962 research outputs found

    Molecular line probes of activity in galaxies

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    The use of specific tracers of the dense molecular gas phase can help to explore the feedback of activity on the interstellar medium (ISM) in galaxies. This information is a key to any quantitative assessment of the efficiency of the star formation process in galaxies. We present the results of a survey devoted to probe the feedback of activity through the study of the excitation and chemistry of the dense molecular gas in a sample of local universe starbursts and active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Our sample includes also 17 luminous and ultraluminous infrared galaxies (LIRGs and ULIRGs). From the analysis of the LIRGs/ULIRGs subsample, published in Gracia-Carpio et al.(2007) we find the first clear observational evidence that the star formation efficiency of the dense gas, measured by the L_FIR/L_HCN ratio, is significantly higher in LIRGs and ULIRGs than in normal galaxies. Mounting evidence of overabundant HCN in active environments would even reinforce the reported trend, pointing to a significant turn upward in the Kennicutt-Schmidt law around L_FIR=10^11 L_sun. This result has major implications for the use of HCN as a tracer of the dense gas in local and high-redshift luminous infrared galaxies.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, contributed paper to Far-Infrared Workshop 07 (FIR 2007

    Structure and electronic properties of molybdenum monoatomic wires encapsulated in carbon nanotubes

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    Monoatomic chains of molybdenum encapsulated in single walled carbon nanotubes of different chiralities are investigated using density functional theory. We determine the optimal size of the carbon nanotube for encapsulating a single atomic wire, as well as the most stable atomic arrangement adopted by the wire. We also study the transport properties in the ballistic regime by computing the transmission coefficients and tracing them back to electronic conduction channels of the wire and the host. We predict that carbon nanotubes of appropriate radii encapsulating a Mo wire have metallic behavior, even if both the nanotube and the wire are insulators. Therefore, encapsulating Mo wires in CNT is a way to create conductive quasi one-dimensional hybrid nanostructures.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figure

    Impact of dimerization and stretching on the transport properties of molybdenum atomic wires

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    We study the electrical and transport properties of monoatomic Mo wires with different structural characteristics. We consider first periodic wires with inter-atomic distances ranging between the dimerized wire to that formed by equidistant atoms. We find that the dimerized case has a gap in the electronic structure which makes it insulating, as opposed to the equidistant or near-equidistant cases which are metallic. We also simulate two conducting one-dimensional Mo electrodes separated by a scattering region which contains a number of dimers between 1 and 6. The IVI-V characteristics strongly depend on the number of dimers and vary from ohmic to tunneling, with the presence of different gaps. We also find that stretched chains are ferromagnetic.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Detection of CO+ in the nucleus of M82

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    We present the detection of the reactive ion CO+ towards the prototypical starburst galaxy M82. This is the first secure detection of this short-lived ion in an external galaxy. Values of [CO+]/[HCO+]>0.04 are measured across the inner 650pc of the nuclear disk of M82. Such high values of the [CO+]/[HCO+] ratio had only been previously measured towards the atomic peak in the reflection nebula NGC7023. This detection corroborates that the molecular gas reservoir in the M82 disk is heavily affected by the UV radiation from the recently formed stars. Comparing the column densities measured in M82 with those found in prototypical Galactic photon-dominated regions (PDRs), we need \~20 clouds along the line of sight to explain our observations. We have completed our model of the molecular gas chemistry in the M82 nucleus. Our PDR chemical model successfully explains the [CO+]/[HCO+] ratios measured in the M~82 nucleus but fails by one order of magnitude to explain the large measured CO+ column densities (~1--4x10^{13} cm^{-2}). We explore possible routes to reconcile the chemical model and the observations.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Spin-dependent electronic conduction along zigzag graphene nanoribbons bearing adsorbed Ni and Fe nanostructures

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    Using SMEAGOL, an ab initio computational method that combines the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism with density-functional theory, we calculated spin-specific electronic conduction in systems consisting of single Fen and Nin nanostructures (n = 1−4) adsorbed on a hydrogen-passivated zigzag graphene nanoribbon. For each cluster we considered both ferromagnetically and antiferromagnetically coupled ribbon edges (Ferro-F and Ferro-A systems, respectively). Adstructures located laterally on Ferro-A ribbons caused significant transmittance loss at energies 0.6–0.25 eV below the Fermi level for one spin and 0.2–0.4 eV above the Fermi level for the other, allowing the potential use of these systems in transistors to create a moderately spin-polarized current of one or the other sign depending on the gate voltage. Ni₃ and Ni₄ clusters located at the centre of Ferro-F ribbons exhibited a strong spin-filtering effect in a narrow energy window around the Fermi level

    Spin currents and filtering behavior in zigzag graphene nanoribbons with adsorbed molybdenum chains

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    By means of density-functional-theoretic calculations, we investigated the structural, electronic and transport properties of hydrogen-passivated zigzag graphene nanoribbons (ZGNRs) on which a one-atom-thick Mo chain was adsorbed (with or without one or two missing atoms), or in which the passivating hydrogen atoms were replaced by Mo atoms. Mo-passivated ZGNRs proved to be nonmagnetic. ZGNRs with an adsorbed defect-free Mo chain were most stable with the Mo atoms forming dimers above edge bay sites, which suppressed the magnetic moments of the C atoms in that half of the ribbon; around the Fermi level of these systems, each spin component had a transmission channel via the Mo spz band and one had an additional channel created by polarization of the ZGNR π* band, leading to a net spin current. The absence of an Mo dimer from an Mo chain adsorbed at the ZGNR edge made the system a perfect spin filter at low voltage bias by suppressing the Mo spz band channels. Thus this last kind of hybrid system is a potential spin valve

    Full analytical solution of finite-length armchair/zigzag nanoribbons

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    Finite-length armchair graphene nanoribbons can behave as one dimensional topological materials, that may show edge states in their zigzag-terminated edges, depending on their width and termination. We show here a full solution of Tight-Binding graphene rectangles of any length and width that can be seen as either finite-length armchair or zigzag ribbons. We find exact analytical expressions for both bulk and edge eigen-states and eigen-energies. We write down exact expressions for the Coulomb interactions among edge states and introduce a Hubbard-dimer model to analyse the emergence and features of different magnetic states at the edges, whose existence depends on the ribbon length. We find ample room for experimental testing of our predictions in N = 5 armchair ribbons. We compare the analytical results with ab initio simulations to benchmark the quality of the dimer model and to set its parameters. A further detailed analysis of the ab initio Hamiltonian allows us to identify those variations of the Tight-Binding parameters that affect the topological properties of the ribbons

    Secuenciación dinámica de sistemas de fabricación flexible mediante aprendizaje automático: análisis de los principales sistemas de secuenciación existentes

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    Una forma habitual de secuenciar de modo dinámico los trabajos en los sistemas de fabricación es mediante el empleo de reglas de secuenciación. Sin embargo, el problema que presenta este método es que el comportamiento del sistema de fabricación dependerá de su estado, y no existe una regla que supere a las demás en todos los posibles estados que puede presentar el sistema de fabricación. Por lo tanto, sería interesante usar en cada momento la regla más adecuada. Para lograr este objetivo, se pueden utilizar sistemas de secuenciación que emplean aprendizaje automático que permiten, analizando el comportamiento previo del sistema de fabricación (ejemplos de entrenamiento), obtener el conocimiento necesario para determinar la regla de secuenciación más apropiada en cada instante. En el presente trabajo se realiza una revisión de los principales sistemas de secuenciación existentes en la literatura que utilizan aprendizaje automático para variar de forma dinámica la regla de secuenciación empleada en cada momento