles de usuario de los diferentes entornos digitales, facilitan la personalización de contenidos. Además, los dispositivos cuentan con elementos de geolocalización que permiten la entrega de información geográficamente contextualizada o, incluso, gracias a los sensores biométricos, adaptada a la situación vital y emocional del oyente. Finalmente, la facilidad de grabar y enviar mensajes sonoros ha convertido al móvil en un excelente elemento de participación de la audiencia. En este trabajo nos acercamos a la presencia de las emisoras de radio españolas en los dispositivos móviles, en forma de aplicaciones específicamente diseñadas para éstos. Analizamos cómo se está trabajando con elementos tecnológicos propios de los dispositivos móviles (acceso a la red, reconocimiento del usuario, geolocalización, sensores biométricos y grabación de voz) y en qué grado incluyen estas evoluciones dentro de la oferta productiva y de la distribución de estos contenidos.The technological features of mobile devices can be linked to the innovative design of some gadgets and also, the offer of new services to media consumers. Nowadays, freed from the constraints imposed by the limited radio spectrum, the radio landscape can multiply its content coming through the net, both live and on demand. Similarly the fact that it can identify a device owner, combined with all the data available through other digital platforms, has enhanced the content customisation for each user. In addition, the location data available from all devices, allows the delivery of contextualized information. Furthermore, biometric sensors are able to report on emotional state of the user. Finally, the ability to record and send audio messages to mobile phones has become an excellent tool to engage with the audience. In this paper we approach the presence of Spanish radio stations across mobile devices, and targeted applications. We will also analyse how the industry is working with the specific characteristics of mobile devices (network access, user recognition, geolocation, biometric sensors and voice recording) and how the new trends are affecting the supply as well as the content distribution

    Las Elecciones Generales de 2004 en la prensa valenciana: agenda temática y tratamiento informativo en Las Provincias y Levante-EMV

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    La campaña electoral de 2004 giró en torno a una serie de cuestiones fundamentales marcadas, como es habitual, por la agenda de los distintos partidos políticos y su confluencia con las respectivas agendas mediáticas. Pero junto a la agenda global de campaña, y a la campaña en sí misma en al ámbito nacional, conviene prestar atención a las características del discurso político en medios locales y regionales, donde dicha tematización puede experimentar ciertas variaciones en pro de su mejor ajuste con las características del público objetivo en concreto. El estado autonómico no es sólo una fórmula administrativa; es también, en lo comunicativo, una serie de ítems diferenciales y diferenciados. En este sentido, el análisis de los principales diarios valencianos, Levante-EMV y Las Provincias, permitirá auscultar la incidencia de algunas cuestiones particularmente presentes en la política autonómica (como, por ejemplo, el Plan Hidrológico Nacional, la inmigración o todo lo relacionado con el urbanismo), así como las diferencias en el tratamiento informativo de dos diarios claramente diferenciados en lo ideológico. El trabajo, inscrito en el marco de un proyecto de I+D financiado por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia, se basa en un análisis de contenido (unas 450 noticias en total) de ambos diarios a lo largo de la campaña electoral, en el cual se diferencian treinta variables de análisis, entre las cuales destacan las relativas a los temas de campaña (se diferencian entre 45 temas principales, a su vez agrupados en diversos ámbitos temáticos más amplios) y a la presencia de los principales partidos políticos en la información

    Modelización del comportamiento de una tobera para hilatura neumática mediante anemometría laser, comportamiento de las fibras en su interior

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    Con el fin de tener un conocimiento más amplio y más profundo del funcionamiento interno de las toberas utilizadas para hilatura neumática, se ha realizado el estudio presente, el cual consta de dos partes; el análisis experimental del flujo de aire en el interior de las toberas, y un análisis experimental del comportamiento de las fibras en el proceso de hilatura.In order to get a deeper and wider knowledge of the flow behaviour and fibres movement at the inside of a spin nozzle, the following research was carried on. On the first part, the air velocities were studied using an argon laser anemometer, while at the second part, the way travelled by the textile fibres was taken into consideration.A fin d’observer plus amplement le comportement des fibres textiles, leur movement à l’interieur d’un tuyau de filature pneumatique, a eté realisé l’expérience suivante. D’une part la mesure de la vitese à l’aide d’un anemomètre laser de argon, et d’autre l’analyse experimentale du comportement des fibres dans le porces de filature

    Combined simulation and optimization framework for irrigation scheduling in agriculture fields

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    In the context of growing evidence of climate change and the fact that agriculture uses about 70% of all the water available for irrigation in semi-arid areas, there is an increasing probability of water scarcity scenarios. Water irrigation optimization is, therefore, one of the main goals of researchers and stakeholders involved in irrigated agriculture. Irrigation scheduling is often conducted based on simple water requirement calculations without accounting for the strong link between water movement in the root zone, soil–water–crop productivity and irrigation expenses. In this work, we present a combined simulation and optimization framework aimed at estimating irrigation parameters that maximize the crop net margin. The simulation component couples the movement of water in a variably saturated porous media driven by irrigation with crop water uptake and crop yields. The optimization component assures maximum gain with minimum cost of crop production during a growing season. An application of the method demonstrates that an optimal solution exists and substantially differs from traditional methods. In contrast to traditional methods, results show that the optimal irrigation scheduling solution prevents water logging and provides a more constant value of water content during the entire growing season within the root zone. As a result, in this case, the crop net margin cost exhibits a substantial increase with respect to the traditional method. The optimal irrigation scheduling solution is also shown to strongly depend on the particular soil hydraulic properties of the given field site.We thank to our colleagues from Aigües Segarra Garrigues (ASG) company for sharing some of the data necessary to conduct this work and also to Doctorats Industrials to fund the project where this work is involved.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Mitochondrial dysfunction: a common hallmark underlying comorbidity between sIBM and other degenerative and age-related diseases

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    Sporadic inclusion body myositis (sIBM) is an inflammatory myopathy associated, among others, with mitochondrial dysfunction. Similar molecular features are found in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM), underlying potential comorbidity. This study aims to evaluate common clinical and molecular hallmarks among sIBM, AD, and T2DM. Comorbidity with AD was assessed in n = 14 sIBM patients by performing neuropsychological and cognitive tests, cranial magnetic resonance imaging, AD cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers (levels of amyloid beta, total tau, and phosphorylated tau at threonine-181), and genetic apolipoprotein E genotyping. In the same sIBM cohort, comorbidity with T2DM was assessed by collecting anthropometric measures and performing an oral glucose tolerance test and insulin determinations. Results were compared to the standard population and other myositis (n = 7 dermatomyositis and n = 7 polymyositis). Mitochondrial contribution into disease was tested by measurement of oxidative/anaerobic and oxidant/antioxidant balances, respiration fluxes, and enzymatic activities in sIBM fibroblasts subjected to different glucose levels. Comorbidity of sIBM with AD was not detected. Clinically, sIBM patients showed signs of misbalanced glucose homeostasis, similar to other myositis. Such misbalance was further confirmed at the molecular level by the metabolic inability of sIBM fibroblasts to adapt to different glucose conditions. Under the standard condition, sIBM fibroblasts showed decreased respiration (0.71 ± 0.08 vs. 1.06 ± 0.04 nmols O2/min; p = 0.024) and increased anaerobic metabolism (5.76 ± 0.52 vs. 3.79 ± 0.35 mM lactate; p = 0.052). Moreover, when glucose conditions were changed, sIBM fibroblasts presented decreased fold change in mitochondrial enzymatic activities (−12.13 ± 21.86 vs. 199.22 ± 62.52 cytochrome c oxidase/citrate synthase ratio; p = 0.017) and increased oxidative stress per mitochondrial activity (203.76 ± 82.77 vs. −69.55 ± 21.00; p = 0.047), underlying scarce metabolic plasticity. These findings do not demonstrate higher prevalence of AD in sIBM patients, but evidences of prediabetogenic conditions were found. Glucose deregulation in myositis suggests the contribution of lifestyle conditions, such as restricted mobility. Additionally, molecular evidences from sIBM fibroblasts confirm that mitochondrial dysfunction may play a role. Monitoring T2DM development and mitochondrial contribution to disease in myositis patients could set a path for novel therapeutic options