108 research outputs found

    The correlation between urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid and sperm quality in infertile men and rotating shift workers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that modulates a wide range of neuroendocrine functions. However, excessive circulating serotonin levels may induce harmful effects in the male reproductive system. The objective of this study was to evaluate whether the levels of urinary 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIIA), a major serotonin metabolite, correlate with different classical seminal parameters.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human ejaculates were obtained from 40 men attending infertility counselling and rotating shift workers by masturbation after 4-5 days of abstinence. Urinary 5- HIIA concentration was quantified by using a commercial ELISA kit. Forward motility was assessed by a computer-aided semen analysis (CASA) system. Sperm concentration was determined using the haemocytometer method. Sperm morphology was evaluated after Diff-Quik staining, while sperm vitality was estimated after Eosin-Nigrosin vital staining.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our results show that urinary 5-HIIA levels obtained from a set of 20 volunteers negatively correlated with sperm concentration, forward motility, morphology normal range and sperm vitality. On the other hand, we checked the relationship between male infertility and urinary 5-HIIA levels in 20 night shift workers. Thus, urinary 5-HIIA levels obtained from 10 recently-proven fathers were significantly lower than those found in 10 infertile males. Additionally, samples from recent fathers exhibited higher sperm concentration, as well as better forward motility and normal morphology rate.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In the light of our findings, we concluded that high serotonin levels, indirectly measured as urinary 5-HIIA levels, appear to play a role as an infertility determinant in male subjects.</p

    Anthracological evidence suggests naturalness of Pinus pinaster in inland southwestern Iberia

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    The study of well-preserved archaeological charcoals in the pre-Roman Iron Age settlement of Castillejos II (Badajoz, Spain) is used to reconstruct environmental conditions and land-use practices in vegetation landscapes in the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula before the arrival of Roman civilization. The results support that, while evergreen Quercus forests dominated during the Holocene, Pinus pinaster existed as a natural element of southwestern Iberian Peninsula vegetation. Although its presence could be linked to anthropogenic disturbance or fire history, it is suggested that P. pinaster populations survived during the Holocene in the region, mixed with oaks or in monospecific stands in mountain enclaves. This hypothesis contrasts with previous assumptions that P. pinaster was not autochthonous in the area

    Obsolescence in the neighbourhood of Nuestra Señora del Carmen

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    Actualmente, áreas urbanas donde habita un importantísimo sector poblacional están afectadas por una compleja problemática que se materializa en cuestiones arquitectónicas (desencaje tipológico, deficiencias técnicas, deterioro físico), urbanísticas (aislamiento, carencias funcionales, degradación del espacio público) y sociales (desempleo, segregación, conflictividad). El análisis del estado de obsolescencia de la barriada de El Carmen ha sido el punto de inicio de este trabajo de investigación. A partir de indicadores de obsolescencia socioeconómicos y físicos, anteriormente definidos por el proyecto de investigación «Intervención en barriadas residenciales obsoletas: manual de buenas prácticas» (G-GI3001/IDIH), financiado por la Unión Europea –Fondos FEDER– y gestionado por la Consejería de Fomento y Vivienda de la Junta de Andalucía, se ha establecido la situación de la barriada con referencia a valores máximos y mínimos, hallados a través del estudio de un número representativo de barriadas andaluzas. Tras la valoración del estado de obsolescencia de la barriada, se profundizó en su estudio a través de la comparación del cumplimiento de las recomendaciones establecidas como buenas prácticas en la publicación Intervención en barriadas residenciales obsoletas. Manual de buenas prácticas. Esta verificación permitió la elaboración de un diagnóstico pormenorizado basado en el análisis de los diferentes aspectos atendidos por las buenas prácticas, donde se evaluaban las deficiencias de El Carmen a escala urbana y arquitectónica, y dentro de estas, en diferentes categorías, siendo las urbanas: compacidad, conectividad, zonas verdes, funcionalidad, seguridad e inclusividad; y las arquitectónicas: hibridación, diversidad y flexibilidad, comunidad y accesibilidad. Esta evaluación detallada de las deficiencias y potencialidades de la barriada establecía los fundamentos para la definición de criterios y estrategias de intervención. Estos criterios de intervención tenían como base una selección de las buenas prácticas más adecuadas de acuerdo con las circunstancias halladas en la barriada, sistematizando las actuaciones que priorizan la atención de aspectos primordiales o que actúan mitigando carencias graves. Los criterios que se establecen son: sostenibilidad, la mejora de la calidad de vida de sus residentes y la atracción de nueva población a la barriada. Respondiendo a este estudio y la definición de criterios se proponen actuaciones estratégicas englobadas en cuatro líneas de trabajo: relación con la ciudad y su contexto, cualificación del espacio público y dotaciones existentes, cualificación de edificios existentes y actualización tipológica.Today, a number of high-occupancy urban areas are being affected by a complex problem that materialises in architectural issues (typological mismatch, technical deficiencies, physical deterioration), urban planning issues (isolation, functional inadequacies, deterioration of public space) and social issues (unemployment, segregation, conflict). Analysing the state of obsolescence of the neighbourhood of El Carmen was the starting point of this research project. Using socio-economic and physical obsolescence indicators established in an earlier research project–“Intervention in Obsolete Residential Neighbourhoods: Manual of Best Practices” (G-GI3001/IDIH), funded by the ERDF and managed by the Regional Ministry of Public Works and Housing of Andalusia–the situation of this neighbourhood was defined with reference to minimum and maximum values identified by studying a representative number of Andalusian neighbourhoods. After assessing the neighbourhood’s state of obsolescence, it was then studied to determine the degree of compliance with the best practices recommended in the publication Intervención en barriadas residenciales obsoletas. Manual de buenas prácticas. This verification made it possible to come up with a detailed diagnosis based on the analysis of different aspects addressed in that manual of best practices, evaluating the urban and architectural deficiencies of El Carmen and subdividing each into different categories. Urban deficiencies included compactness, connectivity, green areas, functionality, safety and inclusiveness; and architectural deficiencies were hybridisation, diversity, flexibility, community and accessibility. This detailed analysis of the neighbourhood’s shortcomings and potential improvements provided a solid foundation for defining intervention criteria and strategies. Those intervention criteria were based on a selection of the best practices deemed most appropriate in light of the neighbourhood’s current situation, systematising actions that address the most important aspects or attempt to mitigate serious deficiencies. The established criteria are as follows: sustainability, improving the residents’ quality of life, and bringing new residents to the neighbourhood. Based on this study and the defined criteria, strategic courses of action were proposed in four general areas: relationship with the city and its context, qualification of existing facilities and public spaces, qualification of existing buildings, and typological modernisation

    Targets, mechanisms and cytotoxicity of half-sandwich Ir(III) complexes are modulated by structural modifications on the benzazole ancillary ligand

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    Cancers are driven by multiple genetic mutations but evolve to evade treatments targeting specific mutations. Nonetheless, cancers cannot evade a treatment that targets mitochondria, which are essential for tumor progression. Iridium complexes have shown anticancer properties, but they lack specificity for their intracellular targets, leading to undesirable side effects. Herein we present a systematic study on structure-activity relationships of eight arylbenzazole-based Iridium(III) complexes of type [IrCl(Cp*)], that have revealed the role of each atom of the ancillary ligand in the physical chemistry properties, cytotoxicity and mechanism of biological action. Neutral complexes, especially those bearing phenylbenzimidazole (HL1 and HL2), restrict the binding to DNA and albumin. One of them, complex 1[C,NH-Cl], is the most selective one, does not bind DNA, targets exclusively the mitochondria, disturbs the mitochondria membrane permeability inducing proton leak and increases ROS levels, triggering the molecular machinery of regulated cell death. In mice with orthotopic lung tumors, the administration of complex 1[C,NH-Cl] reduced the tumor burden. Cancers are more vulnerable than normal tissues to a treatment that harnesses mitochondrial dysfunction. Thus, complex 1[C,NH-Cl] characterization opens the way to the development of new compounds to exploit this vulnerability

    alpha-particle production in the scattering of 6He by 208Pb at energies around the Coulomb barrier

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    New experimental data from the scattering of 6He+208Pb at energies around and below the Coulomb barrier are presented. The yield of breakup products coming from projectile fragmentation is dominated by a strong group of α\alpha particles. The energy and angular distributions of this group have been analyzed and compared with theoretical calculations. This analysis indicates that the α\alpha particles emitted at backward angles in this reaction are mainly due to two-neutron transfer to weakly bound states of the final nucleus.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figures. Nuclear Physics A792 (2007) 2-1

    Elastic scattering and α -particle production in 6 He + 208 Pb collisions at 22 MeV

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    Experimental results of the elastic scattering of 6He on 208Pb at E LAB=22 MeV, measured at the CRC facility (Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), are presented, including results on the 4He production channel. These data were taken with full angular coverage and high angular resolution. Both experimental cross sections are compared with continuum discretized coupled channels and distorted-wave Born approximation calculations, where direct breakup and transfer to the continuum processes are considered. The elastic data confirm the absence of the Coulomb rainbow, while the distribution of α particles indicates that such production is mostly generated by transfer to the continuum.MICINN FPA2005-04460 FPA200502379 FPA2006-13807-c02-01 FPA2007-63074 FPA2009-07653 FPA2009-07387 FPA2010-22131-C02-01Junta de Andalucía FQM-4964Programa Consolider-Ingenio 2010 CSD2007-00042Comisión Europea HPRI-CT-1999-0011

    Yield and oil content of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L.) accessions grown with fertigation in a semiarid zone

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    Objective: To evaluate seed, dry matter, and oil content yield in five accessions of castor oil plant (Ricinus communis L.) in the Altiplano Potosino Zacatecano high plateau region of Mexico, grown with a fertigation system on a mixture of sand, tezontle, and compost, with three fertilization levels.Design/Methodology/Approach: The following accessions showed an outstandingly favorable response to fertilization: ZACS2C1 (Orito Zac) which had the greater seed yield (735 g) and oil content (50.30 ± 5.23); and SLPS11C1 which had the greater weight per100 seeds (56.77 ±2.35) and dry matter (1600 g).Results: The best fertilization level for the abovementioned accessions was obtained with the low nutrient solution,Limitations/Implications of the study: while other accessions showed a variable and inverse response to the fertilization level. Results/Conclusions: To make the most of the castor oil plant, oil or fodder accessions can be selected or both accessions can be sown under an intercropping system

    The Diet of Diabetic Patients in Spain in 2008–2010: Accordance with the Main Dietary Recommendations—A Cross-Sectional Study

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    Background: No previous study has assessed the diet of the diabetic patients in the general population of an entire country in Europe. This study evaluates accordance of the diet of diabetic adults in Spain with nutritional recommendations of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), American Diabetes Association (ADA), and the Mediterranean diet (MD). Methods and Findings: Cross-sectional study conducted in 2008-2010 among 12,948 persons representative of the population aged ≥18 years in Spain. Usual food consumption was assessed with a dietary history. EASD accordance was defined as ≥6 points on a score of 12 nutritional goals, ADA accordance as ≥3 points on a score of 6 goals, and MD accordance as ≥7 points on the Mediterranean Diet Adherence Screener. In the 609 diagnosed diabetic individuals, the diet was rich in saturated fat (11.2% of total energy), but trans fat intake was relatively low (1.1% energy) and monounsaturated fat intake was high (16.1% energy). Carbohydrate intake was relatively low (41.1% energy), but sugar intake was high (16.9% energy). Intake of cholesterol (322 mg/day) and sodium (3.1 g/day) was also high, while fiber intake was insufficient (23.8 g/day). EASD accordance was observed in 48.7% diabetic patients, ADA accordance in 46.3%, and MD accordance in 57.4%. The frequency of EASD, ADA and MD accordance was not statistically different between diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetic individuals. Conclusions: Only about half of diabetic patients in Spain have a diet that is consistent with the major dietary recommendations. The lack of dietary differences between diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetic individuals reflects deficiencies in diabetes managementThe ENRICA study is funded by Sanofi-Aventis. Additional funding is obtained from FIS grant PI09/1626 and from the ‘Cátedra UAM de Epidemiología y Control del Riesgo Cardiovascular

    Detection of kinase domain mutations in BCR::ABL1 leukemia by ultra-deep sequencing of genomic DNA

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    The screening of the BCR::ABL1 kinase domain (KD) mutation has become a routine analysis in case of warning/failure for chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) and B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) Philadelphia (Ph)-positive patients. In this study, we present a novel DNA-based next-generation sequencing (NGS) methodology for KD ABL1 mutation detection and monitoring with a 1.0E−4 sensitivity. This approach was validated with a well-stablished RNA-based nested NGS method. The correlation of both techniques for the quantification of ABL1 mutations was high (Pearson r = 0.858, p < 0.001), offering DNA-DeepNGS a sensitivity of 92% and specificity of 82%. The clinical impact was studied in a cohort of 129 patients (n = 67 for CML and n = 62 for B-ALL patients). A total of 162 samples (n = 86 CML and n = 76 B-ALL) were studied. Of them, 27 out of 86 harbored mutations (6 in warning and 21 in failure) for CML, and 13 out of 76 (2 diagnostic and 11 relapse samples) did in B-ALL patients. In addition, in four cases were detected mutation despite BCR::ABL1 < 1%. In conclusion, we were able to detect KD ABL1 mutations with a 1.0E−4 sensitivity by NGS using DNA as starting material even in patients with low levels of disease.Tis project was funded in part by CRIS CANCER FOUNDATION

    Is There a Seamount Effect on Microbial Community Structure and Biomass? The Case Study of Seine and Sedlo Seamounts (Northeast Atlantic)

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    Seamounts are considered to be “hotspots” of marine life but, their role in oceans primary productivity is still under discussion. We have studied the microbial community structure and biomass of the epipelagic zone (0–150 m) at two northeast Atlantic seamounts (Seine and Sedlo) and compared those with the surrounding ocean. Results from two cruises to Sedlo and three to Seine are presented. Main results show large temporal and spatial microbial community variability on both seamounts. Both Seine and Sedlo heterotrophic community (abundance and biomass) dominate during winter and summer months, representing 75% (Sedlo, July) to 86% (Seine, November) of the total plankton biomass. In Seine, during springtime the contribution to total plankton biomass is similar (47% autotrophic and 53% heterotrophic). Both seamounts present an autotrophic community structure dominated by small cells (nano and picophytoplankton). It is also during spring that a relatively important contribution (26%) of large cells to total autotrophic biomass is found. In some cases, a “seamount effect” is observed on Seine and Sedlo microbial community structure and biomass. In Seine this is only observed during spring through enhancement of large autotrophic cells at the summit and seamount stations. In Sedlo, and despite the observed low biomasses, some clear peaks of picoplankton at the summit or at stations within the seamount area are also observed during summer. Our results suggest that the dominance of heterotrophs is presumably related to the trapping effect of organic matter by seamounts. Nevertheless, the complex circulation around both seamounts with the presence of different sources of mesoscale variability (e.g. presence of meddies, intrusion of African upwelling water) may have contributed to the different patterns of distribution, abundances and also changes observed in the microbial community