327 research outputs found

    Vertical distribution of the macrofauna in polluted sediments from the harbour of Ceuta

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    Vertical distribution of the macrofauna and its relationship with physico-chemical parameters were studied in polluted sediments from the harbour of Ceuta. The samples were collected with cores (10 cm ˟ 17 cm ˟ 35 cm) by scuba divers. The following depths in the sediment column were included in the study: 0-2 cm, 2- 5 cm, 5-10 cm and more than 10 cm. The crustaceans Pariambus typicus Kröyer, 1844; Apseudes latreilli Milne-Edwards, 1820; Corophium runcicorne Della Valle, 1893; C. sextonae Crawford, 1937; the mollusc Parvicardium exiguum (Gmelin, 1791), and the polychaetes Pseudomalacoceros tridentata (Southern, 1914) and Exogone verrugera Cleparede, 1868 were found in the first 2 cm of the sediment, whereas the mollusc Loripes lacteus (L., 1758) and the polychaetes Platynereis dumerilii Audouin & Milne Edwards; 1833; Cirratulus cirratus (Muller; 1776) and Cirriformia tentaculata (Montagu; 1808) were dominant in deeper strata; and size increased with depth. A multivariate analysis showed that the percentage of silt and clays; the total organic matter; and especially; the maltenes/asphaltenes ratio; were the main factors affecting species' vertical distribution.Se ha estudiado la distribución vertical de la macrofauna y su relación con las variables fisicoquímicas de los sedimentos contaminados del puerto de Ceuta. La obtención de las muestras se llevó a cabo mediante buceo con escafandra autónoma y empleando instrumentos de muestreo tipo core (10 cm ˟ 17 cm ˟ 35 cm), diferenciándose las siguientes profundidades en la columna de sedimento: 0-2 cm, 2-5 cm, 5-10 cm y más de 10 cm. Los crustáceos Pariambus typicus Kröyer, 1844; Apseudes latreilli Milne-Edwards, 1820; Corophium runcicorne Della Valle, 1893; C. sextonae Crawford, 1937; el molusco Parvicardium exiguum (Gmelin, 1791) y los poliquetos Pseudomalacoceros tridentata (Southern, 1914) y Exogone verrugera Cleparede, 1868 se localizaron en los dos primeros centímetros de sedimento, mientras que el molusco Loripes lacteus (L., 1758) y los poliquetos Platynereis dumerilii Audouin y Milne-Edwards, 1833; Cirratulus cirratus (Muller, 1776) y Cirriformia tentaculata (Montagu, 1808) dominaron en los niveles más profundos, observándose el incremento en el tamaño de los individuos con el aumento de la profundidad. Los análisis multivariantes reflejaron que el porcentaje de pelitas, la materia orgánica total y, especialmente, la relación lípidos malténicos/lípidos asfalténicos, fueron los principales factores condicionantes de la distribución vertical de las especies en el sedimento.Instituto Español de Oceanografí

    Prosopis, Retama monosperma. Phragmites y Arundo donax en cosechas sucesivas a uno y dos años de crecimiento, para la elaboración de pasta celulósica y papel

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    Se evalúa la aptitud de ciertas especies regeneradoras de terrenos degradados: Prosopis (variedades: alba y juliflora),Retama monosperma, Phragmites y Arundo donax, para la fabricación de pastas celulósicas y hojas de papel, mediante un proceso de pasteo organosolv alcalino. Se caracterizan y comparan las materias primas, pastas celulósicas y hojas de papel, para cosechas de un año (más rebrotes de un año de edad, después de haberlas cortado al año) y dos años de crecimiento. Las especies Retama monosperma, Phragmites y Arundodonax muestran potencialidad para su aprovechamientoindustrial, en cosechas de corta rotación, para la obtenciónde pastas celulósicas y papel. Los números kappa de las pastas de 2º año están entre 10,3 y 12,6, con números de tracción entre 13,7 y 20,9 kNm·kg–1 en las pastas sin refinar. Sin embargo la explotación industrial de las dos variedades de Prosopis precisaría su adecuación a tiempos de explotación más largos, que los estudiados en este trabajo

    Mechanisms for longitudinal transport on early life stages in benthic-pelagic fishes within a tide-dominated estuary

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    Mechanisms that control the longitudinal transport of larvae and juveniles in nursery grounds such as estuaries are reported for some species. However, the behaviour and population consequences of these mechanisms are still uncertain. In this study, we tested selective tidal-stream transport from the along-channel (up-and down-stream) and cross-channel (from one margin to the other) perspectives for two kinds of fish: estuarine-resident gobies (Pomatoschistus spp.) and marine estuarine-opportunistic anchovies (Engraulis encrasicolus). Three cruises were conducted in the lower Guadalquivir estuary, on the ebb and on the flood of spring tides in summer. Plankton samples were collected across a channel section, at three stations (one in the middle of the channel and two in adjacent shallower areas), near the surface and near the bottom simultaneously. In addition, multiple physico-chemical variables (temperature, turbidity, dissolved oxygen, pH, salinity, chlorophyll-a, along with wind and current direction and velocity) were measured to examine the different correlations used by the studied fish in their strategies. The benthic distribution of gobies indicated that they used flood currents near the bottom of lateral (shallow) areas to ingress into and remain in the estuary, temperature and/or dissolved oxygen being their main possible cues. On the contrary, the anchovies were more abundant near the surface, especially on the ebb tide, showing downstream advection, which was mainly influenced by salinity. However, the largest indi-vidual anchovies in the lateral/shallow zones suggested a behavioural ontogeny, which, together with wind induced transport, could contribute to their retention. This comparison also enhanced the knowledge of the habitat distribution of two species common and abundant in estuaries, anchovies and gobies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Efficacy of biosecurity measures in the control of microorganisms associated to endometritis in sows. Preliminary study

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    Biosecurity can be defined as all the applied measurements that take as a target to minimize the sanitary risks in a stock farm, and include measurements related to the facilities and the management. The efficacy of these measurements must be reflected in a decrease of the microorganism in different productive phases. A study was carried out to evaluate if the set of applied measurements influences the microbial uterine contamination after farrowing of healthy sows. Two swine farms were been completed about biosecurity measurements was completed and a microbiological study of uterine swabs of sows after the farrowing was carried out. A total of 60 animals were studied, and 27 (45%, 95% CI [33.3%, 56.7%]) resulted positive. Significant differences between production and selection and multiplication farms were detected (OR = 3.44, IC 95%, 1.135-11.047). The colonization frequency was 65% CI [51.3%, 78.6%] and 35% CI [21%, 49%] in production and selection farm, respectively (P = 0.02). A total of 66 isolates were obtained, represented mainly by Staphylococcus spp. (33.33%) and Aerococcus spp. (27.27%), although other species included in the genus Streptococcus (9.09%), Enterococcus (6.06%) and Pseudomonas (4.55%), as well as different fungi species were also isolated. The frequency of isolation of different microorganisms was similar in both farms, with the exception of the genus Enterococcus that was not isolated in the production farm (P = 0.01). The questionnaire showed some differences in biosecurity measures in the selection and multiplication farm when it is compared to the production farm, which together with the increased uterine microbial contamination observed in the latter leads us to propose a preliminary hypothesis about the possible risk factors associated with this process, highlighting the absence of measures to avoid the presence of vectors and the establishment of strict protocols for cleaning and disinfectio

    Seroreversion of IgG anti-HEV in HIV cirrhotic patients: A long-term multi-sampling longitudinal study

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate HEV antibody kinetics in HIV/HCV-coinfected patients with cirrhosis. A longitudinal retrospective study was designed. Patients were followed up every 6 months; anti-HEV IgG and IgM antibodies levels and HEV-RNA by qPCR were analysed. The prevalence and incidence of every HEV infection marker were calculated. The kinetics of anti-HEV IgG and IgM during the follow-up were evaluated. Seventy-five patients comprised the study population. The seroprevalence observed was 17.3%. None showed IgM antibodies or HEV-RNA at baseline. None showed detectable HEV viral load during the study period. After a median follow-up of 5.1 years, two of 62 seronegative patients (3.2%) seroconverted to IgG antibody. The incidence for IgM was 2.7%. Of the 13 patients with IgG seropositivity at baseline, five (38.5%) seroreverted. Meanwhile, of the two patients who exhibited IgM positivity during the study, one (50%) showed intermittent positivity. We found that HEV seropositivity is common in HIV/HCV-coinfected cirrhotic patients. A remarkable rate of IgG seroreversions and IgM intermittence was found, limiting the use of antibodies for the diagnosis of HEV infection in this population

    Nutritional impact on health and performance in intensively reared rabbits

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    The present work summarizes research related to the definition of nutrient recommendations for feeds used in the intensive production of rabbit's meat. Fibre is the main chemical constituent of rabbit diets that typically contain 320 to 360 and 50 to 90 g/kg of insoluble and soluble fibre, respectively. Instead, the dietary contents of cereal grains (∼120 to 160 g/kg), fat (15 to 25 g/kg) and protein concentrates (150 to 180 g/kg) are usually low with respect to other intensively reared monogastric animals. Cell wall constituents are not well digested in rabbits, but this effect is compensated by its stimulus of gut motility, which leads to an increasing rate of passage of digesta, and allows achieving an elevated dry matter intake. A high feed consumption and an adequate balance in essential nutrients are required to sustain the elevated needs of high-productive rabbits measured either as reproductive yield, milk production or growth rate in the fattening period. Around weaning, pathologies occur in a context of incomplete development of the digestive physiology of young rabbits. The supply of balanced diets has also been related to the prevention of disorders by means of three mechanisms: (i) promoting a lower retention time of the digesta in the digestive tract through feeding fibre sources with optimal chemical and physical characteristics, (ii) restricting feed intake after weaning or (iii) causing a lower flow of easily available substrates into the fermentative area by modifying feed composition (e.g. by lowering protein and starch contents, increasing its digestibility or partially substituting insoluble with soluble fibre), or by delaying age at weaning. The alteration in the gut microbiota composition has been postulated as the possible primary cause of these pathologies

    Gut microbiota, innate immune pathways, and inflammatory control mechanisms in patients with major depressive disorder

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    Although alterations in the gut microbiota have been linked to the pathophysiology of major depressive disorder (MDD), including through effects on the immune response, our understanding is deficient about the straight connection patterns among microbiota and MDD in patients. Male and female MDD patients were recruited: 46 patients with a current active MDD (a-MDD) and 22 in remission or with only mild symptoms (r-MDD). Forty-five healthy controls (HC) were also recruited. Psychopathological states were assessed, and fecal and blood samples were collected. Results indicated that the inducible nitric oxide synthase expression was higher in MDD patients compared with HC and the oxidative stress levels were greater in the a-MDD group. Furthermore, the lipopolysaccharide (an indirect marker of bacterial translocation) was higher in a-MDD patients compared with the other groups. Fecal samples did not cluster according to the presence or the absence of MDD. There were bacterial genera whose relative abundance was altered in MDD: Bilophila (2-fold) and Alistipes (1.5-fold) were higher, while Anaerostipes (1.5-fold) and Dialister (15-fold) were lower in MDD patients compared with HC. Patients with a-MDD presented higher relative abundance of Alistipes and Anaerostipes (1.5-fold) and a complete depletion of Dialister compared with HC. Patients with r-MDD presented higher abundance of Bilophila (2.5-fold) compared with HC. Thus, the abundance of bacterial genera and some immune pathways, both with potential implications in the pathophysiology of depression, appear to be altered in MDD, with the most noticeable changes occurring in patients with the worse clinical condition, the a-MDD group. © 2021, The Author(s)

    Evaluación urodinámica y comparativa de la calidad de vida en pacientes con trastorno de vaciamiento vesical sometidos a terapia InterStim, Medtronic®

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    ResumenAntecedentesDesde 1980 la terapia de neuroestimulación sacra ha demostrado ser una terapia válida y alternativa en el manejo de los trastornos miccionales por patología del tracto urinario bajo, siendo sus principales indicaciones la retención urinaria idiopática, la incontinencia de urgencia y la incontinencia fecal. En nuestro país sigue siendo una terapia novedosa y no se cuenta aún con estudios que evalúen esta eficacia en términos de calidad de vida o con parámetros cuantitativos.Objetivo del estudioEstablecer la eficacia de la terapia de neuroestimulación sacra tipo InterStim, Medtronic®, en el manejo de los pacientes con trastornos de vaciamiento vesical, efectuando un análisis urodinámico y de la calidad de vida comparativo previo y posterior al tratamiento, determinando los volúmenes miccionales, los períodos de incontinencia, la satisfacción del paciente y la calidad de vida.Material y métodosDesde enero de 2010 hasta junio de 2013, en el Hospital Central Militar se realizó evaluación urodinámica y comparativa de la calidad de vida mediante el empleo del instrumento SF-36 v2 (versión mexicana) e ICIQSF, en los pacientes que presentaron trastorno de vaciamiento vesical de etiología no obstructiva y que fueron refractarios a tratamiento médico.ResultadosSe incluyeron 10 pacientes en el estudio, bajo los siguientes diagnósticos: disinergia detrusor-esfínter, vejiga hiperactiva y retención urinaria no obstructiva, ubicados por género (2 masculinos y 8 femeninos). En la totalidad de los pacientes se presentó mejoría del 50% o superior durante la fase de prueba de la terapia de neuroestimulación, y se colocó fase definitiva con los siguientes resultados: se obtuvieron resultados equivalentes al 50-65% de mejoría en los parámetros cualitativos de función física, función social y rol emocional, así como en las variables cuantitativas de volumen de vaciamiento, eficacia de vaciamiento y disminución de los períodos de incontinencia.DiscusiónComo se ha establecido a nivel de la literatura mundial, nuestros resultados fueron similares en el efecto benéfico y la eficacia en la calidad de vida e incontinencia urinaria, respectivamente, y se reportan porcentajes de éxito mayores al 50% en el cese total de los episodios de incontinencia.ConclusionesLa neuromodulación mediante la estimulación del nervio sacro es una forma exitosa de tratamiento en los trastornos de vaciamiento vesical de etiología no obstructiva y refractaria al tratamiento médico, es segura, mínimamente invasiva y de fácil aplicación, y mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Sin embargo, es necesario realizar estudios aleatorizados y que consideren parámetros objetivos (urodinámicos), así como las complicaciones posibles a mediano y largo plazo en este tipo de terapia.AbstractBackgroundSince 1980, sacral neuromodulation therapy has been shown to be a valid alternative therapy in the management of urinary disorders due to lower urinary tract pathology, and its primary indications are: idiopathic urinary retention, urge incontinence, and fecal incontinence. It is still considered a novel therapy in Mexico and there are no studies using quantitative parameters that evaluate its efficacy in terms of quality of life.AimsTo establish the efficacy of the Medtronic InterStim® sacral neuromodulation therapy in the management of patients with bladder voiding disorders through urodynamic and quality of life analyses before and after treatment. Urine volume, periods of incontinence, patient satisfaction, and quality of life were determined.MethodsA comparative urodynamic and quality of life evaluation was carried out using the SF-36 v2 (Mexican version) and the ICIQSF instruments on patients presenting with nonobstructive bladder voiding disorders that were refractory to medical treatment.ResultsTen patients with the following diagnoses were included in the study: detrusor sphincter dyssynergia, overactive bladder, and nonobstructive urinary retention. Two of the patients were men and 8 were women. There was a 50% or greater improvement in all 10 patients during the test phase of the neuromodulation therapy and the definitive placement phase produced the following results: a 50-65% improvement in the qualitative parameters of physical function, social function, and emotional role, as well as in the quantitative variables of voiding volume, voiding efficacy, and reduced periods of incontinence.DiscussionOur results were similar to those established in the international literature in relation to the beneficial effect on quality of life and efficacy in urinary incontinence management; the literature reports success percentages in the complete cessation of incontinence episodes at above 50%.ConclusionsNeuromodulation through sacral nerve stimulation is a successful form of treatment of nonobstructive and medical treatment-refractory bladder voiding disorders. It is safe, minimally invasive, and easy to apply and it improves patient quality of life. Nevertheless, further randomized studies on this type of therapy need to be conducted that take into account objective parameters (urodynamics) and possible medium and long-term complications


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    Transcutaneous electrical spinal cord stimulation (tSCS) is a non-invasive technique for neuromodulation with therapeutic potential for motor rehabilitation following spinal cord injury (SCI). The aim of the present study was to analyze the feasibility of a program of 20 sessions of 30-Hz tSCS combined with robotic-assisted gait training in incomplete SCI. The results of the present work partially belong to a randomized clinical trial that is in progress