453 research outputs found

    Introducción al estudio de las elites locales de la villa de Belalcázar a través de sus fundaciones piadosas: El caso de la Capellanía de Francisco Murillo Velarde (ss. XVI-XIX)

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    Resumen: Los conceptos de familia, linaje, parentesco fueron elementos claves sin los que no se puede explicar el funcionamiento de la urdimbre social en los reinos de la Monarquía Hispánica. Vínculos de gran relevancia que no quedaban circunscritos a un ámbito meramente nobiliario sino que implicaba a la totalidad de los estamentos sociales. En el presente estudio analizaremos estos lazos centrándonos en el análisis de la capellanía como elemento de memoria y filiación de estirpes más allá de su faceta pía.Palabras Clave: Belalcázar, capellanía, familia, Fundador, capellán.Abstract: The concepts of family, lineage, kinship were key elements without which the functioning of the social warp in the kingdoms of the Hispanic Monarchy cannot be explained. Links of crucial relevance that were not limited to a merely noble field but involved all social groups. In the present study, we will examine these ties focusing on the analysis of "capellanías" as an element of memory and filiation of bloodlines beyond its pious aspect.Key Words: Belalcázar, chaplaincy, family, Founder, chaplain

    De regidores a corsarios. Composición y parentela de las élites moriscas de Hornachos antes de su expulsión (SS. XVI-XVII)

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    El presente trabajo pretende profundizar en las relaciones de parentesco y clientela que se establecieron en el seno de la comunidad morisca de Hornachos. Con este objetivo se ha consultado la documentación sacramental de la villa correspondiente al periodo previo a su expulsión, identificando a los diferentes individuos que integraban este colectivo. Dado el amplio volumen de familias localizadas, para materializar este estudio nos hemos focalizado en las más preeminentes, a fin de comprobar el grado de pervivencia de las estructuras sociales tras su exilio magrebí.This paper aims to study in depththe relationships of kinship and clientele that were established within the Moorish community of Hornachos. With this objective in mind, we consulted the town's sacramental documentation relative to the period prior to their expulsion, identifying the different personalities who made up this group. Due tothe large number of families located, and to carry out this study, we have focused on the most prominent ones, in order to verify the degree of survival of the social structures after their exile in the Maghreb

    De regidores a corsarios. Composición y parentela de las élites moriscas de Hornachos antes de su expulsión (SS. XVI-XVII)

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    Resumen: El presente trabajo pretende profundizar en las relaciones de parentesco y clientela que se establecieron en el seno de la comunidad morisca de Hornachos. Con este objetivo se ha consultado la documentación sacramental de la villa correspondiente al periodo previo a su expulsión, identificando a los diferentes individuos que integraban este colectivo. Dado el amplio volumen de familias localizadas, para materializar este estudio nos hemos focalizado en las más preeminentes, a fin de comprobar el grado de pervivencia de las estructuras sociales tras su exilio magrebí.Palabras Clave: Hornachos, moriscos, familias, expulsión, Salé

    Otras vías de aprendizaje: el reconocimiento de la experiencia profesional en la universidad. El caso de la UNED

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    It is out of the question that a great source of learning takes place in the field of daily work, in which all professionals solve the functions and tasks that have to confront on a daily basis and based on their training and experience. Recognizing this experience in the Bachelor’s degrees remains as an unresolved issue. But this recognition requires a process of evaluation, supported by reliable, valid and credible methodologies and tools, from which it can be recognized and certified that a professional has acquired a certain level of achievement in the competencies in the context of a particular professional qualification. The results were obtained in 2 editions of the Social Education Degree imparted by UNED in which the recognition of professional experience was addressed.  This article conducts an analysis of descriptive and comparative perspectives between the two editions (2011-12 and 2012-13) to assess the relevance of this process, the quality of the results and the response to this demand. Of the 199 applications in the first round and 222 in the second, it was confirmed that this was a study in which a significant number of students came from the same professional field, with proven experience of more than 9000 hours in an area of social intervention. This reality showed which areas are more demanded, the strengths and weaknesses of these professionals, as well as less consolidated competencies according to the degree, which was taught, etc. This information could enhance the professional development of our students, as it provides key information to sharpen specific competencies in these degrees, to work in a coordinated and collaborative relationship between academic and professional world, as well as to respond to a lawful right of our students.Nadie cuestiona que una fuente de aprendizaje es el propio ámbito de trabajo, en el que todo profesional resuelve las funciones y tareas a las que se enfrenta diariamente a partir de su formación y de su experiencia. Reconocer esta experiencia en las titulaciones de Grado es un tema aún no resuelto. Pero este reconocimiento exige un proceso de evaluación, apoyado en metodologías y herramientas fiables y válidas, a partir del cual se valide que una persona ha adquirido un determinado nivel de logro en unas competencias en el marco de una cualificación profesional determinada. A raíz de los resultados obtenidos en 2 convocatorias dirigidas al reconocimiento de la experiencia profesional en el Grado en Educación Social impartido por la UNED, este articulo lleva a cabo un análisis de carácter descriptivo y en perspectiva comparada, entre ambas ediciones (2011-12 y 2012-13), con el fin de valorar la pertinencia de este proceso y la calidad de los resultados obtenidos. Con una muestra de 421 estudiantes hemos inferido la validez del procedimiento propuesto. Además, esta realidad nos muestra cuáles son las áreas de intervención más demandadas, los puntos fuertes y débiles de estos profesionales, las competencias más y menos consolidadas de acuerdo a la titulación que se imparte, etc. Disponer de estos datos, además de favorecer el desarrollo profesional de nuestros estudiantes, aporta una información clave para perfilar mejor las competencias específicas del título, trabajar de forma coordinada y colaborativa entre el mundo académico y el profesional, a la vez que responder a un derecho de nuestros estudiantes.

    Teaching and learning experience in soil consolidation aided by computer software

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    [EN] The present article shows how the learning and personal motivation of the students in Geotechnics are improved through the realization of computer practices and thanks to the use of a software adapted to their needs. By means of a simple interface of data entry and output of results, students will master abstract concepts such as the excess pore pressure and the average degree of consolidation, while reinforcing their personal motivation, both to face the content of the subject and those of other disciplines of the Civil Engineering Degree.http://ocs.editorial.upv.es/index.php/HEAD/HEAD18García Ros, G.; Sánchez Pérez, JF.; Fernández García, M.; Del Cerro Velázquez, F. (2018). Teaching and learning experience in soil consolidation aided by computer software. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 725-732. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAD18.2018.8070OCS72573

    Soil amelioration induced by nurse shrubs in coal mines reclaimed to pastures and their synergistic effects with grazing

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    Producción CientíficaNative shrubs facilitate the establishment of oak seedlings in the opencast coal mines rehabilitated to pastures in Northern Spain, under a Mediterranean sub-humid climate. We evaluate soil changes as one of the possible facilitative effects of nurse shrubs. We hypothesize that nurse shrubs on mining soils can improve edaphic properties directly and indirectly by reducing the negative effects of trampling and grazing by ungulates. Thus, we assessed the combined effects of nurse shrubs (plots with vs without shrubs) and grazing (plots with vs without a fence for preventing browsing and trampling) upon soil properties in a reclaimed coal mine. Chemical properties such as electrical conductivity, K+, cation exchange capacity, and C/N ratio reached higher values beneath shrubs’ canopies, so did total organic matter, total N, total organic C, total P, available P, and Mg2+ under shrubs but only with grazing. In contrast, pH was higher outside the shrubs; also Ca2+, though only in the absence of grazing. With grazing, Na+ decreased under shrubs. Among physical properties, bulk density increased and porosity decreased only in grazed plots, whereas sand content increased under shrubs in the grazed plots, and clay decreased in such locations. Water holding capacity and available water were the highest in ungrazed areas. Overall, we found that shrubs have a positive direct effect on soil fertility, especially relevant in grazed areas because nurse shrubs and grazing have synergistic effects, and a positive indirect effect on physical properties because they attenuate negative effects of grazing, particularly soil compaction, by reducing livestock and wild ungulates trampling. Therefore, these results demonstrate how nurse shrubs contribute to soil amelioration, helping to facilitate plant establishment in reclaimed mines, which has relevant restoration implications for pasture and forest recovery.Junta de Castilla y León (VA035G18)Universidad de Valladolid (CONVREC-2021–11) y (113–2019PREUVA27

    Propuestas para el desarrollo y comercialización del turismo ornitológico en Extremadura

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    Birdwatching tourism is one of the greatest bets for the development of tourism in Extremadura given its richness of birds. The number of companies focused on this segment is growing, travel agencies have already included these packages in their programs and the regional tourism administration promotes events as the International Trade Fair of Ornithological Tourism (FIO) in Monfragüe, considered of global reference. This work tries to show the relevance of Extremadura as a birdwatching destination, providing proposals for its development and commercialization.El turismo ornitológico es una de las grandes apuestas en el desarrollo turístico de Extremadura dada su riqueza en aves. El número de empresas enfocadas a este segmento está creciendo, las agencias de viajes ya incluyen estos paquetes en sus programaciones y la administración turística regional promueve eventos como la Feria Internacional de Turismo Ornitológico (FIO) en Monfragüe, considerado punto de referencia mundial. Este trabajo trata de poner de manifiesto la relevancia de Extremadura como destino de turismo ornitológico aportando propuestas para su desarrollo y comercialización

    La conciliación extrajudicial pospandémica en el Perú

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    Out-of-court conciliation is a conflict resolution mechanism that, as a general rule, is mandatory before starting a judicial process. This article analyzes the idea of conciliation and its characteristics and criticizes its mandatory nature as a procedural requirement before going to court. The authors also comment and reflect on the latest substantial reform in the conciliation system, as stated by Law 31165, a regulation that incorporates conciliation hearings by electronic means in Peru due to the COVID-19 pandemic.La conciliación extrajudicial es un mecanismo autocompositivo de solución de conflicto que, como regla general, es obligatorio antes de iniciar un proceso judicial. El artículo desarrolla su noción, características y critica la obligatoriedad de la conciliación como requisito de procedibilidad antes de acudir a la vía judicial. Finalmente, los autores comentan y reflexionan sobre la última reforma sustancial en el sistema conciliatorio, la misma que se produce con la Ley 31165, norma que incorpora en el Perú las audiencias de conciliación por medios electrónicos, a consecuencia de la pandemia del COVID-19, como una posibilidad ante su presencialidad

    New reconstruction methodology for chest tomosynthesis based on deep learning

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    Proceeding of: 7th International Conference on Image Formation in X-Ray Computed Tomography (ICIFXCT 2022), Baltimore, Maryland, 12-16 June 2022Tomosynthesis offers an alternative to planar radiography providing pseudo-tomographic information at a much lower radiation dose than CT. The fact that it cannot convey information about the density poses a major limitation towards the use of tomosynthesis in chest imaging, due to the wide range of pathologies that present an increase in the density of the pulmonary parenchyma. Previous works have attempted to improve image quality through enhanced analytical, iterative algorithms, or including a deep learning-based step in the reconstruction, but the results shown are still far from the quantitative information of a CT. In this work, we propose a reconstruction methodology consisting of a filtered back-projection step followed by post-processing based on Deep Learning to obtain a tomographic image closer to CT. Preliminary results show the potential of the proposed methodology to obtain true tomographic information from tomosynthesis data, which could replace CT scans in applications where the radiation dose is critical.This work has been supported by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Agencia Estatal de Investigación: PID2019-110369RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 (RADHOR); PDC2021-121656-I00 (MULTIRAD), funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union 'NextGenerationEU'/PRTR. Also funded by Comunidad de Madrid: Multiannual Agreement with UC3M in the line of 'Fostering Young Doctors Research' (DEEPCT-CM-UC3M), and in the context of the V PRICIT (Regional Programme of Research and Technological Innovation S2017/BMD-3867 RENIM-CM, co-funded by European Structural and Investment Fund. And also partially funded by CRUE Universidades, CSIC and Banco Santander (Fondo Supera Covid19), project RADCOV19 and by Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the project "PT20/00044", cofunded by European Regional Development Fund "A way to make Europe";. The CNIC is supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacióm and the Pro CNIC Foundation. The imaging and associated clinical data downloaded from MIDRC (The Medical Imaging Data Resource Center) and used for research in this publication was made possible by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering (NIBIB) of the National Institutes of Health under contracts 75N92020C00008 and 75N92020C00021

    New method for correcting beam-hardening artifacts in CT images via deep learning

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    Proceedings of the 16th Virtual International Meeting on Fully 3D Image Reconstruction in Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 19-23 July 2021, Leuven, Belgium.Beam-hardening is the increase of the mean energy of an X-ray beam as it traverses a material. This effect produces two artifacts in the reconstructed image: cupping in homogeneous regions and dark bands among dense areas in heterogeneous regions. The correction methods proposed in the literature can be divided into post-processing and iterative methods. The former methods usually need a bone segmentation, which can fail in low-dose acquisitions, while the latter methods need several projections and reconstructions, increasing the computation time. In this work, we propose a new method for correcting the beamhardening artifacts in CT based on deep learning. A U-Net network was trained with rodent data for two scenarios: standard and low-dose. Results in an independent rodent study showed an optimum correction for both scenarios, similar to that of iterative approaches, but with a reduction of computational time of two orders of magnitude.This work has been supported by project "DEEPCT-CMUC3M", funded by the call "Programa de apoyo a la realización de proyectos interdisciplinares de I+D para jóvenes investigadores de la UC3M 2019-2020, Convenio Plurianual CAM - UC3M" and project "RADCOV19", funded by CRUE Universidades, CSIC and Banco Santander (Fondo Supera). The CNIC is supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015-0505)