234 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling of oocytes partially covered by magnetic nanoparticles in external magnetic fields

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    Nanorep® is a novel device based on the magnetic tweezer concept that has been developed for precise, fast, and non-aggressive oocytes and embryos manipulation. To operate the reproductive cells, they are first immersed in a standard host medium with ferrite containing nanoparticles. The magnetic particles are attached to the external matrix of the oocytes/embryos thanks to a linked protein making possible to control them by using external magnetic fields. Electron microscope photographs show magnetic particle aggregates around the oocyte. The total mass and distribution of the attached magnetic particles per oocyte show a wide range of variability, which strongly affects their magnetic response. Despite the uncertainties on the attachment of magnetic nanoparticles, the set formed by the oocyte and the nanoparticles can be caught and transported by using standard neodymium magnets. Here we present an initial study of the interaction between the set oocyte/nanoparticles and the external magnetic field in aqueous environment. We are going to discuss several relevant topics of the model such us the characterization of magnetic field produced by cylindrical neodymium magnets, the model of the ferrite magnetization as an effective spherical dipole or a magnetized spherical shell, the measurement processes to obtain the temporal evolution of the particle position and the different observed dynamic behaviours

    Caracterización y cartografía fitoclimáticas del bosque nativo subantártico en la Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego (Patagonia, Argentina)

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    Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego is especially peculiar in phytoclimatic terms, situated as it is at an extreme southerly latitude, surrounded by large water masses and close to the great mass of Antarctic ice. Its main peculiarities in this sense are the coolness of its summers and a very narrow temperature range. As a result, the woodland landscapes in the parts with forest cover are dominated by microphyllous broadleaf physiognomies, both evergreen and deciduous, of the Nothofagus genus. This paper reports a more in-depth investigation of the hitherto little-known phytoclimatic conditions in that territory which included calibration and validation of a model of phytoclimatic suitability that addresses the principal plant physiognomic units and phytoclimatic mapping. It discusses the causes behind the presence of broadleaf formations in thermal conditions which in the northern hemisphere would allow only coniferous formations or no tree formations at all, and also the edaphic peculiarities that may explain the presence of a evergreen species like Nothofagus betuloides in subantarctic mixed forests.La Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego presenta una muy marcada originalidad fitoclimática por su posición en latitudes muy australes, estar rodeada por grandes masas de agua y por su cercanía a la gran masa de hielo polar antártica. Esta originalidad se traduce en un escaso calor estival y una oscilación térmica muy reducida como principales peculiaridades, dando lugar en sus porciones arboladas a paisajes boscosos dominados por fisionomías planifolias de carácter micrófilo, tanto perennifolias como caducifolias del género Nothofagus. Este trabajo profundiza en las hasta hoy escasamente conocidas condiciones fitoclimáticas de este territorio, mediante la calibración y validación de un modelo de idoneidad fitoclimática respecto de las principales unidades fisionómicas de vegetación y el establecimiento de una cartografía fitoclimática. Se discuten las causas que provocan la existencia de formaciones planifolias en condiciones térmicas que darían lugar a formaciones aciculifolias o desarboladas en el hemisferio Norte, así como las particularidades edáficas que condicionan la presencia de la estrategia perennifolia representada por Nothofagus betuloides en los bosques mixtos subantárticos

    Clinical guideline SEOM: cancer of unknown primary site

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    Cancer of unknown primary site is a histologically confirmed cancer which is manifested in advanced stage, with no identifiable primary site after the use of standard diagnostic procedures. Patients are initially placed into one of categories based upon the examination of the initial biopsy: adenocarcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, neuroendocrine carcinoma and poorly differentiated carcinoma. Appropriate patient management requires an understanding of several clinicopathologic features that help to identify several subsets of patients with more responsive tumors

    Simultaneous Surface Plasmon Resonance and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy

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    We present here an experimental set-up to perform simultaneously measurements of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) in a synchrotron beamline. The system allows measuring in situ and in real time the effect of X-ray irradiation on the SPR curves to explore the interaction of X-rays with matter. It is also possible to record XAS spectra while exciting SPR in order to detect the changes in the electronic configuration of thin films induced by the excitation of surface plasmons. Combined experiments recording simultaneously SPR and XAS curves while scanning different parameters can be carried out. The relative variations in the SPR and XAS spectra that can be detected with this set-up ranges from 10-3 to 10-5, depending on the particular experiment

    Olive oil consumption and all-cause, cardiovascular and cancer mortality in an adult mediterranean population in Spain

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    Objective: We assessed the association between usual olive oil consumption (OOC) and all-cause, cardiovascular (CVD) and cancer mortality in an adult population in Spain. Materials and methods: OOC was evaluated at baseline in 1,567 participants aged 20 years and older from the Valencia Nutrition Study in Spain using validated food frequency questionnaires. During an 18-year follow-up period, 317 died, 115 due to CVD and 82 due to cancer. Cox regression models were used to estimate adjusted hazard ratios (HR) and 95% confidence intervals (95%CI). Results: After adjusting for demographic and lifestyle factors, the OOC was associated with a lower risk of all-cause, CVD and cancer mortality. Compared to the less than once per month consumption, the consumption of up to one tablespoon per day was associated with a 9% lower risk of all-cause mortality (HR: 0.91; 95%CI: 0.68-1.22) and the consumption of 2 or more tablespoons with a 31% lower risk of all-cause mortality (HR: 0.69; 95%CI: 0.50–0.93; p-trend = 0.011). The consumption of 2 or more tablespoons per day was also associated with lower risk of mortality for CVD (HR: 0.54; 95%CI: 0.32–0.91; p-trend = 0.018) and cancer (HR: 0.49, 95%CI: 0.26–0.94; p-trend = 0.019). Conclusion: Higher olive oil consumption was associated with lower long-term risk of all-cause, CVD and cancer mortality in an adult Mediterranean population. The maximum benefit was observed for the consumption of two or more tablespoons per day. Copyright © 2022 Torres-Collado, García-de la Hera, Lopes, Compañ-Gabucio, Oncina-Cánovas, Notario-Barandiaran, González-Palacios and Vioque.The VNS study was supported by a grant from the Dirección General de Salud Pública, Generalitat Valenciana 1994 and the Fondo Investigacion Sanitaria (FIS 00/0985). This study has also received support from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III FEDER funds (FIS PI13/00654), CIBER of Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), CB06/02/0013 and ISABIAL

    Continuity of Nursing Care in Patients with Coronary Artery Disease: A Systematic Review

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    Coronary artery disease is the leading cause of death worldwide and patient continuity of care is essential. Health professionals can help in the transition stage by providing resources to achieve pharmacological treatment adherence, as well as social and emotional support. The objective was to analyse the effects of nursing interventions based on continuity of care in patients with coronary artery disease after hospital discharge. A systematic review of randomised controlled trials and quasi-experimental studies was carried out. Cochrane, CINAHL, Health & medical collection, Medline, and Scopus databases were consulted in January 2022. PRISMA guidelines were followed with no time limits. In total, 16 articles were included with a total of 2950 patients. Nurse-led continuity of care programs improved the monitoring and control of the disease. Positive effects were found in the quality of life of patients, and in mental health, self-efficacy, and self-care capacity dimensions. Clinical parameters such as blood pressure and lipid levels decreased. The continuity of care provided by nurses had a positive influence on the quality of life of patients with coronary artery disease. Nurse-led care focused on the needs and resources, including continuity of care, plays a key role

    Revista de Vertebrados de la Estación Biológica de Doñana

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    The structure of a mediterranean lizard communityDiet of the eagle owl (Bubo bubo) in mediterranean SpainTamaño de la puesta y mortalidad entre los pollos del Aguila Real ibérica (Aquila chrysaetos homeyeriDistribución y frecuencia de la cópula del buitre leonado (Gyps fulvus) en el Sur de EspañaRégimen alimenticio del calamón (Porphyrio porphyrio) en las Marismas del GuadalquivilVisible migration over the Colo Doñana, Spring 1973Diet of the Red Fox (Vulpes vulpes) in the western Sierra Morena (South Spain).Microestructura del esmalte en los incisivos de Roedores. l. Variaciones con la edadDistribution and habitat of the Barbary macaque (Macaca sylvana) in North MoroccoNotas sobre distribución de los peces fluviales en el Suroeste de España.Nuevas localidades de Valencia hispanica (Pisces:Ciprinodontidae) en el Suroeste de España.Hallazgo de Natrix mauro albinaNidificación del Phoenicopterus ruber en las Marismas del Bajo GuadalquivirNido de Aythya ferina parasitado por Fulica atraNuevos datos sobre la distribución de algunos micromamífesl ibéricos (Microtus arvalís ,M. cabrerae, M. agrestís y Sorex minutus).Neomys anomalus: Nueva localidad en el Suroeste de EspañaPeer reviewe

    Compliance with current dietary recommendations and geographical variability of diet in women participating in 7 screening programs for breast cancer in Spain

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    Introducción: Una dieta saludable es especialmente importante durante la menopausia, periodo en el que aumenta el riesgo de varios problemas de salud. Analizamos la dieta de mujeres peri y postmenopáusicas españolas y el grado de cumplimiento de las recomendaciones actuales. Material y métodos: Estudio transversal en 3.574 mujeres de 45-68 años que acuden al cribado de cáncer de mama en 7 centros (A Coruña, Barcelona, Burgos, Palma de Mallorca, Pamplona, Valencia y Zaragoza). Se recogió la dieta mediante un cuestionario de frecuencia de alimentos validado para población española. Para la valoración del cumplimiento de las recomendaciones actuales se utilizaron los rangos recomendados por la Sociedad Española de Nutrición Comunitaria para ingesta de grupos de alimentos y las Ingestas Diarias Recomendadas (IDR) para energía, vitaminas y minerales de la Federación Española de Nutrición, Alimentación y Dietética. Resultados: El 29% de las mujeres eran obesas y un 42% tenía sobrepeso. El aporte calórico medio fue de 2.053 kcal (DE: 480). El perfil calórico general fue de: 43% de la energía aportada por lo carbohidratos, 36% por las grasas, 20% por las proteínas. Se evidenció una ingesta deficiente de vitamina D en todos los nodos del estudio, con una ingesta media general de 2,14 μg/día. Se detectó a su vez una ingesta deficitaria de vitamina E en A Coruña y Burgos. Todos los centros presentaron una ingesta elevada de productos lácteos y de legumbres. El consumo de frutas y verduras fue muy heterogéneo siendo especialmente elevada su ingesta en Mallorca y Valencia mientras que fue baja para ambos grupos de alimentos en A Coruña. La ingesta de aceite de oliva fue elevada en todos los centros exceptuando Burgos con un 74,3% de las mujeres estudiadas por debajo de las 3 raciones al día recomendadas. Conclusiones: Una dieta con menos grasas y proteínas y más rica en vegetales, frutos secos y alimentos ricos en hidratos de carbono equilibraría el balance energético y mejoraría la calidad de la dieta corrigiendo las bajas ingestas de vitaminas D y E. Estas recomendaciones son especialmente importantes en las ciudades más alejadas de la costa mediterránea donde se han detectado mayores incumplimientos de las recomendaciones vigentes y una dieta más alejada de la dieta mediterránea.Introduction: A healthy diet is especially important during menopause, a period which increases the risk of various health problems. We analyzed the diet of periand postmenopausal Spanish women and the degree of compliance with current recommendations. Material and methods: We studied 3574 women 45-68 years old who attended breast cancer screening programmes in 7 centres (A Coruña, Barcelona, Burgos, Palma de Mallorca, Pamplona, Valencia and Zaragoza). Diet information was collected using a food frequency questionnaire validated for the Spanish population. For the assessment of compliance with current guidelines we used the recommendations by the Spanish Society of Community Nutrition for food groups intake and by the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Dietetics for energy, vitamins and minerals intake. Results: The 29% of women were obese and 42% overweight. The average caloric intake was 2.053 kcal (SD 480). The general energy profile was: 43% of the energy from the carbohydrates, 36% from fats, and 20% from proteins. There was a low vitamin D intake in all centres of the study, with an overall mean intake of 2.14 mg/day. A deficit of vitamin E intake in A Coruña and Burgos was also detected. Intake of dairy products and vegetables was high in all the study centers. The consumption of fruits and vegetables was very heterogeneous, with high intakes observed in Mallorca and Valencia and low for both food groups in A Coruña. The olive oil intake was high in all centers except Burgos with 74.3% of the women studied below the recommended 3 servings per day. Conclusions: A diet with less fat and protein and a higher consumption of vegetables, nuts and foods rich in carbohydrate might balance the energy intake and improve the quality of the diet correcting the low intakes of vitamins D and E. These recommendations are especially important in cities far from the Mediterranean coast where more breaches have been detected over the current recommendations with a lower adherence to the Mediterranean diet.Este estudio ha recibido financiación del Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (proyecto PI060386) y de Astra-Zéneca (convenio de colaboración entre Astra- Zeneca y el Instituto de salud Carlos III 1306-1306 EPY