200 research outputs found

    Ingeniería concurrente y tecnologías de la información

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    La ingeniería concurrente (CE por sus siglas en inglés) es un enfoque para la manufactura que permite el diseño y desarrollo simultáneo de productos, procesos y actividades de apoyo. Aunque éste no es un concepto nuevo, ha recibido recientemente cierto empuje de tecnologías de la información como el Internet o algunas técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial. Específicamente, el uso de agentes de software y lenguajes para el manejo de conocimiento pueden aportar una base confiable y flexible para el desarrollo de plataformas de ingeniería concurrente. Este artículo presenta una introducción a los conceptos relacionados con CE, el papel que los agentes de software y el modelado de datos juegan en ella, y describe brevemente un caso de estudio

    A Modelling Framework for Optimising Investment for the Australian Livestock Industry

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    Despite the scale and importance of the beef industry in the north of Australia, recent political and environmental disruptions have highlighted the vulnerability of the supply chain. Ensuring that the supply chain remains resilient to climatic events as well as to unexpected decisions by the stakeholders will require careful planning and investment in logistics. In this paper, we outline an integrated methodology based on tactical and operational dynamic models, for assessing the effect of changes in the supply chain. Emphasis is on the development of an optimisation model that covers the ow of cattle from properties to agistment farms and feedlots to abattoirs/ports, and the selection of rest areas (spelling yards) along the path. The model selects the optimal location of spelling yards along the road network, subject to budget, site capacity, and service requirements. We show preliminary results for a case study comprising Western Australia and the Northern Territory.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    A Modelling Framework for Optimising Investment for the Australian Livestock Industry

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    Despite the scale and importance of the beef industry in the north of Australia, recent political and environmental disruptions have highlighted the vulnerability of the supply chain. Ensuring that the supply chain remains resilient to climatic events as well as to unexpected decisions by the stakeholders will require careful planning and investment in logistics. In this paper, we outline an integrated methodology based on tactical and operational dynamic models, for assessing the effect of changes in the supply chain. Emphasis is on the development of an optimisation model that covers the ow of cattle from properties to agistment farms and feedlots to abattoirs/ports, and the selection of rest areas (spelling yards) along the path. The model selects the optimal location of spelling yards along the road network, subject to budget, site capacity, and service requirements. We show preliminary results for a case study comprising Western Australia and the Northern Territory.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    A Modelling Framework for Optimising Investment for the Australian Livestock Industry

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    Despite the scale and importance of the beef industry in the north of Australia, recent political and environmental disruptions have highlighted the vulnerability of the supply chain. Ensuring that the supply chain remains resilient to climatic events as well as to unexpected decisions by the stakeholders will require careful planning and investment in logistics. In this paper, we outline an integrated methodology based on tactical and operational dynamic models, for assessing the effect of changes in the supply chain. Emphasis is on the development of an optimisation model that covers the ow of cattle from properties to agistment farms and feedlots to abattoirs/ports, and the selection of rest areas (spelling yards) along the path. The model selects the optimal location of spelling yards along the road network, subject to budget, site capacity, and service requirements. We show preliminary results for a case study comprising Western Australia and the Northern Territory.Sociedad Argentina de Informática e Investigación Operativ

    The Agricultural Spraying Vehicle Routing Problem With Splittable Edge Demands

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    In horticulture, spraying applications occur multiple times throughout any crop year. This paper presents a splittable agricultural chemical sprayed vehicle routing problem and formulates it as a mixed integer linear program. The main difference from the classical capacitated arc routing problem (CARP) is that our problem allows us to split the demand on a single demand edge amongst robotics sprayers. We are using theoretical insights about the optimal solution structure to improve the formulation and provide two different formulations of the splittable capacitated arc routing problem (SCARP), a basic spray formulation and a large edge demands formulation for large edge demands problems. This study presents solution methods consisting of lazy constraints, symmetry elimination constraints, and a heuristic repair method. Computational experiments on a set of valuable data based on the properties of real-world agricultural orchard fields reveal that the proposed methods can solve the SCARP with different properties. We also report computational results on classical benchmark sets from previous CARP literature. The tested results indicated that the SCARP model can provide cheaper solutions in some instances when compared with the classical CARP literature. Besides, the heuristic repair method significantly improves the quality of the solution by decreasing the upper bound when solving large-scale problems.Comment: 25 pages, 8 figure

    Self-learning in virtual environments of students of postgraduate students at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas

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    The research problem detected in online postgraduate students of the Master's Degree in Educational Computer Technology of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas is the "Absence of adequate skills and strategies for the management of their own knowledge in the virtual environment", this study has The purpose of determining the main factors that influence self-learning in virtual environments. For that, an instrument with quantitative variables and a non-parametric analysis was applied based on the Ji2 independence test, with a level of significance and the results affirm that "Self-learning in virtual environments" depends to a greater extent on the "Self-assessment of learning". It is concluded that the promotion of self-assessment of learning with an individual self-diagnosis of the technological skills in the search for information on the Web, such as enabling students to learn to rank their knowledge acquired in such searches, Self-learning in postgraduate students In virtual environments, would consolidate and impact on the quality of online education that is currently offered at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas.he research problem detected in online postgraduate students of the Master's Degree in Educational Computer Technology of the Autonomous University of Zacatecas is the "Absence of adequate skills and strategies for the management of their own knowledge in the virtual environment", this study has The purpose of determining the main factors that influence self-learning in virtual environments. For that, an instrument with quantitative variables and a non-parametric analysis was applied based on the Ji2 independence test, with a level of significance and the results affirm that "Self-learning in virtual environments" depends to a greater extent on the "Self-assessment of learning". It is concluded that the promotion of self-assessment of learning with an individual self-diagnosis of the technological skills in the search for information on the Web, such as enabling students to learn to rank their knowledge acquired in such searches, Self-learning in postgraduate students In virtual environments, would consolidate and impact on the quality of online education that is currently offered at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas

    Correlación entre velocidad de marcha y fuerza muscular con equilibrio para reducir caídas en ancianos

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    ResumenAntecedentesLos estudios sobre caídas en ancianos no definen claramente el efecto de la facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva para reducir sus caídas y sus variables asociadas.ObjetivoEvaluar los efectos de la facilitación propioceptiva sobre caídas y las variables biomecánicas relacionadas con la marcha en ancianos.Material y métodosSeries de casos comparativas en las que participaron 24 pacientes, quienes se asignaron aleatorizadamente a 3 grupos de 8 participantes: grupo 1, tratamiento de facilitación neuromuscular propioceptiva; grupo 2, tratamiento estándar, y grupo 3, testigo. Se midieron las caídas y variables biomecánicas relacionadas con: fuerza muscular, velocidad de marcha, cinestesia, tiempo de posición unipodal y tiempo de reacción muscular. Se aplicó chi2 y regresión múltiple en las variables en estudio.ResultadosLos grupos fueron equivalentes en la edad y en caídas durante el año previo (p=0.20). Las caídas fueron más frecuentes en las mujeres en una relación 7:1. Posterior a la intervención, existió una disminución significativa en la caída de los participantes de los 3 grupos. Existió correlación entre la fuerza muscular y velocidad de marcha con el tiempo de posición unipodal (r2=0.67; p=0.02).ConclusionesAumentando 1kg-fuerza del miembro pélvico y 0.1m/s en la velocidad de marcha mejora el equilibrio (tiempo de posición unipodal) un 11.3%. Posterior a 3 meses de la intervención el grupo 2 obtuvo un aumento de 7.9kg-fuerza y 0.26m/s, mientras que el grupo 1 obtuvo 4.1kg-fuerza y 0.15m/s, y el grupo control tuvo 2.4kg-fuerza y 0.1m/s.AbstractBackgroundEvidence of the benefit on propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation for reducing falls in older people does not exist.ObjectiveThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effects of propioceptive facilitation over falls and biomechanical variables, in comparison to standard treatment and control groups.Materials and methodsSeries cases comparative for the 24 participants were recruited and randomnly assigned to 3 groups. Group 1, propioceptive neuromuscular facilitation, group 2, standard treatment, and 3 control. Falls and biomechanic variables were measured before and after. Chi2 was used for falls and multiple regression for biomechanical variables,ResultsParticipants had similar falls in previous year. Women had higher falls in a relation 7:1 women-men. After intervention, there was no difference between 3 groups. A correlation exista between muscular strength and gait speed with one foot position time r2 = 0.67, p = 0.02.ConclusionsImproving 1kilogram-force of muscular strength of pelvic limb and 0.1meter/second in gait speed, balance (unipodal position time) increases balance by 11.3%. After 3 months of intervention group 2 got 7.9kg-force and 0.26m/s of profit, while group 1 had 4.1kg-force and 0.15m/s and control group 2.4kg-force and 0.1m/s


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    Dysphonia is a prevalent symptom of some respiratory diseases that affects voice quality, even for prolonged periods. For its diagnosis, speech-language pathologists make use of different acoustic parameters to perform objective evaluations on patients and determine the type of dysphonia that affects them, such as hyperfunctional and hypofunctional dysphonia, which is important because each type requires a different treatment. In the field of artificial intelligence this problem has been addressed through the use of acoustic parameters that are used as input data to train machine learning and deep learning models. However, its purpose is usually to identify whether a patient is ill or not, making binary classifications between healthy voices and voices with dysphonia, but not between dysphonias. In this paper, harmonic-to-noise ratio, cepstral peak prominence-smoothed, zero crossing rate and the means of the Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (2-19) are used to make multiclass classification of voices with euphony, hyperfunction and hypofunction by means of six machine learning algorithms, which are: Random Forest, K nearest neighbors, Logistic regression, Decision trees, Support vector machines and Naive Bayes. In order to evaluate which of them presents a better performance to identify the three voice classes, bootstrap.632 was used. It is concluded that the best confidence interval ranges from 87% to 92%, in terms of accuracy for the K Nearest Neighbors model. Results can be implemented in the development of a complementary application for the clinical diagnosis or monitoring of a patient under the supervision of a specialist

    Removal of Tetracycline Pollutants by Adsorption and Magnetic Separation Using Reduced Graphene Oxide Decorated with Alpha-Fe₂O₃ Nanoparticles

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    Nanocomposites of reduced graphene oxide (RGO) with ferromagnetic alpha-Fe₂O₃ nanoparticles have been prepared in-situ by thermal treatment. The structure and morphology of the hybrid material were studied by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Raman, X-ray diffraction, and transmission electron microscopy. The results show a hybrid material highly modified with alpha-Fe₂O₃ nanoparticles distributed on the graphene surface. The adsorption kinetics show the presence of alpha-Fe₂O₃ nanoparticles on the RGO surface, and the amount of remaining functional groups dominated by ionization and dispersion. The adsorption kinetics of this adsorbent was characterized and found to fit the pseudo-second-order model. The alpha-Fe₂O₃ nanoparticles on RGO modify the electrostatic interaction of RGO layers and tetracycline, and adsorption properties decreased in the hybrid material. Adsorption isotherms fit with the Langmuir model very well, and the maximum capacity adsorption was 44.23 mg/g for RGO and 18.47 mg/g for the hybrid material. Magnetic characterization of the hybrid material shows ferromagnetic behavior due to the nanosize of alpha-Fe₂O₃ with a saturation magnetization, Ms = 7.15 Am/kg, a remanence Mr = 2.29 Am/kg, and a coercive field, Hc = 0.02 T.Rodolfo Cruz-Silva acknowledges the support from the Center of Innovation (COI) Program “Global Aqua Innovation Center for Improving Living Standards andWater-sustainability” from Japan Science and Technology Agency, JST. Authors thank M. Nava for the specific surface area measurements of the materials

    Caracterización técnica, social y económica de las empresas del hato bovino jersey de registro en México

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    In México, there are no studies whose purpose has beencharacterizing the production units with registered cattle herds.These studies are important because they allow designingsuccessful genetic improvement programs and the transfer oftheir results to commercial producers. The objective of thisstudy was to characterize registered Jersey herds in México.A questionnaire was applied to all of the members of theAsociación Mexicana de Criadores de Ganado Jersey de Registro,and descriptive statistics were obtained. The registered Jerseycattle population in México is small (approximately 4000animals), it is distributed primarily in the central area of thecountry, and most of the herds (85%) have a recent origin(since 1995). Selection in the herds is scarce, activities forgenetic improvement are focused on identifying the animalsand collecting productive records; therefore, genetic progressis primarily through semen and animal imports, generatingtechnical and economic dependency on other countries. In spiteof having national genetic evaluations of the animals, theircommercialization by farmers is not the main activity, which iswhy the transfer of outstanding genetic material to commercialproducers is scarce. The installed capacity in animals, lands,and infrastructure and equipment is sufficient to implementgenetic improvement programs. Jersey cattle producers have inaverage 15 years of schooling and 24 in cattle-raising.En México no se dispone de estudios cuyo propósito haya sido lacaracterización de las unidades de producción con hatos de bovinosde registro. Estos estudios son importantes, ya que permitendiseñar programas de mejoramiento genético exitosos y la transferenciade sus resultados a productores comerciales. El objetivode este estudio fue caracterizar los hatos Jersey de registro enMéxico. Se aplicó un cuestionario a la totalidad de los miembrosde la Asociación Mexicana de Criadores de Ganado Jersey deRegistro y se obtuvieron estadísticos descriptivos. La poblaciónde bovinos Jersey de registro en México es pequeña (aproximadamente4000 animales), se distribuye principalmente en elcentro del país y la mayoría de los hatos (85%) tienen un origenreciente (a partir de 1995). La selección en los hatos es escasa,las actividades de mejoramiento genético se enfocan a identificarlos animales y recolectar registros productivos; por lo que elprogreso genético es principalmente vía importaciones de semeny animales, generando dependencia técnica y económica de otrospaíses. A pesar de contar con evaluaciones genéticas nacionalesde los animales, su comercialización por criadores no es la actividadprincipal, por lo que la transferencia de material genéticosobresaliente a productores comerciales es escasa. La capacidadinstalada en animales, terrenos, e infraestructura y equipo es suficientepara implementar programas de mejoramiento genético.Los criadores de bovinos Jersey tienen en promedio 15 años deescolaridad y 24 de experiencia en la cría de bovinos