1,529 research outputs found

    Agent-based simulation framework for airport collaborative decision making

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    Airport C ollaborative Decision Making (A - CDM) is based on information sharing. A better use of resources can be attained w hen the different stakeholders at airport operations share their more accurate and updated information . One of the main difficulties when dealing with this information sharing concept is the number of stakeholders involved and their different interest and behaviour : aircraft operators , gro und handling companies, airport authority, air traffic control and the Central Flow Management Unit . It is paramount to quantify the benefit of an airport collaborative decision making strategy in order to involve all these different organisations. Simulat ions are required to analyse the overall system and its emerging behaviour . This paper presents the development and initial t est ing of a n agent - based framework , which allows this behavioural analysis to be done . The simulator explicitly represents the diff erent stakeholders involved in the A - CDM and the interactions between them during the 16 milestones defined by EUROCONTROL o n its A - CDM implementation manual . T his framework allows independent gradual development of local behaviours and optimisation, and a gradual increase on complexity and fidelity on the simulationsPeer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    La representación del éxodo rural en el cine español (1900-2020): evolución, causas y consecuencias territoriales

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    Rural depopulation has been a constant feature of contemporary Spanish history and has been amply studied from the perspective of geography. Recently, however, there has been considerable media attention given to the consequences of internal migration. Behind the alarming demographic statistics lies a nexus of processes which have been reflected in the cinema since its beginning. This paper explores these processes at work in the rural sending environment and receiving urban destination through an analysis of six representative Spanish films. The fictional representation through film of a complex reality provides insights into the internal and contextual keys to understanding the phenomenon of ‘empty Spain’ or ‘hollowed-out Spain’. The films illustrate the persistence of two conflicting ideas (the rural and urban), divergence about what constitutes development and the quality of life, and the processes leading to ‘demotanasia’.La despoblación rural ha sido una constante en la historia contemporánea de España, y ha sido ampliamente estudiada desde la perspectiva de la Geografía. Sin embargo, en los últimos tiempos se ha prestado una gran atención mediática a las consecuencias de las migraciones interiores. Detrás de las alarmantes estadísticas demográficas se esconde un nexo de procesos que se han reflejado en el cine desde sus inicios. Este trabajo explora estos procesos en funcionamiento en el entorno rural de envío y en el destino urbano de recepción a través del análisis de seis películas españolas representativas. La representación ficcional a través del cine de una realidad compleja permite conocer las claves internas y contextuales para entender el fenómeno de la “España vacía” o “España vaciada”. Las películas ilustran la persistencia de dos ideas contrapuestas (lo rural y lo urbano), la divergencia sobre lo que constituye el desarrollo y la calidad de vida, y los procesos que conducen a la “demotanasia”.Project of the State R&D&I Plan of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. Spanish cities in audiovisual fiction. Documentary record and territorial and audiovisual analysis (FACES-50). Reference: 2019/00436/001

    El reconocimiento de los aprendizajes adquiridos por la experiencia previa: un nuevo reto para el sistema universitario

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    El propósito del Reconocimiento de los Aprendizajes derivados de la Experiencia Previa (RAEP) es hacer visible el abanico de competencias que posee una persona, independientemente del contexto donde la adquisición de éstas tuvo lugar. En este artículo se analiza el papel del reconocimiento del aprendizaje experiencial dentro de una visión amplia de la educación y se presentan sus elementos clave. Se comenta el rol del RAEP en la educación superior, señalando asimismo las oportunidades y desafíos que este tipo de procesos impone a los protagonistas de la enseñanza universitaria

    Effects of JPEG and JPEG2000 lossy compression on remote sensing image classification for mapping crops and forest areas

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    This study measures the effect of lossy image compression on the digital classification of crops and forest areas. A hybrid classification method using satellite images and other variables has been used. The results contribute interesting new data on the influence of compression on the quality of the produced cartography, both from a "by pixel" perspective and regarding the homogeneity of the obtained polygons. The classified area in classifications only carried out with radiometric variables or with NDVI and humidity (for crops) increases as image compression increases, although the increase is smaller for JPEG2000 formats and for crops. On the other hand, the classified area decreases in classifications which also take into account topoclimatic variables (for forests). Overall image accuracy diminishes at high compression ratios (CR), although the point of inflection occurs at different CR depending on the compression format. As a rule, the JPEG2000 format gives better results quantitatively for forests (accuracy and classified area) and visually (images with less "salt and pepper" effect) for both land covers

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    Acute toxicity of cerium oxide, titanium oxide and iron oxide nanoparticles using standardized tests

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    In this study, several standard toxicity tests have been performed on selected inorganic nanoparticles. Acute toxicity tests were selected according to their extensive use in toxicological studies and included phytotoxicity using several seeds, Daphnia magna and a bioluminescent test (Microtox®). All of them have been used in several international regulations as toxicity assays. In the case of nanoparticles (NPs), we have studied those of cerium oxide, titanium dioxide and iron oxide. Iron oxide NPs are well known and broadly used and were selected because of their low toxicity. Titanium dioxide and cerium oxide NPs are currently being used in several fields such as photocatalysis and medical applications, but their toxicity effects have been scarcely studied. Our results revealed that cerium NPs are extremely toxic in the entire set of tests conducted (inhibition higher than 80% at very low concentrations for the bioluminescence test and LC50 = 0.012 mg/ml of mortality in the assays of D. magna), whereas titanium NPs were practically inert in terms of toxicity (values similar to those of controls). The possible toxicological effect of the solvents necessary to stabilize NPs in liquid medium for the three cases (stabilizers) has been also studied. Only in the germination test (phytotoxicity) of some seeds they showed some detrimental effect to germination. In general, the standardized tests proposed in this study have proved to be very useful in the determination of NPs toxicity when no or few data are available, although further work is necessary in the case of the germination tes

    5G-crosshaul: an SDN/NFV integrated fronthaul/backhaul transport network architecture

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    This article proposes an innovative architecture design for a 5G transport solution (dubbed 5G-Crosshaul) targeting the integration of existing and new fronthaul and backhaul technologies and interfaces. At the heart of the proposed design lie an SDN/NFV-based management and orchestration entity (XCI), and an Ethernet-based packet forwarding entity (XFE) supporting various fronthaul and backhaul traffic QoS profiles. The XCI lever-ages widespread architectural frameworks for NFV (ETSI NFV) and SDN (Open Daylight and ONOS). It opens the 5G transport network as a service for innovative network applications on top (e.g., multi-tenancy, resource management), provisioning the required network and IT resources in a flexible, cost-effective, and abstract manner. The proposed design supports the concept of network slicing pushed by the industry for realizing a truly flexible, sharable, and cost-effective future 5G system.This work has been funded by the EU H2020 project “5G- Crosshaul: The 5G Integrated Fronthaul/Backhaul” (Grant no. 671598)

    Enzyme enhancement therapy through non-competitive pharmacological chaperones

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    Pharmacological chaperones, Chemical chaperones , Enzyme e n- hancement therapy, GM1, Gangliosidosis, Morqui B, Lysosomal Storage Disease, Lysosomal Storage DisordersMost Pharmacological chaperones (PC’s) described until now are substrate analogues which bind to the active site of the target protein. C ons e- quently, such PC’s also inhibit the target protein at higher concentrations thus rendering a narrow therapeutic window and have poor drug-like properties. Through our proprietary technology platform SEE-Tx™, we identify a new generation of non-substrate competitive pharmacological chaperones which p o- tentially offer a much broader therapeutic window. What’s more, such co m- pounds are not substrate analogues, thus presenting much better drug-like pro p- erties, particularly for indications with CNS involvement. Here we present our methodology to identify non-competitive pharmacological chaperones applied to the enzyme beta-galactosidase, whose deficiency is related with GM1 Gangliosidosis and Morquio B.Postprint (published version

    Origin and SEM analysis of aerosols in the high mountain of Tenerife (Canary Islands)

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    Focusing on aerosolized matter of relevance to respiratory health, a major public health issue worldwide, we studied mineral and biological aerosol (bioaerosol) composition (TSP and PM2.5) and geographical origins during dust intrusions in the Canary Islands. Seven days’ back- ward trajectories were assessed daily during March 2004 with the ends of back trajectories being the sampling station of Iza?a (high moun- tain, 2360 m a.s.l. at the Ca?adas del Teide National Park, Tenerife island), a free troposphere site allowing characterization of dust with low influence of other pollutant sources. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to survey major types of airborne particles in the dust plumes. Control, non-intrusion conditions correspond to Atlantic oceanic middle troposphere (OMT) air masses. Of the 14 samples taken, 1 corresponded to a control (clear atmosphere conditions), and the remaining 13 to dust intrusions, with the following sources: African Dust; EAM: mixture of Europe, Africa and Oceanic; MaA: maritime aerosols. Of the air masses, 79% were directly transported to the islands from Africa, and an increase of African dust events was detected when comparing with a 52-year previous data sequence. Quartz microcristals and aggregates of quartz and platy clay were the dominant minerals identified, with marine salt and gypsum also present. Freshwater diatom tests (from two Aulacoseira species) represented the most important biogenic aerosols, although fungi and pollen were also detected. The diverse and complex mixture of respirable particles in large quantities in airborne dust, especially from nearby Sahara and from the Sahelian region, is of maximum interest for air- way pathology in the Canaries, including the highly visited highlands in Tenerife.We acknowledge to the MEC (Ministry of Education and Science, Spain) and F.E.D.E.R. founds (E.U.) for the economical support of the following projects: CGL2005-03428-C04-02, CGL2007-66477-C02-02/CLI, CGL2008- 04740 and PI042005/033