Effects of JPEG and JPEG2000 lossy compression on remote sensing image classification for mapping crops and forest areas


This study measures the effect of lossy image compression on the digital classification of crops and forest areas. A hybrid classification method using satellite images and other variables has been used. The results contribute interesting new data on the influence of compression on the quality of the produced cartography, both from a "by pixel" perspective and regarding the homogeneity of the obtained polygons. The classified area in classifications only carried out with radiometric variables or with NDVI and humidity (for crops) increases as image compression increases, although the increase is smaller for JPEG2000 formats and for crops. On the other hand, the classified area decreases in classifications which also take into account topoclimatic variables (for forests). Overall image accuracy diminishes at high compression ratios (CR), although the point of inflection occurs at different CR depending on the compression format. As a rule, the JPEG2000 format gives better results quantitatively for forests (accuracy and classified area) and visually (images with less "salt and pepper" effect) for both land covers

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